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On 3/5/2012 7:12 PM, BAR wrote:
In articleCYWdnYBbwIZ0iMjSnZ2dnUVZ_gqdnZ2d@earthlink .com, dump-on- says... On 3/5/12 2:18 PM, JustWait wrote: On 3/5/2012 1:58 PM, iBoaterer wrote: In , says... On Mon, 05 Mar 2012 13:33:35 -0500, wrote: On 3/5/2012 11:03 AM, Happy John wrote: On Mon, 05 Mar 2012 09:51:10 -0500, wrote: On Mon, 05 Mar 2012 09:19:14 -0500, X ` Man wrote: On 3/5/12 9:12 AM, Happy John wrote: On Mon, 05 Mar 2012 08:33:12 -0500, wrote: On Mon, 05 Mar 2012 08:20:52 -0500, Happy wrote: On Sun, 04 Mar 2012 21:57:19 -0500, Wayne.B wrote: On Sun, 04 Mar 2012 18:48:21 -0500, wrote: They said they were gonna' do it. I know most of you here aren't bothered by the price of gas, but that nearly 75 extra dollars a week we are spending is killing us.... === I think everyone is affected by the price of gas to one extent or another. My suggestion to people who do a lot of driving is to get a more fuel efficient vehicle if at all possible. My truck is getting expensive at $80+ per fill up. I find it very strange that we don't have the large variety of small, fuel efficient diesels like they do in Europe. My gut feel is that it is yet another head-in-the-sand Detroit issue. Last year we drove a full size Volkswagon diesel van through the mountains of France, Switzerland and northern Italy. It had plenty of power, seating for 6 adults, and a huge amount of luggage space. Average fuel economy was better than 20 mpg. Good point. If the VW diesel van had not been withdrawn from the US market, that's probably what we'd have been doing our camping in. Of course, the Mercedes Sprinter is available, but they ain't cheap. What you just bought is way more beterer :-) Well, it's definitely roomierer! Lots of room to store a spare 500-gallon fuel tank? :) Seriously, what sort of mileage do you anticipate? I hope you get at least 10 mpg. I'd be tickled pink if my barge got even close to 10 MPG. I expect to get about 12-14 with the trailer. I'm considering one of these, but don't know if they're worthwhile: http://www.bullydog.com/product.php?ID=2 I think I'll start a separate thread to see if anyone knows anything about them. And, BTW, I don't think Harry can ask something serious, which is why I responded to you. If that thing can get your engine to open it's mouth wider it might be worth the 600 bucks. Otherwise dunno what you can do. A few of the camping forum guys recommend getting the smog crap off the engine. But, they don't get specific enough. You'll void any warranty you have doing that. IIRC, it's a federal rap too.... Maybe that's just if a garage does it... What would Rush do? Why don't you ask him. Or you could ask Jon Stewart since what he said was 100 times worse... or Chris Matthews, or: Well, read for yourself, in the words of a prominent Liberal... http://hotair.com/archives/2012/03/0...c-liberal-men/ As far as I am concerned anybody swiping at Rush that didn't go after Jon Stewart or MSNBC (Like the dem senators and congressmen that go on those shows all the time and never have the courage to call them out), you are just another loud mouth with no concern for decency... |
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In article ,
says... In article , says... On 3/5/2012 9:08 AM, X ` Man wrote: On 3/4/12 10:16 PM, JustWait wrote: On 3/4/2012 9:13 PM, X ` Man wrote: On 3/4/12 8:18 PM, JustWait wrote: On 3/4/2012 8:08 PM, X ` Man wrote: On 3/4/12 8:07 PM, JustWait wrote: On 3/4/2012 7:06 PM, X ` Man wrote: On 3/4/12 6:48 PM, JustWait wrote: On 3/4/2012 5:20 PM, Wayne.B wrote: On Sun, 4 Mar 2012 13:35:14 -0500, wrote: The jury is in on electric cars. They are the future. The problem is that there hasn't been enough R&D to make them feasible yet. The hybrid, gas-electric, is just a diesel-electric locomotive downsized with the added benefit of pulling the electricity generated from breaking and coasting to charge the batteries. The all electric needs needs work with storing enough power to be useful over a longer period of time and distance. === I think we both agree on most of those points. Where we seem to disagree is whether or not it makes sense to roll out half a loaf. Knowing full well the limitations of half a loaf, I still say yes. The reason being that getting some electric cars on the road starts to get people thinking about the infrastucture issues (like charging stations and better batteries). Same thing with alternative energy like wind and solar. If you don't start rolling some of this out to the public you end up with a perpetual chicken and egg syndrome where you can't have the chicken because you don't yet have an egg and vice versa. There are also a lot of people whose transportation needs would be well served right now by a car like the Volt. The problem is price of course, and prices will not come down until there is economy of scale, with the engineering and tooling costs amortized across a wider base. I could use a Volt right now if the price was right. It would be great for running short errands and the like, running on gas for the occasional longer trip. The problem Wayne, is the administration is trying to make these cars feasible by raising the cost of the alternatives so they have talking points... Right now it takes almost ten years to recover the price of the car, when they get the gas up to 8 dollars a gallon, they can say "look, you recover your investment in three years!"