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On 10/20/2011 1:16 AM, jps wrote:
On Wed, 19 Oct 2011 06:07:33 -0700 (PDT), wrote: On Oct 19, 8:03 am, wrote: In , says... On 10/18/2011 5:16 PM, jps wrote: Santorum rarely disappoints... Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum said on a radio show last week that the GOP's strategy for reducing "the Democratic advantage" should be to marry off all the single mothers who "look to the government for help." "Look at the political base of the Democratic Party: It is single mothers who run a household," he told Tony Perkins, president of the Christian conservative think tank Family Research Council. "Why? Because it?s so tough economically that they look to the government for help and therefore they?re going to vote. So if you want to reduce the Democratic advantage, what you want to do is build two parent families, you eliminate that desire for government." The real Democratic advantage is women, because they care about others in greater percentages than men do. Republicans have a tendency to care only for themselves and their closest allies. Santorum needs a real good punch in the nose by a single mother. Boy, your part of the country (blue state heaven) seems to be quite violent this year. Someone cut off your welfare?? Hey, Scotty, did you see that new statistic that Obama has deported more illegal aliens than ANY other president? How are you all going to spin that into a negative? Hey I hope that's right and If so, I'm glad he's up on that, But has he deported his aunt and uncle.... yet? How compassionate of you. When you say things like this, it makes me want to group you in with the brainless evangelicals. And then you tell everyone you're not one of them. It doesn't look like you will be handing out JPS credits anytime soon. |
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On 10/20/2011 9:04 AM, X ` Man wrote:
On 10/20/11 8:59 AM, JustWait wrote: On 10/20/2011 6:47 AM, Tim wrote: On Oct 20, 2:33 am, wrote: On Wed, 19 Oct 2011 20:00:10 -0700 (PDT), wrote: On Oct 19, 7:34 pm, X ` wrote: On 10/19/11 8:24 PM, Tim wrote: On Oct 19, 7:22 pm, X ` wrote: On 10/19/11 8:17 PM, Tim wrote: On Oct 19, 7:07 pm, X ` wrote: On 10/19/11 7:53 PM, Tim wrote: After living in the US for several years, it looks like his aunt received some kind of amnesty a year ago for medical and political reasons. http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/kouri/100518 And his uncle was granted "backdoor amnesty' a month ago. then disapeared from sight. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/...airman-obama-u... Shocking! snerk illegal residence+ drunk driving= amnesty? I really do think there's more to the story.... It should be thoroughly investigated after dick cheney is broght to justice. Why after? Because Cheney was involved in crimes that seriously hurt this nation. Harry, then after all this time, how come he hasn't been brought up on charges? I think what you are saying is that because Cheney WON'T be charged with anything ever, so the Obama's should never be investigated... ever. Am I right? Jesus Christ. LOL Calling on someone you don't believe in... You want to investigate the Obamas over being able to stay in the country but you have nothing to say about GW Bush and Dick Cheney lying us into a war that cost 5000 Americans, 50,000 wounded and 1 million Iraqis dead or displaced? i"Liberty and Justice for All" Simple! If Cheney is guilty, then why hasn't he been charged with something? If the Obama's are guilty, then why haven't they been charged with something? \ Your star is sinking, rapidly. My "Star?" Maybe I was foolish to give you any credit for being a real Christian. My bad. Wow, I guess I'm supposed to have a complex now. Oh yeah Tim. Harry doesn't believe in you anymore... You must be crushed! You've really become even more pathetic, Snotty...you believe that everyone who thinks you are an ignorant fool is...me. Yet another example of: Scotty doesn't know. Yet another example of Dr. Karen Grear of Catholic University of America, spewing silly bull**** all day long... |
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In article ,
says... On 10/20/2011 8:30 AM, X ` Man wrote: On 10/20/11 8:09 AM, BAR wrote: In , says... On Wed, 19 Oct 2011 20:00:10 -0700 (PDT), wrote: On Oct 19, 7:34 pm, X ` wrote: On 10/19/11 8:24 PM, Tim wrote: On Oct 19, 7:22 pm, X ` wrote: On 10/19/11 8:17 PM, Tim wrote: On Oct 19, 7:07 pm, X ` wrote: On 10/19/11 7:53 PM, Tim wrote: After living in the US for several years, it looks like his aunt received some kind of amnesty a year ago for medical and political reasons. http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/kouri/100518 And his uncle was granted "backdoor amnesty' a month ago. then disapeared from sight. