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K Smith
Posts: n/a
Default Habbi's gearcase full of water

habbi wrote:

I have a 2001 250 Johnson XXL which was new in May 2003. I just took it out
and drained the gearcase. It was full of water, not milky oil, I mean pure
water, the end had about a tablespoon of milky oil. I am 100 % sure it was
full of new clean oil when I put it in the water back in May. There are 200
hours on the engine. I know I should have checked/changed it sooner but it
is a 31' work boat and hard to remove from water. I pressure checked it and
no leaks but I have not vacuum tested it as I do not have the pump and
gauge. Anyway dealer is going to cover it under warrantee. Should the
warrantee cover a complete rebuild as the internals are probably corroded?
Or will they just change the seals?

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I resisted as long as I could hoping someone; just about anyone
else; would state the bleeding obvious, which is;

(i) This is just more of the same bad design from OMC & when the
Bills bleat "they all do it" I don't feel any better as you won't when
you find out how much this piece of crap will cost you to "fix" but even
then it won't be "fixed".

(ii) The problem with these OB legs is the very fact that they are

(a) In use they get hot because the drive elements (gears
bearings etc) are all deliberately under designed (go through the books
& for the HP etc they shouldn't even work at all, the fact they do for
the short time they do is a miracle)

(b) The main reason they do work is the case is alloy & can
dump the massive heat made by the undersized parts straight into the
water, however the transport to the case for that heat is mostly the via

(c) The case is tight (small) that there is lots of
expansion so they deliberately leave a tiny bubble of air in the top to
allow for it, the idea being, this re-expands when you shut down & the
leg very very quickly cools so contracting the oil level inside.

(d) The OMC BS ideas about positive & negative pressure
testing re just more of the same from this bunch of idiots, because the
only time the leg sees positive pressure is as it heats up & expands but
at this time the totally unsupport from the powerhead input shaft is
thrashing around like a rubber band (again get off your arses & have a
look in the books, the shaft is way too small for the HP in any premises
& even if it were the "right" size it's unsupported (bearing in the
middle) over too great a length not the flex around (the fact it's soft
SS is just a side curse:-))

(e) So now the leg is heating, oil & alloy expanding, the
input shaft is flexing all over the place & the bubble of air in the top
is "supposed" to just compress?? In a brand new setup it might for a
while but after that it just escapes out the top seal under the water pump.

(f) You shut down the leg cools as it contracts, where is no
air bubble left to expand so the leg sucks water back in, end of story
the design sucks, literally.

(g) Next time you use it the same happens but with a twist
(little in house joke there don't fell bad if you missed it:-)), this
time there is NO AIR BUBBLE to absorb the expansion!! So the leg
pressure goes sky high, in so doing it crushes the seals tighter &
tighter trying to contain it, but with all the other things, vibrating
prop (see how tight they want it & then think about why??), input shaft
flexing around at 5000rpm etc etc & they soon give up, letting a little
of that now water oil mix out, till you shut down again & it cools, now
it's even easier to suck more water in.

I know you're not really interested in anything but throwing money
at brain dead dealers Habbi but................ there is a "fix" to
mitigate against the effects of yet another OMC design defect:-)
(somewhat ungracious I freely admit, however I can assure you it does

(i) Put new seals in it, as it heats the extreme pressure
mentioned above makes the lip seals push harder cutting into the soft SS
shafts, (again more poor OMC design) so replace all the seals, yes your
shafts are already damaged, but they're not worth replacing, sorry 'bout
that chief.

(ii) If you think the first part of this post bothers you Habbi
try to stay really calm now on:-) You need to;

(a) Put a small copper tube into the leg, some here bore a
hole in the top filler plug & silver solder the tube in there or you can
get all creative & thread a fitting into the top (roof) of the gearcase
so the modification stays totally inside & out of sight.

(b) However you choose (we always give free choice:-) you
then run the tube up the leg (inside if keen, clever & cunning or
outside if you want to get lots of queries from onlookers at the
wharf:-) into the engine cowl.

(c) Up in the engine cowl you put an oil reservoir. There is
room it just doesn't look like it:-). People here use all sorts of
things from an upturned sauce bottle with an air bleed in what was the
bottom, to a snazzy looking auto bottle (those early coolant recycle
bottles with the hose going into the bottom are popular) Again exercise
some free choice here!!!

(iii) So what happens now is;

(a) There is no air bubble in the top of the leg, any left
gets squeezed out within the first few hours of use:-)

(b) As the leg gets hot the oil expands but meets little
resistance & just goes back up the tube into the oil reservoir.

(c) As the leg quickly cools it never shows a pressure less
than the outside water because the reservoir is well above it so the leg
will always suck oil down rather than suck sea water in. Yes even on
your damaged shafts:-).

(d) The seals & shafts will last many times longer because
they never see high leg pressures.

If you want to get a better understanding of what I'm talking about
you're always welcome to come down here & I'll have the blokes show you
over a proper Taipan OB to see how it should really be done, although
prepare yourself, the transmission(s) is actually "designed" so the
major elements are 6" in diam!!! & that's just for 80 HP @ 4000rpm!! OR
if that is too much for you:-) Maybe try having a good quiet look at any
Mercruiser IB/OB drive & you'll see that this is exactly how they do it.

No no honestly you're welcome; it's no trouble at all; no no please
Habbi it's my pleasure to be able to help; yes I know it's christmas but
surely you must have got some other presents??; Oh stop it Habbi I'm
blushing now; honestly all I really want is a simple thanks for the info.


  #2   Report Post  
Harry Krause
Posts: n/a
Default Habbi's gearcase full of water

K Smith wrote:

If you want to get a better understanding of what I'm talking about
you're always welcome to come down here & I'll have the blokes show you
over a proper Taipan OB

An advanced search of the *Australian* google ( for
the key phrase "taipan outboard" and that phrase in combination with the
name Karen Smith produced the following result:

Your search - "taipan ob" - did not match any documents.
Your search - "taipan outboard" - did not match any documents.
Your search _ "karen smith" "taipan" - did not match any documents.
Your search - "karen smith" "diesel outboard" - did not match any

Merry Christmas

Email sent to is never read.
  #3   Report Post  
K Smith
Posts: n/a
Default Habbi's gearcase full of water

Harry Krause wrote:
K Smith wrote:

If you want to get a better understanding of what I'm talking about
you're always welcome to come down here & I'll have the blokes show you
over a proper Taipan OB

An advanced search of the *Australian* google ( for
the key phrase "taipan outboard" and that phrase in combination with the
name Karen Smith produced the following result:

Your search - "taipan ob" - did not match any documents.
Your search - "taipan outboard" - did not match any documents.
Your search _ "karen smith" "taipan" - did not match any documents.
Your search - "karen smith" "diesel outboard" - did not match any

Merry Christmas

You're back!!! Yes yes yes I knew he couldn't stand it!!!! Too
easy!!!!! It was buried in the bottom of a long technical explanation &
he "found" it; how I wonder???:-) Too much just too much!!! & my
christmas day is complete!!! The grandkids got all sorts of stuff & I
got Harry surrendering yet again, damn;??? how do I get the Missouri
back for another signing on christmas day??

No need to search have a look at the Taipan OB pics on our own page
you'll see how big the leg is for yourself, that's because it's chock
full of "stuff", proper "designed" stuff not cut corners OMC stuff.

So how are ya you old lying piece of lefty, sexist, racist, xenophobic,
union thug crap?? Got some new lies ready for us in the new year?? How
about another new boat to go with the fantasy 36' lobster boat & the
fantasy Parker???

I guess I need to get on the web just for you?? then??? Not yet.

Welcome back though I was thinking your silence was too good to be
true, I was going to thank the Chuckster but didn't want to put the mozz
on it. Oh well really good while it lasted. I don't suppose I can get
you to shut up again?? I mean all you need do is DON'T RESPOND, never,
not ever!!! Yes I'll bait you & yes I'll have a lovely time showing how
stupid you are in your lefty political threads, but the test for you is
to remain silent.

Lets put this little failure of will on your part behind us shall we
Harry?? Now you & Chucky need to continue playing no speakies & I'm as
happy as can be.

I did say merry christmas to all & yes I did mean all, so have a good time.


I try to keep a little on topic material if possible so .....

Here's some of Harry's lies for you, just to bring back old memories:-)

Just to make your day, not only was
I a civilian employee in SE Asia, it was in Vietnam, it was during the
war against Vietnam, I did see some horrific sights and I was working at
the time for a U.S. general. Is that straightforward enough for you,
John, or is your amoeba still chasing your synapse

I'm doing my part to ease unemployment. I'm hiring another

writer for my staff. Will be putting the ad on MONSTER.COM and in the
Wash Post.

I need more staff because 2004 is a major election year and business
booked to date indicates we'll be drowning in work. We need to hire a
production coordinator, too. It has very little to do with the

state of the economy, other than using it as reason to defeat Republicrap

I'm doing my part to ease unemployment. I'm hiring another writer

for my

staff. Will be putting the ad on MONSTER.COM and in the Wash Post.

We have first-class benefits, including a top-of-the-line health
insurance plan, a non-contributory defined-benefit pension plan, a

and a life insurance policy equal to annual salary. We contribute a
share of profits to the 401k on behalf of the employee. Our employees
pay $4.50 for generic prescriptions and $8.00 for non-generics, but
that's going up next year to $10 and $15. New employees get two weeks
vacation the first year, and that goes to three weeks the third

year. In
addition, we have 12 paid holidays and we shut down from noon on
Christmas eve to the day after New Year's Day. We also provide 20 days
of paid sick leave a year. And we have an outside company administering
pre-tax flexible bennies for our employees.
Our fringe benefit package follows the trade union model, except, of
course, for the profit contributions to 401k's. Trade unions are
not-for-profit enterprises.
How do these compare to the bennies at your shop?

Paid? Every year? I call "bull****". With 3 weeks vacation, 12 paid
holidays, and 20 paid sick days that's 47 *paid* days off every

year. Are
they hourly employees? For a "small business", that's the road to

Boy...and you had me going there for a minute.

Not quite so simple, though you are trying hard to make it so. Our
business is up because we're on the cusp of an election year. Our
business always goes up in a major election year.
You could say we're going to be doing very well in 2004 because Bush is
such a total failure.

The 20 paid sick days aren't part of the "paid" days off unless those
days are used. None of our people abuses sick leave. In fact, no one as
yet has even come close to using 20 sick days in one year. They're

in case they're needed.

Oh, I forgot. We also provide everyone with LTD.

The company provides an insurance plan that pays 50% of an employe's
salary for Long Term Disability. Employes have the option of

an additional 16.66%, bringing their total to 66.66%. The basic

maximum is $4,000 per month. With the buy up, the limit is

increased to
$10,000 per month.

Sure. I'm in the market for a new marine diesel of 420-480 shp. I'm

interested in Volvo's TAMD74P EDC, because Volvo has had a lot of

with electronic controls in that size diesel. I've dismissed getting

a Cat 3208
TA because the technology is so old and because a couple of

commercial fishermen
I know who have had 3208's have, basically, burned them out.

Thanks. Yes, Cummins is talked about favorably by some of the guys

I've been
talking to. Most of them have had experience with Cats, especially

the 3208, and
in recent years some have moved to Volvos.

These are commercial fishermen, mostly, running hulls somewhat

similar to what
we're doing.

No, the diesel is for a new boat we're having built.

Hmmm. A fishing/day cruising boat with some range, nice speed, a

real soft ride,
offshore capabilities and sleeping/full head(with standup shower
enclosure)/galley accommodations. Fiberglass, although the architect

did try to
convince me to go with cold-molded wood, which I do like.
More specifically, I suppose, a lobsta' boat, sort of, if that

brings up a
mental image for you.

She'll measure 36' sans a bowsprit x a little more than 12' in beam.

The hull
buttom is built down to the keel. There are no chines.
The hull is efficient at displacement and planing speeds. According

to the hull
builder, if we keep the weight within certain limits, we'll achieve a

WOT of
about 37-38 mph, and a very easy cruise of 30-32 mph on a single

diesel of about
420-450 hp. She'll cruise slow and economically, too.
We expect a very smooooooooooth riding boat, able to take on a big

headsea at a
pretty good clip without beating up the folks inside.
Fitting out a boat like this is going to be an interesting and

experience. Basically, we get to spec everything and we end up with a


It's Lou Codega. He's a widely known and respected naval architect. He
does Regulator's hulls, too. He's done the Navigator 37. I believe he's
also done designs for Carolina Classic.

Cummins faxed me a bunch of computer generated data today on engine

choices for

the new boat.

On the 36-footer, 16,000 pounds displacement:

QSM11 635 hp, 36.3 mph WOT, 32.1 mph at sustained cruise, marine

gear ratio of
1.77, turning a four blade 26x35 prop on a 2.50 inch Aquamet 22

shaft. Too much

QSM11 535 hp at 2300 rpm, 33.3 mph WOT, 29.5 mph at sustained

cruise of 2100
rpm, same gear ratio, 24x34 prop. Right on the money.

6CTA8.3 450 hp, 30.6 mph WOT, 27.5 mph at sustained cruise, 2.00:1

gear ratio,
24x31 four blade prop on Aquamet 22 2" shaft.

Cummins tells me its program is "about 8% too conservative."

Looks like the QSM11 535 will be the right engine. Its fuel use is

only a little
more than the 450's and a lot less than the 635 hp engine. What I

want is a 30
mph sustained cruise speed, and 535 hp will do it. Cummins also

figured the boat
at 1000 pounds heavier than our target, which is probably the smart

thing to do.
Besides, the QSM is a new, all computerized design.

The hull form is what got to me. The boat has a substantial keel and

it is a
built-down keel, right to its bottom, not just "tacked" on. It backs

beautifully. And it seems to roll one heck of a lot less in a beam

sea than the
semi-vee 36 footers I've been on, and especially some large deep vee

boats of about the same size its been my pleasure to fish aboard. I

believe it
is a function of the keel and the really low center of gravity.

Amazing, for a
boat that is round bilged and fairly flat under the transom. No

chines. Just
splash rails forward and aft. A soft, soft ride...which is what I


Here's just some of his prior lies (in his own words pasted);

I sold off nearly $3,000,000 in new motors and boats, depressing
the new boat
industry in southern Connecticut for an entire season.

Everything was
cotter pin, every quart of oil, 30 days after I started. For near
full-retail, too.

He had just under $1,000,000 on floor plan with a
syndicate of banks led by National Shawmut of Boston. He had been a
solid customer of that back for more than 20 years and they

gave him
great rates.

