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Here is just a tidbit of what Newt said:
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich blasted the State Department Tuesday for a series of what he described as diplomatic failures leading up to the war with Iraq, and warned that the pattern is poised to repeat itself. In a speech delivered at the American Enterprise Institute, a think tank in Washington, Gingrich contrasted the experience of the State Department with the Defense Department. He said the State Department had failed in its efforts to apply diplomatic pressure to persuade Iraq to disarm and comply with U.N. resolutions, and it is time for "bold, dramatic change" at the department. "The last seven months have involved six months of diplomatic failure and one month of military success," said Gingrich, who sits on a Pentagon advisory committee. "The first days after military victory indicate the pattern of diplomatic failure is beginning once again and threatens to undo the effects of military victory." |
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![]() "basskisser" wrote in message WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich blasted the State Department Tuesday Seven months old. Best shot? |
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"John Gaquin" wrote in message ...
"basskisser" wrote in message WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich blasted the State Department Tuesday Seven months old. Best shot? Nah, a person can cut and paste the failings of the POTUS non-stop.: U.S. Strike Mistakenly Kills Nine Children By Jeremy Reynalds Talon News December 8, 2003 HUTALA, AFGHANISTAN (Talon News) -- Hats and shoes littered a blood-stained field in a desolate Afghan village Sunday, a day after U.S. warplanes targeting a terror suspect mistakenly killed nine children. The Associated Press (AP) reported that American officials offered their regrets Sunday and said they were "deeply saddened" by the deaths. While the Afghan government urged the U.S.-led coalition hunting Taliban and al Qaeda fighters to make sure such an accident is never repeated, the United Nations called for an investigation. In Hutala on Sunday, a line of fresh graves marked the tragedy, and village men stood by a stream in a dusty field where the children had been playing. "First they fire their rockets. Then they say it was a mistake... How can we forgive them?" Haji Amir Mohammed told the AP, as American soldiers sent to investigate the incident offered condolences. According to the AP, villagers said the young victims had been playing with marbles in a dusty field beside mud homes in the impoverished valley, about 150 miles southwest of Kabul, when the A-10 ground attack aircraft homed in. Military officials said Sunday they had no idea children were in the area when they launched the strike. U.S. Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad said the suspect targeted and killed was a former Taliban commander named Mullah Wazir, telling the AP he was "deeply saddened" by the "tragic loss of innocent life." Khalilzad said the former Taliban commander "had bragged of his personal involvement in attacks on innocent Afghan citizens," including aid groups and Afghans working on the Kabul-Kandahar road, a site of frequent violence. Lt. Col. Bryan Hilferty, a spokesman for the coalition, told the AP in Hutala that it had appeared to the pilot of the aircraft that "just that person that we wanted, that terrorist, was in the field. So we fired on him." Troops discovered the children's bodies after rushing to the scene to verify that they had got Wazir. U.S. officers flew in Sunday to apologize to village elders, Hilferty told the AP. However, village residents told the AP that the military had acted on bad intelligence. Many said the man killed was not Wazir, and that the former district commander under the Taliban had left the village some days before the attack. "There are no terrorists, no Taliban or al-Qaida here," said Abdul Majid Farooqi. "Just poor people." The AP reported that the 11,500 U.S.-led troops hunting Taliban and al-Qaida remnants in south and east Afghanistan are often supported by air power, and there have been a string of (alleged) military mishaps. The worst incident occurred in July 2002, when Afghan officials said 48 civilians at a wedding party were killed and 117 wounded by a U.S. Air Force AC-130 gunship in Uruzgan province, which borders Ghazni province. On April 9, a U.S. warplane mistakenly bombed a home in the eastern town of Shkin, killing 11 civilians. Another air strike in Nuristan province in eastern Afghanistan on Oct. 31 reportedly killed at least eight civilians in a house, the AP said. "This incident, which follows similar incidents, adds to a sense of insecurity and fear in the country," the AP reported that Lakhdar Brahimi, the U.N. Special Representative to Afghanistan, said in Kabul. The Afghan government said it fully supported fighting terrorism but urged the U.S.-led coalition to "be very careful not to repeat such tragedies." Also Sunday, officials told the AP that two Turkish engineers and an Afghan had been kidnapped along the road being build between the capital, Kabul and the city of Kandahar, bringing to five the number of workers abducted in Afghanistan in the last few days. Taliban attacks have plagued the flagship road construction project. Four workers were killed in August, and de-mining operations along the road were suspended last month after a carjacking. A Turkish engineer was abducted along the road Oct. 30 and released after one month. The Taliban, whose hard-line Islamic regime was ousted from power in a U.S.-led offensive in late 2001, have stepped up attacks in recent months, targeting foreign aid workers and perceived allies of the coalition. International aid agencies have reduced operations in Afghanistan's south and east due to escalating violence, the AP reported. Tell me if you need more. |
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basskisser wrote:
Here is just a tidbit of what Newt said: Gee a country of 300 million & you lefties think you're clever because you can endlessly paste a critical article here & there??? What you really need to paste atl man is a detailed article telling us what the left would, should & most importantly "is" going to do to protect you if the voters all suffer head injuries & elect a lefty in troubled times. The rest of the free world ius very concerned a left loon might cause millions to die. This isn't a big ask on our part because after all have a look below, your major land locked lying lefty loon Harry is politically well connected having met "every" president since truman (*except* Bush of course. I mean he didn't want to be inaccurate, as one wouldn't:-)) I've seen a few or your sides wannabe candidates & it's no surprise all you can do is start OT threads pasting this of that criticism, gee even with hindsight there hasn't been any real king hit. These endless OT political threads are akin to trying to deceive people into thinking you even have the slightest clue what your side would have or even might be able to do, so it's lying, just like Harry, see how I led into that:-) do you like it??? K Here's some of Harry's lies for you, just to bring back old memories:-) I'm doing my part to ease unemployment. I'm hiring another writer for my staff. Will be putting the ad on MONSTER.COM and in the Wash Post. I need more staff because 2004 is a major election year and business booked to date indicates we'll be drowning in work. We need to hire a production coordinator, too. It has very little to do with the state of the economy, other than using it as reason to defeat Republicrap candidates. I'm doing my part to ease unemployment. I'm hiring another writer for my staff. Will be putting the ad on MONSTER.COM and in the Wash Post. We have first-class benefits, including a top-of-the-line health insurance plan, a non-contributory defined-benefit pension plan, a 401k, and a life insurance policy equal to annual salary. We contribute a share of profits to the 401k on behalf of the employee. Our employees pay $4.50 for generic prescriptions and $8.00 for non-generics, but that's going up next year to $10 and $15. New employees get two weeks vacation the first year, and that goes to three weeks the third year. In addition, we have 12 paid holidays and we shut down from noon on Christmas eve to the day after New Year's Day. We also provide 20 days of paid sick leave a year. And we have an outside company administering pre-tax flexible bennies for our employees. Our fringe benefit package follows the trade union model, except, of course, for the profit contributions to 401k's. Trade unions are not-for-profit enterprises. How do these compare to the bennies at your shop? Paid? Every year? I call "bull****". With 3 weeks vacation, 12 paid holidays, and 20 paid sick days that's 47 *paid* days off every year. Are they hourly employees? For a "small business", that's the road to bankruptcy. Boy...and you had me going there for a minute. Not quite so simple, though you are trying hard to make it so. Our business is up because we're on the cusp of an election year. Our business always goes up in a major election year. You could say we're going to be doing very well in 2004 because Bush is such a total failure. The 20 paid sick days aren't part of the "paid" days off unless those days are used. None of our people abuses sick leave. In fact, no one as yet has even come close to using 20 sick days in one year. They're there in case they're needed. Oh, I forgot. We also provide everyone with LTD. The company provides an insurance plan that pays 50% of an employe's salary for Long Term Disability. Employes have the option of purchasing an additional 16.66%, bringing their total to 66.66%. The basic benefit maximum is $4,000 per month. With the buy up, the limit is increased to $10,000 per month. Here's just some of his prior lies (in his own words pasted); I sold off nearly $3,000,000 in new motors and boats, depressing the new boat industry in southern Connecticut for an entire season. Everything was sold...every cotter pin, every quart of oil, 30 days after I started. For near full-retail, too. He had just under $1,000,000 on floor plan with a syndicate of banks led by National Shawmut of Boston. He had been a solid customer of that back for more than 20 years and they gave him great rates. As far as your other complaints, well, almost every president in my memory, and I *remember* Truman, Eisenhower (who cheated on his wife), Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan and Bush, lied and participated in deceit to one degree or another, and on issues far more important than who was giving them blow jobs. Good lord. I met *every* president in the damned group except Bush, and I worked once for his father. My father used to pray that the north shore of LI Sound would be hit by a mild hurricane. No one injured, no on-shore property damaged, but lots of boats sunk. Preferably early in July. We had the Hatteras for two years. Last year, out of the cold clear, a broker approached me with an offer to buy. Our continued Florida lifestyle was somewhat up in the air, because the two breadwinners hereabouts were about to be offered long-term but temporary assignments they could not refuse in the Washington, D.C., area. So, after being romanced a little, we sold the Hatt for almost precisely what we paid for it. Not bad, after two full years of use. And I mean full years. So, we didn't "make" any money off the Hatt, but we didn't lose any, either. The proceeds were prudently invested. The PWC was won as a prize in a raffle. Never mind that. Why does he have a Bilgeliner in front of his office? Is it a display of "Boating Don'ts?" Yeah, when we were in the boat biz, my father always had one or two "around the back" that he was forced to take in trade. These were sold as "as is, where is." He made sure the engine would start and run. Beyond that, it was up to the prospective buyer to decide if he wanted it. They moved off the lot pretty quickly, partially because my dad's main store was on a highly trafficked commercial route with lots of manufacturing and machining and aerospace plants near by. In those days, workers at these places could fix anything. Actually, Dipper, I don't think my father ever saw a Bayliner. But he still called bumpers bumpers. -- Bayliner wined and dined my father a half dozen times to entice him into becoming its dealer. His operation was the largest small boat dealership in its area of New England, and for 30 years, he was the *exclusive* Evinrude dealer in a densely populated coastal county. He also handled Mercuries. He never liked Bayliners, and referred to them as "jerry-built." From 1947 until he died, he sold more than 500 outboard motors a year from his stores, accounting for a reasonably high percentage