... They said they were gonna' do it. I know most of you here aren't bothered by the price of gas, but that nearly 75 extra dollars a week we are spending is killing us.... Your conspiracy theories are so lame they border on hilarious. His administration has clearly stated that energy prices would go up under his policy, and that fossil fuel needs to be the price of Europe to make Green competitive, what is so hard about that... And to the "conspiracy", the fact is they had reports like that on several of the companies they bailed out including Corzine's company and Solyndra where it was clear to them the money was not going to produce a marketable product, but connected folks had bundled millions to the election fund.... That is all clear, black and white... Clear to a paranoid, perhaps. Or to anybody not paid to follow a party line.... Or anybody who can read... I have a feeling your particular brand of paranoia, a brand shared by many on your side of the political fence, is going to lead your political party, the GOP, to an unprecedented electoral disaster this fall. Among other causes, your party is going to be pussy whipped, and badly. Delightful. Oh brother, Harry is back... later Harry... Just an observation on what at this moment seems to be the GOP's future as a party able to elect a president. It's gotten so far to the right, so extreme, and has so much hate for so many disparate groups, that even erudite columnists who are nominal or actual Republicans are predicting disaster for the party. That's why Romney the moderate will win. Moderate..... snerk He's not a conservative. |
posted to rec.boats
On 3/5/2012 7:26 PM, BAR wrote:
In , says... In , says... On 3/4/2012 5:20 PM, Wayne.B wrote: On Sun, 4 Mar 2012 13:35:14 -0500, wrote: The jury is in on electric cars. They are the future. The problem is that there hasn't been enough R&D to make them feasible yet. The hybrid, gas-electric, is just a diesel-electric locomotive downsized with the added benefit of pulling the electricity generated from breaking and coasting to charge the batteries. The all electric needs needs work with storing enough power to be useful over a longer period of time and distance. === I think we both agree on most of those points. Where we seem to disagree is whether or not it makes sense to roll out half a loaf. Knowing full well the limitations of half a loaf, I still say yes. The reason being that getting some electric cars on the road starts to get people thinking about the infrastucture issues (like charging stations and better batteries). Same thing with alternative energy like wind and solar. If you don't start rolling some of this out to the public you end up with a perpetual chicken and egg syndrome where you can't have the chicken because you don't yet have an egg and vice versa. There are also a lot of people whose transportation needs would be well served right now by a car like the Volt. The problem is price of course, and prices will not come down until there is economy of scale, with the engineering and tooling costs amortized across a wider base. I could use a Volt right now if the price was right. It would be great for running short errands and the like, running on gas for the occasional longer trip. The problem Wayne, is the administration is trying to make these cars feasible by raising the cost of the alternatives so they have talking points... Right now it takes almost ten years to recover the price of the car, when they get the gas up to 8 dollars a gallon, they can say "look, you recover your investment in three years!"... They said they were gonna' do it. I know most of you here aren't bothered by the price of gas, but that nearly 75 extra dollars a week we are spending is killing us.... New technology bad.... FOX tell me. Never install version 1.0 software. Never purchase the first versions of anything. Let someone else work out the bugs. What is Plum talking about with the "Fox tell me" crap.. The desperate whining of someone with no platform.. "The difference between Engineers and Technicians is, Engineers can draw it on paper, it takes a technician to actually make it work... ![]() |
posted to rec.boats
On 3/5/2012 7:20 PM, BAR wrote:
In , says... In b.com, says... On Mon, 5 Mar 2012 08:37:06 -0500, wrote: In , says... On Sun, 4 Mar 2012 13:35:14 -0500, wrote: The jury is in on electric cars. They are the future. The problem is that there hasn't been enough R&D to make them feasible yet. The hybrid, gas-electric, is just a diesel-electric locomotive downsized with the added benefit of pulling the electricity generated from breaking and coasting to charge the batteries. The all electric needs needs work with storing enough power to be useful over a longer period of time and distance. === I think we both agree on most of those points. Where we seem to disagree is whether or not it makes sense to roll out half a loaf. Knowing full well the limitations of half a loaf, I still say yes. The reason being that getting some electric cars on the road starts to get people thinking about the infrastucture issues (like charging stations and better batteries). Same thing with alternative energy like wind and solar. If you don't start rolling some of this out to the public you end up with a perpetual chicken and egg syndrome