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![]() MacGregor 26 It's often noted that every boat is a study in compromise. We express individual preferences for design choices balancing speed and fuel economy. Boaters consider tradeoffs between larger enclosed cabins and maximum exterior deck space. We wrestle with the benefits of flybridge visibility at the cost of longer rolling moments and windage. Shall we power with gas engines, (cheaper to buy), or diesel, (cheaper to operate)? There is no universally correct choice, so the wide varieties of boats we own and enjoy reflect a healthy diversity of taste and opinion. One of the first decisions most boaters will face is the fundamental choice between power and sail. Nearly every other aspect of marine design is commonly compromised, but the vast majority of builders turn out a product that is clearly definable as either a sailboat, or a powerboat. Few manufacturers endeavor to combine the best aspects of a speedy, planing, outboard hull and a nimble, fun to sail, cruising sloop. The MacGregor Yacht Corporation, (represented in the Pacific Northwest by Blue Water Yachts on Seattle's Lake Union), not only attempts the unlikely marriage of power and sail but has invented a highly successful niche category of high speed trailer sailors in the process. Todd and Cheryl McChesney own Blue Water Yachts, the largest trailerable sailboat dealership in North America. Cheryl took us for a test sail on a new, 2005 MacGregor 26. We quickly realized that while the MacGregor 26 is not the "ultimate" powerboat or an ultra fine-tuned racing sailboat, it is a uniquely enjoyable and surprisingly affordable vessel that offers a wide spectrum of choices for enjoying our NW waters. As Todd McChesney observed, "No boat will ever be all things to all people, but the MacGregor has proven to offer enough things, to enough people, that we have a lot of very happy and satisfied owners." About MacGregor: MacGregor Yachts began building boats in the early 1960's. The company business model was conceived by a group of graduate students at the Stanford School of Business. MacGregor invented the retracting keel adaptation that energized the trailerable sailboat market. Sailboats with fixed keels can be more difficult to tow and nearly impossible to launch at most boat ramps, (the protruding keel puts the hull so high in the air that the tow vehicle could easily be submerged before the boat found enough depth to float free of the trailer). With a retractable keel, a trailerable sailboat sits low on the trailer and launches as easily as a small runabout. When MacGregor first began building trailerable boats, families commonly owned a rear wheel drive, body on frame, V8 automobile with substantial towing abilities. As cars shifted to front wheel drive and lower horsepower engines, MacGregor recognized a need to reduce the weight of the vessels to facilitate safe towing. The innovative solution was MacGregor's water ballast system. Water ballast provides the weight required for safe and stable sailing, but the weight can be literally drained away when the MacGregor is hauled out on its trailer. Eliminating the static ballast allowed MacGregor to improve the performance of the 26 when operated as a powerboat. One of the company's promotional brochures includes a photo of an adult water skier being towed by a 26 MacGregor. It is unusual, to say the least, to see a water skier zipping along behind a boat equipped with a mast. (With a 50HP outboard, the MacGregor 26 will turn about 22 mph). Few people seeking a boat to be used primarily for water skiing would chose a MacGregor, just as an extremely serious sailor might prefer a more specialized and highly evolved sailing hull. MacGregors appeal to boaters who hope to enjoy the fun of sailing and the distance-shrinking cruising ability of a powerboat in a single vessel. MacGregor can legitimately claim to be one of the larger volume manufacturers, having launched in excess of 35,000 boats. Meet the MacGregor 26: The 2005 MacGregor 26 is constructed of hand laminated fiberglass, without the use of chop strand or "coring". The dry weight of the empty boat is 2550 pounds, and the beam is 7'9" to permit easy trailering. (The trailer weighs another 710 pounds). The general style above the waterline is reminiscent of a small sloop, but there is a broad flat transom with an engine well that accommodates up to 70HP outboard motors. With the daggerboard and rudders in the "up" positions, the MacGregor is a planing hull, with a mere twelve-inch draft. The cockpit will easily seat four to six, with a pedestal mounted steering wheel and engine controls. Side decks are nonexistent, with access between the foredeck and the cockpit routed across the cabintop. Fortunately, Blue Water Yachts rigs their boats for easy, single-handed sailing from the cockpit. The roller-furled jib also reduces the need to go forward when underway. The MacGregor 