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X ` Man[_3_] August 12th 12 08:27 PM


Glenn’s soulmate?

Monday, Apr 12, 2010 at 1:04 PM EDT

Congressman Paul Ryan

GLENN: 888‑727‑BECK. One name that I hear an awful lot about and, you
know, it’s strange. I’m getting a lot of heat now from this article that
was in Forbes magazine called Beck, Inc. It was on the cover. I think
it’s ought on newsstands today, the cover. And it starts with the
opening line of, I could give a flying crap about politics. I care about
principles. I don’t care about the process at all. And there’s a
followup story in Forbes now on that because so many people
misunderstood it. Or they are using it to smear me. I don’t follow the
people day to day in Washington, but when I hear names over and over
again, I look into them. Paul Ryan is a name I keep hearing of just, you
know, he’s a god among conservatives. So I asked Stu, I don’t know,
about a week ago. I said, Stu, can you look into Paul Ryan, found out
what you can about him. He found a speech that I read to you or portions
of that he gave in Oklahoma, and it appeared to me that he was standing
up for progressivism which doesn’t really sit well with me. We heard
from Paul Ryan’s office as soon as the show was over and they said, no,
you’ve got that all wrong. If I get it wrong, I don’t care what
political party it’s in; I will correct the record. has
corrected the record today and the guy who wrote the article is a guy
who I know hates progressives because he’s one of our researchers on the
progressive movement. And the best guy to do it is Paul Ryan. So he
joins us now. Hello, congressman, how are you, sir?

PAUL RYAN: Hey, nice to meet you.

GLENN: Nice to meet you, sir. Tell me, tell me your thoughts on

PAUL RYAN: Right. What I have been trying to do, and if you read the
entire Oklahoma speech or read my speech to Hillsdale College that they
put in there on Primus Magazine, you can get them on my Facebook page,
what I’ve been trying to do is indict the entire vision of progressivism
because I see progressivism as the source, the intellectual source for
the big government problems that are plaguing us today and so to me it’s
really important to flush progressives out into the field of open debate.

GLENN: I love you.

PAUL RYAN: So people can actually see what this ideology means and where
it’s going to lead us and how it attacks the American idea.
I'm a liberal because the militant fundamentalist ignorant
science-denying religious xenophobic corporate oligarchy of modern
Republican conservatism just doesn't work for me or my country.

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