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Keyser Söze July 30th 15 04:46 PM

The latest...
....Quinnipiac poll:

Trump 20%
Walker 13%
Bush 10%
Huckabee 06%
Carson 06%
Rubio 06%
Cruz 05%
Kasich 05%
Christie 03%
Perry 02%
Jindal 02%

- - -

My choice for GOP nominee leads...for the moment.

"Can't hardly wait" for President Hillary.

Keyser Söze July 30th 15 07:41 PM

The latest...
On 7/30/15 1:17 PM, wrote:
On Thu, 30 Jul 2015 10:46:11 -0400, Keyser Söze

...Quinnipiac poll:

Trump 20%
Walker 13%
Bush 10%
Huckabee 06%
Carson 06%
Rubio 06%
Cruz 05%
Kasich 05%
Christie 03%
Perry 02%
Jindal 02%

- - -

My choice for GOP nominee leads...for the moment.

"Can't hardly wait" for President Hillary.

You sure are fascinated with Trump.

The 80% who don't like him, still won't like him when the field gets
down to 2 or 3 and Trump will go back to real estate and reality TV
where he belongs.
In the mean time Hillary still has an unfavorable up in the high 50s
and she will be another 43% candidate like her hubby. The only thing
you can hope for is that Trump would run as a 3d party and steal
15-20% of the vote. You also need to be sure none of that was from the

Trump is the new Palin! :)

Whether he wins the nomination or not, Trump is creating problems for
the "Republican brand," but, then, so do lunatics like the Huckster,
Crazy Carson, Bombastic Christie, Numnutz Jindal, Dumber than Dirt
Perry, Beige Ceiling Paint Bush, Looney Cruz, et cetera.

The elections are are year and change away. Trump can do a lot of damage
in that amount of time.

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