26 interior provides all the basic amenities of family cruiser. An extremely roomy double berth is most aft, under the cockpit. Just forward, to starboard, is a dinette that will seat four. MacGregor incorporates a unique "sliding galley" mounted to port. The galley locks into three different positions. When slid forward, it is opposite the dinette and there is well over six feet of standing headroom available for the cook. In the middle position, the alcohol stove and sink can be used with ease, and additional seating space is created on the port side of the main cabin. With the galley secured by the détente most aft, it is entirely under the cockpit but there is still plenty of room to sleep two in the aft berth and sliding the galley all the way aft creates an additional single bunk on the port side of the main cabin. Two can sleep in the forepeak, and the dinette folds down into a single berth over 7-feet long. One could sleep six adults on a MacGregor 26, but frankly the boat would seem more appropriately accommodating for 2-3 adults, or a young couple with perhaps two or three kids. Many smaller boats have no toilet facilities, or a "porta-pottie" arrangement that stows under a bunk when not being used. Privacy on many small boats is non-existent. The MacGregor 26 has an enclosed head compartment with a mirrored bulkhead, so privacy is achieved without asking everyone aboard to "look elsewhere." Blue Water Yachts includes a portable marine toilet in all but the most basically equipped boats, and a standard marine toilet with a through hull and holding tank can be fitted if desired. Getting underway: We didn't need to launch the MacGregor 26; it was secured to a dock at the Blue Water Yachts office. Launching a MacGregor is reported to be an easy task, with the aluminum mast easily raised or lowered by a single person. (There is an optional mechanical device that uses a brake winch and support pole to more precisely control the mast while raising or lowering). The forestay is the only rigging disconnected when the mast is lowered, so setting the mast up again is a simple procedure. Launching would involve only a minimum of fussing around, once floated free from the trailer. To exit the dock, we lowered the daggerboard and the twin, trailing, rudders. Cheryl put the MacGregor into the fairway, spun it around smartly on the daggerboard pivot point, and we motored out to Lake Union. The outboard ran flawlessly. The MacGregor's "sailboat genes" allowed it to be very agile in tight quarters. Sail ho! Once out on the lake, Cheryl showed us how easily the MacGregor converts from a powerboat to sail. The first order of business was to confirm that there was water in the ballast tank. Removing a cap from a fitting under the V-berth allowed water to displace the air in the system, and we confirmed the tank was full by sighting water within a half-inch of the vent fitting. For purposes of our demonstration, we would be doing a "low tech" sail, (there's a limit to what a stinkpotter can be expected to absorb). We centered the boom over the companionway dodger. After removing the sail cover and the bungee cords bundling the mainsail against the boom, Cheryl motored into the wind and we raised the mainsail. Once the mainsail was up, Cheryl raised the outboard, disconnected it from the hydraulic steering ram and secured it on an adjacent post. Disconnecting the motor reduced the load on the steering wheel to just the two rudders trailing off the stern. We were surprised to learn that the extra point for securing the outboard was a Blue Water Yachts innovation, and Todd and Cheryl sell the parts for this system to MacGregor dealers and owners throughout North America. We scooted along under the 170-sq. ft. mainsail, making surprisingly good progress up wind. Cheryl commented that many sailors are surprised at how well the MacGregor 26 goes to windward. There is a powerful, soothing, silence when under sail- an experience that can't be exactly duplicated in a powerboat of any type. Sailing is a natural, organic, experience, with Nature herself carrying you toward your destination. Every time I go sailing, I resolve to do it more often. We unfurled the job and turned to take the wind broad abeam. It's a good thing the seven-knot speed limit on Lake Union doesn't apply to sailboats- we were flying! The planing characteristics of the MacGregor hull free the vessel from the constraining bow wave that decrees a 26-foot displacement hull sailboat normally sail at a "hull speed" of about seven knots. With a moderate wind on Lake Union, we were clipping along faster than one would expect- and factory sales literature claims that with enough wind a MacGregor can achieve 13-14 knots under sail. We heeled over on the beam reach, but the water ballast proved to be effective. Sitting on the high side of the cockpit and watching the chop bouncing off the hull is a real sailing experience, (as it should be, since the