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/...airman-obama-u... Shocking! snerk illegal residence+ drunk driving= amnesty? I really do think there's more to the story.... It should be thoroughly investigated after dick cheney is broght to justice. Why after? Because Cheney was involved in crimes that seriously hurt this nation. Harry, then after all this time, how come he hasn't been brought up on charges? I think what you are saying is that because Cheney WON'T be charged with anything ever, so the Obama's should never be investigated... ever. Am I right? Jesus Christ. You want to investigate the Obamas over being able to stay in the country but you have nothing to say about GW Bush and Dick Cheney lying us into a war that cost 5000 Americans, 50,000 wounded and 1 million Iraqis dead or displaced? Your star is sinking, rapidly. Maybe I was foolish to give you any credit for being a real Christian. My bad. Congress approved the actions in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Bush Administration lied to Congress and everyone else on these matters. It was treasonous behavior. Cheney should have been charged with treason, but Obama gave him a pass. No proof, no charges, no crime... Lucky he didn't tap his foot in a bathroom.. Here's proof positive that Bush lied to congress. What say now? The Congressional resolution authorizing Bush's War required the president to certify to Congress that war was necessary. Part of that letter (the full one is at Tom's site): (2) acting pursuant to the Constitution and Public Law 107-243 is consistent with the United States and other countries continuing to take the necessary actions against international terrorists and terrorist organizations, including those nations, organizations, or persons who planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001. In other words, Bush is certifying that Iraq had a role in the 9-11 attacks, thus justifying the subsequent invasion. But today, Bush said: "There's no question that Saddam Hussein had al-Qaida ties," the president said. But he also said, "We've had no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved with September the 11th." And notice his use of the past tense ("we've had no evidence"), precluding the possibility that they original thought a link existed. The president's language is absolute -- "We've had no evidence". Hence Bush's language in the certification letter to Congress is a blatant L-I-E. We shouldn't be surprised. The surprises come when they tell the truth. Here's more! http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHART...thecentury.php 'And mo Bush made his remarks to reporters on 7-14-03 with UN Secretary General Kofi Annan at his side, in response to a question from the Washington Post. As quoted on the White House Web site, Bush said: "The fundamental question is, did Saddam Hussein have a weapons program? And the answer is, absolutely. And we gave him a chance to allow the inspectors in, and he wouldn't let them in. And, therefore, after a reasonable request, we decided to remove him from power..." The Truth: Everyone in the world knows that Saddam Hussein allowed a fully-equipped team of UN inspectors to comb every inch of his country - including previously off-limits Presidential palaces - for four full months." George W. Bush knew this because he demanded that Iraq allow inspectors to return in 2002. He knew this because millions of citizens around the world took to the streets to demand continued inspections, not war. He knew this because he spoke about the inspections repeatedly, almost daily. He knew this because he specifically urged the inspectors to leave Iraq when he issued his 48-hour ultimatum to Iraq on March 17, 2003." And mo On 9-7-02 Bush cited a satellite photograph and a report by the U.N. atomic energy agency (IAEA) as evidence of Iraq's impending rearmament. Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair talked to reporters before opening about three hours of talks at Camp David, Bush's presidential retreat in Maryland. Blair cited a newly released satellite photo of Iraq identifying new construction at several sites linked in the past to Baghdad's development of nuclear weapons. And both leaders mentioned a 1998 report by the U.N.-affiliated International Atomic Energy Agency, or IAEA, that said Saddam could be six months away from developing nuclear weapons. "I don't know what more evidence we need," Bush said as he greeted Blair for a brainstorming session on Iraq. "We owe it to future generations to deal with this problem." In a joint appearance before the summit, the two leaders repeated their shared view that Saddam's ouster was the only way to stop Iraq's pursuit - and potential use - of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons. The Truth: The IAEA report Bush cited was done before the 1991 Gulf War, yes O'Reilly he lied buddy. Bush quoted a report that was done before the 1991 Gulf War, and he passed it off as a current report of intelligence in 2002. Bush quotes an 11 year old IAEA report and told the American people it was a current report. When in fact it was an 11 year old report, this is called Lying O'Reilly. Unless you believe the President of the United States did not know it was an 11 year old report, it is a documented lie. And in fact, the white house even later admitted it was an 11 year old report. The only problem is they called it a mistake, yeah right, he accidently quoted an 11 year old report about WMD's in Iraq. If anyone believes that, contact me because I have some land to sell you. A senior White House official acknowledged Saturday night that the 1998 report did not say what Bush claimed. Meanwhile, Mark Gwozdecky, a spokesman for the U.N. agency, disputed Bush's and Blair's assessment of the satellite photograph, which was first publicized Friday. Contrary to news service reports, there was no specific photo or building that aroused suspicions, he told Windrem. The photograph in question was not U.N. intelligence imaging but simply a picture from a commercial satellite imaging company, Gwozdecky said. He said that the IAEA reviewed commercial satellite imagery regularly and that, from time to time, it noticed construction at sites it had previously examined. Gwozdecky said the new construction indicated in the photograph was no surprise and that no conclusions were drawn from it. "There is not a single building we see," he said. Need more? Just let me know! |
