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posted to alt.home.repair,alt.autos.toyota,alt.machines.cnc,rec.sport.pro-wrestling,rec.boats
On Thu, 8 Sep 2011 16:39:42 -0400, iBoatMore wrote:
In article , says... On Thu, 08 Sep 2011 07:53:17 -0400, X ` Man wrote: On 9/8/11 7:44 AM, Stormin Mormon wrote: You're not afraid of a cigar smoking old man with a heart bypass? Gunner? Gunner never leaves his single-wide trailer. He's on 24-7 watch, fearful of some Mexican driving by on his way to a job. The usenet group rec.boats to which this thread was crossposted, is filled with right-wing racists just like Gunner, although most of them cannot make a sentence out of a handful of words. Of course I leave my 1550 square foot home on its acre of land. G I work all over Southern California. I play with my sail boats, I putter around in my machine shop or welding shop. I hunt and fish regularly. I repair machinery in machine shops in California and in Arizona. I ride motorcycles, and am in the middle of restoring a 1961 Indian. The 72 Triumph and sidecar will be delivered at the end of the month..so I have to get it done before starting another hobby project. Im a competitor in rifle and pistol matches across the state. I rescue dogs and cats. Lets see..the best Xboy can do is sputter out 5 lies, all of which make me laugh in contempt. Its fascinating how badly the Left is dealing with the fact that his tribe of mentally ill leftwingers is doing these days. His Obamassiah has the lowest poll numbers on record..even lower than Jimmy Carter His party got their asses handed to them in the last election...losing the House in a record landslide, and will lose the Senate in the next election. And then the People will rise up and kill him and his fellow pond scum. Chuckle...I love watching the Left slashing around themselves...trying desperately to fight off the inevitable demise of their clan. Like the cartoon..the "last great act of denial" as the hawk swoops down on the mouse. VBG It will be fascinating to consider a group of people going down the List of names of odious Leftwingers and extinguishing them, one after another. Some will be shot, some will be hung with barbed wire nooses, some will be burned alive, others blown to pieces....shrug...but they will indeed...be killed as the People rise up and destroy those very same people who have for 60 yrs..tried to destroy the nation and the Constitution by which it was run. It really really doesnt look like it will be much fun for them...so its understandable that they, mentally ill to begin with...panic and try to move their fat carcasses from the basements of their moms homes...or simply sit in their chairs...hating and swearing at those that will end their attempts to destroy a free nation and institute socialism/marxism across the land. Its going to be a lot of fun watching them as the time approaches..running in little tight circles...waiting for that knock on the door...waiting for the killing to start. Sorta like Rawanda actually. But instead of simply dumping their bodies in the river...they will be bulldozed into mass graves that later will be nice pretty parks, where free people can go and have a bbq, or play ball, or even race RC trucks...G and have no qualms at all..about ****ing on the ground over the mounded dead. We do indeed, live in interesting times. VBG Gunner If you knew Harry like we at rec.boats know Harry (X'Man) you'd know that he's just a lying, name calling insulting low life coward. He'll make wild claims about you, and your family. Then if you say anything to him about it, the coward will **** his pants and call the cops. That's Harry Krause in a nutshell, from Huntingtown, MD. X manic is ol Harry Kraut? Damn..I thought that cocksucker died of AIDS 3 yrs ago. We have bumped heads before. Last time..he was hassling me here on Usenet and begging to suck my dick on email. So I put him in the killfile(s) and forgot about him. So he changed his nym yet again eh? Chuckle...he is indeed..a mentally ill little *******. Thanks for the heads up, now I can killfile the sumbitch yet again. Oh..I sent his header information off to those keeping the List...so with luck....we wont have to deal with him very much longer. VBG Gunner |
posted to alt.home.repair,alt.autos.toyota,alt.machines.cnc,rec.sport.pro-wrestling,rec.boats
On Thu, 8 Sep 2011 16:12:30 -0500, "BUZZKILL" wrote:
"Gunner Asch" wrote in message .. . On Thu, 08 Sep 2011 07:46:38 -0400, X ` Man wrote: On 9/8/11 7:45 AM, Stormin Mormon wrote: New mental visions, after the heart bypass? Gunner ate some magic mushrooms. I thought you had the market cornered? Actually though..I did eat peyote shrooms back in the day. There's no such thing as "peyote shrooms." There's peyote, which is a type of cactus, and psilocybin mushrooms, which are a fungus. You didn't eat ****, or you did and it fried your brain. Buzzard...everybody calles peyote shrooms..or in the same class. Least they did 35 or so years ago. Along with "button"," hikori" and "root of the gods". Not that Ive had any contact with that sort of thing in..humm...20 yrs, when I was a deputy up in Fresno. And not too many people were doing peyote. Mostly folks like you were pot heads, speed freaks, junkies..the usual motley cruw. But it used to be fairly common when the "mellow people" were around. I live in the desert btw. So its a bit more common around here than the ******** ghetto you evidently dwell in. Now was there anything else you wished to slap your chest over and try to make folks pay attention to? Deflecting from your abnormally small dick of course. Shrug...not my problem. And besides.. you will be dead before long..so dealing with you is simply a waste of time. Toodles. Gunner |
posted to alt.home.repair,alt.autos.toyota,alt.machines.cnc,rec.sport.pro-wrestling,rec.boats
On Thu, 08 Sep 2011 16:29:24 -0400, X ` Man