of *all* outboards sold in his home state for those years. This is a killer. My father was in the boat business dating back to right after the Big War. When he died and I was looking through his warehouse, I found wrapped in a nuclear fall-out bag (no kidding), a brand-new 1949 Evinrude 8015 50 hp outboard. The motor was a gift to my father from Evinrude for winning some outboard stock utility or hydroplane race. I gave the motor to a friend of my dad's, who worked at the shop as head mechanic. I don't believe he ever used it and I'm sure it is still brand-new. I have no idea who might own it now. He also built boats, and I worked on a few, both wood, glass covered wood and all fiberglass. After he died, however, we sold the biz and I've just been an occasional boat owner. Besides, I worked off and on in the boat business and inherited it when he died. So, as I said, I'm knee-deep in boat heritage. Oh, and I had some friends who died in the service, too, but it wasn't for what they believed in. They were drafted, shipped to Vietnam and came back in body bags. During the war, he turned out experimental brass shell casings for the Army and hopped up outboards for the Navy, which wanted to use them on smaller landing craft. I had photos at one time of my father with Ole Evinrude himself. My mother knew one of Evinrude's wives...she was a minor movie star or singer...I forgot which. Maybe both. Have you ever sailed from San Francisco to Hawaii? I have. Have you ever rounded Cape Horn? I have, twice. Have you ever transited the Panama Canal? I have. Have you owned more than 20 boats in your lifetime? I have. Have you ever sailed large boats competitively? I have. Have you ever been hundreds of miles from land in a powerboat under your command? I have. My father and his chief mechanic once crossed the Atlantic in winter in a 22' boat powered by twin outboards. Yes, it is possible, even the fuel. Got a "fireboat" welcome in NYC. Here are some: Hatteras 43' sportfish Swan 41' racing/cruising sloop Morgan 33 O'Day 30 Cruisers, Inc., Mackinac 22 Century Coronado Bill Luders 16, as sweet a sailboat as ever caught a breeze. Century 19' wood lapstrake with side wheel steering Cruisers, Inc. 18' and 16' wood lapstrakes Wolverines. Molded plywood. Gorgeous. Several. 14,15,17 footers with various Evinrudes Lighting class sailboat Botved Coronet with twin 50 hp Evinrudes. Interesting boat. Aristocraft (a piece of junk...13', fast, held together with spit) Alcort Sunfish Ancarrow Marine Aquiflyer. 22' footer with two Caddy Crusaders. Guaranteed 60 mph. In the late 1950's. Skimmar brand skiff Arkansas Traveler fiberglass bowrider (I think it was a bowrider) Dyer Dhow Su-Mark round bilge runabout, fiberglass Penn Yan runabouts. Wood. Old Town wood and canvas canoe Old Town sailing canoe...different than above canoe Sometime in the early 1960s, I was driving back from Ft. Leonard Wood to Kansas City in a nice old MGA I owned at the time. About halfway hoe it started raining heavily, I turned on the wipers, and EVERY SINGLE electrical accessory and light in the car flashed on, there was a large popping sound and it all blew out at once. And the car caught fire. I pulled over to the side of the road, watched the fire, removed my license plate and hitched on home. For all I know, that old MGA is still there. Sure was a pretty little car. Puh-lease, Karen. You've not seen nor have I ever posted one example of my professional writings on building structure and the effects on it of hurricane-force winds and seismic activity. I haven't done any of these in at least 10 year, but at the time I was field researching, photographing and writing these reports, they were quite accurate, topical and well-received by their intended audiences. A small fleet of Polar skiffs were purchased by an inshore bait, tackle and boat rental business on the ICW in NE Florida. These boats were not used on open waters. Within 90 days, cracks developed in the liners that also served as the deck over the flotation in the bottom of the hulls. A guide I know, one whose boats and engines are supplied to him by manufacturers, also had a Polar skiff go bad on him for the same reasons -liner and then hull fractures. Harry has claimed to have a 20 yrs his junior beautiful wife, he even put a fake pic of a beautiful woman on a website once claiming it was his "young bride", he may have a wife, although I doubt it, we don't like nor tolerate misogynists for long. Needless to say he's made up many "dramatic" over the top stories over the years about this lie to feed his ego & pretend he's the centre of attention, but as with his boat claims & other crap, there's never once been even a shred of independently verifiable material. After he stalked Madcow in real life, which was most frightening, I do suspect he's very very dangerous & that this "bride" story is his delusional appropriation of his, probably court ordered, treating psychotherapist as "wife" (it seems he was under lock & key for what?? over a year??? a sexual deviant maybe??), have a read of just a small part of his BS & make up your own mind, it's all about free choice:-) 1. She *is* my bride. There are no rules that determine the end of "bride-hood." If I want to refer to her as my bride, I may. 2. As a professional writer, I know the rules of language and am entitled to break them in exercise of my license. 3. I doubt many married women would object to their husbands lovingly referring to them as brides. The connotations are pleasant. 4. She's 20 years younger than I am. Naw. What happened was that I handled a couple of "political" consulting jobs funded out of the DC area to help a few candidates and defeat a couple of ballot issues. Through no fault of mine, we won each of the races, so some of the deep pockets types based in the DC area think I actually *know something* about the process. I was offered a contract that requires my presence in DC quite frequently. My bride also was offered a job up here that represented a significant professional career move. So, we're "up here" much of the time and "down there" the rest of it, except when we're "somewhere else." I've been back to Jax (well, really south of Jax) five times since coming "up here" late last summer and my bride just returned from a business trip there. I swear this is true. Here's a funny. My bride had to fly out to San Diego Wednesday and hitched a ride on her company's corporate jet. They landed in Salina, Kansas, which is due north of Wichita and Skippy's suburb of Derby. So when she gets to San Diego, I get a call asking, "What the hell did you do in Kansas...we didn't fly over one significant patch of water...?" Harry, you make over 500 posts a week to this group and you don't own a boat? And why are you so crabby? Maybe these two factors are related? One has to own something to use it? Hmmm. My bride drives off in her car every day, but she doesn't own it. I'm not crabby. You asked for advice I gave you some. I questioned your wanting to take a very small boat out into high seas and suddenly you turned sour. It's your pot; you are the one stewing in it. No, it is the boat of a friend. It is a 24' ProLine center console with, if I recall, a 225 hp Merc on it. It was a dark and stormy day in January (1997) when we went out, but the sky cleared once we got out to the Gulf Stream. Bride and I caught and released: 1 white marlin 12-15 yellowtail snappers, maybe two pounds each. Pretty, pretty fish. Assorted red snappers 1 amberjack 2 jack crevalle jacks 1 snook Nondescript sharks Did you spend a year as a line psychotherapist at a 650-bed state hospital for forensic patients? Did you spend a year as senior psychotherapist at a county facility for substance abusers? Did you spend two years as chief of therapy at a private, 200-bed facility for the mentally and emotionally ill, at which approximately half the patients were trying to beat drugs or alcohol? Are you currently chief of therapy for a for a multi-practitioner practice of some 825 patients, about a third of which are seeking help for substance abuse problems? Licensed psychotherapist Screening as to character and background for each degree earned On-going screening by faculty while in educational system Interviews and screenings for required years of internships, plus, at the same time, supervision by a licensed professional. Close professional and personal supervision by a licensed therapist for two years of employment before being allowed to apply for licensure Licensure background check, submission of recommendations by licensed practitioners Four hour written examination on state laws Five hour written examination on diagnosis, procedure and practice My wife went through this before becoming licensed. Her final internship was as a psychotherapist at a 600-bed high security state psychiatric hospital where, on a daily basis, she was exposed to more danger than your average soldier. My wife worked for a year as psychotherapist in a Florida 600-bed state mental institution for forensic patients. She saw and treated numerous sexual deviants who do a bit more than expose themselves. Such "treatment" is part of being in the mental health professions. You see, I'm a nautical psychotherapist, and for only $125 an hour, until their health insurance runs out, I help Bayliner owners overcome their feelings of boatable inadequacy. She is a licensed, practicing psychotherapist and often tells me I am the sanest person she sees each day. Which can be taken any way one likes. 1. I'm married to a psychotherapist. Live-in therapy, dontcha know? And much of Freud is passe. My ex-wife surpassed the anti-Christ at least a decade ago. They're not actually "free" moments. I go to boat dealers to round-up Bayliner owners who are trying to find one who will take their own version of flotsam and jetsam in on trade. 1. The address listed is not a home address. It is an office. 2. I have three phone numbers. The phone number listed is not one of mine. It has never been one of mine. The phone number *did* belong to an after-hours message recording hotline my wife maintained for her most mentally disturbed patients. Some of these troubled souls were court-ordered referrals. *Every* call to that phone number--every call--was recorded AND because of the nature of the line, my wife had the ability to alert the telephone company to trace the phone number of every incoming call to that line, *even* if the person making the call tried to block his number. Why, you might ask? Because when you are dealing with suicidal people, they'll liable to tell their therapist over the phone that they are planning to take their life. If the therapist believes the threat is real, she or he will want to dispatch emergency srvices and perhaps the police. In the years my wife has provided this pro bono service, she has never received a threatening or abusive call from a mentally ill patient or court-ordered referral. However, after the ranking Flaming Ass of this newsgroup posted the hotline number in this newsgroup, she received a number of abusive, foul-mouthed AND life-threatening calls. These were mostly directed at me but, of course, I never received them BECAUSE (duh!) the phone is not mine and I've never answered it. Naturally, my wife alerted the authorities, with whom she works closely because of her court-referred patients. The authorities are investigating the callers and have involved both the FBI *and* authorities in other states, including Florida, Georgia, California and Texas. Working with the telephone company, the authorities have been able to trace the origin of virtually every abusive call. And, of course, they have the tape recordings of the abusive messages. Several suspects have been identified. I really don't know what the outcome of all this will be. We haven't had an update in several weeks, nor are either of us here that interested in the sleazeballs that would make such calls. The phone number, of course, is "wired," so when the obnoxious calls came in from the idiot rec.boaters, the numbers were easy enough to trace. The local police handled a complaint, the local telco was involved and when it was discovered the point of origin was out of state, the FBI got involved. At least one of the idiots was caught and prosecuted. As far as I can tell, he has not posted here again WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich blasted the State Department Tuesday for a series of what he described as diplomatic failures leading up to the war with Iraq, and warned that the pattern is poised to repeat itself. In a speech delivered at the American Enterprise Institute, a think tank in Washington, Gingrich contrasted the experience of the State Department with the Defense Department. He said the State Department had failed in its efforts to apply diplomatic pressure to persuade Iraq to disarm and comply with U.N. resolutions, and it is time for "bold, dramatic change" at the department. "The last seven months have involved six months of diplomatic failure and one month of military success," said Gingrich, who sits on a Pentagon advisory committee. "The first days after military victory indicate the pattern of diplomatic failure is beginning once again and threatens to undo the effects of military victory." |