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In article ,
says... On 10/20/2011 6:00 AM, X ` Man wrote: On 10/19/11 11:00 PM, Tim wrote: On Oct 19, 7:34 pm, X ` wrote: On 10/19/11 8:24 PM, Tim wrote: On Oct 19, 7:22 pm, X ` wrote: On 10/19/11 8:17 PM, Tim wrote: On Oct 19, 7:07 pm, X ` wrote: On 10/19/11 7:53 PM, Tim wrote: After living in the US for several years, it looks like his aunt received some kind of amnesty a year ago for medical and political reasons. http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/kouri/100518 And his uncle was granted "backdoor amnesty' a month ago. then disapeared from sight. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/...airman-obama-u... Shocking! snerk illegal residence+ drunk driving= amnesty? I really do think there's more to the story.... It should be thoroughly investigated after dick cheney is broght to justice. Why after? Because Cheney was involved in crimes that seriously hurt this nation. Harry, then after all this time, how come he hasn't been brought up on charges? I think what you are saying is that because Cheney WON'T be charged with anything ever, so the Obama's should never be investigated... ever. Am I right? What I am saying is that if Cheney, who committed serious crimes, is not charged, and if Obama didn't get a blow job from an intern, then why bother. No proof, no charges, no crime.... I've answered that. |
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In article ,
says... On 10/20/2011 8:38 AM, iBoaterer wrote: In , says... On 10/19/2011 8:07 PM, X ` Man wrote: On 10/19/11 7:53 PM, Tim wrote: After living in the US for several years, it looks like his aunt received some kind of amnesty a year ago for medical and political reasons. http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/kouri/100518 And his uncle was granted "backdoor amnesty' a month ago. then disapeared from sight. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/...kdoor-amnesty/ Shocking! snerk Not really, Obama's corruption doesn't shock anybody anymore... No republican was/is ever corrupt, huh? Never said that, try to keep up kid... Okay, are there corrupt republicans? Are there good decent democrats in office? |
posted to rec.boats
On 10/20/2011 6:00 AM, X ` Man wrote:
On 10/19/11 11:00 PM, Tim wrote: On Oct 19, 7:34 pm, X ` wrote: On 10/19/11 8:24 PM, Tim wrote: On Oct 19, 7:22 pm, X ` wrote: On 10/19/11 8:17 PM, Tim wrote: On Oct 19, 7:07 pm, X ` wrote: On 10/19/11 7:53 PM, Tim wrote: After living in the US for several years, it looks like his aunt received some kind of amnesty a year ago for medical and political reasons. http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/kouri/100518 And his uncle was granted "backdoor amnesty' a month ago. then disapeared from sight. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/...airman-obama-u... Shocking! snerk illegal residence+ drunk driving= amnesty? I really do think there's more to the story.... It should be thoroughly investigated after dick cheney is broght to justice. Why after? Because Cheney was involved in crimes that seriously hurt this nation. Harry, then after all this time, how come he hasn't been brought up on charges? I think what you are saying is that because Cheney WON'T be charged with anything ever, so the Obama's should never be investigated... ever. Am I right? What I am saying is that if Cheney, who committed serious crimes, is not charged, and if Obama didn't get a blow job from an intern, then why bother. Show proof of: 1.Cheeny commiting serious crimes 2.O/bama not getting blow jobs from interns |
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On 10/20/2011 8:38 AM, iBoaterer wrote:
In , says... On 10/19/2011 8:07 PM, X ` Man wrote: On 10/19/11 7:53 PM, Tim wrote: After living in the US for several years, it looks like his aunt received some kind of amnesty a year ago for medical and political reasons. http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/kouri/100518 And his uncle was granted "backdoor amnesty' a month ago. then disapeared from sight. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/...kdoor-amnesty/ Shocking! snerk Not really, Obama's corruption doesn't shock anybody anymore... No republican was/is ever corrupt, huh? Do us a favor. Make a list and get back to us. |
posted to rec.boats
On 10/20/2011 9:33 AM, iBoaterer wrote:
In , says... On 10/20/2011 8:38 AM, iBoaterer wrote: In , says... On 10/19/2011 8:07 PM, X ` Man wrote: On 10/19/11 7:53 PM, Tim wrote: After living in the US for several years, it looks like his aunt received some kind of amnesty a year ago for medical and political reasons. http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/kouri/100518 And his uncle was granted "backdoor amnesty' a month ago. then disapeared from sight. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/...kdoor-amnesty/ Shocking! snerk Not really, Obama's corruption doesn't shock anybody anymore... No republican was/is ever corrupt, huh? Never said that, try to keep up kid... Okay, are there corrupt republicans? Are there good decent democrats in office? I don't know of any. |
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