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[email protected] September 30th 03 04:41 PM

October GLC posted (Halloween Issue!)
The October issue of Great Lakes Cruiser has been posted and
is free to read at This is our annual
Halloween Special so be ready for Haunts Of The Great Lakes and things
that go bump in the night!
We visit the Seul Choix Lighthouse on the northern shore of
Lake Michigan, long reputed to be the most haunted lighthouse in the
lakes. We give you the legend, the truth and personal accounts of the
death bedroom and the haunted mirror. In the same section, Marilyn
Fischer, president of the Historical Society that protects light,
gives you her own personal story of an encounter with the ghost.
Then, Bruce Jenvey takes us to Niagara-On-The-Lake, Ontario
where he finds a very popular and quaint destination... and one that
is also very haunted! He and Chris stay at the Olde Angel Inn, the
most haunted inn in all Canada. They visit Fort George where many of
the soldiers seen walking about aren't on the payroll! And Bruce also
takes the moonlight, Ghost Tour of the fort with a man who admits to
being a Mad Scientist!
In other stories, Ken Miller explores Tobermory, the
crossroads of Lake Huron. Dennis Boese visits Ephraim in picturesque
Door County and Al Cavasin anchors out in Lake Superior's Little Lake
Harbor. We also have Steinbeck's Adventure, Part IV (They encounter
bears!) and of course, Brandy's Tavern, Don Stockton, a really funny
Stupid Boat Trick and more!
We at GLC would like to thank you all for making us about the
best-read boating magazine in the Great Lakes! In recent months,
visits to our website have hit 75,000 and the September issue was
still well over 66,000! That's more visitors than some magazines
print in total copies. Thanks for your readership, enjoy this
Halloween issue and remember to tell the advertisers where you saw
their ad!

Great Lakes Cruiser

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