My prior work used to put me in touch with them frequently. And no
one said the kid was beligerent. He was doing what 1000 kids did this
past weekend after too much to drink, they were trying to sneak into
their own houses undetected. Unfortunately this kid wasn't busted by
his parents but an overeager asshole who shot before he could properly
assess the situation.
In my entire teen-aged years I never once crawled through the window of
the wrong house while I was drunk or sober.
If you had the experience with belligerent dunks you say you had you
would know that a drunk can go from docile to raging in the blink of an
eye. Are you willing to bet that that doesn't happen in your house in
the middle of the night?
And now he'll live with the image of having killed someone's child who
meant no harm to him. The kid was just trying to go home.
He will also live with the fact that the situation could have gotten
worse if the drunk had decided to fight him. When it comes to you
breaking into my house and me, I am going to do what I need to do to
ensure me and my family survive.
Sickening and there are plenty of idiots in this group calloused
enough to find justification. This country is ****ing nuts.
When someone breaks into your house in the middle of the night what are
you supposed to do? Make them a cup of coffee and get them a piece of
pie and ask them what their intentions are?
I do hope you educate your kids about the perils of breaking and
entering in the nighttime.