where you can't have the chicken because you don't yet have an egg and vice versa. There are also a lot of people whose transportation needs would be well served right now by a car like the Volt. The problem is price of course, and prices will not come down until there is economy of scale, with the engineering and tooling costs amortized across a wider base. I could use a Volt right now if the price was right. It would be great for running short errands and the like, running on gas for the occasional longer trip. You are 100% correct, but it just gives the far right wing the ability to say SEE, new technology is BAD.... Got your Cheby Volt yet? Didn't think so. Me, being moderate and slightly right leaning, prefers to wait till the elec car matures and shakes out most of the bugs. Buyers who must be on the bleeding edge will pay dearly for the privilage of owning a product that ain't quite there yet. By the way, you are far too polarîzed. A common trait among democrats. What makes you think I'm a democrat, to start with? Also, Scotty and BAR claim that there will never be an electric car that works! I never said that there will never be an electric car. I have said that the technology is not available at this time to make them useful. Lion technology has a heat problem that they haven't been able to solve. You are lucky that you can take your cellphone and computer on airplanes. Most bulk shipments of Lion batteries have to be specially packaged or shipped via surface carrier. Power density and recycling are the biggest problems with electric cars at this time. These issues will be resolved in time but, until then someone else can be on the bleeding edge of this technology. Plume always lies about what "we" said... It's the only way he can get attention... |
posted to rec.boats
On 3/5/2012 7:31 PM, BAR wrote:
In , says... In , says... On 3/4/2012 1:35 PM, BAR wrote: In , says... On Sun, 4 Mar 2012 09:35:24 -0500, wrote: In , says... http://deathby1000papercuts.com/2012...lectric-lemon/ Told you, and you laughed...snerk Sometimes it pays to look at the world with an open mind... Jeffrey Immelt, the CEO of GE who doesn't pay taxes, will have to find another vehicle to force his people who have company cars to purchase and drive. http://gas2.org/2012/02/20/ge-forcin...o-chevy-volts/ === With all due respect Bert, that sounds like a regurgitation from a Rush Limbaugh rant. The republican party needs to put a muzzle on that dude before he alienates every swing voter in the country. With all due respect Wayne, the Republican party doesn't control Rush Limbaugh and Rush Limbaugh doesn't control the Republican party. Rush will rise or fall based upon his audience and advertisers. The Republican party leadership has lost its way and holds no sway over the grass roots. Debbie Wasserman Schultz needs to be muzzled due to her alienating swing voters. Every time she speaks she lies. The street has people on both sides ****ing off people on the other side of the street. I think the jury is still out on electric cars but any program at all which encourages energy independence is a good thing in my opinion. The jury is in on electric cars. They are the future. The problem is that there hasn't been enough R&D to make them feasible yet. The hybrid, gas-electric, is just a diesel-electric locomotive downsized with the added benefit of pulling the electricity generated from breaking and coasting to charge the batteries. The all electric needs needs work with storing enough power to be useful over a longer period of time and distance. I say as long as batteries are what they are, the jury is indeed out, and electric cars are dead... Want to wager a LOT of money? Provide proof as to who you are beyond all doubt and I may make a wager. Oh brother, Plume is reverting to the "wanna' bet" defense again... ![]() |
posted to rec.boats
On 3/5/12 7:34 PM, JustWait wrote:
On 3/5/2012 7:12 PM, BAR wrote: In articleCYWdnYBbwIZ0iMjSnZ2dnUVZ_gqdnZ2d@earthlink .com, dump-on- says... On 3/5/12 2:18 PM, JustWait wrote: On 3/5/2012 1:58 PM, iBoaterer wrote: In , says... On Mon, 05 Mar 2012 13:33:35 -0500, wrote: On 3/5/2012 11:03 AM, Happy John wrote: On Mon, 05 Mar 2012 09:51:10 -0500, wrote: On Mon, 05 Mar 2012 09:19:14 -0500, X ` Man wrote: On 3/5/12 9:12 AM, Happy John wrote: On Mon, 05 Mar 2012 08:33:12 -0500, wrote: On Mon, 05 Mar 2012 08:20:52 -0500, Happy wrote: On Sun, 04 Mar 2012 21:57:19 -0500, Wayne.B wrote: On Sun, 04 Mar 2012 18:48:21 -0500, wrote: They said they were gonna' do it. I know most of you here aren't bothered by the price of gas, but that nearly 75 extra dollars a week we are spending is killing us.... === I think everyone is affected by the price of gas to one extent or another. My suggestion to people who do a lot of driving is to get a more fuel efficient vehicle if at all possible. My truck is getting expensive at $80+ per fill up. I find it very strange that we don't have the large variety of small, fuel efficient diesels like they do in Europe. My gut feel is that it is yet another head-in-the-sand Detroit issue. Last year we drove a full size Volkswagon diesel van through the mountains of France, Switzerland and northern Italy. It had plenty of power, seating for 6 adults, and a huge amount of luggage space. Average fuel economy was better than 20 mpg. Good point. If the VW diesel van had not