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Douglas St. Clair October 28th 04 12:04 AM

Sad Day :(
I had a guy come over to look at the engine (1968 Ford 427) in my '70
Century Resorter today. Upon firing it up, he immediately killed the
ignition due to metal on metal knocking. I'm dropping it off at his shop on
Friday, and the motor is being pulled over the weekend.

In lieu of flowers, please send cash. Such a gesture just might save my

Dreaming of warm evenings on my boat (sniff, sniff),

LaBomba182 October 28th 04 12:15 AM

Subject: Sad Day :(
From: "Douglas St. Clair"

Dreaming of warm evenings on my boat (sniff, sniff),

At least it happened at the end of the season. :-)

If you live up north that is.

Capt. Bill

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