As far as your other complaints, well, almost every president

in my memory,
and I *remember* Truman, Eisenhower (who cheated on his wife),

Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan and Bush, lied and

participated in
deceit to one degree or another, and on issues far more

important than who
was giving them blow jobs.

Good lord. I met *every* president in the damned group except

Bush, and I
worked once for his father.

My father used to pray that the north shore of LI Sound would

be hit by
a mild hurricane. No
one injured, no on-shore property damaged, but lots of boats sunk.
Preferably early in July.

We had the Hatteras for two years. Last year, out of the cold

clear, a
broker approached me with an offer to buy. Our continued Florida
lifestyle was somewhat up in the air, because the two breadwinners
hereabouts were about to be offered long-term but temporary

they could not refuse in the Washington, D.C., area. So, after

romanced a little, we sold the Hatt for almost precisely what

we paid
for it. Not bad, after two full years of use. And I mean full

years. So,
we didn't "make" any money off the Hatt, but we didn't lose

any, either.
The proceeds were prudently invested.

The PWC was won as
a prize in a raffle.

Never mind that. Why does he have a Bilgeliner in front of his

Is it a display of "Boating Don'ts?"
Yeah, when we were in the boat biz, my father always had one

or two

"around the back" that he was forced to take in trade. These

were sold
as "as is, where is." He made sure the engine would start and run.
Beyond that, it was up to the prospective buyer to decide if he

it. They moved off the lot pretty quickly, partially because my

main store was on a highly trafficked commercial route with lots of
manufacturing and machining and aerospace plants near by. In

those days,
workers at these places could fix anything.

Actually, Dipper, I don't think my father ever saw a Bayliner.

But he still
called bumpers bumpers.

Bayliner wined and dined my father a half dozen times to

entice him
into becoming its dealer. His operation was the largest small boat
dealership in its area of New England, and for 30 years, he was the
*exclusive* Evinrude dealer in a densely populated coastal

county. He
also handled Mercuries. He never liked Bayliners, and referred

to them
as "jerry-built."

From 1947 until he died, he sold more than 500 outboard motors a
year from his stores, accounting for a reasonably high

percentage of *all*
outboards sold in his home state for those years.

This is a killer. My father was in the boat business dating back to
right after
the Big War. When he died and I was looking through his

warehouse, I found
wrapped in a nuclear fall-out bag (no kidding), a brand-new 1949
Evinrude 8015
50 hp outboard. The motor was a gift to my father from Evinrude for
winning some
outboard stock utility or hydroplane race.

I gave the motor to a friend of my dad's, who worked at the

shop as head
mechanic. I don't believe he ever used it and I'm sure it is still
brand-new. I
have no idea who might own it now.

He also built
boats, and I worked on a few, both wood, glass covered wood and
all fiberglass. After he died, however, we sold the biz and I've
just been an occasional boat owner.

Besides, I worked off and on in the
boat business and inherited it when he died. So, as I said, I'm
knee-deep in boat heritage.

and I had some friends who died in the service, too, but it

wasn't for
what they believed in. They were drafted, shipped to Vietnam

and came
back in body bags.

During the war, he turned out experimental brass shell casings
for the
Army and hopped up outboards for the Navy, which wanted to use

them on
landing craft. I had photos at one time of my father with Ole

My mother knew one of Evinrude's wives...she was a minor movie

star or
singer...I forgot which. Maybe both.

Have you ever sailed from San Francisco to Hawaii? I have.
Have you ever rounded Cape Horn? I have, twice.
Have you ever transited the Panama Canal? I have.
Have you owned more than 20 boats in your lifetime? I have.
Have you ever sailed large boats competitively? I have.
Have you ever been hundreds of miles from land in a powerboat

under your
command? I have.

My father and his chief mechanic once crossed the Atlantic in

winter in
a 22'
boat powered by twin outboards. Yes, it is possible, even the

fuel. Got a
"fireboat" welcome in NYC.

Here are some:

Hatteras 43' sportfish
Swan 41' racing/cruising sloop
Morgan 33
O'Day 30
Cruisers, Inc., Mackinac 22
Century Coronado
Bill Luders 16, as sweet a sailboat as ever caught a breeze.
Century 19' wood lapstrake with side wheel steering
Cruisers, Inc. 18' and 16' wood lapstrakes
Wolverines. Molded plywood. Gorgeous. Several. 14,15,17 footers

with various
Lighting class sailboat
Botved Coronet with twin 50 hp Evinrudes. Interesting boat.
Aristocraft (a piece of junk...13', fast, held together with spit)
Alcort Sunfish
Ancarrow Marine Aquiflyer. 22' footer with two Caddy Crusaders.
Guaranteed 60
mph. In the late 1950's.
Skimmar brand skiff
Arkansas Traveler fiberglass bowrider (I think it was a bowrider)
Dyer Dhow
Su-Mark round bilge runabout, fiberglass
Penn Yan runabouts. Wood.
Old Town wood and canvas canoe
Old Town sailing canoe...different than above canoe

Sometime in the early 1960s, I was driving back from Ft.

Leonard Wood to
Kansas City in a nice old MGA I owned at the time. About

halfway home it
started raining heavily, I turned on the wipers, and EVERY SINGLE
electrical accessory and light in the car flashed on, there was

a large
popping sound and it all blew out at once. And the car caught

fire. I
pulled over to the side of the road, watched the fire, removed my
license plate and hitched on home. For all I know, that old MGA

is still

Sure was a pretty little car.

Puh-lease, Karen. You've not seen nor have I ever posted one

example of
my professional writings on building structure and the effects

on it of
hurricane-force winds and seismic activity. I haven't done any

of these
in at least 10 year, but at the time I was field researching,
photographing and writing these reports, they were quite accurate,
topical and well-received by their intended audiences.

A small fleet of Polar skiffs were purchased by an inshore bait,


and boat rental business on the ICW in NE Florida. These boats

were not
used on open waters. Within 90 days, cracks developed in the

liners that
also served as the deck over the flotation in the bottom of

the hulls. A
guide I know, one whose boats and engines are supplied to him by
manufacturers, also had a Polar skiff go bad on him for the

same reasons
-liner and then hull fractures.

Harry has claimed to have a 20 yrs his junior beautiful wife, he

even put a fake pic of a beautiful woman on a website once claiming it
was his "young bride", he may have a wife, although I doubt it, we don't
like nor tolerate misogynists for long.

Needless to say he's made up many "dramatic" over the top

stories over the years about this lie to feed his ego & pretend he's the
centre of attention, but as with his boat claims & other crap, there's
never once been even a shred of independently verifiable material.

After he stalked Madcow in real life, which was most

frightening, I do suspect he's very very dangerous & that this "bride"
story is his delusional appropriation of his, probably court ordered,
treating psychotherapist as "wife" (it seems he was under lock & key for
what?? over a year??? a sexual deviant maybe??), have a read of just a
small part of his BS & make up your own mind, it's all about free choice:-)

1. She *is* my bride. There are no rules that determine the end of
"bride-hood." If I want to refer to her as my bride, I may.

2. As a professional writer, I know the rules of language and am

entitled to
break them in exercise of my license.

3. I doubt many married women would object to their husbands lovingly
referring to them as brides. The connotations are pleasant.

4. She's 20 years younger than I am.

Naw. What happened was that I handled a couple of "political"

jobs funded out of the DC area to help a few candidates and defeat a
couple of ballot issues. Through no fault of mine, we won each of the
races, so some of the deep pockets types based in the DC area think I
actually *know something* about the process. I was offered a contract
that requires my presence in DC quite frequently. My bride also was
offered a job up here that represented a significant professional

move. So, we're "up here" much of the time and "down there" the

rest of
it, except when we're "somewhere else." I've been back to Jax (well,
really south of Jax) five times since coming "up here" late last

and my bride just returned from a business trip there.

I swear this is true.

Here's a funny. My bride had to fly out to San Diego Wednesday and
hitched a ride on her company's corporate jet. They landed in Salina,
Kansas, which is due north of Wichita and Skippy's suburb of Derby.

So when she gets to San Diego, I get a call asking, "What the

hell did
you do in Kansas...we didn't fly over one significant patch of

Harry, you make over 500 posts a week to this group and you

don't own
a boat?
And why are you so crabby?
Maybe these two factors are related?

One has to own something to use it? Hmmm. My bride drives off in

her car
every day, but she doesn't own it.

I'm not crabby. You asked for advice I gave you some. I

questioned your
wanting to take a very small boat out into high seas and suddenly you
turned sour. It's your pot; you are the one stewing in it.

No, it is the boat of a friend. It is a 24' ProLine center

console with,
if I recall, a 225 hp Merc on it. It was a dark and stormy day in
January (1997) when we went out, but the sky cleared once we got

out to
the Gulf Stream.

Bride and I caught and released:

1 white marlin
12-15 yellowtail snappers, maybe two pounds each. Pretty, pretty

Assorted red snappers
1 amberjack
2 jack crevalle jacks
1 snook
Nondescript sharks

Did you spend a year as a line psychotherapist at a 650-bed state
hospital for forensic patients?
Did you spend a year as senior psychotherapist at a county

facility for
substance abusers?
Did you spend two years as chief of therapy at a private, 200-bed
facility for the mentally and emotionally ill, at which approximately
half the patients were trying to beat drugs or alcohol?
Are you currently chief of therapy for a for a multi-practitioner
practice of some 825 patients, about a third of which are seeking

for substance abuse problems?

Licensed psychotherapist
Screening as to character and background for each degree earned
On-going screening by faculty while in educational system
Interviews and screenings for required years of internships,

plus, at the same
time, supervision by a licensed professional.
Close professional and personal supervision by a licensed

therapist for two years
of employment before being allowed to apply for licensure
Licensure background check, submission of recommendations by licensed
Four hour written examination on state laws
Five hour written examination on diagnosis, procedure and practice

My wife went through this before becoming licensed. Her final

internship was as a
psychotherapist at a 600-bed high security state psychiatric

hospital where, on a
daily basis, she was exposed to more danger than your average


My wife worked for a year as psychotherapist in a Florida 600-bed

mental institution for forensic patients. She saw and treated

sexual deviants who do a bit more than expose themselves. Such

is part of being in the mental health professions.

You see, I'm a nautical psychotherapist, and for only $125 an hour,
until their health insurance runs out, I help Bayliner owners

overcome their
feelings of boatable inadequacy.

She is a licensed, practicing
psychotherapist and often tells me I am the sanest person she

sees each
day. Which can be taken any way one likes.

1. I'm married to a psychotherapist. Live-in therapy, dontcha

know? And much of
Freud is passe.

My ex-wife surpassed the anti-Christ at least a decade ago.

They're not actually "free" moments. I go to boat dealers to round-up
Bayliner owners who are trying to find one who will take their own
version of flotsam and jetsam in on trade.

1. The address listed is not a home address. It is an office.

2. I have three phone numbers. The phone number listed is not one of
mine. It has never been one of mine. The phone number *did*

belong to an
after-hours message recording hotline my wife maintained for her most
mentally disturbed patients. Some of these troubled souls were
court-ordered referrals. *Every* call to that phone number--every
call--was recorded AND because of the nature of the line, my wife had
the ability to alert the telephone company to trace the phone

number of
every incoming call to that line, *even* if the person making the

tried to block his number.

Why, you might ask? Because when you are dealing with suicidal

they'll liable to tell their therapist over the phone that they are
planning to take their life. If the therapist believes the threat is
real, she or he will want to dispatch emergency srvices and

perhaps the

In the years my wife has provided this pro bono service, she has

received a threatening or abusive call from a mentally ill patient or
court-ordered referral. However, after the ranking Flaming Ass of

newsgroup posted the hotline number in this newsgroup, she received a
number of abusive, foul-mouthed AND life-threatening calls. These

mostly directed at me but, of course, I never received them BECAUSE
(duh!) the phone is not mine and I've never answered it.
Naturally, my wife alerted the authorities, with whom she works

because of her court-referred patients. The authorities are
investigating the callers and have involved both the FBI *and*
authorities in other states, including Florida, Georgia,

California and
Texas. Working with the telephone company, the authorities have been
able to trace the origin of virtually every abusive call. And, of
course, they have the tape recordings of the abusive messages.

suspects have been identified. I really don't know what the

outcome of
all this will be. We haven't had an update in several weeks, nor are
either of us here that interested in the sleazeballs that would make
such calls.

The phone number, of course, is "wired," so when the obnoxious

calls came in
from the idiot rec.boaters, the numbers were easy enough to

trace. The local
police handled a complaint, the local telco was involved and when

it was
discovered the point of origin was out of state, the FBI got

involved. At
least one of the idiots was caught and prosecuted. As far as I

can tell, he
has not posted here again

  #4   Report Post  
Don White
Posts: n/a
Default Habbi's gearcase full of water

Thanks a lot Harry :-)
What's that old saying..... 'let sleeping dogs lie'? or is it lay?

Harry Krause wrote in message
K Smith wrote:

If you want to get a better understanding of what I'm talking about
you're always welcome to come down here & I'll have the blokes show you
over a proper Taipan OB

An advanced search of the *Australian* google ( for
the key phrase "taipan outboard" and that phrase in combination with the
name Karen Smith produced the following result:

Your search - "taipan ob" - did not match any documents.
Your search - "taipan outboard" - did not match any documents.
Your search _ "karen smith" "taipan" - did not match any documents.
Your search - "karen smith" "diesel outboard" - did not match any

Merry Christmas

Email sent to is never read.

  #5   Report Post  
Harry Krause
Posts: n/a
Default Habbi's gearcase full of water

Don White wrote:

Thanks a lot Harry :-)
What's that old saying..... 'let sleeping dogs lie'? or is it lay?

Harry Krause wrote in message
K Smith wrote:

If you want to get a better understanding of what I'm talking about
you're always welcome to come down here & I'll have the blokes show you
over a proper Taipan OB

An advanced search of the *Australian* google ( for
the key phrase "taipan outboard" and that phrase in combination with the
name Karen Smith produced the following result:

Your search - "taipan ob" - did not match any documents.
Your search - "taipan outboard" - did not match any documents.
Your search _ "karen smith" "taipan" - did not match any documents.
Your search - "karen smith" "diesel outboard" - did not match any

Merry Christmas

Email sent to is never read.

Every so often I like to push her button and watch her explode. It's
very Pavlovian, don't you know...

Have a merry christmas, happy chanukah or whatever you celebrate, and a
safe and healthy new year.

Oh... a search engine that searches all major
Austrialian based search engines simultaneously...same results as those
of the Australian google.

No pertinent hits for "blokes" and "diesel outboard" either. What a

Email sent to
is never read.