MacGregor is a "real" sailboat). Cheryl called our attention to the MacGregor's rotating mast. The mast is shaped like an airfoil, and automatically seeks the proper angle relative to the wind direction. (The shrouds and spreader remain fixed.) A non-rotating mast can deflect the wind and create a "dead spot" in the head of the sail. The rotating mast all but eliminates the deflection of air away from the sail, and the wind fills the sail more efficiently. The rotating mast, the shallow draft, and the relatively light weight all contribute to a surprisingly speedy experience under sail. Powering up Sailing the MacGregor was such fun; we could have spent all day just blowing up and down the lake. Alas, time limitations eventually dictated that we douse the mainsail, furl the jib, and experience the MacGregor in powerboat mode. We hauled up the dagggerboard, lowered the outboard and reconnected it to the steering ram, and hauled up the trailing rudders. Our top speed would be slightly reduced because we still had the water ballast in the tanks; the MacGregor drains the ballast tanks when hauled out onto its trailer. We headed for the "speed lane" and throttled up. The MacGregor 26 stepped up to plane very quickly, easily reaching about 20 knots with minimal wake. Aside from the empty mast protruding from the cabin top, there is little difference between running the MacGregor at a moderate speed opposed to any one of a number of traditional runabouts. Most trailerable sailboats will motor at five or six knots, or about ¼ the speed of a MacGregor. Fuel economy is said to be in the 4-5 nmpg range, a very acceptable number for a 20-knot boat. Make no mistake about it; the MacGregor is a real powerboat, too. Conclusions: As Todd McChesney stated, no boat can be all things to all people. There are certainly higher performing, more technical, sailboats, (and more exciting, speedier powerboats), than a MacGregor. What MacGregor does singularly well is to combine a very wide range of fun boating experiences into a single vessel. It would seem almost too obvious that a boat that can sail well and then slip easily into planing powerboat mode will appeal to a greater number of family members and could enhance the family's total boating enjoyment. I have often wondered what happened to the affordable, family boat. It's all too easy to attend a boat show and conclude that unless one is prepared to invest $80,000-$100,000, or substantially more, it may be tough to go home with a new boat on which a family of four would consider spending a week in the San Juans. The affordable family boat is alive and well, and available at Blue Water Yachts. Todd and Cheryl employ a "no-dicker" pricing policy and offer the same low price to all comers. The Blue Water Yachts "bare boat" package includes the bare essentials, (but no outboard), and prices out at $20,999. There are packages that include 50 - 70 HP Nissan and Suzuki outboards, dual battery systems, marine coolers, canvas covers, and much, much, more. The extremely well equipped boat we tested at Blue Water Yachts was configured with the "Super Cruising Package"; more than adequately prepared to depart on a summer vacation cruise at a moment's notice. The MacGregor 26 with this top-of-the line option group is still modestly priced at $30,999. Affordable family boats are good news for the marine industry, as well as for the families that are enjoying them. Cheryl McChesney expressed it very succinctly. "I really enjoy selling MacGregors, they make people so happy!" One could do far worse than own a boat specializing in happiness. |
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Gould 0738 wrote:
MacGregor 26 It's often noted that every boat is a study in compromise. True. ... There is no universally correct choice Again, true... but right now let's talk boats, not politics ![]() While this is a well written article, it glosses over some of the more serious issues regarding this particular boat. I have been very disappointed in MacGregor Yacht's publicity in the past, since they have gone over the line from glossing lightly over the truth to simply ignoring it wholesale. Maybe it's something in the water? One of the first decisions most boaters will face is the fundamental choice between power and sail. Personally, I don't think that's true. Sailors want a sailboat. Period. Motorboaters might or might not be interested in sailing... probably not. MacGregor invented the retracting keel adaptation that energized the trailerable sailboat market. That is a blatant lie. Centerboards, daggerboards, swing keels, etc etc were all invented prior to the turn of the last century. ... The innovative solution was MacGregor's water ballast system. They didn't invent this either. BTW it would be nice to mention that water ballast is a compromise itself. It does not provide the same righting moment or stability as lead (or iron) ballast, but it does offer the benefit of reduced