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  #11   Report Post  
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Default The truth about the Off Topic Posts

If anyone would like to see returned to "boating", then say
so. Those of us who might be willing to go through the crap of Usenet
procedure will need your support to make it worthwhile.

OK, I'm saying so.

Steve H.

  #12   Report Post  
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Default The truth about the Off Topic Posts

On 07 Nov 2003 08:15:42 GMT, (Gould 0738) wrote:

If anyone would like to see returned to "boating", then say
so. Those of us who might be willing to go through the crap of Usenet
procedure will need your support to make it worthwhile.

Rules, schmules....Any restriction will ultimately require a moderator.
"Somebody" has to judge whether the thread, "Our Heroic Leader, GWB, sent me a
Republican tax refund so I could afford to put tires on my boat trailer" is on
topic, or not. "Somebody" has to be able to pull the plug
on the handful of half-wits who post nothing but insults and/or profanity.
(assuming that insults and profanity aren't finally accepted as somehow

Chuck, ..Mr. Gould, as a former '60's hippie, I can identify with
"rules, schmules". No moderators.

As a sentient, compassionate, and aware being, I say that "insults and
profanity" have been here for a long time.

The great thing about an unrestricted format is that the group reflects
*exactly* what the participants want it to be. It is precisely the sum total of
dozens of individual parts. It's always amazing to hear from some guy who
appears for the first time to say, "Well, I hung out here for a couple of
months but I didn't find anything really worthwhile and nobody addressed the
issues I'm interested in, so I'm outta here."

I don't object to an unrestricted format. I would welcome it, as long
as it didn't have the title "". How about

Don't see what you like here? Introduce it.
Post a question or a comment about your pet subject. Beats heck out of going
away disappointed.

LOL! Done that before....
You are a very logical man. I have seen it in the newsgroup, but you
cannot logically defend the OT posting to a group named "".
You're good, but you're not *that* good.

There are any number of moderated and censored boards for boating. Boater Ed,
Hull Truth, etc etc etc. Those who insist on a tight structure and censored
posts can and should go there. The redeming aspect of an open forum is that
although you wind up shoveling through a lot of horse crap, more often than not
there is a pony 'round here someplace.

No one is talking about moderated or censored newsgroups. I would be
thrilled with a negotiated and adopted FAQ. I'm a big, occasionally
foolish, Irish numbskull that loves to "mess around in boats".
Thought control is beyond my experience. Boats are within.

I'd be for leaving things as they are, with hopes that the worst offenders for
introducing political posts might consider toning it down a bit. I'll admit to
participating in the OT arguments and debates as much as anybody and more than
most- but I am nowhere nearly among the leaders in starting the OT balls

Ah, a hopeful heart. I don't see you, at least under the nic's I
know, as an instigator. I have often expressed my appreciation for
your extraordinarily well written stories of "the water". Can we
agree that some topics belong here, and some don't? If not, tell me
what you think. Staight up and staight out.

A fair number of the folks who aren't boaters followed one of our regulars here
from other NG's, where he has apparently p'd off a few folks of opposite
political persuasion. I guess these people couldn't get enough arguing and
flaming to suit them in the jet ski group and others.

Yup. And they are all Off-topic. Not that they're not good people, I
don't know them, but it is OT. More arguments will bring more people
who don't care about

Suggestion: How about two continuous threads to contain *all* political posts?
One could be "Right Wing Fallacies and Enlightened LIberal Rebuttals", and the
other could be "Treasonous Left Wing Socialist Rantings and Patriotic
Conservatives' outraged reactions." Most NG readers probably work like mine and
separate posts by thread. If the RW or the LW thread has 215 posts in a day, so
be it. One click and those who have no interest can simply pass it by.

Suggestion: How about creating something similar to
"", or "", or ""?
I qualify as a "geezer", and would be happy to attempt to kick the ass
of anyone that disagrees! ) If I can't get my good foot that high,
I'll hit 'em with the wooden one.