  #6   Report Post  
K Smith
Posts: n/a
Default Habbi's gearcase full of water

Harry Krause wrote:
Don White wrote:

Thanks a lot Harry :-)
What's that old saying..... 'let sleeping dogs lie'? or is it lay?

Harry Krause wrote in message

K Smith wrote:

If you want to get a better understanding of what I'm talking about
you're always welcome to come down here & I'll have the blokes show you
over a proper Taipan OB

An advanced search of the *Australian* google ( for
the key phrase "taipan outboard" and that phrase in combination with the
name Karen Smith produced the following result:

Your search - "taipan ob" - did not match any documents.
Your search - "taipan outboard" - did not match any documents.
Your search _ "karen smith" "taipan" - did not match any documents.
Your search - "karen smith" "diesel outboard" - did not match any

Merry Christmas

Email sent to is never read.

Every so often I like to push her button and watch her explode. It's
very Pavlovian, don't you know...

Have a merry christmas, happy chanukah or whatever you celebrate, and a
safe and healthy new year.

Oh... a search engine that searches all major
Austrialian based search engines simultaneously...same results as those
of the Australian google.

No pertinent hits for "blokes" and "diesel outboard" either. What a

Dear dear dear you trap yourself every time don't you?? Honestly Harry
you are better off following the advice of Chuck the "honest":-) boat
broker or Don the hitch a ride bludger by just NOT RESPONDING!!! Please
save us all this endless embarrassment & stop banging your empty head
against a brick wall!! You may well be the most stupid person on the
planet!! You managed to find search engines that don't check domain name
owners when that's what you were looking for??? Is that even possible???
how do you breath unassisted or are you so dishonest & so used to
pasting falsehoods about your own Pres you just can't stop lying??

Once more for the umpteenth & hopefully final time I'll lead you
through it, you see I'm what I say I am, no tricks not BS just a person
who likes boats.

Last time you tried to say I didn't even own my own trade mark!!! so I
had to show you step by tedious step how I do indeed own it here in
several classes, but even moreso I also own it in the US & have done so
for years.

So now you try to say I'm not what I say I am because I don't have a
current website??? So what!! I can see no current benefit to me indeed
all I'd get is people like you, tyre kickers or the spruiker Bill types
who think they know about boats or engines & candidly I just can't be
bothered with that simpleton BS any more. is fine with me I
can play when I want & not when I don't.

That's not to say I don't think the web might be useful in the future
indeed I've thought that for many years, so much so I registered my Co
domain name & keep it current, just in case I want to be bothered by
endless time wasters.

Obviously you know the trade mark, so add marine to it as one word,
type (don't forget the .au because I'm proud of that:-) & when
you feed this into any of the domain name search engines say;

they'll find my Co & me as I'm easy to find & have nothing to hide.

Clearly a registration, needs a right & here that "right" is
either the co registration or the trade mark, in this case I personally
own both.

So again my simpleton friend I hand feed you independently verifiable
third part easily checkable info, now it's your turn, how about you deal
with even just one of your lies, come on you cowardly, lefty, sexist,
racist, xenophobic, union thug sack of crap I christmas cheer dare you
to have a go:-)


I try to keep a little on topic material if possible so .....

Here's some of Harry's lies for you, just to bring back old memories:-)

Just to make your day, not only was
I a civilian employee in SE Asia, it was in Vietnam, it was during the
war against Vietnam, I did see some horrific sights and I was working at
the time for a U.S. general. Is that straightforward enough for you,
John, or is your amoeba still chasing your synapse

I'm doing my part to ease unemployment. I'm hiring another

writer for my staff. Will be putting the ad on MONSTER.COM and in the
Wash Post.

I need more staff because 2004 is a major election year and business
booked to date indicates we'll be drowning in work. We need to hire a
production coordinator, too. It has very little to do with the

state of the economy, other than using it as reason to defeat Republicrap

I'm doing my part to ease unemployment. I'm hiring another writer

for my

staff. Will be putting the ad on MONSTER.COM and in the Wash Post.

We have first-class benefits, including a top-of-the-line health
insurance plan, a non-contributory defined-benefit pension plan, a

and a life insurance policy equal to annual salary. We contribute a
share of profits to the 401k on behalf of the employee. Our employees
pay $4.50 for generic prescriptions and $8.00 for non-generics, but
that's going up next year to $10 and $15. New employees get two weeks
vacation the first year, and that goes to three weeks the third

year. In
addition, we have 12 paid holidays and we shut down from noon on
Christmas eve to the day after New Year's Day. We also provide 20 days
of paid sick leave a year. And we have an outside company administering
pre-tax flexible bennies for our employees.
Our fringe benefit package follows the trade union model, except, of
course, for the profit contributions to 401k's. Trade unions are
not-for-profit enterprises.
How do these compare to the bennies at your shop?

Paid? Every year? I call "bull****". With 3 weeks vacation, 12 paid
holidays, and 20 paid sick days that's 47 *paid* days off every

year. Are
they hourly employees? For a "small business", that's the road to

Boy...and you had me going there for a minute.

Not quite so simple, though you are trying hard to make it so. Our
business is up because we're on the cusp of an election year. Our
business always goes up in a major election year.
You could say we're going to be doing very well in 2004 because Bush is
such a total failure.

The 20 paid sick days aren't part of the "paid" days off unless those
days are used. None of our people abuses sick leave. In fact, no one as
yet has even come close to using 20 sick days in one year. They're

in case they're needed.

Oh, I forgot. We also provide everyone with LTD.

The company provides an insurance plan that pays 50% of an employe's
salary for Long Term Disability. Employes have the option of

an additional 16.66%, bringing their total to 66.66%. The basic

maximum is $4,000 per month. With the buy up, the limit is

increased to
$10,000 per month.

Sure. I'm in the market for a new marine diesel of 420-480 shp. I'm

interested in Volvo's TAMD74P EDC, because Volvo has had a lot of

with electronic controls in that size diesel. I've dismissed getting

a Cat 3208
TA because the technology is so old and because a couple of

commercial fishermen
I know who have had 3208's have, basically, burned them out.

Thanks. Yes, Cummins is talked about favorably by some of the guys

I've been
talking to. Most of them have had experience with Cats, especially

the 3208, and
in recent years some have moved to Volvos.

These are commercial fishermen, mostly, running hulls somewhat

similar to what
we're doing.

No, the diesel is for a new boat we're having built.

Hmmm. A fishing/day cruising boat with some range, nice speed, a

real soft ride,
offshore capabilities and sleeping/full head(with standup shower
enclosure)/galley accommodations. Fiberglass, although the architect

did try to
convince me to go with cold-molded wood, which I do like.
More specifically, I suppose, a lobsta' boat, sort of, if that

brings up a
mental image for you.

She'll measure 36' sans a bowsprit x a little more than 12' in beam.

The hull
buttom is built down to the keel. There are no chines.
The hull is efficient at displacement and planing speeds. According

to the hull
builder, if we keep the weight within certain limits, we'll achieve a

WOT of
about 37-38 mph, and a very easy cruise of 30-32 mph on a single

diesel of about
420-450 hp. She'll cruise slow and economically, too.
We expect a very smooooooooooth riding boat, able to take on a big

headsea at a
pretty good clip without beating up the folks inside.
Fitting out a boat like this is going to be an interesting and

experience. Basically, we get to spec everything and we end up with a


It's Lou Codega. He's a widely known and respected naval architect. He
does Regulator's hulls, too. He's done the Navigator 37. I believe he's
also done designs for Carolina Classic.

Cummins faxed me a bunch of computer generated data today on engine

choices for

the new boat.

On the 36-footer, 16,000 pounds displacement:

QSM11 635 hp, 36.3 mph WOT, 32.1 mph at sustained cruise, marine

gear ratio of
1.77, turning a four blade 26x35 prop on a 2.50 inch Aquamet 22

shaft. Too much

QSM11 535 hp at 2300 rpm, 33.3 mph WOT, 29.5 mph at sustained

cruise of 2100
rpm, same gear ratio, 24x34 prop. Right on the money.

6CTA8.3 450 hp, 30.6 mph WOT, 27.5 mph at sustained cruise, 2.00:1

gear ratio,
24x31 four blade prop on Aquamet 22 2" shaft.

Cummins tells me its program is "about 8% too conservative."

Looks like the QSM11 535 will be the right engine. Its fuel use is

only a little
more than the 450's and a lot less than the 635 hp engine. What I

want is a 30
mph sustained cruise speed, and 535 hp will do it. Cummins also

figured the boat
at 1000 pounds heavier than our target, which is probably the smart

thing to do.
Besides, the QSM is a new, all computerized design.

The hull form is what got to me. The boat has a substantial keel and

it is a
built-down keel, right to its bottom, not just "tacked" on. It backs

beautifully. And it seems to roll one heck of a lot less in a beam

sea than the
semi-vee 36 footers I've been on, and especially some large deep vee

boats of about the same size its been my pleasure to fish aboard. I

believe it
is a function of the keel and the really low center of gravity.

Amazing, for a
boat that is round bilged and fairly flat under the transom. No

chines. Just
splash rails forward and aft. A soft, soft ride...which is what I


Here's just some of his prior lies (in his own words pasted);

I sold off nearly $3,000,000 in new motors and boats, depressing
the new boat
industry in southern Connecticut for an entire season.

Everything was
cotter pin, every quart of oil, 30 days after I started. For near
full-retail, too.

He had just under $1,000,000 on floor plan with a
syndicate of banks led by National Shawmut of Boston. He had been a
solid customer of that back for more than 20 years and they

gave him
great rates.

As far as your other complaints, well, almost every president

in my memory,
and I *remember* Truman, Eisenhower (who cheated on his wife),

Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan and Bush, lied and

participated in
deceit to one degree or another, and on issues far more

important than who
was giving them blow jobs.

Good lord. I met *every* president in the damned group except

Bush, and I
worked once for his father.

My father used to pray that the north shore of LI Sound would

be hit by
a mild hurricane. No
one injured, no on-shore property damaged, but lots of boats sunk.
Preferably early in July.

We had the Hatteras for two years. Last year, out of the cold

clear, a
broker approached me with an offer to buy. Our continued Florida
lifestyle was somewhat up in the air, because the two breadwinners
hereabouts were about to be offered long-term but temporary

they could not refuse in the Washington, D.C., area. So, after

romanced a little, we sold the Hatt for almost precisely what

we paid
for it. Not bad, after two full years of use. And I mean full

years. So,
we didn't "make" any money off the Hatt, but we didn't lose

any, either.
The proceeds were prudently invested.

The PWC was won as
a prize in a raffle.

Never mind that. Why does he have a Bilgeliner in front of his

Is it a display of "Boating Don'ts?"
Yeah, when we were in the boat biz, my father always had one

or two

"around the back" that he was forced to take in trade. These

were sold
as "as is, where is." He made sure the engine would start and run.
Beyond that, it was up to the prospective buyer to decide if he

it. They moved off the lot pretty quickly, partially because my

main store was on a highly trafficked commercial route with lots of
manufacturing and machining and aerospace plants near by. In

those days,
workers at these places could fix anything.

Actually, Dipper, I don't think my father ever saw a Bayliner.

But he still
called bumpers bumpers.

Bayliner wined and dined my father a half dozen times to

entice him
into becoming its dealer. His operation was the largest small boat
dealership in its area of New England, and for 30 years, he was the
*exclusive* Evinrude dealer in a densely populated coastal

county. He
also handled Mercuries. He never liked Bayliners, andreferred

to them
as "jerry-built."

From 1947 until he died, he sold more than 500 outboard motors a
year from his stores, accounting for a reasonably high

percentage of *all*
outboards sold in his home state for those years.

This is a killer. My father was in the boat business dating back to
right after
the Big War. When he died and I was looking through his

warehouse, I found
wrapped in a nuclear fall-out bag (no kidding), a brand-new 1949
Evinrude 8015
50 hp outboard. The motor was a gift to my father from Evinrude for
winning some
outboard stock utility or hydroplane race.

I gave the motor to a friend of my dad's, who worked at the

shop as head
mechanic. I don't believe he ever used it and I'm sure it is still
brand-new. I
have no idea who might own it now.

He also built
boats, and I worked on a few, both wood, glass covered wood and
all fiberglass. After he died, however, we sold the biz and I've
just been an occasional boat owner.

Besides, I worked off and on in the
boat business and inherited it when he died. So, as I said, I'm
knee-deep in boat heritage.

and I had some friends who died in the service, too, but it

wasn't for
what they believed in. They were drafted, shipped to Vietnam

and came
back in body bags.

During the war, he turned out experimental brass shell casings
for the
Army and hopped up outboards for the Navy, which wanted to use

them on
landing craft. I had photos at one time of my father with Ole

My mother knew one of Evinrude's wives...she was a minor movie

star or
singer...I forgot which. Maybe both.

Have you ever sailed from San Francisco to Hawaii? I have.
Have you ever rounded Cape Horn? I have, twice.
Have you ever transited the Panama Canal? I have.
Have you owned more than 20 boats in your lifetime? I have.
Have you ever sailed large boats competitively? I have.
Have you ever been hundreds of miles from land in a powerboat

under your
command? I have.

My father and his chief mechanic once crossed the Atlantic in

winter in
a 22'
boat powered by twin outboards. Yes, it is possible, even the

fuel. Got a
"fireboat" welcome in NYC.

Here are some:

Hatteras 43' sportfish
Swan 41' racing/cruising sloop
Morgan 33
O'Day 30
Cruisers, Inc., Mackinac 22
Century Coronado
Bill Luders 16, as sweet a sailboat as ever caught a breeze.
Century 19' wood lapstrake with side wheel steering
Cruisers, Inc. 18' and 16' wood lapstrakes
Wolverines. Molded plywood. Gorgeous. Several. 14,15,17 footers

with various
Lighting class sailboat
Botved Coronet with twin 50 hp Evinrudes. Interesting boat.
Aristocraft (a piece of junk...13', fast, held together with spit)
Alcort Sunfish
Ancarrow Marine Aquiflyer. 22' footer with two Caddy Crusaders.
Guaranteed 60
mph. In the late 1950's.
Skimmar brand skiff
Arkansas Traveler fiberglass bowrider (I think it was a bowrider)
Dyer Dhow
Su-Mark round bilge runabout, fiberglass
Penn Yan runabouts. Wood.
Old Town wood and canvas canoe
Old Town sailing canoe...different than above canoe

Sometime in the early 1960s, I was driving back from Ft.