trailering weight. Water ballast provides the weight required for safe and stable sailing... Eliminating the static ballast allowed MacGregor to improve the performance of the 26 when operated as a powerboat. It might be noted that the MacGregor 26 has limited stability without the ballast tank full. Several of them have flipped over, at least one with fatalities. ... (With a 50HP outboard, the MacGregor 26 will turn about 22 mph). This is where they skate lightly around the truth... it will make that speed with the motor, 1 person aboard, and very little else. Increasing the load aboard dramatically reduces the top speed. I think the MacGregor literature mentions this in the fine print. MacGregor can legitimately claim to be one of the larger volume manufacturers, having launched in excess of 35,000 boats. Now that part is true. And a lot of them sail quite well, and hold up surprisingly well. Meet the MacGregor 26: It should be noted that the current model is quite different from the 1986-1994 model "MacGregor 26." Originally the motor/sailer concept boat was marketed as the "M-26X" to differentiate this... now they seem to have dropped this distinction, possibly to take advantage of the confusion. The older Mac 26 sails quite well and is regarded as somewhat of a PHRF giant-killer. We didn't need to launch the MacGregor 26; it was secured to a dock at the Blue Water Yachts office. Launching a MacGregor is reported to be an easy task Why didn't you test this out, Chuck? It's a very important part of the functionality of this particular boat. We have some friends with the Mac 26 X and IMHO it is relatively easy to trailer, rig, and launch... especially compared to some of the older "trailerable" swing keel boats. But it ain't no cupcake either. I know of several former Mac 26X owners who found it enough of a PITA that they moved to a slip... increasing the expense dramatically... or just got a different boat. Sail ho! .....Cheryl commented that many sailors are surprised at how well the MacGregor 26 goes to windward. And it will continue to surprise many, as long as there isn't a *real* sailboat passing it... which happens frequently. This is one of the sore points, to me... these things don't really sail well at all, if you're accustomed to sailing anything else. They don't steer like a sailboat, they don't feel like a sailboat, and their performance is sluggish at best. For many years my wife & I sailed & cruised in a much smaller trailerable sailboat, often in company with our friends in their Mac 26X's and invariably sailed rings around them. Conclusions: As Todd McChesney stated, no boat can be all things to all people. There are certainly higher performing, more technical, sailboats, (and more exciting, speedier powerboats), than a MacGregor. What MacGregor does singularly well is to combine a very wide range of fun boating experiences into a single vessel. That's true. I'd give the Mac 26 points for the concept... it's also a roomy, comfy boat... and not as expensive as many out there. Basically, it's a travel trailer that is shaped enough like a boat that it can move under sail or motor. If you compare it's performance under power to similar motorboats, you'd come away with about the same impression it gives as a sailboat. The real reason why people buy them is because of the roominess/price comparison. If you shop for a new boat with comparable cabin space, you're looking at roughly twice the price. Fresh Breezes- Doug King |
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One of the first decisions most boaters will face is the fundamental choice
between power and sail. Personally, I don't think that's true. Sailors want a sailboat. Period. Motorboaters might or might not be interested in sailing... probably not. Few sailing purists would choose a MacGregor. A performance oriented powerboater would not choose a MacGregor, either. I see this boat as something for folks who are willing to step outside the traditional "box", and who would enjoy doing some recreational sailing without being restricted to 5-7 knots when under power. MacGregor invented the retracting keel adaptation that energized the trailerable sailboat market. That is a blatant lie. Centerboards, daggerboards, swing keels, etc etc were all invented prior to the turn of the last century. You need to read the entire sentence. They invented the "adaptation that energized the trailerable sailboat market". I wouldn't be sruprised to learn that the Egyptians had retracting keels- but I don't think they had a lot of trailer boats. :-) Still, I appreciate that insight. If you took the sentence to mean that MacGregor invented retracting keels, others might as well. I'll consider tweaking that a bit before this gets published in the "real" world. ... The innovative solution was MacGregor's water ballast system. They didn't invent this either. No, they didn't invent water ballast- but they did design MacGregor's water