wrote: On 9/8/11 4:27 PM, Gunner Asch wrote: On Thu, 8 Sep 2011 07:45:39 -0400, "Stormin Mormon" wrote: New mental visions, after the heart bypass? Actually..Ive had them since I was 15. Its a family thing. Mom was great at it. I came home from school one night, slipped on the ice, fell and split my scalp from the back of my head to the top of an ear. I ran home..holding the dangling skin and hair against my head..and when I ran into the house...Mom had already had the first aid kit out...for over 3 hours. She knew I was coming home injured. It was really a pain in the ass trying to get away with anything growing up in the family. They knew when any of us snuck off to drink a beer, or nail some chick..or hotrod a car....etc etc. Not always..but most of the time. Big family too, there were 8 women in that side of the family..and all my cousins had a bitch of a time having fun, when their moms knew what they were up to. Shrug. The girls nearly all had the Sight. The boys...we only get it when our lives are in danger. As Ive mentioned before over the years. The big problem was for the women. As a result..they all tended to get senial dementia in their late 60s. We tend to live into our 90s..but the women...they turn into vegitables in their late 60s..so its not a pretty thing having the Gift. As for the coming Great Cull...it will indeed..be "interesting times" Now Im curious...some of you fellahs think that a bypass takes a guy in good condition and puts him permanantly in a wheel chair. Its not true in the slightest. Now if I were an old guy and fat and out of shape..maybe. But I wasnt, nor am I now. While my endurance isnt what it used to be..maybe 80% now...its not slowed me down in the slightest. The stroke 6 weeks later did more damage than the surgery. And that simply cost me some memories, which have been coming back. So Stormy..believe all you want. Come on over..and Ill race you to the top of the hill behind my house. On foot. Its only 1200' high. Gunner Gunner has..."the sight." Only a small part. I only have visions when my life is going to be in extreme danger. Was in the service..came to a fork in the trail...knew that if I went up the right fork, I was gonna die. So I told my spotter we were going up the Left fork. We did..and no issues. The squad behind me...went up the right trail..and were ambushed and many guys died. Shrug...that sort of thing. Some wierd **** over the years. But..Ive learned to pay attention to them. Its kept me alive for nearly 58 yrs through some really serious ****. Shrug. Now my sister..she has the same Sight my mom did. I often feel sorry for her. Nothing is a surprise to her. Not birthday parties, Christmas presents... Gunner snerk |
posted to alt.home.repair,alt.autos.toyota,alt.machines.cnc,rec.sport.pro-wrestling,rec.boats
On 8 Sep 2011 20:30:37 GMT, notbob wrote:
On 2011-09-08, Gunner Asch wrote: up in the family. They knew when any of us snuck off to drink a beer, or nail some chick..or hotrod a car....etc etc. As does any parent of a teenage boy! ![]() nb Well..thats what moms claim anyways... G Gunner |
posted to alt.home.repair,rec.boats
On 9/7/2011 6:58 PM, Honey Badger wrote:
North Star wrote: On Sep 6, 12:00 am, The Daring wrote: On 9/1/2011 5:17 PM, aemeijers wrote: On 9/1/2011 1:33 PM, iBoatMore wrote: In , says... On Thu, 1 Sep 2011 09:07:52 -0400, wrote: In article8f6daa0d-8027-49b4-876a-cc12ba07e295 @q2g2000vbz.googlegroups.com, says... On Aug 31, 7:55 pm, "Stormin Mormon" wrote: If our elected reps would stop handing out taxpayer dollars, that would be a big help. -- Christopher A. Young Learn more about Jesus www.lds.org . wrote in ... No racism involved but the problem with Mexican Illegal Aliens is very bad. Most are here to just live off or our welfare and whatever jobs they can get. All it would take would be to prosecute employers of illegal immigrants. As it doesn't happen, clearly your government actually wants them to be there. Why not prosecute the "ILLEGAL" immigrants? Are you planning on imprisoning 20M people? No. They then could be deported. By who? Transported how? We don't have enough people with badges, bus drivers with buses, and gavel swinging judges, to even make a dent. More would walk across the border faster than they could be shipped out. There is no need for a race war- the Mexicans have been in SW US since before it was part of US. Many families are more than legal, and enough are running for and winning office, that they will get their power and any desired changes via the ballot box. People defining themselves primarily via ethnic group, including groups that happen to be on both sides of a later-occuring border, happens all over the world. That is one big reason Turkey doesn't want Kurdistan to make official their defacto status as a separate country- they are terrified their own ethnic Kurds will want to join their kin in nationhood. Old USSR had numerous similar cases, as did the folks that were in North America before the white folk got there. We have a lot of citizens who hunt, why not a bounty for illegal alien scalps or ears? Pest populations have often been controlled by hunters being paid for the vermin they kill. All of the land mines being dug up around the world could be put to good use on our Southern border. If an invader thought he was going to die by entering this country illegally, perhaps he would change his mind? I really think there should be a no mans land killing strip on the border, it would put a stop to the invasion real quick. If the government had simply enforced existing laws all these years, none of it would be necessary. ^_^ TDD- Hide quoted text - - Show quoted text - Hi JohnnyH..... any new recipes lately? Are you a cook? Sexy!! -HB http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/0..._n_831278.html I wonder if the honey badger likes Mexican? ^_^ TDD |
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