Fervent wishes of right wingers won't get Hillary arrested. And sale of
fetal tissue is legal.
It really depends on how the US attorney wants to interpret 42 U.S.
Code 289g and whether they knew the tissue was going to be sold before
the abortion was performed.
I am really agnostic on this. It may sound gruesome but the tissue was
going in the incinerators so who cares?
BTW PP is in trouble here for a few second trimester abortions and
their defense seems to be what the meaning of 2d trimester is.
Math must not be required to get an MD.
Bill Clintoon is their legal council.
Respectfully submitted by Justan
Laugh of the day from Krause
"I'm not to blame anymore for the atmosphere in here.
I've been "born again" as a nice guy."