Leonard Wood to
Kansas City in a nice old MGA I owned at the time. About

halfway home it
started raining heavily, I turned on the wipers, and EVERY SINGLE
electrical accessory and light in the car flashed on, there was

a large
popping sound and it all blew out at once. And the car caught

fire. I
pulled over to the side of the road, watched the fire, removed my
license plate and hitched on home. For all I know, that old MGA

is still

Sure was a pretty little car.

Puh-lease, Karen. You've not seen nor have I ever posted one

example of
my professional writings on building structure and the effects

on it of
hurricane-force winds and seismic activity. I haven't done any

of these
in at least 10 year, but at the time I was field researching,
photographing and writing these reports, they were quite accurate,
topical and well-received by their intended audiences.

A small fleet of Polar skiffs were purchased by an inshore bait,


and boat rental business on the ICW in NE Florida. These boats

were not
used on open waters. Within 90 days, cracks developed in the

liners that
also served as the deck over the flotation in the bottom of

the hulls. A
guide I know, one whose boats and engines are supplied to him by
manufacturers, also had a Polar skiff go bad on him for the

same reasons
-liner and then hull fractures.

Harry has claimed to have a 20 yrs his junior beautiful wife, he

even put a fake pic of a beautiful woman on a website once claiming it
was his "young bride", he may have a wife, although I doubt it, we don't
like nor tolerate misogynists for long.

Needless to say he's made up many "dramatic" over the top

stories over the years about this lie to feed his ego & pretend he's the
centre of attention, but as with his boat claims & other crap, there's
never once been even a shred of independently verifiable material.

After he stalked Madcow in real life, which was most

frightening, I do suspect he's very very dangerous & that this "bride"
story is his delusional appropriation of his, probably court ordered,
treating psychotherapist as "wife" (it seems he was under lock & key for
what?? over a year??? a sexual deviant maybe??), have a read of just a
small part of his BS & make up your own mind, it's all about free choice:-)

1. She *is* my bride. There are no rules that determine the end of
"bride-hood." If I want to refer to her as my bride, I may.

2. As a professional writer, I know the rules of language and am

entitled to
break them in exercise of my license.

3. I doubt many married women would object to their husbands lovingly
referring to them as brides. The connotations are pleasant.

4. She's 20 years younger than I am.

Naw. What happened was that I handled a couple of "political"

jobs funded out of the DC area to help a few candidates and defeat a
couple of ballot issues. Through no fault of mine, we won each of the
races, so some of the deep pockets types based in the DC area think I
actually *know something* about the process. I was offered a contract
that requires my presence in DC quite frequently. My bride also was
offered a job up here that represented a significant professional

move. So, we're "up here" much of the time and "down there" the

rest of
it, except when we're "somewhere else." I've been back to Jax (well,
really south of Jax) five times since coming "up here" late last

and my bride just returned from a business trip there.

I swear this is true.

Here's a funny. My bride had to fly out to San Diego Wednesday and
hitched a ride on her company's corporate jet. They landed in Salina,
Kansas, which is due north of Wichita and Skippy's suburb of Derby.

So when she gets to San Diego, I get a call asking, "What the

hell did
you do in Kansas...we didn't fly over one significant patch of

Harry, you make over 500 posts a week to this group and you

don't own
a boat?
And why are you so crabby?
Maybe these two factors are related?

One has to own something to use it? Hmmm. My bride drives off in

her car
every day, but she doesn't own it.

I'm not crabby. You asked for advice I gave you some. I

questioned your
wanting to take a very small boat out into high seas and suddenly you
turned sour. It's your pot; you are the one stewing in it.

No, it is the boat of a friend. It is a 24' ProLine center

console with,
if I recall, a 225 hp Merc on it. It was a dark and stormy day in
January (1997) when we went out, but the sky cleared once we got

out to
the Gulf Stream.

Bride and I caught and released:

1 white marlin
12-15 yellowtail snappers, maybe two pounds each. Pretty, pretty

Assorted red snappers
1 amberjack
2 jack crevalle jacks
1 snook
Nondescript sharks

Did you spend a year as a line psychotherapist at a 650-bed state
hospital for forensic patients?
Did you spend a year as senior psychotherapist at a county

facility for
substance abusers?
Did you spend two years as chief of therapy at a private, 200-bed
facility for the mentally and emotionally ill, at which approximately
half the patients were trying to beat drugs or alcohol?
Are you currently chief of therapy for a for a multi-practitioner
practice of some 825 patients, about a third of which are seeking

for substance abuse problems?

Licensed psychotherapist
Screening as to character and background for each degree earned
On-going screening by faculty while in educational system
Interviews and screenings for required years of internships,

plus, at the same
time, supervision by a licensed professional.
Close professional and personal supervision by a licensed

therapist for two years
of employment before being allowed to apply for licensure
Licensure background check, submission of recommendations by licensed
Four hour written examination on state laws
Five hour written examination on diagnosis, procedure and practice

My wife went through this before becoming licensed. Her final

internship was as a
psychotherapist at a 600-bed high security state psychiatric

hospital where, on a
daily basis, she was exposed to more danger than your average


My wife worked for a year as psychotherapist in a Florida 600-bed

mental institution for forensic patients. She saw and treated

sexual deviants who do a bit more than expose themselves. Such

is part of being in the mental health professions.

You see, I'm a nautical psychotherapist, and for only $125 an hour,
until their health insurance runs out, I help Bayliner owners

overcome their
feelings of boatable inadequacy.

She is a licensed, practicing
psychotherapist and often tells me I am the sanest person she

sees each
day. Which can be taken any way one likes.

1. I'm married to a psychotherapist. Live-in therapy, dontcha

know? And much of
Freud is passe.

My ex-wife surpassed the anti-Christ at least a decade ago.

They're not actually "free" moments. I go to boat dealers to round-up
Bayliner owners who are trying to find one who will take their own
version of flotsam and jetsam in on trade.

1. The address listed is not a home address. It is an office.

2. I have three phone numbers. The phone number listed is not one of
mine. It has never been one of mine. The phone number *did*

belong to an
after-hours message recording hotline my wife maintained for her most
mentally disturbed patients. Some of these troubled souls were
court-ordered referrals. *Every* call to that phone number--every
call--was recorded AND because of the nature of the line, my wife had
the ability to alert the telephone company to trace the phone

number of
every incoming call to that line, *even* if the person making the

tried to block his number.

Why, you might ask? Because when you are dealing with suicidal

they'll liable to tell their therapist over the phone that they are
planning to take their life. If the therapist believes the threat is
real, she or he will want to dispatch emergency srvices and

perhaps the

In the years my wife has provided this pro bono service, she has

received a threatening or abusive call from a mentally ill patient or
court-ordered referral. However, after the ranking Flaming Ass of

newsgroup posted the hotline number in this newsgroup, she received a
number of abusive, foul-mouthed AND life-threatening calls. These

mostly directed at me but, of course, I never received them BECAUSE
(duh!) the phone is not mine and I've never answered it.
Naturally, my wife alerted the authorities, with whom she works

because of her court-referred patients. The authorities are
investigating the callers and have involved both the FBI *and*
authorities in other states, including Florida, Georgia,

California and
Texas. Working with the telephone company, the authorities have been
able to trace the origin of virtually every abusive call. And, of
course, they have the tape recordings of the abusive messages.

suspects have been identified. I really don't know what the

outcome of
all this will be. We haven't had an update in several weeks, nor are
either of us here that interested in the sleazeballs that would make
such calls.

The phone number, of course, is "wired," so when the obnoxious

calls came in
from the idiot rec.boaters, the numbers were easy enough to

trace. The local
police handled a complaint, the local telco was involved and when

it was
discovered the point of origin was out of state, the FBI got

involved. At
least one of the idiots was caught and prosecuted. As far as I

can tell, he
has not posted here again

  #7   Report Post  
Harry Krause
Posts: n/a
Default Habbi's gearcase full of water

K Smith wrote:
Harry Krause wrote:
Don White wrote:

Thanks a lot Harry :-)
What's that old saying..... 'let sleeping dogs lie'? or is it lay?

Harry Krause wrote in message

K Smith wrote:

If you want to get a better understanding of what I'm talking about
you're always welcome to come down here & I'll have the blokes show you
over a proper Taipan OB

An advanced search of the *Australian* google ( for
the key phrase "taipan outboard" and that phrase in combination with the
name Karen Smith produced the following result:

Your search - "taipan ob" - did not match any documents.
Your search - "taipan outboard" - did not match any documents.
Your search _ "karen smith" "taipan" - did not match any documents.
Your search - "karen smith" "diesel outboard" - did not match any

Merry Christmas

Email sent to is never read.

Every so often I like to push her button and watch her explode. It's
very Pavlovian, don't you know...

Have a merry christmas, happy chanukah or whatever you celebrate, and a
safe and healthy new year.

Oh... a search engine that searches all major
Austrialian based search engines simultaneously...same results as those
of the Australian google.

No pertinent hits for "blokes" and "diesel outboard" either. What a

Dear dear dear you trap yourself every time don't you?? Honestly Harry
you are better off following the advice of Chuck the "honest":-) boat
broker or Don the hitch a ride bludger by just NOT RESPONDING!!! Please
save us all this endless embarrassment & stop banging your empty head
against a brick wall!! You may well be the most stupid person on the
planet!! You managed to find search engines that don't check domain name
owners when that's what you were looking for??? Is that even possible???
how do you breath unassisted or are you so dishonest & so used to
pasting falsehoods about your own Pres you just can't stop lying??

D'oh. You continue to make and publish assumptions about what you are
simply clueless. Is it because you don't know standard English?

I wasn't necessarily looking for "domain name owners," but, rather,
*any* Australian web site, any whatsoever, that had heard of you and the
non-existent line of diesel outboard motors you don't manufacture and
had referenced *any* mentions. Well, to date, there is nothing, nada,
zip, zilch. There are a couple of "players" in diesel outboards in
Australia, dealers, distributors and one company that modifies Yanmar
diesel outboards for military use. If you were such an innovator in such
a small universe (diesel outboards), you'd think one of these companies
would have heard of you. Nothing, nada, zip, zilch.

Last time you tried to say I didn't even own my own trade mark!!! so I
had to show you step by tedious step how I do indeed own it here in
several classes, but even moreso I also own it in the US & have done so
for years.

I don't recall making such a statement. And besides, owning a
"trademark" is indicative of virtually nothing. I could trademark a line
of snaggle-toothed rubber dildos, call them the "Karen E. Smith
Specials," and never actually manufacture them. Sort of like
trademarking or registering the name "Taipan Diesel Outboards," and
never actually manufacturing them.

So now you try to say I'm not what I say I am because I don't have a
current website???

Nope, never made that claim. *You* are making that assumption. As stated
previously, you do not think so clearly.

Oh, and I think your posts here say exactly what you are. You come
across as a less than funny and unendearing relative of Countess
Aurelia, the Madwoman of Challiot, or perhaps one of the bitchy witches
from Hamlet.

So what!! I can see no current benefit to me indeed
all I'd get is people like you, tyre kickers or the spruiker Bill types
who think they know about boats or engines & candidly I just can't be
bothered with that simpleton BS any more. is fine with me I
can play when I want & not when I don't.

Well, a web site isn't the be-all and end-all of marketing, but for
someone like you, with no assets, no reputation and no product, it might
be a way to get your product "out there" and known. But, then, you don't
manufacture a diesel outboard and never will.

That's not to say I don't think the web might be useful in the future
indeed I've thought that for many years, so much so I registered my Co
domain name & keep it current, just in case I want to be bothered by
endless time wasters.

Yes, you certainly would not want to be bothered by someone who wants to
buy your non-existent products.

Obviously you know the trade mark, so add marine to it as one word,
type (don't forget the .au because I'm proud of that:-) & when
you feed this into any of the domain name search engines say;

they'll find my Co & me as I'm easy to find & have nothing to hide.

Big fripping deal. You have a domain registered. That can be done for
close to free in the U S of A.

Clearly a registration, needs a right & here that "right" is
either the co registration or the trade mark, in this case I personally
own both.

Big fripping deal.

So again my simpleton friend I hand feed you independently verifiable
third part easily checkable info, now it's your turn, how about you deal
with even just one of your lies, come on you cowardly, lefty, sexist,
racist, xenophobic, union thug sack of crap I christmas cheer dare you
to have a go:-)


Hmmm. A possible answer for the television game Jeopardy:

"Karen Elizabeth Smith"

And the question, of course:

What is the name of Pavlov's Dog?

Here's a bonus for you, Karen:

There, you can play a game that involves teaching Pavlov's dog to drool.
As many of us have done and continue to do...with you.


Now, go stew for a few hours and come up with a fresh pot of drool.

Email sent to is never read.
  #8   Report Post  
K Smith
Posts: n/a
Default Habbi's gearcase full of water

Harry Krause wrote:
K Smith wrote:

Harry Krause wrote:

Don White wrote:

Thanks a lot Harry :-)
What's that old saying..... 'let sleeping dogs lie'? or is it lay?

Harry Krause wrote in message

K Smith wrote:

If you want to get a better understanding of what I'm talking about
you're always welcome to come down here & I'll have the blokes show you
over a proper Taipan OB

An advanced search of the *Australian* google ( for
the key phrase "taipan outboard" and that phrase in combination with the
name Karen Smith produced the following result:

Your search - "taipan ob" - did not match any documents.
Your search - "taipan outboard" - did not match any documents.
Your search _ "karen smith" "taipan" - did not match any documents.
Your search - "karen smith" "diesel outboard" - did not match any

Merry Christmas

Email sent to is never read.

Every so often I like to push her button and watch her explode. It's
very Pavlovian, don't you know...

Have a merry christmas, happy chanukah or whatever you celebrate, and a
safe and healthy new year.

Oh... a search engine that searches all major
Austrialian based search engines simultaneously...same results as those
of the Australian google.

No pertinent hits for "blokes" and "diesel outboard" either. What a

Dear dear dear you trap yourself every time don't you?? Honestly Harry
you are better off following the advice of Chuck the "honest":-) boat
broker or Don the hitch a ride bludger by just NOT RESPONDING!!! Please
save us all this endless embarrassment & stop banging your empty head
against a brick wall!! You may well be the most stupid person on the
planet!! You managed to find search engines that don't check domain name
owners when that's what you were looking for??? Is that even possible???
how do you breath unassisted or are you so dishonest & so used to
pasting falsehoods about your own Pres you just can't stop lying??

D'oh. You continue to make and publish assumptions about what you are
simply clueless. Is it because you don't know standard English?

I wasn't necessarily looking for "domain name owners," but, rather,
*any* Australian web site, any whatsoever, that had heard of you and the
non-existent line of diesel outboard motors you don't manufacture and
had referenced *any* mentions.

