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  #11   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Many boats are not being used.

I agree, there are many 'project boats' sitting at the docks or in storage
yards that deserve a new life. And there are many like myself and Bill who
want to rescue all or as many as possible..

It's easy to dream of bringing an old boat back to life and sailing over the
horizon while the reality is, it takes time and much much money to do it.

I have found, one of the primary expenses, the cost of moorage or yard
storage while I do the actual work.. DIY repairs and restorations take about
10 times longer than a boat yard. Often it takes even longer because you may
go for several year, accumulating parts, material and capital.. All this
time the mooring/storage bills still must be paid.

In my 40+ years of boating I have fallen in love with a half dozen old boats
and jumped in head first. I had my regrets at some point, but enjoyed
everyone of them. Never, ever got my capital investment back, let alone my
labor.. But still enjoyed the overall experience. Someone once said,
"There's No Such Thing as a Free Boat".

There have been even more that I dreamed about restoring but ultimately
passed on because of the logistics or because I already had a boat. I'm
talking about boats that were over 60 years old at the time. The oldest that
I actually ever owned was 45 yo and I owned it for another 5 years. Did the
Baja in her.

Eventually as I got older, I realized I couldn't rescue them all. Life is
too short.

In places like California, many old boats, both wood and fiberglass are
being scrapped because of the cost to store, moor and refurbish by people
like Bill or myself. Most marinas won't allow a project boat in or allow
major repairs at the dock.

To bad! At one time I looked into setting up a project boat yard in Costa
Mesa, CA where I would allow boats to be stored and refurbished. The overall
scheme included a small RV park so people who lived some distance away
(inner city) could come in on weekends to work on their boats. Had problems
getting permits for either yard or RV park. Not code compatable, etc.

My opinion and experience. FWIW

s/v Good Intentions

  #12   Report Post  
Bob D.
Posts: n/a
Default Many boats are not being used.


Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't you write me about my 23' Chris craft
project boat? If so, you (and others) might enjoy this update I sent out
to friends and family. If not, well, its still pretty much on topic.

As of today, I may need a new outdrive, but so what. I'm still under budget!!!

There are boating deals (and people) to be had out there!

Bob Dimond


In case you're interested here are some pictures of my semi-completed
project boat.

Sure, you may be getting this email because you have a keen interest in
whats going on in my life.* Most likely,* your getting this email* becuase
your either been boating with me, been up to the Islands with me,* or have
been invited to go boating with me, or just have an interest in boating in

In recent weeks or months you may have seen a strange phenomena where a
small troll-like creature wanders around in a social setting or at work.**
Sometimes this creature is found wandering in listless state, other times
the creature* wanders around* in a state of anger.* Both states* are due
to the enless hours of labor, aggravation, sleep deprivation, and even
constipation from a poor diet, whiich consists of generic macaroni and
cheese six nights a week (to afford the purchasing boat parts).

Perhaps as your were enjoying weekends at Put-In-Bay, the island my dog
Grete calls home, when you noticed I wasn't among you.** Perhaps I'm being
too arrogant by assuming you noticed me missing, but I'm willing to bet
you had a twinge that something was somewhat amiss due to the unexplained
surplus of beer on the island in recent weeks.

Well it looks like these these strange sighting ***MAY*** be comming to a
close.** After several false starts with the boat taking on water and
overheating,* my project boat had just completed a forty-six mile trip
from Rocky River to her mooring at Dock of the Bay marina in downtown
Sandusky, Ohio.

For those that do not know the whole story, here is a condensed (believe
it or not) history of my project.

The boat was left in storage by her second owner who paid $23,000.00 for
her when she was a year old.** He used it for a few years then walked
away.* As his storage fees ammassed, the storage yard gained title to the
vessel and offered her for sale for $3995.00* After a thriteen year
slumber in dry dock the boat was purchased for $1000.00 by me, the only
person stupid enough to undertake such a project.

