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-   -   Bachmann wins Iowa straw poll... ( August 15th 11 12:01 AM

Bachmann wins Iowa straw poll...
On Sun, 14 Aug 2011 14:42:47 -0600, Canuck57

On 14/08/2011 11:25 AM, X ~ Man wrote:
On 8/14/11 12:42 PM, Canuck57 wrote:
On 13/08/2011 5:21 PM, X ~ Man wrote:
...and I think it is terrific. Hope she wins the GOP nomination. She'll
be as much fun in the campaign as Christine O'Donnell, the "witch" of
Delaware, was in her run for the U.S. Senate.

We know you hate women who stand up or beside men. That is you like them
under age and submissive because your a sick fleabagger.

You're a bit's Bachmann whose religious beliefs state she
has to be submissive to her husband, the diploma mill therapist who
can't get licensed.

Hey, what bearing does that have on running the USA? Did Obama have to
answer up to why his dad was a polygamist or if he supported polygamy
because his dad was one??

You fleabeggers should vote for people with integrity and not big
mouthed jive turkey bull****ers and maybe the economy will turn around
for real.

What bearing does that have with your ability to distinguish fact from
right wing fiction?

Califbill August 15th 11 01:06 AM

Bachmann wins Iowa straw poll...
"Canuck57" wrote in message ...

On 13/08/2011 6:58 PM, wf3h wrote:
On Sat, 13 Aug 2011 19:21:51 -0400, X ~

...and I think it is terrific. Hope she wins the GOP nomination. She'll
be as much fun in the campaign as Christine O'Donnell, the "witch" of
Delaware, was in her run for the U.S. Senate.

in america no one is too right wing to be's a real danger

Only to fleabeggars sucking hard on the system. Everyone else will benefit.

Seems like paying your bills with real money is no longer the accepted
behavior in USA. Perhaps that is the problem and not the the solution.

she would probably be better than we have now, but that would not take much.
What we need is a fiscal conservative and a social liberal. Just get out of
the bedroom. If they are consenting adults, and the rest of society does
not have to pay for their actions, most people would vote for that. We have
Republicans who say they are fiscally sensible, but we had Bush who was a
spendthrift of the 2nd order, and wanted to control a lot of the peoples
actions. We are going to have abortions, always have, always will. But at
least they are safer now than when I was growing up in the 50's and back
alley abortionists killed or maimed a lot of women. Dirty Dancing movie as
an example. We have the Dem's who do not even claim to be fiscally
responsible and Obama as a spendthrift of the 1st order. Displaced Bush.
And who want to also control most of societies actions. Excuse poor school
results, poverty as it gives voters, does not care about the borders and
illegal immigration and actually supports it. People on both sides of the
political spectrum are fed up. There is a good possibility in the next 2 or
3 election cycles of either the Dems or Repubs becoming the next Whig party.
Either side give us the Fiscal conservative and social lib and they are
going to sweep the election. People know you can not spend your way out of
a depression, which what we are in. The government borrowing, is taking
most of the spare capitol that would go to finance any job growth. The next
POTUS needs to address the fact we are overpaid for work. Cut government
size and pay and benefits. Get rid of unneeded departments and cut the size
of overweight agencies. Address the excess regulations. When you require
permits from 100 agencies to build a new factory or refinery and 20% of
those agencies have conflicting requirements, we are not going to build
business here. They will build offshore and import the finished goods.
People will support a change to welfare and the justice system. Drug
testing for welfare, drop out of school and your welfare check is eliminated
or reduced immensely. Let at least 40% of the incarcerated out of jail.
Non-violent crime does not need to go to jail for 3-10 years. Keep them out
and have them pay part of their income back to pay for the monitoring, court
costs, etc. More probation with better probation checks. You screw up and
commit another crime while on probation you get hard labor. Not a coddled
existence in prison. More of an Arizona legal system experience. Legalize
pot and tax it. Lots more revenue and lots less crime. Right now, both
sides of the drug equation want it illegal. Police justify large amounts of
revenue and overtime and confiscation dealing with the drugs. The dealers
are making huge untaxed profits as the price is held high by the illegality.
Unfortunately we as a people are not going to get this. There are very few
ideologues that control the parties, and they pretty much tell us who we get
on the ballot and well as the pretty boy / girl factor. Probably need to go
back to the smoked filled back room deals to get a decent candidate. We got
JFK as the first POTUS that was good looking and not real experienced and
did not really have a good Presidency when he was alive. I did not like
Nixon, but he would have been a better POTUS. JFK gave us the Bay of Pigs,
the Cuban Missile Crises, etc. Not a real lot of meat came out of his term.
LBJ got through the 64 civil rights act, even over the objections of Al
Gores dad. LBJ also gave us most of the dead in Viet Nam. Bogus Gulf of
Tonkin to expand the war immensely. Sirhan Sirhan probably changed modern
history more than any other single person, as he gave us NIXON, REGAN, etc
by eliminating Bobby Kennedy who would have been President. Do not know if
he would have been good, but he would have most likely changed Viet Nam,
either by the outcome, or got us out a lot sooner than 50k dead. We keep
getting candidates who promise smaller better government from all sides.
LIES, BOLD LIES! All the recent have grown the size and range of the Federal
government. Way beyond what the founding fathers imagined.