You're back!!!! I knew it!! I knew you can't help yourself even if it
grievously lets your little left cheek bum buddies chuck wanna be the
honest don down!!! They'll be well ****ed about this Harry, you're not
supposed to saying anything. What substance do lefties have if they
can't run in a reliable pack??

How was your christmas day?? I hope worrying about me hasn't upset
you?? Oops yes now I remember I don't even bother you at all:-)

Regardless hope you & everyone else had/is having a good day. Mine???;
it was nice & thanks for asking:-)

Well, to date, there is nothing, nada,
zip, zilch. There are a couple of "players" in diesel outboards in
Australia, dealers, distributors and one company that modifies Yanmar
diesel outboards for military use. If you were such an innovator in such
a small universe (diesel outboards), you'd think one of these companies
would have heard of you. Nothing, nada, zip, zilch.

I've never claimed to be "marketing" indeed repeatedly told you just
the opposite. As you can imagine I've had all sorts of "proposals" as
you blokes are want to make:-) but it's a big ask it really is. For me
to make a commitment of have these manufactured in any sort of
commercial quantities carries huge risks, even taking it as far as it
has so far has taken 8 geez louise coming up 9 yrs!! I've never claimed
to be a commercial supplier of diesel OBs but we have built small
numbers over the years, each is different & has been for a specific
purpose for a specific person.

I already put more than I think I should into this & that means other
"projects" don't get the full attention of the blokes I think they deserve.

Last time you tried to say I didn't even own my own trade mark!!! so I

had to show you step by tedious step how I do indeed own it here in
several classes, but even moreso I also own it in the US & have done so
for years.

I don't recall making such a statement. And besides, owning a
"trademark" is indicative of virtually nothing. I could trademark a line
of snaggle-toothed rubber dildos, call them the "Karen E. Smith
Specials," and never actually manufacture them. Sort of like
trademarking or registering the name "Taipan Diesel Outboards," and
never actually manufacturing them.

Yes that's true (unusual for you I must say:-)) but I doubt you would,
it costs some money to register trade marks here & much more there, as
you can see I have always left the option of full low scale spec
building open, but again I personally don't feel like taking on the
hassle nor risks.

From time to time I get offers of this & that deal, mostly it involves
me giving the project away for less than it's worth to me or loosing
full control, but knowing enough of marketing optional pleasure related
items I'll just leave things as they are for now. Sorry if that doesn't
suit you I really am, but don't feel alone it's a battle I had/have with
the blokes & others over the years.

So now you try to say I'm not what I say I am because I don't have a
current website???

Nope, never made that claim. *You* are making that assumption. As stated
previously, you do not think so clearly.

What was you point then?? I never claimed to have an active web site &
still don't. Can you imagine the hassles?? the endless sticky beaks each
& every one wants to be the one that knows all about the big diesel OBs.
Honestly what is it about blokes that mechanical contraptions get you in
& you just "have" to be the bloke?? Venus & Mars I guess. I mean it, the
blokes have even been told where & by whom they're made:-) I've finally
got them trained just to enjoy it & not reflex into the corrections, it
only leads to more questions. I even heard Jimmy Buffett was in town once.

Oh, and I think your posts here say exactly what you are. You come
across as a less than funny and unendearing relative of Countess
Aurelia, the Madwoman of Challiot, or perhaps one of the bitchy witches
from Hamlet.

I know I give you stick I really do admit that, so I understand I
deserve no less in return, but this is school yard bully name calling:-)
It doesn't bother me any more than any of your other lapses, but come on
Harry calling me a witch??. Seems I've put a curse on you?? So no way
any of us will kiss you not ever; so enjoy the pond.

I call you things for cause like;

a liar, well I've put up copious evidence some accept it, some don't,
but there it is the evidence & the source is yourself your own words;
you are a liar,

cowardly, I say you are, you've boasted here about stalking Madcow on
her boat, at her marina even checked out he house, that's illegal but
like most crimes in that area it's the actions of a coward & the source
is yourself your own words; you are a coward. The fact you run away on
your lies is more evidence I submit that naming you as a coward is

lefty, well that's a compliment to you so I doubt I need produce
anything more & the source is yourself your own words you are a lefty.

sexist, You are driven mad by any woman who dares stand up to you, you
then call them names most disgusting, almost universally related to
their gender & the source is yourself your own words; you are sexist.

racist, From the early days you've never hesitated to use peoples
origins if you think it will help you in your arguments, you chased Pete
from the UK by slinging off about the UK, same with me & Aus you've even
used the fact people are canadian to belittle them or their arguments,
then the mere fact something is made in china sends you crazy even when
made by a US owned & run Co & the source is yourself your own words; you
are a racist

xenophobic, Yep absolutely scared of anything or anyone different &
foreign to you, especially Asian. You are crippled with fear that anyone
different to you might actually have something worthwhile to contribute
& the source is yourself your own words; you are xenophobic

union thug, Yes absolutely you boast about how you use union power to
get what you want, doesn't matter you don't risk any of your own money,
or contribute any of the IP all you want to do is harvest more than you
& your union simpletons are worth once a particular enterprise is up &
successful. The fact you do it by compulsion is thuggery & that's what
you are a union thug, the source is yourself your own words; you are a
union thug.

sack of crap I must admit I have no evidence I can post of this however
it remains my overall assessment of you as a human being a waste of
space, an oxygen thief & a lying sack of crap. The source is my many
years of assessing bully boys & in that regard my hit rate even exceeds
my hit rate of predicting OMC failures.

So what!! I can see no current benefit to me indeed

all I'd get is people like you, tyre kickers or the spruiker Bill types
who think they know about boats or engines & candidly I just can't be
bothered with that simpleton BS any more. is fine with me I
can play when I want & not when I don't.

Well, a web site isn't the be-all and end-all of marketing, but for
someone like you, with no assets, no reputation and no product, it might
be a way to get your product "out there" and known. But, then, you don't
manufacture a diesel outboard and never will.

You seem obsessed with the "wealth" of others which is not all that
unusual with jealous union thug lefties. I always just let these things
slide because as I'm sure Karl will confirm for you, when his ship came
in after the initial euphoria died down his life settled back pretty
much where it was, with as many worries just a different set & even some
new ones. So don't worry about who has more or less than you Harry, just
do your best & make sure you sleep OK on it. Is this obsession with
claimed wealth why you make up these crazy boat ownership stories?? I
can assure you if you'd been honest from the start here you'd actually
have some respect. Never too late for anything, try it & see if I'm right.

Start by wiping the lie slate clean admit it was all just made up BS,
apologise & you'll be surprised how accepting people will be, after all
you are just another human ant visiting like the rest of us. I doubt you
will try this, just as your OMC dealer mates remain in denial about
their positions but you should know it's always a viable option for you.

You're constantly at me for not going full on commercial with the OBs??
A person I much respected once quoted to me (don't know where it comes

If you've got enough to consider starting it, you've got enough not to

That's not to say I don't think the web might be useful in the future
indeed I've thought that for many years, so much so I registered my Co
domain name & keep it current, just in case I want to be bothered by
endless time wasters.

Yes, you certainly would not want to be bothered by someone who wants to
buy your non-existent products.

I already tell & show you more than I like to so just be happy you know
the Taipan diesel OBs exist because you've been looking at one &
slinging off about them since 98, as for the rest; if I wanted to spam
here trust me I would, seems every other spruiker does:-)

Come on Harry don't wear your lack of commercial experience like a
crown, you & the Chucks are always criticising commercial operations but
trust me it's not that easy in any premises & being the manufacturer is
the worst place to be in the chain.

The dealers you so much love are the worst parasites, they snip min.
20% of any & everything & they won't even pay for the stock!!! They will
cheat & lie to any & everyone, the end result being the supplier gets
screwed. Doesn't matter if that supplier is me & the blokes or Ford or GM.

I can go all commercial with other peoples' money but again then I'm
beholden, or of course I can just give it away & loose control of
something the blokes have put so much effort into.

Obviously you know the trade mark, so add marine to it as one word,
type (don't forget the .au because I'm proud of that:-) & when
you feed this into any of the domain name search engines say;

they'll find my Co & me as I'm easy to find & have nothing to hide.

Big fripping deal. You have a domain registered. That can be done for
close to free in the U S of A.

Again I never said it was a big deal it's been registered since spot
was a pup, you're the one who made the lack of a web site an issue not
me. Again for clarity, .com need a right to register, just to pre-empt
your next allegation.

Clearly a registration, needs a right & here that "right" is
either the co registration or the trade mark, in this case I personally
own both.

Big fripping deal.

Well it is in a way yes, it does mean I have backed up yet again in the
face of your allegations who I am, what my Co does etc, shown via
independently verified material from the Co registration, right through
to the USPTO, yet you have never & still can't lead us to one single
"independently" verifiable backup on any of your over the top claims.

So again my simpleton friend I hand feed you independently verifiable
third part easily checkable info, now it's your turn, how about you deal
with even just one of your lies, come on you cowardly, lefty, sexist,
racist, xenophobic, union thug sack of crap I christmas cheer dare you
to have a go:-)

So I take it this is another admission from Harry the liar that he is
just BS??



Hmmm. A possible answer for the television game Jeopardy:

"Karen Elizabeth Smith"

And the question, of course:

What is the name of Pavlov's Dog?

Here's a bonus for you, Karen:

There, you can play a game that involves teaching Pavlov's dog to drool.
As many of us have done and continue to do...with you.

Yep you sure got me a good one this time Harry, here I was thinking you
weren't even going to read my stuff, so you cunningly found a bit buried
in the middle of a long technical explanation, then you couldn't help
yourself but go off searching searching searching for anything you could
to cause me grief, now even that has blown up in your face again bugs
bunny cartoon style; you still think you the doctor don't you??? Of
course you do:-)


Now, go stew for a few hours and come up with a fresh pot of drool.

It's not fresh but it is a pot of your lies:-)

I try to keep a little on topic material if possible so .....

Here's some of Harry's lies for you, just to bring back old memories:-)

Just to make your day, not only was
I a civilian employee in SE Asia, it was in Vietnam, it was during the
war against Vietnam, I did see some horrific sights and I was working at
the time for a U.S. general. Is that straightforward enough for you,
John, or is your amoeba still chasing your synapse

I'm doing my part to ease unemployment. I'm hiring another

writer for my staff. Will be putting the ad on MONSTER.COM and in the
Wash Post.

I need more staff because 2004 is a major election year and business
booked to date indicates we'll be drowning in work. We need to hire a
production coordinator, too. It has very little to do with the

state of the economy, other than using it as reason to defeat Republicrap

I'm doing my part to ease unemployment. I'm hiring another writer

for my

staff. Will be putting the ad on MONSTER.COM and in the Wash Post.

We have first-class benefits, including a top-of-the-line health
insurance plan, a non-contributory defined-benefit pension plan, a

and a life insurance policy equal to annual salary. We contribute a
share of profits to the 401k on behalf of the employee. Our employees
pay $4.50 for generic prescriptions and $8.00 for non-generics, but
that's going up next year to $10 and $15. New employees get two weeks
vacation the first year, and that goes to three weeks the third

year. In
addition, we have 12 paid holidays and we shut down from noon on
Christmas eve to the day after New Year's Day. We also provide 20 days
of paid sick leave a year. And we have an outside company administering
pre-tax flexible bennies for our employees.
Our fringe benefit package follows the trade union model, except, of
course, for the profit contributions to 401k's. Trade unions are
not-for-profit enterprises.
How do these compare to the bennies at your shop?

Paid? Every year? I call "bull****". With 3 weeks vacation, 12 paid
holidays, and 20 paid sick days that's 47 *paid* days off every

year. Are
they hourly employees? For a "small business", that's the road to

Boy...and you had me going there for a minute.

Not quite so simple, though you are trying hard to make it so. Our
business is up because we're on the cusp of an election year. Our
business always goes up in a major election year.
You could say we're going to be doing very well in 2004 because Bush is
such a total failure.

The 20 paid sick days aren't part of the "paid" days off unless those
days are used. None of our people abuses sick leave. In fact, no one as
yet has even come close to using 20 sick days in one year. They're

in case they're needed.

Oh, I forgot. We also provide everyone with LTD.

The company provides an insurance plan that pays 50% of an employe's
salary for Long Term Disability. Employes have the option of

an additional 16.66%, bringing their total to 66.66%. The basic

maximum is $4,000 per month. With the buy up, the limit is

increased to
$10,000 per month.

Sure. I'm in the market for a new marine diesel of 420-480 shp. I'm

interested in Volvo's TAMD74P EDC, because Volvo has had a lot of

with electronic controls in that size diesel. I've dismissed getting

a Cat 3208
TA because the technology is so old and because a couple of

commercial fishermen
I know who have had 3208's have, basically, burned them out.

Thanks. Yes, Cummins is talked about favorably by some of the guys

I've been
talking to. Most of them have had experience with Cats, especially

the 3208, and
in recent years some have moved to Volvos.

These are commercial fishermen, mostly, running hulls somewhat

similar to what
we're doing.

No, the diesel is for a new boat we're having built.

Hmmm. A fishing/day cruising boat with some range, nice speed, a

real soft ride,
offshore capabilities and sleeping/full head(with standup shower
enclosure)/galley accommodations. Fiberglass, although the architect

did try to
convince me to go with cold-molded wood, which I do like.
More specifically, I suppose, a lobsta' boat, sort of, if that

brings up a
mental image for you.

She'll measure 36' sans a bowsprit x a little more than 12' in beam.

The hull
buttom is built down to the keel. There are no chines.
The hull is efficient at displacement and planing speeds. According

to the hull
builder, if we keep the weight within certain limits, we'll achieve a

WOT of
about 37-38 mph, and a very easy cruise of 30-32 mph on a single

diesel of about
420-450 hp. She'll cruise slow and economically, too.
We expect a very smooooooooooth riding boat, able to take on a big

headsea at a
pretty good clip without beating up the folks inside.
Fitting out a boat like this is going to be an interesting and

experience. Basically, we get to spec everything and we end up with a


It's Lou Codega. He's a widely known and respected naval architect. He
does Regulator's hulls, too. He's done the Navigator 37. I believe he's
also done designs for Carolina Classic.

Cummins faxed me a bunch of computer generated data today on engine

choices for

the new boat.

On the 36-footer, 16,000 pounds displacement:

QSM11 635 hp, 36.3 mph WOT, 32.1 mph at sustained cruise, marine

gear ratio of
1.77, turning a four blade 26x35 prop on a 2.50 inch Aquamet 22

shaft. Too much

QSM11 535 hp at 2300 rpm, 33.3 mph WOT, 29.5 mph at sustained

cruise of 2100
rpm, same gear ratio, 24x34 prop. Right on the money.

