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Mr. Luddite February 5th 16 11:54 AM

Felt like ...
.... a kid again this morning. The adult day care center I drive for
follows the Plymouth public school decisions regarding school closures
or delays due to snow.

Been up for an hour watching for a Plymouth "no school" announcement.
Finally came a few minutes ago due to anticipated amount of snow during
the day today.

Ah. Day off. I get to plow my driveway instead.

Justan Olphart[_2_] February 5th 16 12:04 PM

Felt like ...
On 2/5/2016 5:54 AM, Mr. Luddite wrote:
.... a kid again this morning. The adult day care center I drive for
follows the Plymouth public school decisions regarding school closures
or delays due to snow.

Been up for an hour watching for a Plymouth "no school" announcement.
Finally came a few minutes ago due to anticipated amount of snow during
the day today.

Ah. Day off. I get to plow my driveway instead.

Lucky you. I'll bet you'll be happy when you turn the keys over to the
new owner. Got a contract on the old house last week. Byers are solid.
820 credit score as opposed to Harry's credit score of 0.

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