ballast system. Water ballast is an innovative substitute for iron ballast. I might tweak this sentence a bit, too. It might be noted that the MacGregor 26 has limited stability without the ballast tank full. Several of them have flipped over, at least one with fatalities. I can't imagine anybody sailing without filling the ballast tank. Is that a problem with the design, or user error? ... (With a 50HP outboard, the MacGregor 26 will turn about 22 mph). This is where they skate lightly around the truth... it will make that speed with the motor, 1 person aboard, and very little else. Typical standard for "official" speed claims. Increasing the load aboard dramatically reduces the top speed. No doubt. When a boat weighs only 2500 pounds, adding 1000 pounds of people and/or gear increases the weight by 40%. When a boat weighs 20,000 pounds that same 1000 pound load increases the weight by 5%. We didn't need to launch the MacGregor 26; it was secured to a dock at the Blue Water Yachts office. Launching a MacGregor is reported to be an easy task Why didn't you test this out, Chuck? It's a very important part of the functionality of this particular boat. I've actually helped launch a MacGregor in the past. Aside from getting the mast up and the forestay secured, it wasn't really any more of a hassle than launching a powerboat. I thought getting the mast down and properly secured was a bigger job, as I remember. However, we didn't launch the boat during this short test and I wouldn't want to claim that we did. And it will continue to surprise many, as long as there isn't a *real* sailboat passing it... which happens frequently. This is one of the sore points, to me... these things don't really sail well at all, if you're accustomed to sailing anything else. They don't steer like a sailboat, they don't feel like a sailboat, and their performance is sluggish at best. I think you're probably right on all counts. This boat would not be the first choice for somebody primarily interested in performance sailing. It's a recreational sailboat. I think the idea is to have "fun" doing some sailing, and not worry about whether somebody else is sailing faster, more directly upwind, etc. The MacGregor sails better than almost any powerboat. :-) It certainly motors faster than most sailboats. It's a unique, highly compromised vessel that can provide a lot of fun- but will suffer in direct comparison with boats that specialize in one aspect or another of the MacGregor compromise. As Todd McChesney stated, no boat can be all things to all people. There are certainly higher performing, more technical, sailboats, (and more exciting, speedier powerboats), than a MacGregor. What MacGregor does singularly well is to combine a very wide range of fun boating experiences into a single vessel. That's true. I'd give the Mac 26 points for the concept... it's also a roomy, comfy boat... and not as expensive as many out there. Basically, it's a travel trailer that is shaped enough like a boat that it can move under sail or motor. If you compare it's performance under power to similar motorboats, you'd come away with about the same impression it gives as a sailboat. The real reason why people buy them is because of the roominess/price comparison. If you shop for a new boat with comparable cabin space, you're looking at roughly twice the price. The MacGregor has put 35,000 people on the water. That ain't all bad. Will my next boat be a MacGregor 26? Nope. Would I want to venture out into 6 footers in a 2500 pound boat? Nope, again. But the concept has a lot of merit- an affordable, functional, easy to operate boat that will provide a wide variety of fun, family-level experiences on the water. Fresh Breezes- Doug King |
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Gould 0738 wrote:
Few sailing purists would choose a MacGregor. I agree... but it's not a matter of "sailing purists." We have several friends who have owned Mac 26X's so i don't intend to just slam them... but (for example) after I took one out on a Lightning (a 1930s design, classy boat but not a hot-rod) he then wanted me to come sailing with him on his boat and help him "fix" it. It's certainly true that I am spoiled... but it seems unlikely that anybody who has sailed a well-balanced, good performing sailboat, is going to be in the least satisfied with the sailing characteristics of a Mac-26. They are also beastly to try and steer in a chop. ... A performance oriented powerboater would not choose a MacGregor, either. Probably about the same, relative to it's sailing performance. MacGregor invented the retracting keel adaptation that energized the trailerable sailboat market. That is a blatant lie. Centerboards, daggerboards, swing keels, etc etc were all invented prior to the turn of the last century. You need to read the entire sentence. They invented the "adaptation that energized the trailerable sailboat market". I wouldn't be sruprised to learn that the