been withdrawn from the US market, that's probably what we'd have been doing our camping in. Of course, the Mercedes Sprinter is available, but they ain't cheap. What you just bought is way more beterer :-) Well, it's definitely roomierer! Lots of room to store a spare 500-gallon fuel tank? :) Seriously, what sort of mileage do you anticipate? I hope you get at least 10 mpg. I'd be tickled pink if my barge got even close to 10 MPG. I expect to get about 12-14 with the trailer. I'm considering one of these, but don't know if they're worthwhile: http://www.bullydog.com/product.php?ID=2 I think I'll start a separate thread to see if anyone knows anything about them. And, BTW, I don't think Harry can ask something serious, which is why I responded to you. If that thing can get your engine to open it's mouth wider it might be worth the 600 bucks. Otherwise dunno what you can do. A few of the camping forum guys recommend getting the smog crap off the engine. But, they don't get specific enough. You'll void any warranty you have doing that. IIRC, it's a federal rap too.... Maybe that's just if a garage does it... What would Rush do? Why don't you ask him. Or you could ask Jon Stewart since what he said was 100 times worse... or Chris Matthews, or: Well, read for yourself, in the words of a prominent Liberal... http://hotair.com/archives/2012/03/0...c-liberal-men/ As far as I am concerned anybody swiping at Rush that didn't go after Jon Stewart or MSNBC (Like the dem senators and congressmen that go on those shows all the time and never have the courage to call them out), you are just another loud mouth with no concern for decency... A bull**** right-wing screed from "hot air"? Hehehe. |
posted to rec.boats
On 3/5/12 7:43 PM, JustWait wrote:
On 3/5/2012 7:26 PM, BAR wrote: In , says... In , says... On 3/4/2012 5:20 PM, Wayne.B wrote: On Sun, 4 Mar 2012 13:35:14 -0500, wrote: The jury is in on electric cars. They are the future. The problem is that there hasn't been enough R&D to make them feasible yet. The hybrid, gas-electric, is just a diesel-electric locomotive downsized with the added benefit of pulling the electricity generated from breaking and coasting to charge the batteries. The all electric needs needs work with storing enough power to be useful over a longer period of time and distance. === I think we both agree on most of those points. Where we seem to disagree is whether or not it makes sense to roll out half a loaf. Knowing full well the limitations of half a loaf, I still say yes. The reason being that getting some electric cars on the road starts to get people thinking about the infrastucture issues (like charging stations and better batteries). Same thing with alternative energy like wind and solar. If you don't start rolling some of this out to the public you end up with a perpetual chicken and egg syndrome where you can't have the chicken because you don't yet have an egg and vice versa. There are also a lot of people whose transportation needs would be well served right now by a car like the Volt. The problem is price of course, and prices will not come down until there is economy of scale, with the engineering and tooling costs amortized across a wider base. I could use a Volt right now if the price was right. It would be great for running short errands and the like, running on gas for the occasional longer trip. The problem Wayne, is the administration is trying to make these cars feasible by raising the cost of the alternatives so they have talking points... Right now it takes almost ten years to recover the price of the car, when they get the gas up to 8 dollars a gallon, they can say "look, you recover your investment in three years!"... They said they were gonna' do it. I know most of you here aren't bothered by the price of gas, but that nearly 75 extra dollars a week we are spending is killing us.... New technology bad.... FOX tell me. Never install version 1.0 software. Never purchase the first versions of anything. Let someone else work out the bugs. What is Plum talking about with the "Fox tell me" crap.. The desperate whining of someone with no platform.. "The difference between Engineers and Technicians is, Engineers can draw it on paper, it takes a technician to actually make it work... ![]() More of the undereducated trashing those with educations. |
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On Mon, 05 Mar 2012 09:40:14 -0500, X ` Man
wrote: In most cases the "speculator" is the logistics manager for some large petroleum consumer who is trying to do their job by locking up sufficient future supplies. I will grant what you say with this modification: "In some cases, the speculator is the logistics manager..." ====== Let's take an example that everyone understands. Most people fill up the tank of their car when it starts getting low, possibly less than a quarter of a tank give or take. However, if there is talk of a possible shortage or a major price increase, many people would start filling up more often, oerhaps when half full or even 3/4ths. Does that make them speculators? The exact same thing happens with logistics managers who are hired to ensure adequate future deliveries. Does that cause an increse in demand and increased auction prices? Of course it does. Does that make them speculators? |
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