TopBassDog August 15th 11 01:26 AM

Bachmann wins Iowa straw poll...
On Aug 14, 4:58*pm, wrote:
On Sun, 14 Aug 2011 14:30:59 -0600, Canuck57

On 14/08/2011 11:40 AM, X ~ Man wrote:
On 8/14/11 1:01 PM, wrote:
On Sun, 14 Aug 2011 10:27:09 -0600,

On 13/08/2011 7:32 PM, wrote:
On Sat, 13 Aug 2011 20:58:46 -0400, wrote:

On Sat, 13 Aug 2011 19:21:51 -0400, X ~

...and I think it is terrific. Hope she wins the GOP nomination.
be as much fun in the campaign as Christine O'Donnell, the "witch" of
Delaware, was in her run for the U.S. Senate.

in america no one is too right wing to be's a real danger

Unfortunately, you're right. If McConnell gets his way, destroy the
economy, there are enough ignoramuses out there to elect someone like

I loved her definition of submit when it came to her husband. I have
some devote, but not crazy, Christian friends, and even they think she
wasn't being honest with that answer.

Worried about your welfare check?

This seems to be your theme lately. Is this another one of your many
problems? I though Canada was pretty generous, but I guess even they
know you're a drain on society and have cut you loose.

Canuckles seems to have a lot of trouble with those of us who give
specific reasons for not being fans of Bachmann, Palin, Perry, or any of
the other crazies seeking the GOP nomination. He thinks I dislike her
because of her gender, which is beyond funny, because my preferred
candidate in the 2008 primary fight was...Hillary Clinton. My disdain
for Palin in that election was not based upon her gender, but on her
ignorance, demagoguery, and intellectual laziness.

Canuckles, like most conservatives here, has a real problem with
abstract thinking and those capable of it.

Don't you mean I don't think pure selfish greed when I vote? *Hey,
fleabaggers don't vote with integrity, just their fear and greed.

No habla stupid.

Though you conceived it, you cannot perceive it.

TopBassDog August 15th 11 01:27 AM

Bachmann wins Iowa straw poll...
On Aug 14, 4:59*pm, wrote:
On Sun, 14 Aug 2011 17:04:13 -0400, X ~ Man

On 8/14/11 4:29 PM, Canuck57 wrote:
On 14/08/2011 11:01 AM, wrote:
On Sun, 14 Aug 2011 10:27:09 -0600,

On 13/08/2011 7:32 PM, wrote:
On Sat, 13 Aug 2011 20:58:46 -0400, wrote:

On Sat, 13 Aug 2011 19:21:51 -0400, X ~

...and I think it is terrific. Hope she wins the GOP nomination.
be as much fun in the campaign as Christine O'Donnell, the "witch" of
Delaware, was in her run for the U.S. Senate.

in america no one is too right wing to be's a real danger

Unfortunately, you're right. If McConnell gets his way, destroy the
economy, there are enough ignoramuses out there to elect someone like

I loved her definition of submit when it came to her husband. I have
some devote, but not crazy, Christian friends, and even they think she
wasn't being honest with that answer.

Worried about your welfare check?

This seems to be your theme lately. Is this another one of your many
problems? I though Canada was pretty generous, but I guess even they
know you're a drain on society and have cut you loose.

Funny, the only checks I see are tax refund checks.

