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Tim January 9th 12 04:22 AM

Cape Coral's citizens have had enough...
of trashy fisher people, and alligator wrestlers...|mostview

The last lines of page two brings up a good point...

"But McGrail said the policy can’t be selectively enforced. There will
always be those who take things too far, he said. And what happens

“If someone dies off your seawall alligator wrestling, are you
responsible? Is that covered under my homeowners’ (insurance)?”

In a law suit happy world, it makes you wonder, doesn't it?

Bob Crachet January 9th 12 05:38 AM

Cape Coral's citizens have had enough...
On 1/8/2012 10:22 PM, Tim wrote:
of trashy fisher people, and alligator wrestlers...|mostview

The last lines of page two brings up a good point...

"But McGrail said the policy can’t be selectively enforced. There will
always be those who take things too far, he said. And what happens

“If someone dies off your seawall alligator wrestling, are you
responsible? Is that covered under my homeowners’ (insurance)?”

In a law suit happy world, it makes you wonder, doesn't it?

An element f truth in what this guy says but his desire is to for all
practical purposes take public property and access for himself.
I've seen it all over the Midwest and everywhere else. Access to the
Great Lakes on the American side is all just about privatized. Trout
streams, Lakes and so parks and forests are being isolated from the
public access by these people.

*e#c January 9th 12 07:39 AM

Cape Coral's citizens have had enough...
On Jan 8, 11:38*pm, Bob Crachet wrote:
On 1/8/2012 10:22 PM, Tim wrote:

of trashy fisher people, and alligator wrestlers...

The last lines of page two brings up a good point...

"But McGrail said the policy can’t be selectively enforced. There will
always be those who take things too far, he said. And what happens

“If someone dies off your seawall alligator wrestling, are you
responsible? Is that covered under my homeowners’ (insurance)?”

In a law suit happy world, it makes you wonder, doesn't it?

An element f truth in what this guy says but his desire is to for all
practical purposes take public property and access for himself.
I've seen it all over the Midwest and everywhere else. Access to the
Great Lakes on the American side is all just about privatized. Trout
streams, Lakes and so parks and forests are being isolated from the
public access by these people.

Sounds similar to the idiots over here that think they " own " the
beachfront at the waters edge of their property. They do NOT.

Wayne.B January 9th 12 03:38 PM

Cape Coral's citizens have had enough...
On Mon, 09 Jan 2012 00:42:31 -0500, wrote:

This area in the North Cape used to be pretty much deserted since it
was platted in the 50s-60s (from the air it looked like Hiroshima
after the bomb, streets, no houses) but the housing boom pushed into
that area. Old habits just die hard for the rednecks who have been
fishing and partying up there for decades when nobody cared.

Maybe people should take the attitude they have about bears,
alligators and manatee. The rednecks were there first and the
homeowners moved into their habitat ;-)


There's a lot of truth to that, sort of like the guy who builds a
house down the road from a pig farm and then complains about the
smell. Unfortunately for the good old boys a lot of high end real
estate is being built up in that neck of the woods and a bit of
culture clash is inevitable.

JustWait January 9th 12 04:34 PM

Cape Coral's citizens have had enough...
On 1/9/2012 9:38 AM, Wayne.B wrote:
On Mon, 09 Jan 2012 00:42:31 -0500, wrote:

This area in the North Cape used to be pretty much deserted since it
was platted in the 50s-60s (from the air it looked like Hiroshima
after the bomb, streets, no houses) but the housing boom pushed into
that area. Old habits just die hard for the rednecks who have been
fishing and partying up there for decades when nobody cared.

Maybe people should take the attitude they have about bears,
alligators and manatee. The rednecks were there first and the
homeowners moved into their habitat ;-)


There's a lot of truth to that, sort of like the guy who builds a
house down the road from a pig farm and then complains about the
smell. Unfortunately for the good old boys a lot of high end real
estate is being built up in that neck of the woods and a bit of
culture clash is inevitable.

Yup, we have it here too. Of course we have it on the river, and now we
have it in the bike community. A private track in the state which has
been operating since the 80's is having trouble with a neighbor who
moved in a few years back, well aware of the track and the noise when
they bought the place in the woods...

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