6CTA8.3 450 hp, 30.6 mph WOT, 27.5 mph at sustained cruise, 2.00:1

gear ratio,
24x31 four blade prop on Aquamet 22 2" shaft.

Cummins tells me its program is "about 8% too conservative."

Looks like the QSM11 535 will be the right engine. Its fuel use is

only a little
more than the 450's and a lot less than the 635 hp engine. What I

want is a 30
mph sustained cruise speed, and 535 hp will do it. Cummins also

figured the boat
at 1000 pounds heavier than our target, which is probably the smart

thing to do.
Besides, the QSM is a new, all computerized design.

The hull form is what got to me. The boat has a substantial keel and

it is a
built-down keel, right to its bottom, not just "tacked" on. It backs

beautifully. And it seems to roll one heck of a lot less in a beam

sea than the
semi-vee 36 footers I've been on, and especially some large deep vee

boats of about the same size its been my pleasure to fish aboard. I

believe it
is a function of the keel and the really low center of gravity.

Amazing, for a
boat that is round bilged and fairly flat under the transom. No

chines. Just
splash rails forward and aft. A soft, soft ride...which is what I


Here's just some of his prior lies (in his own words pasted);

I sold off nearly $3,000,000 in new motors and boats, depressing
the new boat
industry in southern Connecticut for an entire season.

Everything was
cotter pin, every quart of oil, 30 days after I started. For near
full-retail, too.

He had just under $1,000,000 on floor plan with a
syndicate of banks led by National Shawmut of Boston. He had been a
solid customer of that back for more than 20 years and they

gave him
great rates.

As far as your other complaints, well, almost every president

in my memory,
and I *remember* Truman, Eisenhower (who cheated on his wife),

Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan and Bush, lied and

participated in
deceit to one degree or another, and on issues far more

important than who
was giving them blow jobs.

Good lord. I met *every* president in the damned group except

Bush, and I
worked once for his father.

My father used to pray that the north shore of LI Sound would

be hit by
a mild hurricane. No
one injured, no on-shore property damaged, but lots of boats sunk.
Preferably early in July.

We had the Hatteras for two years. Last year, out of the cold

clear, a
broker approached me with an offer to buy. Our continued Florida
lifestyle was somewhat up in the air, because the two breadwinners
hereabouts were about to be offered long-term but temporary

they could not refuse in the Washington, D.C., area. So, after

romanced a little, we sold the Hatt for almost precisely what

we paid
for it. Not bad, after two full years of use. And I mean full

years. So,
we didn't "make" any money off the Hatt, but we didn't lose

any, either.
The proceeds were prudently invested.

The PWC was won as
a prize in a raffle.

Never mind that. Why does he have a Bilgeliner in front of his

Is it a display of "Boating Don'ts?"
Yeah, when we were in the boat biz, my father always had one

or two

"around the back" that he was forced to take in trade. These

were sold
as "as is, where is." He made sure the engine would start and run.
Beyond that, it was up to the prospective buyer to decide if he

it. They moved off the lot pretty quickly, partially because my

main store was on a highly trafficked commercial route with lots of
manufacturing and machining and aerospace plants near by. In

those days,
workers at these places could fix anything.

Actually, Dipper, I don't think my father ever saw a Bayliner.

But he still
called bumpers bumpers.

Bayliner wined and dined my father a half dozen times to

entice him
into becoming its dealer. His operation was the largest small boat
dealership in its area of New England, and for 30 years, he was the
*exclusive* Evinrude dealer in a densely populated coastal

county. He
also handled Mercuries. He never liked Bayliners, and referred

to them
as "jerry-built."

From 1947 until he died, he sold more than 500 outboard motors a
year from his stores, accounting for a reasonably high

percentage of *all*
outboards sold in his home state for those years.

This is a killer. My father was in the boat business dating back to
right after
the Big War. When he died and I was looking through his

warehouse, I found
wrapped in a nuclear fall-out bag (no kidding), a brand-new 1949
Evinrude 8015
50 hp outboard. The motor was a gift to my father from Evinrude for
winning some
outboard stock utility or hydroplane race.

I gave the motor to a friend of my dad's, who worked at the

shop as head
mechanic. I don't believe he ever used it and I'm sure it is still
brand-new. I
have no idea who might own it now.

He also built
boats, and I worked on a few, both wood, glass covered wood and
all fiberglass. After he died, however, we sold the biz and I've
just been an occasional boat owner.

Besides, I worked off and on in the
boat business and inherited it when he died. So, as I said, I'm
knee-deep in boat heritage.

and I had some friends who died in the service, too, but it

wasn't for
what they believed in. They were drafted, shipped to Vietnam

and came
back in body bags.

During the war, he turned out experimental brass shell casings
for the
Army and hopped up outboards for the Navy, which wanted to use

them on
landing craft. I had photos at one time of my father with Ole

My mother knew one of Evinrude's wives...she was a minor movie

star or
singer...I forgot which. Maybe both.

Have you ever sailed from San Francisco to Hawaii? I have.
Have you ever rounded Cape Horn? I have, twice.
Have you ever transited the Panama Canal? I have.
Have you owned more than 20 boats in your lifetime? I have.
Have you ever sailed large boats competitively? I have.
Have you ever been hundreds of miles from land in a powerboat

under your
command? I have.

My father and his chief mechanic once crossed the Atlantic in

winter in
a 22'
boat powered by twin outboards. Yes, it is possible, even the

fuel. Got a
"fireboat" welcome in NYC.

Here are some:

Hatteras 43' sportfish
Swan 41' racing/cruising sloop
Morgan 33
O'Day 30
Cruisers, Inc., Mackinac 22
Century Coronado
Bill Luders 16, as sweet a sailboat as ever caught a breeze.
Century 19' wood lapstrake with side wheel steering
Cruisers, Inc. 18' and 16' wood lapstrakes
Wolverines. Molded plywood. Gorgeous. Several. 14,15,17 footers

with various
Lighting class sailboat
Botved Coronet with twin 50 hp Evinrudes. Interesting boat.
Aristocraft (a piece of junk...13', fast, held together with spit)
Alcort Sunfish
Ancarrow Marine Aquiflyer. 22' footer with two Caddy Crusaders.
Guaranteed 60
mph. In the late 1950's.
Skimmar brand skiff
Arkansas Traveler fiberglass bowrider (I think it was a bowrider)
Dyer Dhow
Su-Mark round bilge runabout, fiberglass
Penn Yan runabouts. Wood.
Old Town wood and canvas canoe
Old Town sailing canoe...different than above canoe

Sometime in the early 1960s, I was driving back from Ft.

Leonard Wood to
Kansas City in a nice old MGA I owned at the time. About

halfway home it
started raining heavily, I turned on the wipers, and EVERY SINGLE
electrical accessory and light in the car flashed on, there was

a large
popping sound and it all blew out at once. And the car caught

fire. I
pulled over to the side of the road, watched the fire, removed my
license plate and hitched on home. For all I know, that old MGA

is still

Sure was a pretty little car.

Puh-lease, Karen. You've not seen nor have I ever posted one

example of
my professional writings on building structure and the effects

on it of
hurricane-force winds and seismic activity. I haven't done any

of these
in at least 10 year, but at the time I was field researching,
photographing and writing these reports, they were quite accurate,
topical and well-received by their intended audiences.

A small fleet of Polar skiffs were purchased by an inshore bait,


and boat rental business on the ICW in NE Florida. These boats

were not
used on open waters. Within 90 days, cracks developed in the

liners that
also served as the deck over the flotation in the bottom of

the hulls. A
guide I know, one whose boats and engines are supplied to him by
manufacturers, also had a Polar skiff go bad on him for the

same reasons
-liner and then hull fractures.

Harry has claimed to have a 20 yrs his junior beautiful wife, he

even put a fake pic of a beautiful woman on a website once claiming it
was his "young bride", he may have a wife, although I doubt it, we don't
like nor tolerate misogynists for long.

Needless to say he's made up many "dramatic" over the top

stories over the years about this lie to feed his ego & pretend he's the
centre of attention, but as with his boat claims & other crap, there's
never once been even a shred of independently verifiable material.

After he stalked Madcow in real life, which was most

frightening, I do suspect he's very very dangerous & that this "bride"
story is his delusional appropriation of his, probably court ordered,
treating psychotherapist as "wife" (it seems he was under lock & key for
what?? over a year??? a sexual deviant maybe??), have a read of just a
small part of his BS & make up your own mind, it's all about free choice:-)

1. She *is* my bride. There are no rules that determine the end of
"bride-hood." If I want to refer to her as my bride, I may.

2. As a professional writer, I know the rules of language and am

entitled to
break them in exercise of my license.

3. I doubt many married women would object to their husbands lovingly
referring to them as brides. The connotations are pleasant.

4. She's 20 years younger than I am.

Naw. What happened was that I handled a couple of "political"

jobs funded out of the DC area to help a few candidates and defeat a
couple of ballot issues. Through no fault of mine, we won each of the
races, so some of the deep pockets types based in the DC area think I
actually *know something* about the process. I was offered a contract
that requires my presence in DC quite frequently. My bride also was
offered a job up here that represented a significant professional

move. So, we're "up here" much of the time and "down there" the

rest of
it, except when we're "somewhere else." I've been back to Jax (well,
really south of Jax) five times since coming "up here" late last

and my bride just returned from a business trip there.

I swear this is true.

Here's a funny. My bride had to fly out to San Diego Wednesday and
hitched a ride on her company's corporate jet. They landed in Salina,
Kansas, which is due north of Wichita and Skippy's suburb of Derby.

So when she gets to San Diego, I get a call asking, "What the

hell did
you do in Kansas...we didn't fly over one significant patch of

Harry, you make over 500 posts a week to this group and you

don't own
a boat?
And why are you so crabby?
Maybe these two factors are related?

One has to own something to use it? Hmmm. My bride drives off in

her car
every day, but she doesn't own it.

I'm not crabby. You asked for advice I gave you some. I

questioned your
wanting to take a very small boat out into high seas and suddenly you
turned sour. It's your pot; you are the one stewing in it.

No, it is the boat of a friend. It is a 24' ProLine center

console with,
if I recall, a 225 hp Merc on it. It was a dark and stormy day in
January (1997) when we went out, but the sky cleared once we got

out to
the Gulf Stream.

Bride and I caught and released:

1 white marlin
12-15 yellowtail snappers, maybe two pounds each. Pretty, pretty

Assorted red snappers
1 amberjack
2 jack crevalle jacks
1 snook
Nondescript sharks

Did you spend a year as a line psychotherapist at a 650-bed state
hospital for forensic patients?
Did you spend a year as senior psychotherapist at a county

facility for
substance abusers?
Did you spend two years as chief of therapy at a private, 200-bed
facility for the mentally and emotionally ill, at which approximately
half the patients were trying to beat drugs or alcohol?
Are you currently chief of therapy for a for a multi-practitioner
practice of some 825 patients, about a third of which are seeking

for substance abuse problems?

Licensed psychotherapist
Screening as to character and background for each degree earned
On-going screening by faculty while in educational system
Interviews and screenings for required years of internships,

plus, at the same
time, supervision by a licensed professional.
Close professional and personal supervision by a licensed

therapist for two years
of employment before being allowed to apply for licensure
Licensure background check, submission of recommendations by licensed
Four hour written examination on state laws
Five hour written examination on diagnosis, procedure and practice

My wife went through this before becoming licensed. Her final

internship was as a
psychotherapist at a 600-bed high security state psychiatric

hospital where, on a
daily basis, she was exposed to more danger than your average


My wife worked for a year as psychotherapist in a Florida 600-bed

mental institution for forensic patients. She saw and treated

sexual deviants who do a bit more than expose themselves. Such

is part of being in the mental health professions.

You see, I'm a nautical psychotherapist, and for only $125 an hour,
until their health insurance runs out, I help Bayliner owners

overcome their
feelings of boatable inadequacy.

She is a licensed, practicing
psychotherapist and often tells me I am the sanest person she

sees each
day. Which can be taken any way one likes.

1. I'm married to a psychotherapist. Live-in therapy, dontcha

know? And much of
Freud is passe.

My ex-wife surpassed the anti-Christ at least a decade ago.

They're not actually "free" moments. I go to boat dealers to round-up
Bayliner owners who are trying to find one who will take their own
version of flotsam and jetsam in on trade.

1. The address listed is not a home address. It is an office.

2. I have three phone numbers. The phone number listed is not one of
mine. It has never been one of mine. The phone number *did*

belong to an
after-hours message recording hotline my wife maintained for her most
mentally disturbed patients. Some of these troubled souls were
court-ordered referrals. *Every* call to that phone number--every
call--was recorded AND because of the nature of the line, my wife had
the ability to alert the telephone company to trace the phone

number of
every incoming call to that line, *even* if the person making the

tried to block his number.

Why, you might ask? Because when you are dealing with suicidal

they'll liable to tell their therapist over the phone that they are
planning to take their life. If the therapist believes the threat is
real, she or he will want to dispatch emergency srvices and

perhaps the

In the years my wife has provided this pro bono service, she has

received a threatening or abusive call from a mentally ill patient or
court-ordered referral. However, after the ranking Flaming Ass of

newsgroup posted the hotline number in this newsgroup, she received a
number of abusive, foul-mouthed AND life-threatening calls. These

mostly directed at me but, of course, I never received them BECAUSE
(duh!) the phone is not mine and I've never answered it.
Naturally, my wife alerted the authorities, with whom she works

because of her court-referred patients. The authorities are
investigating the callers and have involved both the FBI *and*
authorities in other states, including Florida, Georgia,

California and
Texas. Working with the telephone company, the authorities have been
able to trace the origin of virtually every abusive call. And, of
course, they have the tape recordings of the abusive messages.

suspects have been identified. I really don't know what the

outcome of
all this will be. We haven't had an update in several weeks, nor are
either of us here that interested in the sleazeballs that would make
such calls.

The phone number, of course, is "wired," so when the obnoxious

calls came in
from the idiot rec.boaters, the numbers were easy enough to

trace. The local
police handled a complaint, the local telco was involved and when

it was
discovered the point of origin was out of state, the FBI got

involved. At
least one of the idiots was caught and prosecuted. As far as I

can tell, he
has not posted here again

  #9   Report Post  
Harry Krause
Posts: n/a
Default Habbi's gearcase full of water

K Smith wrote:
Harry Krause wrote, regarding the invisibility of Karen Smith's
non-existent diesel outboard manufacturing empi

Well, to date, there is nothing, nada,
zip, zilch. There are a couple of "players" in diesel outboards in
Australia, dealers, distributors and one company that modifies Yanmar
diesel outboards for military use. If you were such an innovator in such
a small universe (diesel outboards), you'd think one of these companies
would have heard of you. Nothing, nada, zip, zilch.