The boat is loaded with everthing from a refrigerator, and stove to shore
power (110VAC), head and shower.** Since the parts alone were worth a
great deal more than I offered, I was willing to risk the fact that the
engine was missing equipment to determine if it was operable, bugeting
monies for a complete repower if necessary.* I was able to contact the
original owner (turns out I went to elementary school with his sister in
Cleveland, and high school with his cousin in Parma).** He gave me a
lowdown on the condition of the boat when he walked away and even gave me
a complete set of canvases* that he still had for the boat ($500 - $800

In November 2002 I purchased a trailer for $650 and put another $200 into
new tires.* We picked up the boat and transported it to a storage yard in
North royalton where I could work on it.

In* April of 2003 I had hooked up a water supply and and replaced the
missing carburetor and igition module ($500 for both).** After hooking the
carb up to a remote fuel source, she fired right up.

By May I spent $600 to procure a used Outdrive and Trim Rams to replace
the outdrive the included with the boat which was not geared correctly,
but slapped on to sell to an idiot like me.

By June I had replaced all the transom seals that go between the outdrive
and the engine.

By July I had the outdrive mounted but was unable to shift into reverse.**
I replaced the shift cable and the drive statically shifted into F-N-R.***
By the end of July the boat was transported from North Royalton to Rocky
river where she shifting was tested under power.** After an intial
overheat, the water pump and thermostat were replaced.* The boat was
tested and not overheating.*** The hull was washed rubbed out and waxed in
an effort to restore her original luster.* A drain plug was bedded in to
replace the fitting that was removed or stolen.

On August 1, we launched.** We took the boat out for a sea trial.** She
had LOTS of power, but maneuvered like a drunken pig.* And while she could
be shifted into FNR, she needed a little throttle to catch into forward.**
I also noticed the bildge pump coming on.* We docked the boat and timed
the water ingress, which was probably about 1-2 gallons every 11
minutes.** We removed the boat from the water for more work.

I* rebedded the drain plug, adjusted the shift cable, and did further
cosmetic work.* On August 7, we launched again.* My daughter was with me
as we went out for another sea trail.* I noticed the temperature started
to climb, but went back down to normal.** We were still taking on water
but at a slightly reduced rate.*** Just like our prevous outing,*
nightfall was fast approaching, so I opted to leave the boat in the water
and have another look at it in the light of the following day.

On the morning of August 8th, I went to the boat to find it half under
water.** The bildge pump float must have stuck keeping the pump from
cycling on.** I turn the pump on manually then found the vicimity of the
leak, hauled the boat out rebedded everything on the starboard side, and
put the boat back in.* Pam scrubbed the rtiver soaked cabin carpeting.**
Another 13 hour day!

On Saturday August 9th I took the boat out for a sea trial , and after a
severe overheat, I docked the boat, went into the marina and said "I give
up, fix it".** Chalk it up to one too many days struggling for more than
eight hours.* One too many days getting disgustingly filthly.* The
mechanic querried me on the syptoms, as well as what I did (changing
thermostats, water pump rebuilds, etc), then fired the engine up and
looked at the water flow.** He didn't think it a major problem,
speculating it was the water hose, and initially quoted me* $10.00 parts
and $130.00 Labor.**** The boat sat in a transient dock until Tuesday when
he'd have a chance to look at her.

On Tuesday August 12, I went down to the marina, and found the boat on the
work rack running.* He showed me the problem, which was something stupid I
didn't address properly.** He then tuned the carb, checked the timing, and
back in she went.* I sea trialed her briefly and she ran wonderfully.*** I
gladly paid my $135.00 and went home for a restless sleep, brimming with
both fear and anticipation of the voyage to come.