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basskisser wrote:
"John Gaquin" wrote in message ... "basskisser" wrote in message WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich blasted the State Department Tuesday Seven months old. Best shot? Nah, a person can cut and paste the failings of the POTUS non-stop.: U.S. Strike Mistakenly Kills Nine Children By Jeremy Reynalds Talon News December 8, 2003 HUTALA, AFGHANISTAN (Talon News) -- Hats and shoes littered a blood-stained field in a desolate Afghan village Sunday, a day after U.S. warplanes targeting a terror suspect mistakenly killed nine children. Is the left so dumb they can't even write anything of their own?? all we see are the usual suspects pasting OT lies or deceptions. Harry or course is flexible, he pastes OT lies & makes up his own on topic lies, what a liar!!! the undisputed king of BS!!! Sad definitely, but a lesson to the rabble, don't let your country get so lawless that we feel threatened, because we will come & sort the place out for you, yes even though the russions coouldn't for 20 yrs. We are sad about civillian casualties, however we too have suffered thousands in 911 & subsequent attacks. The Associated Press (AP) reported that American officials offered their regrets Sunday and said they were "deeply saddened" by the deaths. While the Afghan government urged the U.S.-led coalition hunting Taliban and al Qaeda fighters to make sure such an accident is never repeated, the United Nations called for an investigation. In Hutala on Sunday, a line of fresh graves marked the tragedy, and village men stood by a stream in a dusty field where the children had been playing. "First they fire their rockets. Then they say it was a mistake... How can we forgive them?" Haji Amir Mohammed told the AP, as American soldiers sent to investigate the incident offered condolences. We don't want your forgiveness we want you to stop terrorists using your countrry to train, group, equip & then send out killers to murder our citizens thousands at a time. It's sad but sorry the days of you getting away with "it wasn't "me" personally are over. If you can';t run your country we'll come & run it for you. According to the AP, villagers said the young victims had been playing with marbles in a dusty field beside mud homes in the impoverished valley, about 150 miles southwest of Kabul, when the A-10 ground attack aircraft homed in. According to what I saw live on TV innocent people of all ages & genders were throwing themselves to their death rather than face what was happening behind them, thankfully we'll never know the true horror that drove these brave innocent people to such lengths, sad isn't it, so we can match you sad for sad. Military officials said Sunday they had no idea children were in the area when they launched the strike. U.S. Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad said the suspect targeted and killed was a former Taliban commander named Mullah Wazir, telling the AP he was "deeply saddened" by the "tragic loss of innocent life." Absolutely & again so even the left might understand we NEVER set out to hurt innocents, however yes it will happen becaseu the cowards hide behind them. It's time societies stood up & were counted they all say it's not our fault yet they allow criminals to run their countries for years, however when they killing us on mass, enough is enough. It's called war. Khalilzad said the former Taliban commander "had bragged of his personal involvement in attacks on innocent Afghan citizens," including aid groups and Afghans working on the Kabul-Kandahar road, a site of frequent violence. Lt. Col. Bryan Hilferty, a spokesman for the coalition, told the AP in Hutala that it had appeared to the pilot of the aircraft that "just that person that we wanted, that terrorist, was in the field. So we fired on him." & those that were in the next village are well advised to help us track these terrorists because their village had better not be found to hide any west terrorists or ......... & sorry lots of women, children old etc etc pet goldfish were killed in london, dresden, pearl harbour & a couple of japanese cities. Sad but behave or reap the whirlwind!! Troops discovered the children's bodies after rushing to the scene to verify that they had got Wazir. U.S. officers flew in Sunday to apologize to village elders, Hilferty told the AP. However, village residents told the AP that the military had acted on bad intelligence. Many said the man killed was not Wazir, and that the former district commander under the Taliban had left the village some days before the attack. Gee I just can't remember the terrorists apologising for killing thousands of citizens not ever & on a personal note I don't believe you should either. "There are no terrorists, no Taliban or al-Qaida here," said Abdul Majid Farooqi. "Just poor people." So get off your poor arses & actually help track these people down there's only so much endless aid can do, in the end they need to start acting to help themselves. The taliban could never have done what it did without the tacit compliance of villages like this & they need to understand the very real risks they run in even being seen not to actively help you. The AP reported that the 11,500 U.S.-led troops hunting Taliban and al-Qaida remnants in south and east Afghanistan are often supported by air power, and there have been a string of (alleged) military mishaps. The worst incident occurred in July 2002, when Afghan officials said 48 civilians at a wedding party were killed and 117 wounded by a U.S. Air Force AC-130 gunship in Uruzgan province, which borders Ghazni province. 42?? not even a tiny number, why are they so concerned all they need do is actually help hunt the terrorists, instead of remaining silent or worse harbouring them. On April 9, a U.S. warplane mistakenly bombed a home in the eastern town of Shkin, killing 11 civilians. Another air strike in Nuristan province in eastern Afghanistan on Oct. 31 reportedly killed at least eight civilians in a house, the AP said. 11 sorry atl man we need to see a deliberate act that kills thousands (thousands!!) of innocent people going about their normal work day, then you can have your boo hoo lefty tears, gee did 911 even bother you a little bit??? "This incident, which follows similar incidents, adds to a sense of insecurity and fear in the country," the AP reported that Lakhdar Brahimi, the U.N. Special Representative to Afghanistan, said in Kabul. Good!! that's good now stop helping terrorists to attack us. The Afghan government said it fully supported fighting terrorism but urged the U.S.-led coalition to "be very careful not to repeat such tragedies." It shouldn't ever be an afghan govt again it should be a state of the US, they & we'd be better off. The Us & the west in general has great religious tolerance so they could then practice their religion to their hearts' content, also we'd help the drug problem AND stop terrorists using the place AND make is clear to any other BS regime that letting it happen again won't be tolerated. Likewise stay in Iraq never not ever give it back!!!. Also Sunday, officials told the AP that two Turkish engineers and an Afghan had been kidnapped along the road being build between the capital, Kabul and the city of Kandahar, bringing to five the number of workers abducted in Afghanistan in the last few days. Are you serious that his few pastes mean anything?? I know the left is an empty box but honestly this is just crap. More than that were "kidnapped" by drug cartels in central america every wednesday morning before morning tea. Taliban attacks have plagued the flagship road construction project. Four workers were killed in August, and de-mining operations along the road were suspended last month after a carjacking. A Turkish engineer was abducted along the road Oct. 30 and released after one month. As I said it's war & those attacks get tacit help even by silence from the villagers, the same ones they cry boo hoo when they pay the price. The Taliban, whose hard-line Islamic regime was ousted from power in a U.S.-led offensive in late 2001, have stepped up attacks in recent months, targeting foreign aid workers and perceived allies of the coalition. Which of this is a surprise, I know that the sun comes up every morning is a mystery to the left, but honestly what's the surprise in this, it's called war!!! they attack pearl harbour we attack them, innocent people die. International aid agencies have reduced operations in Afghanistan's south and east due to escalating violence, the AP reported. Good!!! Again they don't seem to be helpful enough either in fighting terrorism indeed they even give humanitarian aid to people who are or help terrorists, & it's US taxpayers money!!! Grow up. Tell me if you need more. Please yes yes!!! Is this all the left has??? What war is hell?? The thing is it's war in the attackers country & they've still not been able to touch you, so thank you Mr Bush!!! K Here's some of Harry's lies for you, just to bring back old memories:-) I'm doing my part to ease unemployment. I'm hiring another writer for my staff. Will be putting the ad on MONSTER.COM and in the Wash Post. I need more staff because 2004 is a major election year and business booked to date indicates we'll be drowning in work. We need to hire a production coordinator, too. It has very little to do with the state of the economy, other than using it as reason to defeat Republicrap candidates. I'm doing my part to ease unemployment. I'm hiring another writer for my staff. Will be putting the ad on MONSTER.COM and in the Wash Post. We have first-class benefits, including a top-of-the-line health insurance plan, a non-contributory defined-benefit pension plan, a 401k, and a life insurance policy equal to annual salary. We contribute a share of profits to the 401k on behalf of the employee. Our employees pay $4.50 for generic prescriptions and $8.00 for non-generics, but that's going up next year to $10 and $15. New employees get two weeks vacation the first year, and that goes to three weeks the third year. In addition, we have 12 paid holidays and we shut down from noon on Christmas eve to the day after New Year's Day. We also provide 20 days of paid sick leave a year. And we have an outside company administering pre-tax flexible bennies for our employees. Our fringe benefit package follows the trade union model, except, of course, for the profit contributions to 401k's. Trade unions are not-for-profit enterprises. How do these compare to the bennies at your shop? Paid? Every year? I call "bull****". With 3 weeks vacation, 12 paid holidays, and 20 paid sick days that's 47 *paid* days off every year. Are they hourly employees? For a "small business", that's the road to bankruptcy. Boy...and you had me going there for a minute. Not quite so simple, though you are trying hard to make it so. Our business is up because we're on the cusp of an election year. Our business always goes up in a major election year. You could say we're going to be doing very well in 2004 because Bush is such a total failure. The 20 paid sick days aren't part of the "paid" days off unless those days are used. None of our people abuses sick leave. In fact, no one as yet has even come close to using 20 sick days in one year. They're there in case they're needed. Oh, I forgot. We also provide everyone with LTD. The company provides an insurance plan that pays 50% of an employe's salary for Long Term Disability. Employes have the option of purchasing an additional 16.66%, bringing their total to 66.66%. The basic benefit maximum is $4,000 per month. With the buy up, the limit is increased to $10,000 per month. Here's just some of his prior lies (in his own words pasted); I sold off nearly $3,000,000 in new motors and boats, depressing the new boat industry in southern Connecticut for an entire season. Everything was sold...every cotter pin, every quart of oil, 30 days after I started. For near full-retail, too. He had just under $1,000,000 on floor plan with a syndicate of banks led by National Shawmut of Boston. He had been a solid customer of that back for more than 20 years and they gave him great rates. As far as your other complaints, well, almost every president in my memory, and I *remember* Truman, Eisenhower (who cheated on his wife), Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan and Bush, lied and participated in deceit to one degree or another, and on issues far more important than who was giving them blow jobs. Good lord. I met *every* president