To which Karen Smith replied:

I've never claimed to be "marketing" indeed repeatedly told you just
the opposite. As you can imagine I've had all sorts of "proposals" as
you blokes are want to make:-)

Yes, I can imagine you receiving all sorts of proposals, such as "Would
you please remove that trashy old car from your driveway?" but none
having to do with your non-existent diesel outboard motor.

but it's a big ask it really is. For me
to make a commitment of have these manufactured in any sort of
commercial quantities carries huge risks, even taking it as far as it
has so far has taken 8 geez louise coming up 9 yrs!! I've never claimed
to be a commercial supplier of diesel OBs but we have built small
numbers over the years, each is different & has been for a specific
purpose for a specific person.

Yeah, my father, may he rest in peace, used to donate the bits and
pieces of small, broken four-cycle engines to friends building go-carts
for their kids. He never went into the broken-engine-to-finished go-cart
engine manufacturing business because of the huge risks. (That's a tall
tale, btw, but no taller than yours.)

What manure you spread, Karen.

I already put more than I think I should into this & that means other
"projects" don't get the full attention of the blokes I think they deserve.

Like what, Karen? Mechanical implantable replacements for those in need
of new kidneys and livers?

Last time you tried to say I didn't even own my own trade mark!!! so I

had to show you step by tedious step how I do indeed own it here in
several classes, but even moreso I also own it in the US & have done so
for years.

I don't recall making such a statement. And besides, owning a
"trademark" is indicative of virtually nothing. I could trademark a line
of snaggle-toothed rubber dildos, call them the "Karen E. Smith
Specials," and never actually manufacture them. Sort of like
trademarking or registering the name "Taipan Diesel Outboards," and
never actually manufacturing them.

Yes that's true (unusual for you I must say:-)) but I doubt you would,
it costs some money to register trade marks here & much more there, as
you can see I have always left the option of full low scale spec
building open, but again I personally don't feel like taking on the
hassle nor risks.

It costs very little to register a trademark.

From time to time I get offers of this & that deal

I'm glad I put my waders on before looking over this post...

, mostly it involves
me giving the project away for less than it's worth to me or loosing
full control, but knowing enough of marketing optional pleasure related
items I'll just leave things as they are for now. Sorry if that doesn't
suit you I really am, but don't feel alone it's a battle I had/have with
the blokes & others over the years.

Those poor blokes, always left sucking hind teat.

So now you try to say I'm not what I say I am because I don't have a
current website???

Nope, never made that claim. *You* are making that assumption. As stated
previously, you do not think so clearly.

What was you point then??

That there is NO mention of you in relation to diesel outboard
technology on any commercial website concerned with such matters, and
that of the three major players in diesel outboard technology and sales
in Australia, none have heard of you.

Oh, and I think your posts here say exactly what you are. You come
across as a less than funny and unendearing relative of Countess
Aurelia, the Madwoman of Challiot, or perhaps one of the bitchy witches
from Hamlet.

I know I give you stick I really do admit that, so I understand I
deserve no less in return, but this is school yard bully name calling:-)

I doubt Countess Aurelia, Challiot or the bitchy witches of Hamlet are
discussed in the schoolyards anywhere near you.

It doesn't bother me any more than any of your other lapses, but come on
Harry calling me a witch??.

Again, your lack of language skill is showing. I did not call you a
witch. I said you came across as one.

Seems I've put a curse on you?? So no way
any of us will kiss you not ever; so enjoy the pond.

Gosh, I hope not. I'm sure you're infected with numerous diseases, and
one might be transmitted via a kiss.

I call you things for cause like;

a liar, well I've put up copious evidence some accept it, some don't,
but there it is the evidence & the source is yourself your own words;
you are a liar,

You've put up a bunch of bull****, and either twisted the words or
context to suit your purposes. That is all you have done.

You need to find a hobby, Karen. I'd suggest masturbation, but that
would involve your touching your privates, and I suspect they rusted
tight 40 years ago.


Email sent to is never read.
  #10   Report Post  
K Smith
Posts: n/a
Default Habbi's gearcase full of water

Harry Krause wrote:
K Smith wrote:
Harry Krause wrote, regarding the invisibility of Karen Smith's
non-existent diesel outboard manufacturing empi

Well, to date, there is nothing, nada,

zip, zilch. There are a couple of "players" in diesel outboards in
Australia, dealers, distributors and one company that modifies Yanmar
diesel outboards for military use. If you were such an innovator in such
a small universe (diesel outboards), you'd think one of these companies
would have heard of you. Nothing, nada, zip, zilch.

To which Karen Smith replied:

I've never claimed to be "marketing" indeed repeatedly told you just
the opposite. As you can imagine I've had all sorts of "proposals" as
you blokes are want to make:-)

Yes, I can imagine you receiving all sorts of proposals, such as "Would
you please remove that trashy old car from your driveway?" but none
having to do with your non-existent diesel outboard motor.

Well you can say that but as usual you're just a liar. I have produced
plenty of evidence, the pics, the descriptions, I own the trade mark in
several jurisdictions, I own the co gee lets stack that against anything
you've ever produced shall we.

Fake docs, false photos & all the rest of your lies. You can have your
views I've got no problems because unlike you I don't make claims. Gees
louise you're still peddling photos of someone elses Parker as your
own!!! You certainly don't lack front!!!

I have noticed you can't deal with women in general & boating women in
particular, you're the one who went mad when you realised madcow was
exactly who she claimed, yes including retired from a senior
govt.position, I think it's just sexism & lefty jealously nothing more.

but it's a big ask it really is. For me
to make a commitment of have these manufactured in any sort of
commercial quantities carries huge risks, even taking it as far as it
has so far has taken 8 geez louise coming up 9 yrs!! I've never claimed
to be a commercial supplier of diesel OBs but we have built small
numbers over the years, each is different & has been for a specific
purpose for a specific person.

Yeah, my father, may he rest in peace, used to donate the bits and
pieces of small, broken four-cycle engines to friends building go-carts
for their kids. He never went into the broken-engine-to-finished go-cart
engine manufacturing business because of the huge risks. (That's a tall
tale, btw, but no taller than yours.)

What manure you spread, Karen.

Come on Harry your father boat dealer lies are just that total
fabricated lies, don't try to use them here. My favourite if you're
interested?? the Atlantic crossing in a 22ftr with the fire tug welcome
into NY, you certainly don't hold back when you create one of your lies
I have to admit that.

I already put more than I think I should into this & that means other
"projects" don't get the full attention of the blokes I think they deserve.

Like what, Karen? Mechanical implantable replacements for those in need
of new kidneys and livers?

No some projects of our own & for others, but really that's just none
of your business.

Last time you tried to say I didn't even own my own trade mark!!! so I

had to show you step by tedious step how I do indeed own it here in
several classes, but even moreso I also own it in the US & have done so
for years.

I don't recall making such a statement. And besides, owning a
"trademark" is indicative of virtually nothing. I could trademark a line
of snaggle-toothed rubber dildos, call them the "Karen E. Smith
Specials," and never actually manufacture them. Sort of like
trademarking or registering the name "Taipan Diesel Outboards," and
never actually manufacturing them.

Yes that's true (unusual for you I must say:-)) but I doubt you would,
it costs some money to register trade marks here & much more there, as
you can see I have always left the option of full low scale spec
building open, but again I personally don't feel like taking on the
hassle nor risks.

It costs very little to register a trademark.

I guess you know that, but sadly you lie again. However here's your
chance to give us your registrations so I may look them up to verify,
just as I allowed you to check mine:-)

From time to time I get offers of this & that deal

I'm glad I put my waders on before looking over this post...

Well I'm glad you just can't help yourself:-) this is a hoot, your
problem will be Chuckles & Don, again they'll be well ****ed.

, mostly it involves

me giving the project away for less than it's worth to me or loosing
full control, but knowing enough of marketing optional pleasure related
items I'll just leave things as they are for now. Sorry if that doesn't
suit you I really am, but don't feel alone it's a battle I had/have with
the blokes & others over the years.

Those poor blokes, always left sucking hind teat.

Harry my blokes are nice people we have a great relationship & it's
endured, so my projects are my projects, just as theirs are theirs.
I never deliberately interfere with what they do any more than they
would ever with me.

So now you try to say I'm not what I say I am because I don't have a
current website???

Nope, never made that claim. *You* are making that assumption. As stated
previously, you do not think so clearly.

What was you point then??

That there is NO mention of you in relation to diesel outboard
technology on any commercial website concerned with such matters, and
that of the three major players in diesel outboard technology and sales
in Australia, none have heard of you.

Harry new stuff is rarely pushed, there are reasons which clearly you
have no idea about. Take Obital that has been a spruiking operation
since the beginning always press release after press release just to
suck investors & others in. I have no desire to push what I do. There
have been some public material which I didn't arrange, but so what??

Clearly you object to me not having a web presence for you because
that's how you compose you endless lies, by trawling the net & it seems
bothering busy businesses so you can pretend you own boats & go boating.
You are the very tire kicker I avoid.

Oh, and I think your posts here say exactly what you are. You come
across as a less than funny and unendearing relative of Countess
Aurelia, the Madwoman of Challiot, or perhaps one of the bitchy witches
from Hamlet.

I know I give you stick I really do admit that, so I understand I
deserve no less in return, but this is school yard bully name calling:-)

I doubt Countess Aurelia, Challiot or the bitchy witches of Hamlet are
discussed in the schoolyards anywhere near you.

It doesn't bother me any more than any of your other lapses, but come on
Harry calling me a witch??.

Again, your lack of language skill is showing. I did not call you a
witch. I said you came across as one.

Ah ha the liars defense!!! The fine distinction hey Harry?? If you get
away with it then great if challenged you deny you said it, this is your
MO with so many of your lies.

Seems I've put a curse on you?? So no way

any of us will kiss you not ever; so enjoy the pond.

Gosh, I hope not. I'm sure you're infected with numerous diseases, and
one might be transmitted via a kiss.

I call you things for cause like;

a liar, well I've put up copious evidence some accept it, some don't,
but there it is the evidence & the source is yourself your own words;
you are a liar,

You've put up a bunch of bull****, and either twisted the words or
context to suit your purposes. That is all you have done.

Well now that's interesting, first you deny you even posted the lies
now you say your own words are the lies. Sorry Harry you're the one who
thought you could get away with this fantastic false like & ID, so you
got caught, no big deal so just give it up. I find it interesting that
the net gave you the means to become what you're clearly not, but it's
the same system that has shown you as a liar.

I have to say I find you going to google & trying to delete your own
lies as pathetic, really sad behaviour for a sad little liar.

You need to find a hobby, Karen. I'd suggest masturbation, but that
would involve your touching your privates, and I suspect they rusted
tight 40 years ago.

Cowardly, sexist & really off as usual, what a piece of work you must
be in real life, no wonder you have to keep creating new fantasy boats,
because it wouldn't take too long for most charter operators to ban you


Well thanks for coming back & surrendering again, gee more cowardly
behaviour hey???


I try to keep a little on topic material if possible so .....

Here's some of Harry's lies for you, just to bring back old memories:-)

Just to make your day, not only was
I a civilian employee in SE Asia, it was in Vietnam, it was during the
war against Vietnam, I did see some horrific sights and I was working at
the time for a U.S. general. Is that straightforward enough for you,
John, or is your amoeba still chasing your synapse

I'm doing my part to ease unemployment. I'm hiring another

writer for my staff. Will be putting the ad on MONSTER.COM and in the
Wash Post.

I need more staff because 2004 is a major election year and business
booked to date indicates we'll be drowning in work. We need to hire a
production coordinator, too. It has very little to do with the

state of the economy, other than using it as reason to defeat Republicrap

I'm doing my part to ease unemployment. I'm hiring another writer

for my

staff. Will be putting the ad on MONSTER.COM and in the Wash Post.

We have first-class benefits, including a top-of-the-line health
insurance plan, a non-contributory defined-benefit pension plan, a

and a life insurance policy equal to annual salary. We contribute a
share of profits to the 401k on behalf of the employee. Our employees
pay $4.50 for generic prescriptions and $8.00 for non-generics, but
that's going up next year to $10 and $15. New employees get two weeks
vacation the first year, and that goes to three weeks the third

year. In
addition, we have 12 paid holidays and we shut down from noon on
Christmas eve to the day after New Year's Day. We also provide 20 days
of paid sick leave a year. And we have an outside company administering
pre-tax flexible bennies for our employees.
Our fringe benefit package follows the trade union model, except, of
course, for the profit contributions to 401k's. Trade unions are
not-for-profit enterprises.
How do these compare to the bennies at your shop?

Paid? Every year? I call "bull****". With 3 weeks vacation, 12 paid
holidays, and 20 paid sick days that's 47 *paid* days off every

year. Are
they hourly employees? For a "small business", that's the road to

Boy...and you had me going there for a minute.

Not quite so simple, though you are trying hard to make it so. Our
business is up because we're on the cusp of an election year. Our
business always goes up in a major election year.
You could say we're going to be doing very well in 2004 because Bush is
such a total failure.

The 20 paid sick days aren't part of the "paid" days off unless those
days are used. None of our people abuses sick leave. In fact, no one as
yet has even come close to using 20 sick days in one year. They're

in case they're needed.

Oh, I forgot. We also provide everyone with LTD.

The company provides an insurance plan that pays 50% of an employe's
salary for Long Term Disability. Employes have the option of

an additional 16.66%, bringing their total to 66.66%. The basic

maximum is $4,000 per month. With the buy up, the limit is

increased to
$10,000 per month.

Sure. I'm in the market for a new marine diesel of 420-480 shp. I'm

interested in Volvo's TAMD74P EDC, because Volvo has had a lot of

with electronic controls in that size diesel. I've dismissed getting

a Cat 3208
TA because the technology is so old and because a couple of

commercial fishermen
I know who have had 3208's have, basically, burned them out.

Thanks. Yes, Cummins is talked about favorably by some of the guys

I've been
talking to. Most of them have had experience with Cats, especially

the 3208, and
in recent years some have moved to Volvos.

These are commercial fishermen, mostly, running hulls somewhat

similar to what
we're doing.

No, the diesel is for a new boat we're having built.

Hmmm. A fishing/day cruising boat with some range, nice speed, a

real soft ride,
offshore capabilities and sleeping/full head(with standup shower
enclosure)/galley accommodations. Fiberglass, although the architect

did try to
convince me to go with cold-molded wood, which I do like.
More specifically, I suppose, a lobsta' boat, sort of, if that

brings up a
mental image for you.