Talk to me, please. You are the "Alpha male" in, because of
your contributions. Your "non-support" is the primary reason I didn't
go forward with applying for a new FAQ. If you are as smart as I
think you are, you will recognise my inaction, so far, as respect.

I want to hear what you think, and if you bring up the Perkins, I'll
wait a bit.


To email me, remove the "OT-" from wrecked.ot-boats.noah. you were. )
  #13   Report Post  
Harry Krause
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Default The truth about the Off Topic Posts

del cecchi wrote:
"Harry Krause" wrote in message
JohnH wrote:
On Thu, 06 Nov 2003 20:49:18 -0500, Gene Kearns


Many (if not most) of these OT posts are made by non-boaters. They
may *own* a boat, but their boating is never discussed here. One of
the more arrogant of these idiots admitted he came here only as a
vandal and not to discuss boating. He freely admitted that when he
wished to discuss boating he went elsewhere. When he wanted to

in mischief, this is where he came.

That got me to thinking. I wonder if there is not a movement afoot
among some (consciously, or not) to attempt to disable I
have no real answer for that, but it strengthens my resolve to

these posts and forge on with what we should be discussing here. In
Agent, I just hit the round circle with a diagonal bar through it...
thread is ignored. Whatever you use for a newsreader, I encourage

to learn about and use its capabilities to ignore inappropriate
threads. In some instances, killfilling a poster may be

if they have never made a boating related post... and there are some
of those out there posting, now.

At any rate, again, the signal to noise ratio has reached the point
where we are losing posters. I'm betting that if we forced the

back down to a whisper, the vandals would slink back to their
respective rocks, crawl under, and be quiet.

Think about it, the decision is yours.

You may be correct. (I almost said "right" -- whoops) I'm going to

try to be
good for a while. It's really hard to stay quiet after reading the

stuff being
written, but I'm gonna try!

On the 'Poco Loco' out of Deale, MD

It's really difficult to get a decent boating discussion going here on

topic of interest, and I don't mean yet another discussion about
Bayliner boats. You start something out and the idiots jump right in

Skipperize it.

But I try every so often. Less often these days.

maybe monthly. What a joke. And please stop changing ID, it screws up
my blocked sender list.

There you go. You make an on-topic comment and immediately afterwards,
one of the yahoos jumps right in and Skipperizes its.

Email sent to is never read.

  #14   Report Post  
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Default The truth about the Off Topic Posts

On 7 Nov 2003 04:04:19 -0600, noah

. Staight up and staight out.

LOL!!! 3/4's Irish, and 1/4 Scott's, and they BOTH dropped the "r".
"Straight up and straight out.".

I love it when I screw up.
It reminds me that I'm temporary.

To email me, remove the "OT-" from wrecked.ot-boats.noah. you were. )
  #15   Report Post  
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Default The truth about the Off Topic Posts

On Thu, 6 Nov 2003 22:32:01 -0600, "del cecchi"

But I try every so often. Less often these days.

maybe monthly. What a joke. And please stop changing ID, it screws up
my blocked sender list.

When I started reading this thread I wondered just how far I'd have to
go for the first personal attack. Looks like post #4 is the winner,
congratulations del.


  #16   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default The truth about the Off Topic Posts

Noah, if the regulars wanted to have an off topic group to discuss politics
and the sexual habits of the opponents there is a group called
that is available on many servers.

"noah" wrote in message
On Thu, 06 Nov 2003 20:49:18 -0500, Gene Kearns

A sister
"discussion" group for OT can be created. But it is ALL subject to
being supported, defended, and voted on by the people who frequent
here. Support for the change will have to be more than "casual" to be
Safe, and happy boating,

To email me, remove the "OT-" from wrecked.ot-boats.noah. you were. )

  #17   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default The truth about the Off Topic Posts

"Gene Kearns" wrote in message

Many (if not most) of these OT posts are made by non-boaters. They
may *own* a boat, but their boating is never discussed here. One of
the more arrogant of these idiots admitted he came here only as a
vandal and not to discuss boating. He freely admitted that when he
wished to discuss boating he went elsewhere. When he wanted to engage
in mischief, this is where he came.