Egyptians had retracting keels- but I don't think they had a lot of trailer boats. :-) Roger MacGregor is a better designer than he's often given credit for, but he didn't invent a darn thing. Not the centerboard, not the swing keel, and not the "adaptation." You can tinker with the wording but it's misleading at best. Why not tell the truth... MacGregor's early trailersailer designs were innovative, inexpensive, and popular. ... The innovative solution was MacGregor's water ballast system. They didn't invent this either. No, they didn't invent water ballast- but they did design MacGregor's water ballast system. So? I invented the "King water ballast system." I could claim to have invented dozens of things... especially if you let me make the claim for things I saw other people using first. Again, it's misleading at best. There were other water ballasted trailerable sailboats before Macgregor began building them. It might be noted that the MacGregor 26 has limited stability without the ballast tank full. Several of them have flipped over, at least one with fatalities. I can't imagine anybody sailing without filling the ballast tank. Is that a problem with the design, or user error? Depends on who you ask. In the case with fatalities, the boat was being used under power, without the mast in place, but with a crowd of people on the cabin top. Personally I consider it a design flaw, but it should be noted that *any* boat, including the QE2, has limits to their righting moment that must not be exceeded. IMHO it is within reasonable expectations for a 26' boat to carry a half-dozen people on it's coachroof without flipping over. It's also in the nature of this type of design that it has great initial stability, but little or no reserve. In other words, it will heel a little as a warning, and then suddenly flop down on it's side. That's why I consider it a design flaw. I've actually helped launch a MacGregor in the past. Aside from getting the mast up and the forestay secured, it wasn't really any more of a hassle than launching a powerboat. I thought getting the mast down and properly secured was a bigger job, as I remember. However, we didn't launch the boat during this short test and I wouldn't want to claim that we did. OK. It would be worth mentioning that you have done it, and your impressions, if it doesn't exceed the article's length limit. I'd agree with your assessment. One reason we got the smaller boat is that we wanted onet that was easier to trailer, rig, and launch. In all the years we sailed & cruised, and were members of several different clubs, I never saw a boat that was easy as ours. Like I said, I'm spoiled! And it will continue to surprise many, as long as there isn't a *real* sailboat passing it... which happens frequently. I think you're probably right on all counts. This boat would not be the first choice for somebody primarily interested in performance sailing. It's a recreational sailboat. I think the idea is to have "fun" doing some sailing, and not worry about whether somebody else is sailing faster, more directly upwind, etc. Sure. If you want to move along without the motor noise, ya got that. And speed isn't the only criteria for sailing, obviously. My objection is that it *doesn't* provide the "fun" of sailing... not the heel, not the feel, not the handling... as evidenced by most of the people I know who *used* to have these boats and moved on. The MacGregor sails better than almost any powerboat. :-) Now that part is definitely true! ... It certainly motors faster than most sailboats. Yep. It motors faster than my motorboat, in fact. ... It's a unique, highly compromised vessel that can provide a lot of fun- but will suffer in direct comparison with boats that specialize in one aspect or another of the MacGregor compromise. I don't think it's fair to say that a motorboat without sails is "compromised." Certainly I don't think that the many sailboats I've owned with no motor (some of which it would be physically impossible to mount a motor on) were "compromised" either. They do what they're intended. The MacGregor has put 35,000 people on the water. But *not* in this Pow-R-Sail-R boat. MacGregor likes to imply this, and it's more misdirection. C'mon Chuck, you and I both object strenuously to this kind of malarkey in politics! Why are you pushing it in boating? ... That ain't all bad. I didn't say it was all bad. I hope you don't see my posts as any kind of hatchet job. But you keep saying "it's a compromise" and then ignoring the other side of the trade-offs. .... Will my next boat be a MacGregor 26? Nope. Would I want to venture out into 6 footers in a 2500 pound boat? Nope, again. But the concept has a lot of merit- Yes, it does. So drop the advertising fluff & the misleading hype and concentrate on the merits. It's a great water toy... and it's not a bad camper trailer either ![]() Fresh Breezes- Doug King |
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