in the damned group except Bush, and I worked once for his father. My father used to pray that the north shore of LI Sound would be hit by a mild hurricane. No one injured, no on-shore property damaged, but lots of boats sunk. Preferably early in July. We had the Hatteras for two years. Last year, out of the cold clear, a broker approached me with an offer to buy. Our continued Florida lifestyle was somewhat up in the air, because the two breadwinners hereabouts were about to be offered long-term but temporary assignments they could not refuse in the Washington, D.C., area. So, after being romanced a little, we sold the Hatt for almost precisely what we paid for it. Not bad, after two full years of use. And I mean full years. So, we didn't "make" any money off the Hatt, but we didn't lose any, either. The proceeds were prudently invested. The PWC was won as a prize in a raffle. Never mind that. Why does he have a Bilgeliner in front of his office? Is it a display of "Boating Don'ts?" Yeah, when we were in the boat biz, my father always had one or two "around the back" that he was forced to take in trade. These were sold as "as is, where is." He made sure the engine would start and run. Beyond that, it was up to the prospective buyer to decide if he wanted it. They moved off the lot pretty quikly, partially because my dad's main store was on a highly trafficked commercial route with lots of manufacturing and machining and aerospace plants near by. In those days, workers at these places could fix anything. Actually, Dipper, I don't think my father ever saw a Bayliner. But he still called bumpers bumpers. -- Bayliner wined and dined my father a half dozen times to entice him into becoming its dealer. His operation was the largest small boat dealership in its area of New England, and for 30 years, he was the *exclusive* Evinrude dealer in a densely populated coastal county. He also handled Mercuries. He never liked Bayliners, and referred to them as "jerry-built." From 1947 until he died, he sold more than 500 outboard motors a year from his stores, accounting for a reasonably high percentage of *all* outboards sold in his home state for those years. This is a killer. My father was in the boat business dating back to right after the Big War. When he died and I was looking through his warehouse, I found wrapped in a nuclear fall-out bag (no kidding), a brand-new 1949 Evinrude 8015 50 hp outboard. The motor was a gift to my father from Evinrude for winning some outboard stock utility or hydroplane race. I gave the motor to a friend of my dad's, who worked at the shop as head mechanic. I don't believe he ever used it and I'm sure it is still brand-new. I have no idea who might own it now. He also built boats, and I worked on a few, both wood, glass covered wood and all fiberglass. After he died, however, we sold the biz and I've just been an occasional boat owner. Besides, I worked off and on in the boat business and inherited it when he died. So, as I said, I'm knee-deep in boat heritage. Oh, and I had some friends who died in the service, too, but it wasn't for what they believed in. They were drafted, shipped to Vietnam and came back in body bags. During the war, he turned out experimental brass shell casings for the Army and hopped up outboards for the Navy, which wanted to use them on smaller landing craft. I had photos at one time of my father with Ole Evinrude himself. My mother knew one of Evinrude's wives...she was a minor movie star or singer...I forgot which. Maybe both. Have you ever sailed from San Francisco to Hawaii? I have. Have you ever rounded Cape Horn? I have, twice. Have you ever transited the Panama Canal? I have. Have you owned more than 20 boats in your lifetime? I have. Have you ever sailed large boats competitively? I have. Have you ever been hundreds of miles from land in a powerboat under your command? I have. My father and his chief mechanic once crossed the Atlantic in winter in a 22' boat powered by twin outboards. Yes, it is possible, even the fuel. Got a "fireboat" welcome in NYC. Here are some: Hatteras 43' sportfish Swan 41' racing/cruising sloop Morgan 33 O'Day 30 Cruisers, Inc., Mackinac 22 Century Coronado Bill Luders 16, as sweet a sailboat as ever caught a breeze. Century 19' wood lapstrake with side wheel steering Cruisers, Inc. 18' and 16' wood lapstrakes Wolverines. Molded plywood. Gorgeous. Several. 14,15,17 footers with various Evinrudes Lighting class sailboat Botved Coronet with twin 50 hp Evinrudes. Interesting boat. Aristocraft (a piece of junk...13', fast, held together with spit) Alcort Sunfish Ancarrow Marine Aquiflyer. 22' footer with two Caddy Crusaders. Guaranteed 60 mph. In the late 1950's. Skimmar brand skiff Arkansas Traveler fiberglass bowrider (I think it was a bowrider) Dyer Dhow Su-Mark round bilge runabout, fiberglass Penn Yan runabouts. Wood. Old Town wood and canvas canoe Old Town sailing canoe...different than above canoe Sometime in the early 1960s, I was driving back from Ft. Leonard Wood to Kansas City in a nice old MGA I owned at the time. About halfway home it started raining heavily, I turned on the wipers, and EVERY SINGLE electrical accessory and light in the car flashed on, there was a large popping sound and it all blew out at once. And the car caught fire. I pulled over to the side of the road, watched the fire, removed my license plate and hitched on home. For all I know, that old MGA is still there. Sure was a pretty little car. Puh-lease, Karen. You've not seen nor have I ever posted one example of my professional writings on building structure and the effects on it of hurricane-force winds and seismic activity. I haven't done any of these in at least 10 year, but at the time I was field researching, photographing and writing these reports, they were quite accurate, topical and well-received by their intended audiences. A small fleet of Polar skiffs were purchased by an inshore bait, tackle and boat rental business on the ICW in NE Florida. These boats were not used on open waters. Within 90 days, cracks developed in the liners that also served as the deck over the flotation in the bottom of the hulls. A guide I know, one whose boats and engines are supplied to him by manufacturers, also had a Polar skiff go bad on him for the same reasons -liner and then hull fractures. Harry has claimed to have a 20 yrs his junior beautiful wife, he even put a fake pic of a beautiful woman on a website once claiming it was his "young bride", he may have a wife, although I doubt it, we don't like nor tolerate misogynists for long. Needless to say he's made up many "dramatic" over the top stories over the years about this lie to feed his ego & pretend he's the centre of attention, but as with his boat claims & other crap, there's never once been even a shred of independently verifiable material. After he stalked Madcow in real life, which was most frightening, I do suspect he's very very dangerous & that this "bride" story is his delusional appropriation of his, probably court ordered, treating psychotherapist as "wife" (it seems he was under lock & key for what?? over a year??? a sexual deviant maybe??), have a read of just a small part of his BS & make up your own mind, it's all about free choice:-) 1. She *is* my bride. There are no rules that determine the end of "bride-hood." If I want to refer to her as my bride, I may. 2. As a professional writer, I know the rules of language and am entitled to break them in exercise of my license. 3. I doubt many married women would object to their husbands lovingly referring to them as brides. The connotations are pleasant. 4. She's 20 years younger than I am. Naw. What happened was that I handled a couple of "political" consulting jobs funded out of the DC area to help a few candidates and defeat a couple of ballot issues. Through no fault of mine, we won each of the races, so some of the deep pockets types based in the DC area think I actually *know something* about the process. I was offered a contract that requires my presence in DC quite frequently. My bride also was offered a job up here that represented a significant professional career move. So, we're "up here" much of the time and "down there" the rest of it, except when we're "somewhere else." I've been back to Jax (well, really south of Jax) five times since coming "up here" late last summer and my bride just returned from a business trip there. I swear this is true. Here's a funny. My bride had to fly out to San Diego Wednesday and hitched a ride on her company's corporate jet. They landed in Salina, Kansas, which is due north of Wichita and Skippy's suburb of Derby. So when she gets to San Diego, I get a call asking, "What the hell did you do in Kansas...we didn't fly over one significant patch of water...?" Harry, you make over 500 posts a week to this group and you don't own a boat? And why are you so crabby? Maybe these two factors are related? One has to own something to use it? Hmmm. My bride drives off in her car every day, but she doesn't own it. I'm not crabby. You asked for advice I gave you some. I questioned your wanting to take a very small boat out into high seas and suddenly you turned sour. It's your pot; you are the one stewing in it. No, it is the boat of a friend. It is a 24' ProLine center console with, if I recall, a 225 hp Merc on it. It was a dark and stormy day in January (1997) when we went out, but the sky cleared once we got out to the Gulf Stream. Bride and I caught and released: 1 white marlin 12-15 yellowtail snappers, maybe two pounds each. Pretty, pretty fish. Assorted red snappers 1 amberjack 2 jack crevalle jacks 1 snook Nondescript sharks Did you spend a year as a line psychotherapist at a 650-bed state hospital for forensic patients? Did you spend a year as senior psychotherapist at a county facility for substance abusers? Did you spend two years as chief of therapy at a private, 200-bed facility for the mentally and emotionally ill, at which approximately half the patients were trying to beat drugs or alcohol? Are you currently chief of therapy for a for a multi-practitioner practice of some 825 patients, about a third of which are seeking help for substance abuse problems? Licensed psychotherapist Screening as to character and background for each degree earned On-going screening by faculty while in educational system Interviews and screenings for required years of internships, plus, at the same time, supervision by a licensed professional. Close professional and personal supervision by a licensed therapist for two years of employment before being allowed to apply for licensure Licensure background check, submission of recommendations by licensed practitioners Four hour written examination on state laws Five hour written examination on diagnosis, procedure and practice My wife went through this before becoming licensed. Her final internship was as a psychotherapist at a 600-bed high security state psychiatric hospital where, on a daily basis, she was exposed to more danger than your average soldier. My wife worked for a year as psychotherapist in a Florida 600-bed state mental institution for forensic patients. She saw and treated numerous sexual deviants who do a bit more than expose themselves. Such "treatment" is part of being in the mental health professions. You see, I'm a nautical psychotherapist, and for only $125 an hour, until their health insurance runs out, I help Bayliner owners overcome their feelings of boatable inadequacy. She is a licensed, practicing psychotherapist and often tells me I am the sanest person she sees each day. Which can be taken any way one likes. 1. I'm married to a psychotherapist. Live-in therapy, dontcha know? And much of Freud is passe. My ex-wife surpassed the anti-Christ at least a decade ago. They're not actually "free" moments. I go to boat dealers to round-up Bayliner owners who are trying to find one who will take their own version of flotsam and jetsam in on trade. 1. The address listed is not a home address. It is an office. 2. I have three phone numbers. The phone number listed is not one of mine. It has never been one of mine. The phone number *did* belong to an after-hours message recording hotline my wife maintained for her most mentally disturbed patients. Some of these troubled souls were court-ordered referrals. *Every* call to that phone number--every call--was recorded AND because of the nature of the line, my wife had the ability to alert the telephone company to trace the phone number of every incoming call to that line, *even* if the person making the call tried to block his number. Why, you might ask? Because when you are dealing with suicidal people, they'll liable to tell their therapist over the phone that they are planning to take their life. If the therapist believes the threat is real, she or he will want to dispatch emergency srvices and perhaps the police. In the years my wife has provided this pro bono service, she has never received a threatening or abusive call from a mentally ill patient or court-ordered referral. However, after the ranking Flaming Ass of this newsgroup posted the hotline number in this newsgroup, she received a number of abusive, foul-mouthed AND life-threatening calls. These were mostly directed at me but, of course, I never received them BECAUSE (duh!) the phone is not mine and I've never answered it. Naturally, my wife alerted the authorities, with whom she works closely because of her court-referred patients. The authorities are investigating the callers and have involved both the FBI *and* authorities in other states, including Florida, Georgia, California and Texas. Working with the telephone company, the authorities have been able to trace the origin of virtually every abusive call. And, of course, they have the tape recordings of the abusive messages. Several suspects have been identified. I really don't know what the outcome of all this will be. We haven't had an update in several weeks, nor are either of us here that interested in the sleazeballs that would make such calls. The phone number, of course, is "wired," so when the obnoxious calls came in from the idiot rec.boaters, the numbers were easy enough to trace. The local police handled a complaint, the local telco was involved and when it was discovered the point of origin was out of state, the FBI got involved. At least one of the idiots was caught and prosecuted. As far as I can tell, he has not posted here again |