Don't want to pay more for fleabagg'in than you have too. ;)

It's "to," not "too," you uneducated moron. What sort of bookkeeper were

The 1 + 1 = Obama is evil kind

You're catching on, D'Plume. Later in the game, but you're finally
catching on. August 15th 11 03:50 AM

Bachmann wins Iowa straw poll...
On Sun, 14 Aug 2011 16:06:04 -0700, "Califbill"

she would probably be better than we have now, but that would not take much.
What we need is a fiscal conservative and a social liberal. Just get out of
the bedroom. If they are consenting adults, and the rest of society does
not have to pay for their actions, most people would vote for that. We have
Republicans who say they are fiscally sensible, but we had Bush who was a
spendthrift of the 2nd order, and wanted to control a lot of the peoples
actions. We are going to have abortions, always have, always will. But at
least they are safer now than when I was growing up in the 50's and back
alley abortionists killed or maimed a lot of women. Dirty Dancing movie as
an example. We have the Dem's who do not even claim to be fiscally
responsible and Obama as a spendthrift of the 1st order. Displaced Bush.
And who want to also control most of societies actions. Excuse poor school
results, poverty as it gives voters, does not care about the borders and
illegal immigration and actually supports it. People on both sides of the
political spectrum are fed up. There is a good possibility in the next 2 or
3 election cycles of either the Dems or Repubs becoming the next Whig party.
Either side give us the Fiscal conservative and social lib and they are
going to sweep the election. People know you can not spend your way out of
a depression, which what we are in. The government borrowing, is taking
most of the spare capitol that would go to finance any job growth. The next
POTUS needs to address the fact we are overpaid for work. Cut government
size and pay and benefits. Get rid of unneeded departments and cut the size
of overweight agencies. Address the excess regulations. When you require
permits from 100 agencies to build a new factory or refinery and 20% of
those agencies have conflicting requirements, we are not going to build
business here. They will build offshore and import the finished goods.
People will support a change to welfare and the justice system. Drug
testing for welfare, drop out of school and your welfare check is eliminated
or reduced immensely. Let at least 40% of the incarcerated out of jail.
Non-violent crime does not need to go to jail for 3-10 years. Keep them out
and have them pay part of their income back to pay for the monitoring, court
costs, etc. More probation with better probation checks. You screw up and
commit another crime while on probation you get hard labor. Not a coddled
existence in prison. More of an Arizona legal system experience. Legalize
pot and tax it. Lots more revenue and lots less crime. Right now, both
sides of the drug equation want it illegal. Police justify large amounts of
revenue and overtime and confiscation dealing with the drugs. The dealers
are making huge untaxed profits as the price is held high by the illegality.
Unfortunately we as a people are not going to get this. There are very few
ideologues that control the parties, and they pretty much tell us who we get
on the ballot and well as the pretty boy / girl factor. Probably need to go
back to the smoked filled back room deals to get a decent candidate. We got
JFK as the first POTUS that was good looking and not real experienced and
did not really have a good Presidency when he was alive. I did not like
Nixon, but he would have been a better POTUS. JFK gave us the Bay of Pigs,
the Cuban Missile Crises, etc. Not a real lot of meat came out of his term.
LBJ got through the 64 civil rights act, even over the objections of Al
Gores dad. LBJ also gave us most of the dead in Viet Nam. Bogus Gulf of
Tonkin to expand the war immensely. Sirhan Sirhan probably changed modern
history more than any other single person, as he gave us NIXON, REGAN, etc
by eliminating Bobby Kennedy who would have been President. Do not know if
he would have been good, but he would have most likely changed Viet Nam,
either by the outcome, or got us out a lot sooner than 50k dead. We keep
getting candidates who promise smaller better government from all sides.
LIES, BOLD LIES! All the recent have grown the size and range of the Federal
government. Way beyond what the founding fathers imagined.

As usual, you rant on and on, but hardly say anything. You can't get
even 1/2 the "facts" right.

