It's very popular in some circles and suitably bourgeois enough to
arouse 'Airree's ire.
Does Mrs E ride them or show them?
She rode them for personal fun years ago but not so much in the last
four or five years. It's physically demanding and we both aren't
getting any younger.
She used to show one of them but another, more experienced person would
do the riding. One of the horses she has won many ribbons including
several first place championships. He's a beautiful horse, especially
when they prepare him for the shows. Polished hoofs, manes combed and
arranged and the tail finished in a particular way. The other horse
she has is the same breed (Morgan) but not so handsome. She got him to
be more of a barn and paddock companion for the other one.
She bought the show one from Ann Haley who has (or had) a breeding farm
for Morgans with certain pedigrees, many who went on to win
championships in shows. Ann Haley was also the founder of "Victoria's