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basskisser wrote:
"John Gaquin" wrote in message ... "basskisser" wrote in message WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich blasted the State Department Tuesday Seven months old. Best shot? Nah, a person can cut and paste the failings of the POTUS non-stop.: U.S. Strike Mistakenly Kills Nine Children By Jeremy Reynalds Talon News December 8, 2003 HUTALA, AFGHANISTAN (Talon News) -- Hats and shoes littered a blood-stained field in a desolate Afghan village Sunday, a day after U.S. warplanes targeting a terror suspect mistakenly killed nine children. The Associated Press (AP) reported that American officials offered their regrets Sunday and said they were "deeply saddened" by the deaths. While the Afghan government urged the U.S.-led coalition hunting Taliban and al Qaeda fighters to make sure such an accident is never repeated, the United Nations called for an investigation. In Hutala on Sunday, a line of fresh graves marked the tragedy, and village men stood by a stream in a dusty field where the children had been playing. "First they fire their rockets. Then they say it was a mistake... How can we forgive them?" Haji Amir Mohammed told the AP, as American soldiers sent to investigate the incident offered condolences. According to the AP, villagers said the young victims had been playing with marbles in a dusty field beside mud homes in the impoverished valley, about 150 miles southwest of Kabul, when the A-10 ground attack aircraft homed in. Military officials said Sunday they had no idea children were in the area when they launched the strike. U.S. Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad said the suspect targeted and killed was a former Taliban commander named Mullah Wazir, telling the AP he was "deeply saddened" by the "tragic loss of innocent life." Khalilzad said the former Taliban commander "had bragged of his personal involvement in attacks on innocent Afghan citizens," including aid groups and Afghans working on the Kabul-Kandahar road, a site of frequent violence. Lt. Col. Bryan Hilferty, a spokesman for the coalition, told the AP in Hutala that it had appeared to the pilot of the aircraft that "just that person that we wanted, that terrorist, was in the field. So we fired on him." Troops discovered the children's bodies after rushing to the scene to verify that they had got Wazir. U.S. officers flew in Sunday to apologize to village elders, Hilferty told the AP. However, village residents told the AP that the military had acted on bad intelligence. Many said the man killed was not Wazir, and that the former district commander under the Taliban had left the village some days before the attack. "There are no terrorists, no Taliban or al-Qaida here," said Abdul Majid Farooqi. "Just poor people." The AP reported that the 11,500 U.S.-led troops hunting Taliban and al-Qaida remnants in south and east Afghanistan are often supported by air power, and there have been a string of (alleged) military mishaps. The worst incident occurred in July 2002, when Afghan officials said 48 civilians at a wedding party were killed and 117 wounded by a U.S. Air Force AC-130 gunship in Uruzgan province, which borders Ghazni province. On April 9, a U.S. warplane mistakenly bombed a home in the eastern town of Shkin, killing 11 civilians. Another air strike in Nuristan province in eastern Afghanistan on Oct. 31 reportedly killed at least eight civilians in a house, the AP said. "This incident, which follows similar incidents, adds to a sense of insecurity and fear in the country," the AP reported that Lakhdar Brahimi, the U.N. Special Representative to Afghanistan, said in Kabul. The Afghan government said it fully supported fighting terrorism but urged the U.S.-led coalition to "be very careful not to repeat such tragedies." Also Sunday, officials told the AP that two Turkish engineers and an Afghan had been kidnapped along the road being build between the capital, Kabul and the city of Kandahar, bringing to five the number of workers abducted in Afghanistan in the last few days. Taliban attacks have plagued the flagship road construction project. Four workers were killed in August, and de-mining operations along the road were suspended last month after a carjacking. A Turkish engineer was abducted along the road Oct. 30 and released after one month. The Taliban, whose hard-line Islamic regime was ousted from power in a U.S.-led offensive in late 2001, have stepped up attacks in recent months, targeting foreign aid workers and perceived allies of the coalition. International aid agencies have reduced operations in Afghanistan's south and east due to escalating violence, the AP reported. Tell me if you need more. We went out to eat tonight at one of our favorite restaurants in Deale, and I struck up a conversation with three folks in the bar. One mentioned that he really was distressed by Bush, and it pained him, because he was a conservative Republican, had always voted Republican, but was going to vote for a Democrat next fall, unless Howard Dean won the nomination. Why is that, I asked? Because Bush has single-handedly ruined our relationships with countries all over the world and...and I just loved this coming from a Republican conservative..."he seems to lie an awful lot." Made my night. Even more than the extra two hours we spent at the restaurant because we locked our keys inside the car. Don't ask. -- Email sent to is never read. |
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![]() "Harry Krause" wrote in message - We went out to eat tonight at one of our favorite restaurants in Deale, and I struck up a conversation with three folks in the bar. One mentioned that he really was distressed by Bush, and it pained him, because he was a conservative Republican, had always voted Republican, but was going to vote for a Democrat next fall, unless Howard Dean won the nomination. Why is that, I asked? You should have asked him why he was voting for a Democrat...unless Dean won the nomination. Afterall, he's the most liberal of the bunch...and most often spews the same extreme leftist views as you. |
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NOYB wrote:
"Harry Krause" wrote in message - We went out to eat tonight at one of our favorite restaurants in Deale, and I struck up a conversation with three folks in the bar. One mentioned that he really was distressed by Bush, and it pained him, because he was a conservative Republican, had always voted Republican, but was going to vote for a Democrat next fall, unless Howard Dean won the nomination. Why is that, I asked? You should have asked him why he was voting for a Democrat...unless Dean won the nomination. Afterall, he's the most liberal of the bunch...and most often spews the same extreme leftist views as you. At this point, I'm not too concerned about which of a handful of Democrats wins the nomination and goes on to nail Bush. I don't know Dean, but if he is the nominee, I certainly will support him and do whatever I can to help. All the candidates who have a serious chance of winning the Democratic nomination are smarter than Bush and would make better Presidents. Ker-ripes, a doorknob would be a brighter President than Bush. And Bush lies. About everything. -- Email sent to is never read. |
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Harry Krause wrote:
basskisser wrote: "John Gaquin" wrote in message ... "basskisser" wrote in message WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich blasted the State Department Tuesday Seven months old. Best shot? Nah, a person can cut and paste the failings of the POTUS non-stop.: U.S. Strike Mistakenly Kills Nine Children By Jeremy Reynalds Talon News December 8, 2003 HUTALA, AFGHANISTAN (Talon News) -- Hats and shoes littered a blood-stained field in a desolate Afghan village Sunday, a day after U.S. warplanes targeting a terror suspect mistakenly killed nine children. The Associated Press (AP) reported that American officials offered their regrets Sunday and said they were "deeply saddened" by the deaths. While the Afghan government urged the U.S.-led coalition hunting Taliban and al Qaeda fighters to make sure such an accident is never repeated, the United Nations called for an investigation. In Hutala on Sunday, a line of fresh graves marked the tragedy, and village men stood by a stream in a dusty field where the children had been playing. "First they fire their rockets. Then they say it was a mistake... How can we forgive them?" Haji Amir Mohammed told the AP, as American soldiers sent to investigate the incident offered condolences. According to the AP, villagers said the young victims had been playing with marbles in a dusty field beside mud homes in the impoverished valley, about 150 miles southwest of Kabul, when the A-10 ground attack aircraft homed in. Military officials said Sunday they had no idea children were in the area when they launched the strike. U.S. Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad said the suspect targeted and killed was a former Taliban commander named Mullah Wazir, telling the AP he was "deeply saddened" by the "tragic loss of innocent life." Khalilzad said the former Taliban commander "had bragged of his personal involvement in attacks on innocent Afghan citizens," including aid groups and Afghans working on the Kabul-Kandahar road, a site of frequent violence. Lt. Col. Bryan Hilferty, a spokesman for the coalition, told the AP in Hutala that it had appeared to the pilot of the aircraft that "just that person that we wanted, that terrorist, was in the field. So we fired on him." Troops discovered the children's bodies after rushing to the scene to verify that they had got Wazir. U.S. officers flew in Sunday to apologize to village elders, Hilferty told the AP. However, village residents told the AP that the military had acted on bad intelligence. Many said the man killed was not Wazir, and that the former district commander under the Taliban had left the village some days before the attack. "There are no terrorists, no Taliban or al-Qaida here," said Abdul Majid Farooqi. "Just poor people." The AP reported that the 11,500 U.S.-led troops hunting Taliban and al-Qaida remnants in south and east Afghanistan are often supported by air power, and there have been a string of (alleged) military mishaps. The worst incident occurred in July 2002, when Afghan officials said 48 civilians at a wedding party were killed and 117 wounded by a U.S. Air Force AC-130 gunship in Uruzgan province, which borders Ghazni province. On April 9, a U.S. warplane mistakenly bombed a home in the eastern town of Shkin, killing 11 civilians. Another air strike in Nuristan province in eastern Afghanistan on Oct. 31 reportedly killed at least eight civilians in a house, the AP said. "This incident, which follows similar incidents, adds to a sense of insecurity and fear in the country," the AP reported that Lakhdar Brahimi, the U.N. Special Representative to Afghanistan, said in Kabul. The Afghan government said it fully supported fighting terrorism but urged the U.S.