BAR[_2_] August 15th 11 02:01 PM

Bachmann wins Iowa straw poll...
In article ,

On Sun, 14 Aug 2011 10:26:27 -0600, Canuck57

On 13/08/2011 6:58 PM, wf3h wrote:
On Sat, 13 Aug 2011 19:21:51 -0400, X ~

...and I think it is terrific. Hope she wins the GOP nomination. She'll
be as much fun in the campaign as Christine O'Donnell, the "witch" of
Delaware, was in her run for the U.S. Senate.

in america no one is too right wing to be's a real danger

Only to fleabeggars sucking hard on the system. Everyone else will benefit.

especially the richest 1% who have done so much for the US in the last
3 years

How many people below the poverty line hired you for a long term job
within the last three years?

iBoat Often August 15th 11 03:50 PM

Bachmann wins Iowa straw poll...
In article ,

On 8/14/11 12:42 PM, Canuck57 wrote:
On 13/08/2011 5:21 PM, X ~ Man wrote:
...and I think it is terrific. Hope she wins the GOP nomination. She'll
be as much fun in the campaign as Christine O'Donnell, the "witch" of
Delaware, was in her run for the U.S. Senate.

We know you hate women who stand up or beside men. That is you like them
under age and submissive because your a sick fleabagger.

You're a bit's Bachmann whose religious beliefs state she
has to be submissive to her husband, the diploma mill therapist who
can't get licensed.

Speaking of diploma mills, how's that Dr. Dr. Dr. wife of yours? Still
claiming that you attended Yale?

iBoat Often August 15th 11 03:53 PM

Bachmann wins Iowa straw poll...
In article ,

On 8/14/11 4:29 PM, Canuck57 wrote:
On 14/08/2011 11:01 AM,
On Sun, 14 Aug 2011 10:27:09 -0600,

On 13/08/2011 7:32 PM,
On Sat, 13 Aug 2011 20:58:46 -0400, wrote:

On Sat, 13 Aug 2011 19:21:51 -0400, X ~

...and I think it is terrific. Hope she wins the GOP nomination.
be as much fun in the campaign as Christine O'Donnell, the "witch" of
Delaware, was in her run for the U.S. Senate.

in america no one is too right wing to be's a real danger

Unfortunately, you're right. If McConnell gets his way, destroy the
economy, there are enough ignoramuses out there to elect someone like

I loved her definition of submit when it came to her husband. I have
some devote, but not crazy, Christian friends, and even they think she
wasn't being honest with that answer.

Worried about your welfare check?

This seems to be your theme lately. Is this another one of your many
problems? I though Canada was pretty generous, but I guess even they
know you're a drain on society and have cut you loose.

Funny, the only checks I see are tax refund checks.

Don't want to pay more for fleabagg'in than you have too. ;)

It's "to," not "too," you uneducated moron. What sort of bookkeeper were

Hey, you're taking Don's job from him, and that's all he has! By the
way, why do you think your google group failed? Wouldn't be because of
YOU would it? August 15th 11 07:19 PM

Bachmann wins Iowa straw poll...
On Mon, 15 Aug 2011 08:01:06 -0400, BAR wrote:

In article ,

On Sun, 14 Aug 2011 10:26:27 -0600, Canuck57

On 13/08/2011 6:58 PM, wf3h wrote:
On Sat, 13 Aug 2011 19:21:51 -0400, X ~

...and I think it is terrific. Hope she wins the GOP nomination. She'll
be as much fun in the campaign as Christine O'Donnell, the "witch" of
Delaware, was in her run for the U.S. Senate.

in america no one is too right wing to be's a real danger

Only to fleabeggars sucking hard on the system. Everyone else will benefit.

especially the richest 1% who have done so much for the US in the last
3 years

How many people below the poverty line hired you for a long term job
within the last three years?

How many people above the poverty line did after they got their 10
years worth of tax breaks and subsidies? Hardly anyone.

wf3h[_2_] August 15th 11 10:32 PM

Bachmann wins Iowa straw poll...
On Mon, 15 Aug 2011 08:01:06 -0400, BAR wrote:

In article ,

On Sun, 14 Aug 2011 10:26:27 -0600, Canuck57

On 13/08/2011 6:58 PM, wf3h wrote:
On Sat, 13 Aug 2011 19:21:51 -0400, X ~

...and I think it is terrific. Hope she wins the GOP nomination. She'll
be as much fun in the campaign as Christine O'Donnell, the "witch" of
Delaware, was in her run for the U.S. Senate.

in america no one is too right wing to be's a real danger

Only to fleabeggars sucking hard on the system. Everyone else will benefit.

especially the richest 1% who have done so much for the US in the last
3 years

How many people below the poverty line hired you for a long term job
within the last three years?

and how many people have the rich thrown out of work in the last 3

we a stronger nation today than we were 3 years ago?

you right wingers are incredibly....blindingly stupid

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