That got me to thinking. I wonder if there is not a movement afoot
among some (consciously, or not) to attempt to disable I
have no real answer for that, but it strengthens my resolve to ignore
these posts and forge on with what we should be discussing here. In
Agent, I just hit the round circle with a diagonal bar through it...
thread is ignored. Whatever you use for a newsreader, I encourage you
to learn about and use its capabilities to ignore inappropriate
threads. In some instances, killfilling a poster may be appropriate,
if they have never made a boating related post... and there are some
of those out there posting, now.

At any rate, again, the signal to noise ratio has reached the point
where we are losing posters. I'm betting that if we forced the noise
back down to a whisper, the vandals would slink back to their
respective rocks, crawl under, and be quiet.

Think about it, the decision is yours.

Hey Gene, I seem to remember you coming down on me as a non boater because I
only put 50-70 hours/year on the engines (I live up north and do not use the
boat for fishing). I directed you to a website detailing every aspect of my
boat, with pictures. I explained to you how my family and I used the boat,
including spending every spring/summer/early fall weekend on it along with 2
solid weeks during the summer. That was not good enough for you. Because
my boating lifestyle differed from yours you found it necessary to flame me
and call me a non boater. Unbelievable.

You have joined in on many OT threads. You have done your share of flaming.

Try some soul searching will find out that you live in a glass
house with many broken windows.

  #18   Report Post  
Gary Warner
Posts: n/a
Default The truth about the Off Topic Posts

"bb" wrote in message my blocked sender list.

When I started reading this thread I wondered just how far I'd have to
go for the first personal attack. Looks like post #4 is the winner,
congratulations del.


Actually, #3 seems to have won that title with "Skipperize"

  #19   Report Post  
Paul Schilter
Posts: n/a
Default The truth about the Off Topic Posts

Why do you constantly change your address, this will be the third time this
month I have to re-block your posts

"Harry Krause" wrote in message
JohnH wrote:
On Thu, 06 Nov 2003 20:49:18 -0500, Gene Kearns


Many (if not most) of these OT posts are made by non-boaters. They
may *own* a boat, but their boating is never discussed here. One of
the more arrogant of these idiots admitted he came here only as a
vandal and not to discuss boating. He freely admitted that when he
wished to discuss boating he went elsewhere. When he wanted to engage
in mischief, this is where he came.

That got me to thinking. I wonder if there is not a movement afoot
among some (consciously, or not) to attempt to disable I
have no real answer for that, but it strengthens my resolve to ignore
these posts and forge on with what we should be discussing here. In
Agent, I just hit the round circle with a diagonal bar through it...
thread is ignored. Whatever you use for a newsreader, I encourage you
to learn about and use its capabilities to ignore inappropriate
threads. In some instances, killfilling a poster may be appropriate,
if they have never made a boating related post... and there are some
of those out there posting, now.

At any rate, again, the signal to noise ratio has reached the point
where we are losing posters. I'm betting that if we forced the noise
back down to a whisper, the vandals would slink back to their
respective rocks, crawl under, and be quiet.

Think about it, the decision is yours.

You may be correct. (I almost said "right" -- whoops) I'm going to try

to be
good for a while. It's really hard to stay quiet after reading the stuff

written, but I'm gonna try!

On the 'Poco Loco' out of Deale, MD

It's really difficult to get a decent boating discussion going here on a
topic of interest, and I don't mean yet another discussion about
Bayliner boats. You start something out and the idiots jump right in and
Skipperize it.

But I try every so often. Less often these days.

Email sent to is never read.

  #20   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default The truth about the Off Topic Posts

"Paul Schilter" paulschilter@comcast,dot,net wrote in message
Why do you constantly change your address, this will be the third time

month I have to re-block your posts

Because he is in desperate need of attention.

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