-led coalition to "be very careful not to repeat such tragedies." Also Sunday, officials told the AP that two Turkish engineers and an Afghan had been kidnapped along the road being build between the capital, Kabul and the city of Kandahar, bringing to five the number of workers abducted in Afghanistan in the last few days. Taliban attacks have plagued the flagship road construction project. Four workers were killed in August, and de-mining operations along the road were suspended last month after a carjacking. A Turkish engineer was abducted along the road Oct. 30 and released after one month. The Taliban, whose hard-line Islamic regime was ousted from power in a U.S.-led offensive in late 2001, have stepped up attacks in recent months, targeting foreign aid workers and perceived allies of the coalition. International aid agencies have reduced operations in Afghanistan's south and east due to escalating violence, the AP reported. Tell me if you need more. We went out to eat tonight at one of our favorite restaurants in Deale, and I struck up a conversation with three folks in the bar. One mentioned that he really was distressed by Bush, and it pained him, because he was a conservative Republican, had always voted Republican, but was going to vote for a Democrat next fall, unless Howard Dean won the nomination. Why is that, I asked? Because Bush has single-handedly ruined our relationships with countries all over the world and...and I just loved this coming from a Republican conservative..."he seems to lie an awful lot." Made my night. Even more than the extra two hours we spent at the restaurant because we locked our keys inside the car. Don't ask. Harry a lie for4 every occasion. K Here's some of Harry's lies for you, just to bring back old memories:-) I'm doing my part to ease unemployment. I'm hiring another writer for my staff. Will be putting the ad on MONSTER.COM and in the Wash Post. I need more staff because 2004 is a major election year and business booked to date indicates we'll be drowning in work. We need to hire a production coordinator, too. It has very little to do with the state of the economy, other than using it as reason to defeat Republicrap candidates. I'm doing my part to ease unemployment. I'm hiring another writer for my staff. Will be putting the ad on MONSTER.COM and in the Wash Post. We have first-class benefits, including a top-of-the-line health insurance plan, a non-contributory defined-benefit pension plan, a 401k, and a life insurance policy equal to annual salary. We contribute a share of profits to the 401k on behalf of the employee. Our employees pay $4.50 for generic prescriptions and $8.00 for non-generics, but that's going up next year to $10 and $15. New employees get two weeks vacation the first year, and that goes to three weeks the third year. In addition, we have 12 paid holidays and we shut down from noon on Christmas eve to the day after New Year's Day. We also provide 20 days of paid sick leave a year. And we have an outside company administering pre-tax flexible bennies for our employees. Our fringe benefit package follows the trade union model, except, of course, for the profit contributions to 401k's. Trade unions are not-for-profit enterprises. How do these compare to the bennies at your shop? Paid? Every year? I call "bull****". With 3 weeks vacation, 12 paid holidays, and 20 paid sick days that's 47 *paid* days off every year. Are they hourly employees? For a "small business", that's the road to bankruptcy. Boy...and you had me going there for a minute. Not quite so simple, though you are trying hard to make it so. Our business is up because we're on the cusp of an election year. Our business always goes up in a major election year. You could say we're going to be doing very well in 2004 because Bush is such a total failure. The 20 paid sick days aren't part of the "paid" days off unless those days are used. None of our people abuses sick leave. In fact, no one as yet has even come close to using 20 sick days in one year. They're there in case they're needed. Oh, I forgot. We also provide everyone with LTD. The company provides an insurance plan that pays 50% of an employe's salary for Long Term Disability. Employes have the option of purchasing an additional 16.66%, bringing their total to 66.66%. The basic benefit maximum is $4,000 per month. With the buy up, the limit is increased to $10,000 per month. Here's just some of his prior lies (in his own words pasted); I sold off nearly $3,000,000 in new motors and boats, depressing the new boat industry in southern Connecticut for an entire season. Everything was sold...every cotter pin, every quart of oil, 30 days after I started. For near full-retail, too. He had just under $1,000,000 on floor plan with a syndicate of banks led by National Shawmut of Boston. He had been a solid customer of that back for more than 20 years and they gave him great rates. As far as your other complaints, well, almost every president in my memory, and I *remember* Truman, Eisenhower (who cheated on his wife), Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan and Bush, lied and participated in deceit to one degree or another, and on issues far more important than who was giving them blow jobs. Good lord. I met *every* president in the damned group except Bush, and I worked once for his father. My father used to pray that the north shore of LI Sound would be hit by a mild hurricane. No one injured, no on-shore property damaged, but lots of boats sunk. Preferably early in July. We had the Hatteras for two years. Last year, out of the cold clear, a broker approached me with an offer to buy. Our continued Florida lifestyle was somewhat up in the air, because the two breadwinners hereabouts were about to be offered long-term but temporary assignments they could not refuse in the Washington, D.C., area. So, after being romanced a little, we sold the Hatt for almost precisely what we paid for it. Not bad, after two full years of use. And I mean full years. So, we didn't "make" any money off the Hatt, but we didn't lose any, either. The proceeds were prudently invested. The PWC was won as a prize in a raffle. Never mind that. Why does he have a Bilgeliner in front of his office? Is it a display of "Boating Don'ts?" Yeah, when we were in the boat biz, my father always had one or two "around the back" that he was forced to take in trade. These were sold as "as is, where is." He made sure the engine would start and run. Beyond that, it was up to the prospective buyer to decide if he wanted it. They moved off the lot pretty quickly, partially because my dad's main store was on a highly trafficked commercial route with lots of manufacturing and machining and aerospace plants near by. In those days, workers at these places could fix anything. Actually, Dipper, I don't think my father ever saw a Bayliner. But he still called bumpers bumpers. -- Bayliner wined and dined my father a half dozen times to entice him into becoming its dealer. His operation was the largest small boat dealership in its area of New England, and for 30 years, he was the *exclusive* Evinrude dealer in a densely populated coastal county. He also handled Mercuries. He never liked Bayliners, and referred to them as "jerry-built." From 1947 until he died, he sold more than 500 outboard motors a year from his stores, accounting for a reasonably high percentage of *all* outboards sold in his home state for those years. This is a killer. My father was in the boat business dating back to right after the Big War. When he died and I was looking through his warehouse, I found wrapped in a nuclear fall-out bag (no kidding), a brand-new 1949 Evinrude 8015 50 hp outboard. The motor was a gift to my father from Evinrude for winning some outboard stock utility or hydroplane race. I gave the motor to a friend of my dad's, who worked at the shop as head mechanic. I don't believe he ever used it and I'm sure it is still brand-new. I have no idea who might own it now. He also built boats, and I worked on a few, both wood, glass covered wood and all fiberglass. After he died, however, we sold the biz ad I've just been an occasional boat owner. Besides, I worked off and on in the boat business and inherited it when he died. So, as I said, I'm knee-deep in boat heritage. Oh, and I had some friends who died in the service, too, but it wasn't for what they believed in. They were drafted, shipped to Vietnam and came back in body bags. During the war, he turned out experimental brass shell casings for the Army and hopped up outboards for the Navy, which wanted to use them on smaller landing craft. I had photos at one time of my father with Ole Evinrude himself. My mother knew one of Evinrude's wives...she was a minor movie star or singer...I forgot which. Maybe both. Have you ever sailed from San Francisco to Hawaii? I have. Have you ever rounded Cape Horn? I have, twice. Have you ever transited the Panama Canal? I have. Have you owned more than 20 boats in your lifetime? I have. Have you ever sailed large boats competitively? I have. Have you ever been hundreds of miles from land in a powerboat under your command? I have. My father and his chief mechanic once crossed the Atlantic in winter in a 22' boat powered by twin outboards. Yes, it is possible, even the fuel. Got a "fireboat" welcome in NYC. Here are some: Hatteras 43' sportfish Swan 41' racing/cruising sloop Morgan 33 O'Day 30 Cruisers, Inc., Mackinac 22 Century Coronado Bill Luders 16, as sweet a sailboat as ever caught a breeze. Century 19' wood lapstrake with side wheel steering Cruisers, Inc. 18' and 16' wood lapstrakes Wolverines. Molded plywood. Gorgeous. Several. 14,15,17 footers with various Evinrudes Lighting class sailboat Botved Coronet with twin 50 hp Evinrudes. Interesting boat. Aristocraft (a piece of junk...13', fast, held together with spit) Alcort Sunfish Ancarrow Marine Aquiflyer. 22' footer with two Caddy Crusaders. Guaranteed 60 mph. In the late 1950's. Skimmar brand skiff Arkansas Traveler fiberglass bowrider (I think it was a bowrider) Dyer Dhow Su-Mark round bilge runabout, fiberglass Penn Yan runabouts. Wood. Old Town wood and canvas canoe Old Town sailing canoe...different than above canoe Sometime in the early 1960s, I was driving back from Ft. Leonard Wood to Kansas City in a nice old MGA I owned at the time. About halfway home it started raining heavily, I turned on the wipers, and EVERY SINGLE electrical accessory and light in the car flashed on, there was a large popping sound and it all blew out at once. And the car caught fire. I pulled over to the side of the road, watched the fire, removed my license plate and hitched on home. For all I know, that old MGA is still there. Sure was a pretty little car. Puh-lease, Karen. You've not seen nor have I ever posted one example of my professional writings on building structure and the effects on it of hurricane-force winds and seismic activity. I haven't done any of these in at least 10 year, but at the time I was field researching, photographing and writing these reports, they were quite accurate, topical and well-received by their intended audiences. A small fleet of Polar skiffs were purchased by an inshore bait, tackle and boat rental business on the ICW in NE Florida. These boats were not used on open waters. Within 90 days, cracks developed in the liners that also served as the deck over the flotation in the bottom of the hulls. A guide I know, one whose boats and engines are supplied to him by manufacturers, also had a Polar skiff go bad on him for the same reasons -liner and then hull fractures. Harry has claimed to have a 20 yrs his junior beautiful wife, he even put a fake pic of a beautiful woman on a website once claiming it was his "young bride", he may have a wife, although I doubt it, we don't like nor tolerate misogynists for long. Needless to say he's made up many "dramatic" over the top stories over the years about this lie to feed his ego & pretend he's the centre of attention, but as with his boat claims & other crap, there's never once been even a shred of independently verifiable material. After he stalked Madcow in real life, which was most frightening, I do suspect he's very very dangerous & that this "bride" story is his delusional appropriation of his, probably court ordered, treating psychotherapist as "wife" (it seems he was under lock & key for what?? over a year??? a sexual deviant maybe??), have a read of just a small part of his BS & make up your own mind, it's all about free choice:-) 1. She *is* my bride. There are no rules that determine the end of "bride-hood." If I want to refer to her as my bride, I may. 2. As a professional writer, I know the rules of language and am entitled to break them in exercise of my license. 3. I doubt many married women would object to their husbands lovingly referring to them as brides. The connotations are pleasant. 