On Wednesday, August* 13, I arrived at the boat at 7:35am.** After an
inspection of the bildge, and stowing emercency equipment in a waterproof
box, I called Pam and told her my course.* I stated 11:00am as the
failsafe time where, if I hadn't checked in, then something was terribly
wrong and to alert the coast guard of my course.** At 8:00am I fired the
boat up and ambled down the river then hit the throttle and went to
Sandusky.** Although I still contends she rides a little rough, she
cruises easily at 27mph with a top end somewhere in the 40-45mph range.**
Cruising 3-4mph faster than my Bayliner top speed with what appears to be
better fuel economy, and able to reach speeds which are twice as fast as
my Bayliner.** I pulled into my Marina shortly afer* 10:00am and noticed
she had not taken on any measueable water and was purring like a kitten at
all speeds.

So that's my story.* Although it was a long struggle.* I must admit the
ride today made it all worthwhile.* I only hope that I am graced with a
remainder of the season having to tend to only minor problems, but I'll
try not to expect too much.

I should also take the time to admit that I was not alone in this
project.*** People like Dave Pleva, and Gib Winter, who helped me
transport and launch the boat.** Pam, who graciously put up with months of
whining and bitching, as well as delayed or missed outings.* The folks at
Emerald Necklace marina, who gave me sound advice as well as bent a few
rules to help out.* Last, but by no means least,* are the countless
friends and family members that have offered advice and sometimes moral
support to keep me on track with this task.

I Thank you all!!!!

Bob Dimond

In article , "Bill Kiene"

I see tons of old boats(cars and RVs too) that are just sitting there
rotting for years. I guess lots of people just don't want to take the time
to get rid of them and others probably want too much for them.

I think people should just put a sign on them and say "take me" or "offer
me something" and get rid of them so someone can put some time and money
into it and have some fun.

Bill Kiene

Kiene's Fly Shop
Sacramento, CA

  #13   Report Post  
Don White
Posts: n/a
Default Many boats are not being used.

I probably fit in that catagory. In June2000 I bought a CL 14 daysailer.
It has gone 4 summers now sitting on my trailer in the driveway. The
reason... I crew on a friends 33 foot sailboat.
I also had large projects on going at my house the last two summers.
Have I learned my lesson? Not likely...I'm on the hunt for a larger
mini-cruiser type of sailboat to decorate the
driveway next year.

Bill Kiene wrote in message
I see tons of old boats(cars and RVs too) that are just sitting there
rotting for years. I guess lots of people just don't want to take the time
to get rid of them and others probably want too much for them.

I think people should just put a sign on them and say "take me" or "offer
me something" and get rid of them so someone can put some time and money
into it and have some fun.

Bill Kiene

Kiene's Fly Shop
Sacramento, CA

  #14   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Many boats are not being used.

I see tons of old boats(cars and RVs too) that are just sitting there
rotting for years. I guess lots of people just don't want to take the time
to get rid of them and others probably want too much for them.

I think people should just put a sign on them and say "take me" or "offer
me something" and get rid of them so someone can put some time and money
into it and have some fun.

Often folks obtain these recreational items and really are/were into them.
Time constraints and other obligations won't allow usage as much as the owner
would like. But, maybe the owner still has dreams and hopes to be able to
fulfill them via the rec item in the driveway one day soon.....that day may
never come.
  #15   Report Post  
Capt. Frank Hopkins
Posts: n/a
Default Many boats are not being used.

Its folks like this that keep us in business. They want to go for a boat
ride, and alas, no boat...The customers have found its cheaper to "rent"
a boat and Captain for an afternoon's fishing or a day cruise.

Of course, we are getting into the "slow season" of the year, so
everything is going on dry dock for bottom jobs and the mechanical
systems are given a thorough going through.

BLABREN wrote:

I see tons of old boats(cars and RVs too) that are just sitting there
rotting for years. I guess lots of people just don't want to take the time
to get rid of them and others probably want too much for them.

I think people should just put a sign on them and say "take me" or "offer
me something" and get rid of them so someone can put some time and money
into it and have some fun.

Often folks obtain these recreational items and really are/were into them.
Time constraints and other obligations won't allow usage as much as the owner
would like. But, maybe the owner still has dreams and hopes to be able to
fulfill them via the rec item in the driveway one day soon.....that day may
never come.

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