Your 'understanding' is bull****. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics firearms possessed
by prison inmates at the time of offense only about 9.1% in 1994 and 7.5% in 2004 were acquired from
theft or burglary. That's a far cry from your 'most' claim. Next tell me that prison inmates aren't
representative of the population committing murders. In 2004 more than 25% of the firearms acquired
by these folks came from drug dealers or others on 'the street'.
Be sure and pass on to your buddy, Krause the gun nut in BAO's opinion, that in both years less than
1% of those folks acquired their guns from gun shows.
Do you ever feel like you're just full of ****?
I guess the open question is where the drug dealers and other people
"on the street" got them.
I have no problem believing most of the illegal guns on the street
were stolen at one point and maybe more than once.
A lot of these thefts are never reported for various reasons. It
certainly would not be reported if the person having the gun stolen
was not supposed to have it in the first place (that is just about
anyone in Chicago, New York or DC, even if it was in the family for
I agree that most are probably stolen...from folks who've just been shot or other druggies.
Actually, I think I heard somewhere that those guns have been stolen about '6 times' more often than
not. ;)