4. She's 20 years younger than I am. Naw. What happened was that I handled a couple of "political" consulting jobs funded out of the DC area to help a few candidates and defeat a couple of ballot issues. Through no fault of mine, we won each of the races, so some of the deep pockets types based in the DC area think I actually *know something* about the process. I was offered a contract that requires my presence in DC quite frequently. My bride also was offered a job up here that represented a significant professional career move. So, we're "up here" much of the time and "down there" the rest of it, except when we're "somewhere else." I've been back to Jax (well, really south of Jax) five times since coming "up here" late last summer and my bride just returned from a business trip there. I swear this is true. Here's a funny. My bride had to fly out to San Diego Wednesday and hitched a ride on her company's corporate jet. They landed in Salina, Kansas, which is due north of Wichita and Skippy's suburb of Derby. So when she gets to San Diego, I get a call asking, "What the hell did you do in Kansas...we didn't fly over one significant patch of water...?" Harry, you make over 500 posts a week to this group and you don't own a boat? And why are you so crabby? Maybe these two factors are related? One has to own something to use it? Hmmm. My bride drives off in her car every day, but she doesn't own it. I'm not crabby. You asked for advice I gave you some. I questioned your wanting to take a very small boat out into high seas and suddenly you turned sour. It's your pot; you are the one stewing in it. No, it is the boat of a friend. It is a 24' ProLine center console with, if I recall, a 225 hp Merc on it. It was a dark and stormy day in January (1997) when we went out, but the sky cleared once we got out to the Gulf Stream. Bride and I caught and released: 1 white marlin 12-15 yellowtail snappers, maybe two pounds each. Pretty, pretty fish. Assorted red snappers 1 amberjack 2 jack crevalle jacks 1 snook Nondescript sharks Did you spend a year as a line psychotherapist at a 650-bed state hospital for forensic patients? Did you spend a year as senior psychotherapist at a county facility for substance abusers? Did you spend two years as chief of therapy at a private, 200-bed facility for the mentally and emotionally ill, at which approximately half the patients were trying to beat drugs or alcohol? Are you currently chief of therapy for a for a multi-practitioner practice of some 825 patients, about a third of which are seeking help for substance abuse problems? Licensed psychotherapist Screening as to character and background for each degree earned On-going screening by faculty while in educational system Interviews and screenings for required years of internships, plus, at the same time, supervision by a licensed professional. Close professional and personal supervision by a licensed therapist for two years of employment before being allowed to apply for licensure Licensure background check, submission of recommendations by licensed practitioners Four hour written examination on state laws Five hour written examination on diagnosis, procedure and practice My wife went through this before becoming licensed. Her final internship was as a psychotherapist at a 600-bed high security state psychiatric hospital where, on a daily basis, she was exposed to more danger than your average soldier. My wife worked for a year as psychotherapist in a Florida 600-bed state mental institution for forensic patients. She saw and treated numerous sexual deviants who do a bit more than expose themselves. Such "treatment" is part of being in the mental health professions. You see, I'm a nautical psychotherapist, and for only $125 an hour, until their health insurance runs out, I help Bayliner owners overcome their feelings of boatable inadequacy. She is a licensed, practicing psychotherapist and often tells me I am the sanest person she sees each day. Which can be taken any way one likes. 1. I'm married to a psychotherapist. Live-in therapy, dontcha know? And much of Freud is passe. My ex-wife surpassed the anti-Christ at least a decade ago. They're not actually "free" moments. I go to boat dealers to round-up Bayliner owners who are trying to find one who will take their own version of flotsam and jetsam in on trade. 1. The address listed is not a home address. It is an office. 2. I have three phone numbers. The phone number listed is not one of mine. It has never been one of mine. The phone number *did* belong to an after-hours message recording hotline my wife maintained for her most mentally disturbed patients. Some of these troubled souls were court-ordered referrals. *Every* call to that phone number--every call--was recorded AND because of the nature of the line, my wife had the ability to alert the telephone company to trace the phone number of every incoming call to that line, *even* if the person making the call tried to block his number. Why, you might ask? Because when you are dealing with suicidal people, they'll liable to tell their therapist over the phone that they are planning to take their life. If the therapist believes the threat is real, she or he will want to dispatch emergency srvices and perhaps the police. In the years my wife has provided this pro bono service, she has never received a threatening or abusive call from a mentally ill patient or court-ordered referral. However, after the ranking Flaming Ass of this newsgroup posted the hotline number in this newsgroup, she received a number of abusive, foul-mouthed AND life-threatening calls. These were mostly directed at me but, of course, I never received them BECAUSE (duh!) the phone is not mine and I've never answered it. Naturally, my wife alerted the authorities, with whom she works closely because of her court-referred patients. The authorities are investigating the callers and have involved both the FBI *and* authorities in other states, including Florida, Georgia, California and Texas. Working with the telephone company, the authorities have been able to trace the origin of virtually every abusive call. And, of course, they have the tape recordings of the abusive messages. Several suspects have been identified. I really don't know what the outcome of all this will be. We haven't had an update in several weeks, nor are either of us here that interested in the sleazeballs that would make such calls. The phone number, of course, is "wired," so when the obnoxious calls came in from the idiot rec.boaters, the numbers were easy enough to trace. The local police handled a complaint, the local telco was involved and when it was discovered the point of origin was out of state, the FBI got involved. At least one of the idiots was caught and prosecuted. As far as I can tell, he has not posted here again |
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Harry Krause wrote:
NOYB wrote: "Harry Krause" wrote in message - We went out to eat tonight at one of our favorite restaurants in Deale, and I struck up a conversation with three folks in the bar. One mentioned that he really was distressed by Bush, and it pained him, because he was a conservative Republican, had always voted Republican, but was going to vote for a Democrat next fall, unless Howard Dean won the nomination. Why is that, I asked? You should have asked him why he was voting for a Democrat...unless Dean won the nomination. Afterall, he's the most liberal of the bunch...and most often spews the same extreme leftist views as you. At this point, I'm not too concerned about which of a handful of Democrats wins the nomination and goes on to nail Bush. I don't know Dean, but if he is the nominee, I certainly will support him and do whatever I can to help. All the candidates who have a serious chance of winning the Democratic nomination are smarter than Bush and would make better Presidents. Ker-ripes, a doorknob would be a brighter President than Bush. And Bush lies. About everything. Sorry have alooik at below to see who's calling the Pres a liar:-) Comedy hour at the zoo this it really is. K Here's some of Harry's lies for you, just to bring back old memories:-) I'm doing my part to ease unemployment. I'm hiring another writer for my staff. Will be putting the ad on MONSTER.COM and in the Wash Post. I need more staff because 2004 is a major election year and business booked to date indicates we'll be drowning in work. We need to hire a production coordinator, too. It has very little to do with the state of the economy, other than using it as reason to defeat Republicrap candidates. I'm doing my part to ease unemployment. I'm hiring another writer for my staff. Will be putting the ad on MONSTER.COM and in the Wash Post. We have first-class benefits, including a top-of-the-line health insurance plan, a non-contributory defined-benefit pension plan, a 401k, and a life insurance policy equal to annual salary. We contribute a share of profits to the 401k on behalf of the employee. Our employees pay $4.50 for generic prescriptions and $8.00 for non-generics, but that's going up next year to $10 and $15. New employees get two weeks vacation the first year, and that goes to three weeks the third year. In addition, we have 12 paid holidays and we shut down from noon on Christmas eve to the day after New Year's Day. We also provide 20 days of paid sick leave a year. And we have an outside company administering pre-tax flexible bennies for our employees. Our fringe benefit package follows the trade union model, except, of course, for the profit contributions to 401k's. Trade unions are not-for-profit enterprises. How do these compare to the bennies at your shop? Paid? Every year? I call "bull****". With 3 weeks vacation, 12 paid holidays, and 20 paid sick days that's 47 *paid* days off every year. Are they hourly employees? For a "small business", that's the road to bankruptcy. Boy...and you had me going there for a minute. Not quite so simple, though you are trying hard to make it so. Our business is up because we're on the cusp of an election year. Our business always goes up in a major election year. You could say we're going to be doing very well in 2004 because Bush is such a total failure. The 20 paid sick days aren't part of the "paid" days off unless those days are used. None of our people abuses sick leave. In fact, no one as yet has even come close to using 20 sick days in one year. They're there in case they're needed. Oh, I forgot. We also provide everyone with LTD. The company provides an insurance plan that pays 50% of an employe's salary for Long Term Disability. Employes have the option of purchasing an additional 16.66%, bringing their total to 66.66%. The basic benefit maximum is $4,000 per month. With the buy up, the limit is increased to $10,000 per month. Here's just some of his prior lies (in his own words pasted); I sold off nearly $3,000,000 in new motors and boats, depressing the new boat industry in southern Connecticut for an entire season. Everything was sold...every cotter pin, every quart of oil, 30 days after I started. For near full-retail, too. He had just under $1,000,000 on floor plan with a syndicate of banks led by National Shawmut of Boston. He had been a solid customer of that back for more than 20 years and they gave him great rates. As far as your other complaints, well, almost every president in my memory, and I *remember* Truman, Eisenhower (who cheated on his wife), Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan and Bush, lied and participated in deceit to one degree or another, and on issues far more important than who was giving them blow jobs. Good lord. I met *every* president in the damned group except Bush, and I worked once for his father. My father used to pray that the north shore of LI Sound would be hit by a mild hurricane. No one injured, no on-shore property damaged, but lots of boats sunk. Preferably early in July. We had the Hatteras for two years. Last year, out of the cold clear, a broker approached me with an offer to buy. Our continued Florida lifestyle was somewhat up in the air, because the two breadwinners hereabouts were about to be offered long-term but temporary assignments they could not refuse in the Washington, D.C., area. So, after being romanced a little, we sold the Hatt for almost precisely what we paid for it. Not bad, after two full years of use. And I mean full years. So, we didn't "make" any money off the Hatt, but we didn't lose any, either. The proceeds were prudently invested. The PWC was won as a prize in a raffle. Never mind that. Why does he have a Bilgeliner in front of his office? Is it a display of "Boating Don'ts?" Yeah, when we were in the boat biz, my father always had one or two "around the back" that he was forced to take in trade. These were sold as "as is, where is." He made sure the engine would start and run. Beyond that, it was up to the prospective buyer to decide if he wanted it. They moved off the lot pretty quickly, partially because my dad's main store was on a highly trafficked commercial route with lots of manufacturing and machining and aerospace plants near by. In those days, workers at these places could fix anything. Actually, Dipper, I don't think my father ever saw a