Suicides in the 15 U.S. States with the Highest vs. the 6 U.S. States
with the Lowest Average Household Gun Ownership (2000-2002)
High-Gun States Low-Gun States
Population 39 million 40 million
Household Gun Ownership 47% 15%
Firearm Suicide 9,749 2,606
Non-Firearm Suicide 5,060 5,446
Total Suicide 14,809 8,052
People in the US didn't "just find another way." How much did you
bet? Do you need an address to send it to?
You are not going to adjust that anecdote with any other factors?
It certainly looks like cherry picking data to me. Where are the other
270,000,000 people in the US?
That's an aggressive sort of back peddling you're managing.