Bayliner. But he still called bumpers bumpers. -- Bayliner wined and dined my father a half dozen times to entice him into becoming its dealer. His operation was the largest small boat dealership in its area of New England, and for 30 years, he was the *exclusive* Evinrude dealer in a densely populated coastal county. He also handled Mercuries. He never liked Bayliners, and referred to them as "jerry-built." From 1947 until he died, he sold more than 500 outboard motors a year from his stores, accounting for a reasonably high percentage of *all* outboards sold in his home state for those years. This is a killer. My father was in the boat business dating back to right after the Big War. When he died and I was looking through his warehouse, I found wrapped in a nuclear fall-out bag (no kidding), a brand-new 1949 Evinrude 8015 50 hp outboard. The motor was a gift to my father from Evinrude for winning some outboard stock utility or hydroplane race. I gave the motor to a friend of my dad's, who worked at the shop as head mechanic. I don't believe he ever used it and I'm sure it is still brand-new. I have no idea who might own it now. He also built boats, and I worked on a few, both wood, glass covered wood and all fiberglass. After he died, however, we sold the biz and I've just been an occasional boat owner. Besides, I worked off and on in the boat business and inherited it when he died. So, as I said, I'm knee-deep in boat heritage. Oh, and I had some friends who died in the service, too, but it wasn't for what they believed in. They were drafted, shipped to Vietnam and came back in body bags. During the war, he turned out experimental brass shell casings for the Army and hopped up outboards for the Navy, which wanted to use them on smaller landing craft. I had photos at one time of my father with Ole Evinrude himself. My mother knew one of Evinrude's wives...she was a minor movie star or singer...I forgot which. Maybe both. Have you ever sailed from San Francisco to Hawaii? I have. Have you ever rounded Cape Horn? I have, twice. Have you ever transited the Panama Canal? I have. Have you owned more than 20 boats in your lifetime? I have. Have you ever sailed large boats competitively? I have. Have you ever been hundreds of miles from land in a powerboat under your command? I have. My father and his chief mechanic once crossed the Atlantic in winter in a 22' boat powered by twin outboards. Yes, it is possible, even the fuel. Got a "fireboat" welcome in NYC. Here are some: Hatteras 43' sportfish Swan 41' racing/cruising sloop Morgan 33 O'Day 30 Cruisers, Inc., Mackinac 22 Century Coronado Bill Luders 16, as sweet a sailboat as ever caught a breeze. Century 19' wood lapstrake with side wheel steering Cruisers, Inc. 18' and 16' wood lapstrakes Wolverines. Molded plywood. Gorgeous. Several. 14,15,17 footers with various Evinrudes Lighting class sailboat Botved Coronet with twin 50 hp Evinrudes. Interesting boat. Aristocraft (a piece of junk...13', fast, held together with spit) Alcort Sunfish Ancarrow Marine Aquflyer. 22' footer with two Caddy Crusaders. Guaranteed 60 mph. In the late 1950's. Skimmar brand skiff Arkansas Traveler fiberglass bowrider (I think it was a bowrider) Dyer Dhow Su-Mark round bilge runabout, fiberglass Penn Yan runabouts. Wood. Old Town wood and canvas canoe Old Town sailing canoe...different than above canoe Sometime in the early 1960s, I was driving back from Ft. Leonard Wood to Kansas City in a nice old MGA I owned at the time. About halfway home it started raining heavily, I turned on the wipers, and EVERY SINGLE electrical accessory and light in the car flashed on, there was a large popping sound and it all blew out at once. And the car caught fire. I pulled over to the side of the road, watched the fire, removed my license plate and hitched on home. For all I know, that old MGA is still there. Sure was a pretty little car. Puh-lease, Karen. You've not seen nor have I ever posted one example of my professional writings on building structure and the effects on it of hurricane-force winds and seismic activity. I haven't done any of these in at least 10 year, but at the time I was field researching, photographing and writing these reports, they were quite accurate, topical and well-received by their intended audiences. A small fleet of Polar skiffs were purchased by an inshore bait, tackle and boat rental business on the ICW in NE Florida. These boats were not used on open waters. Within 90 days, cracks developed in the liners that also served as the deck over the flotation in the bottom of the hulls. A guide I know, one whose boats and engines are supplied to him by manufacturers, also had a Polar skiff go bad on him for the same reasons -liner and then hull fractures. Harry has claimed to have a 20 yrs his junior beautiful wife, he even put a fake pic of a beautiful woman on a website once claiming it was his "young bride", he may have a wife, although I doubt it, we don't like nor tolerate misogynists for long. Needless to say he's made up many "dramatic" over the top stories over the years about this lie to feed his ego & pretend he's the centre of attention, but as with his boat claims & other crap, there's never once been even a shred of independently verifiable material. After he stalked Madcow in real life, which was most frightening, I do suspect he's very very dangerous & that this "bride" story is his delusional appropriation of his, probably court ordered, treating psychotherapist as "wife" (it seems he was under lock & key for what?? over a year??? a sexual deviant maybe??), have a read of just a small part of his BS & make up your own mind, it's all about free choice:-) 1. She *is* my bride. There are no rules that determine the end of "bride-hood." If I want to refer to her as my bride, I may. 2. As a professional writer, I know the rules of language and am entitled to break them in exercise of my license. 3. I doubt many married women would object to their husbands lovingly referring to them as brides. The connotations are pleasant. 4. She's 20 years younger than I am. Naw. What happened was that I handled a couple of "political" consulting jobs funded out of the DC area to help a few candidates and defeat a couple of ballot issues. Through no fault of mine, we won each of the races, so some of the deep pockets types based in the DC area think I actually *know something* about the process. I was offered a contract that requires my presence in DC quite frequently. My bride also was offered a job up here that represented a significant professional career move. So, we're "up here" much of the time and "down there" the rest of it, except when we're "somewhere else." I've been back to Jax (well, really south of Jax) five times since coming "up here" late last summer and my bride just returned from a business trip there. I swear this is true. Here's a funny. My bride had to fly out to San Diego Wednesday and hitched a ride on her company's corporate jet. They landed in Salina, Kansas, which is due north of Wichita and Skippy's suburb of Derby. So when she gets to San Diego, I get a call asking, "What the hell did you do in Kansas...we didn't fly over one significant patch of water...?" Harry, you make over 500 posts a week to this group and you don't own a boat? And why are you so crabby? Maybe these two factors are related? One has to own something to use it? Hmmm. My bride drives off in her car every day, but she doesn't own it. I'm not crabby. You asked for advice I gave you some. I questioned your wanting to take a very small boat out into high seas and suddenly you turned sour. It's your pot; you are the one stewing in it. No, it is the boat of a friend. It is a 24' ProLine center console with, if I recall, a 225 hp Merc on it. It was a dark and stormy day in January (1997) when we went out, but the sky cleared once we got out to the Gulf Stream. Bride and I caught and released: 1 white marlin 12-15 yellowtail snappers, maybe two pounds each. Pretty, pretty fish. Assorted red snappers 1 amberjack 2 jack crevalle jacks 1 snook Nondescript sharks Did you spend a year as a line psychotherapist at a 650-bed state hospital for forensic patients? Did you spend a year as senior psychotherapist at a county facility for substance abusers? Did you spend two years as chief of therapy at a private, 200-bed facility for the mentally and emotionally ill, at which approximately half the patients were trying to beat drugs or alcohol? Are you currently chief of therapy for a for a multi-practitioner practice of some 825 patients, about a third of which are seeking help for substance abuse problems? Licensed psychotherapist Screening as to character and background for each degree earned On-going screening by faculty while in educational system Interviews and screenings for required years of internships, plus, at the same time, supervision by a licensed professional. Close professional and personal supervision by a licensed therapist for two years of employment before being allowed to apply for licensure Licensure background check, submission of recommendations by licensed practitioners Four hour written examination on state laws Five hour written examination on diagnosis, procedure and practice My wife went through this before becoming licensed. Her final internship was as a psychotherapist at a 600-bed high security state psychiatric hospital where, on a daily basis, she was exposed to more danger than your average soldier. My wife worked for a year as psychotherapist in a Florida 600-bed state mental institution for forensic patients. She saw and treated numerous sexual deviants who do a bit more than expose themselves. Such "treatment" is part of being in the mental health professions. You see, I'm a nautical psychotherapist, and for only $125 an hour, until their health insurance runs out, I help Bayliner owners overcome their feelings of boatable inadequacy. She is a licensed, practicing psychotherapist and often tells me I am the sanest person she sees each day. Which can be taken any way one likes. 1. I'm married to a psychotherapist. Live-in therapy, dontcha know? And much of Freud is passe. My ex-wife surpassed the anti-Christ at least a decade ago. They're not actually "free" moments. I go to boat dealers to round-up Bayliner owners who are trying to find one who will take their own version of flotsam and jetsam in on trade. 1. The address listed is not a home address. It is an office. 2. I have three phone numbers. The phone number listed is not one of mine. It has never been one of mine. The phone number *did* belong to an after-hours message recording hotline my wife maintained for her most mentally disturbed patients. Some of these troubled souls were court-ordered referrals. *Every* call to that phone number--every call--was recorded AND because of the nature of the line, my wife had the ability to alert the telephone company to trace the phone number of every incoming call to that line, *even* if the person making the call tried to block his number. Why, you might ask? Because when you are dealing with suicidal people, they'll liable to tell their therapist over the phone that they are planning to take their life. If the therapist believes the threat is real, she or he will want to dispatch emergency srvices and perhaps the police. In the years my wife has provided this pro bono service, she has never received a threatening or abusive call from a mentally ill patient or court-ordered referral. However, after the ranking Flaming Ass of this newsgroup posted the hotline number in this newsgroup, she received a number of abusive, foul-mouthed AND life-threatening calls. These were mostly directed at me but, of course, I never received them BECAUSE (duh!) the phone is not mine and I've never answered it. Naturally, my wife alerted the authorities, with whom she works closely because of her court-referred patients. The authorities are investigating the callers and have involved both the FBI *and* authorities in other states, including Florida, Georgia, California and Texas. Working with the telephone company, the authorities have been able to trace the origin of virtually every abusive call. And, of course, they have the tape recordings of the abusive messages. Several suspects have been identified. I really don't know what the outcome of all this will be. We haven't had an update in several weeks, nor are either of us here that interested in the sleazeballs that would make such calls. The phone number, of course, is "wired," so when the obnoxious calls came in from the idiot rec.boaters, the numbers were easy enough to trace. The local police handled a complaint, the local telco was involved and when it was discovered the point of origin was out of state, the FBI got involved. At least one of the idiots was caught and prosecuted. As far as I can tell, he has not posted here again |
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