She'll measure 36' sans a bowsprit x a little more than 12' in beam.

The hull
buttom is built down to the keel. There are no chines.
The hull is efficient at displacement and planing speeds. According

to the hull
builder, if we keep the weight within certain limits, we'll achieve a

WOT of
about 37-38 mph, and a very easy cruise of 30-32 mph on a single

diesel of about
420-450 hp. She'll cruise slow and economically, too.
We expect a very smooooooooooth riding boat, able to take on a big

headsea at a
pretty good clip without beating up the folks inside.
Fitting out a boat like this is going to be an interesting and

experience. Basically, we get to spec everything and we end up with a


It's Lou Codega. He's a widely known and respected naval architect. He
does Regulator's hulls, too. He's done the Navigator 37. I believe he's
also done designs for Carolina Classic.

Cummins faxed me a bunch of computer generated data today on engine

choices for

the new boat.

On the 36-footer, 16,000 pounds displacement:

QSM11 635 hp, 36.3 mph WOT, 32.1 mph at sustained cruise, marine

gear ratio of
1.77, turning a four blade 26x35 prop on a 2.50 inch Aquamet 22

shaft. Too much

QSM11 535 hp at 2300 rpm, 33.3 mph WOT, 29.5 mph at sustained

cruise of 2100
rpm, same gear ratio, 24x34 prop. Right on the money.

6CTA8.3 450 hp, 30.6 mph WOT, 27.5 mph at sustained cruise, 2.00:1

gear ratio,
24x31 four blade prop on Aquamet 22 2" shaft.

Cummins tells me its program is "about 8% too conservative."

Looks like the QSM11 535 will be the right engine. Its fuel use is

only a little
more than the 450's and a lot less than the 635 hp engine. What I

want is a 30
mph sustained cruise speed, and 535 hp will do it. Cummins also

figured the boat
at 1000 pounds heavier than our target, which is probably the smart

thing to do.
Besides, the QSM is a new, all computerized design.

The hull form is what got to me. The boat has a substantial keel and

it is a
built-down keel, right to its bottom, not just "tacked" on. It backs

beautifully. And it seems to roll one heck of a lot less in a beam

sea than the
semi-vee 36 footers I've been on, and especially some large deep vee

boats of about the same size its been my pleasure to fish aboard. I

believe it
is a function of the keel and the really low center of gravity.

Amazing, for a
boat that is round bilged and fairly flat under the transom. No

chines. Just
splash rails forward and aft. A soft, soft ride...which is what I


Here's just some of his prior lies (in his own words pasted);

I sold off nearly $3,000,000 in new motors and boats, depressing
the new boat
industry in southern Connecticut for an entire season.

Everything was
cotter pin, every quart of oil, 30 days after I started. For near
full-retail, too.

He had just under $1,000,000 on floor plan with a
syndicate of banks led by National Shawmut of Boston. He had been a
solid customer of that back for more than 20 years and they

gave him
great rates.

As far as your other complaints, well, almost every president

in my memory,
and I *remember* Truman, Eisenhower (who cheated on his wife),

Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan and Bush, lied and

participated in
deceit to one degree or another, and on issues far more

important than who
was giving them blow jobs.

Good lord. I met *every* president in the damnd group except

Bush, and I
worked once for his father.

My father used to pray that the north shore of LI Sound would

be hit by
a mild hurricane. No
one injured, no on-shore property damaged, but lots of boats sunk.
Preferably early in July.

We had the Hatteras for two years. Last year, out of the cold

clear, a
broker approached me with an offer to buy. Our continued Florida
lifestyle was somewhat up in the air, because the two breadwinners
hereabouts were about to be offered long-term but temporary

they could not refuse in the Washington, D.C., area. So, after

romanced a little, we sold the Hatt for almost precisely what

we paid
for it. Not bad, after two full years of use. And I mean full

years. So,
we didn't "make" any money off the Hatt, but we didn't lose

any, either.
The proceeds were prudently invested.

The PWC was won as
a prize in a raffle.

Never mind that. Why does he have a Bilgeliner in front of his

Is it a display of "Boating Don'ts?"
Yeah, when we were in the boat biz, my father always had one

or two

"around the back" that he was forced to take in trade. These

were sold
as "as is, where is." He made sure the engine would start and run.
Beyond that, it was up to the prospective buyer to decide if he

it. They moved off the lot pretty quickly, partially because my

main store was on a highly trafficked commercial route with lots of
manufacturing and machining and aerospace plants near by. In

those days,
workers at these places could fix anything.

Actually, Dipper, I don't think my father ever saw a Bayliner.

But he still
called bumpers bumpers.

Bayliner wined and dined my father a half dozen times to

entice him
into becoming its dealer. His operation was the largest small boat
dealership in its area of New England, and for 30 years, he was the
*exclusive* Evinrude dealer in a densely populated coastal

county. He
also handled Mercuries. He never liked Bayliners, and referred

to them
as "jerry-built."

From 1947 until he died, he sold more than 500 outboard motors a
year from his stores, accounting for a reasonably high

percentage of *all*
outboards sold in his home state for those years.

This is a killer. My father was in the boat business dating back to
right after
the Big War. When he died and I was looking through his

warehouse, I found
wrapped in a nuclear fall-out bag (no kidding), a brand-new 1949
Evinrude 8015
50 hp outboard. The motor was a gift to my father from Evinrude for
winning some
outboard stock utility or hydroplane race.

I gave the motor to a friend of my dad's, who worked at the

shop as head
mechanic. I don't believe he ever used it and I'm sure it is still
brand-new. I
have no idea who might own it now.

He also built
boats, and I worked on a few, both wood, glass covered wood and
all fiberglass. After he died, however, we sold the biz and I've
just been an occasional boat owner.

Besides, I worked off and on in the
boat business and inherited it when he died. So, as I said, I'm
knee-deep in boat heritage.

and I had some friends who died in the service, too, but it

wasn't for
what they believed in. They were drafted, shipped to Vietnam

and came
back in body bags.

During the war, he turned out experimental brass shell casings
for the
Army and hopped up outboards for the Navy, which wanted to use

them on
landing craft. I had photos at one time of my father with Ole

My mother knew one of Evinrude's wives...she was a minor movie

star or
singer...I forgot which. Maybe both.

Have you ever sailed from San Francisco to Hawaii? I have.
Have you ever rounded Cape Horn? I have, twice.
Have you ever transited the Panama Canal? I have.
Have you owned more than 20 boats in your lifetime? I have.
Have you ever sailed large boats competitively? I have.
Have you ever been hundreds of miles from land in a powerboat

under your
command? I have.

My father and his chief mechanic once crossed the Atlantic in

winter in
a 22'
boat powered by twin outboards. Yes, it is possible, even the

fuel. Got a
"fireboat" welcome in NYC.

Here are some:

Hatteras 43' sportfish
Swan 41' racing/cruising sloop
Morgan 33
O'Day 30
Cruisers, Inc., Mackinac 22
Century Coronado
Bill Luders 16, as sweet a sailboat as ever caught a breeze.
Century 19' wood lapstrake with side wheel steering
Cruisers, Inc. 18' and 16' wood lapstrakes
Wolverines. Molded plywood. Gorgeous. Several. 14,15,17 footers

with various
Lighting class sailboat
Botved Coronet with twin 50 hp Evinrudes. Interesting boat.
Aristocraft (a piece of junk...13', fast, held together with spit)
Alcort Sunfish
Ancarrow Marine Aquiflyer. 22' footer with two Caddy Crusaders.
Guaranteed 60
mph. In the late 1950's.
Skimmar brand skiff
Arkansas Traveler fiberglass bowrider (I think it was a bowrider)
Dyer Dhow
Su-Mark round bilge runabout, fiberglass
Penn Yan runabouts. Wood.
Old Town wood and canvas canoe
Old Town sailing canoe...different than above canoe

Sometime in the early 1960s, I was driving back from Ft.

Leonard Wood to
Kansas City in a nice old MGA I owned at the time. About

halfway home it
started raining heavily, I turned on the wipers, and EVERY SINGLE
electrical accessory and light in the car flashed on, there was

a large
popping sound and it all blew out at once. And the car caught

fire. I
pulled over to the side of the road, watched the fire, removed my
license plate and hitched on home. For all I know, that old MGA

is still

Sure was a pretty little car.

Puh-lease, Karen. You've not seen nor have I ever posted one

example of
my professional writings on building structure and the effects

on it of
hurricane-force winds and seismic activity. I haven't done any

of these
in at least 10 year, but at the time I was field researching,
photographing and writing these reports, they were quite accurate,
topical and well-received by their intended audiences.

A small fleet of Polar skiffs were purchased by an inshore bait,


and boat rental business on the ICW in NE Florida. These boats

were not
used on open waters. Within 90 days, cracks developed in the

liners that
also served as the deck over the flotation in the bottom of

the hulls. A
guide I know, one whose boats and engines are supplied to him by
manufacturers, also had a Polar skiff go bad on him for the

same reasons
-liner and then hull fractures.

Harry has claimed to have a 20 yrs his junior beautiful wife, he

even put a fake pic of a beautiful woman on a website once claiming it
was his "young bride", he may have a wife, although I doubt it, we don't
like nor tolerate misogynists for long.

Needless to say he's made up many "dramatic" over the top

stories over the years about this lie to feed his ego & pretend he's the
centre of attention, but as with his boat claims & other crap, there's
never once been even a shred of independently verifiable material.

After he stalked Madcow in real life, which was most

frightening, I do suspect he's very very dangerous & that this "bride"
story is his delusional appropriation of his, probably court ordered,
treating psychotherapist as "wife" (it seems he was under lock & key for
what?? over a year??? a sexual deviant maybe??), have a read of just a
small part of his BS & make up your own mind, it's all about free choice:-)

1. She *is* my bride. There are no rules that determine the end of
"bride-hood." If I want to refer to her as my bride, I may.

2. As a professional writer, I know the rules of language and am

entitled to
break them in exercise of my license.

3. I doubt many married women would object to their husbands lovingly
referring to them as brides. The connotations are pleasant.

4. She's 20 years younger than I am.

Naw. What happened was that I handled a couple of "political"

jobs funded out of the DC area to help a few candidates and defeat a
couple of ballot issues. Through no fault of mine, we won each of the
races, so some of the deep pockets types based in the DC area think I
actually *know something* about the process. I was offered a contract
that requires my presence in DC quite frequently. My bride also was
offered a job up here that represented a significant professional

move. So, we're "up here" much of the time and "down there" the

rest of
it, except when we're "somewhere else." I've been back to Jax (well,
really south of Jax) five times since coming "up here" late last

and my bride just returned from a business trip there.

I swear this is true.

Here's a funny. My bride had to fly out to San Diego Wednesday and
hitched a ride on her company's corporate jet. They landed in Salina,
Kansas, which is due north of Wichita and Skippy's suburb of Derby.

So when she gets to San Diego, I get a call asking, "What the

hell did
you do in Kansas...we didn't fly over one significant patch of

Harry, you make over 500 posts a week to this group and you

don't own
a boat?
And why are you so crabby?
Maybe these two factors are related?

One has to own something to use it? Hmmm. My bride drives off in

her car
every day, but she doesn't own it.

I'm not crabby. You asked for advice I gave you some. I

questioned your
wanting to take a very small boat out into high seas and suddenly you
turned sour. It's your pot; you are the one stewing in it.

No, it is the boat of a friend. It is a 24' ProLine center

console with,
if I recall, a 225 hp Merc on it. It was a dark and stormy day in
January (1997) when we went out, but the sky cleared once we got

out to
the Gulf Stream.

Bride and I caught and released:

1 white marlin
12-15 yellowtail snappers, maybe two pounds each. Pretty, pretty

Assorted red snappers
1 amberjack
2 jack crevalle jacks
1 snook
Nondescript sharks

Did you spend a year as a line psychotherapist at a 650-bed state
hospital for forensic patients?
Did you spend a year as senior psychotherapist at a county

facility for
substance abusers?
Did you spend two years as chief of therapy at a private, 200-bed
facility for the mentally and emotionally ill, at which approximately
half the patients were trying to beat drugs or alcohol?
Are you currently chief of therapy for a for a multi-practitioner
practice of some 825 patients, about a third of which are seeking

for substance abuse problems?

Licensed psychotherapist
Screening as to character and background for each degree earned
On-going screening by faculty while in educational system
Interviews and screenings for required years of internships,

plus, at the same
time, supervision by a licensed professional.
Close professional and personal supervision by a licensed

therapist for two years
of employment before being allowed to apply for licensure
Licensure background check, submission of recommendations by licensed
Four hour written examination on state laws
Five hour written examination on diagnosis, procedure and practice

My wife went through this before becoming licensed. Her final

internship was as a
psychotherapist at a 600-bed high security state psychiatric

hospital where, on a
daily basis, she was exposed to more danger than your average


My wife worked for a year as psychotherapist in a Florida 600-bed

mental institution for forensic patients. She saw and treated

sexual deviants who do a bit more than expose themselves. Such

is part of being in the mental health professions.

You see, I'm a nautical psychotherapist, and for only $125 an hour,
until their health insurance runs out, I help Bayliner owners

overcome their
feelings of boatable inadequacy.

She is a licensed, practicing
psychotherapist and often tells me I am the sanest person she

sees each
day. Which can be taken any way one likes.

1. I'm married to a psychotherapist. Live-in therapy, dontcha

know? And much of
Freud is passe.

My ex-wife surpassed the anti-Christ at least a decade ago.

They're not actually "free" moments. I go to boat dealers to round-up
Bayliner owners who are trying to find one who will take their own
version of flotsam and jetsam in on trade.

1. The address listed is not a home address. It is an office.

2. I have three phone numbers. The phone number listed is not one of
mine. It has never been one of mine. The phone number *did*

belong to an
after-hours message recording hotline my wife maintained for her most
mentally disturbed patients. Some of these troubled souls were
court-ordered referrals. *Every* call to that phone number--every
call--was recorded AND because of the nature of the line, my wife had
the ability to alert the telephone company to trace the phone

number of
every incoming call to that line, *even* if the person making the

tried to block his number.

Why, you might ask? Because when you are dealing with suicidal

they'll liable to tell their therapist over the phone that they are
planning to take their life. If the therapist believes the threat is
real, she or he will want to dispatch emergency srvices and

perhaps the

In the years my wife has provided this pro bono service, she has

received a threatening or abusive call from a mentally ill patient or
court-ordered referral. However, after the ranking Flaming Ass of

newsgroup posted the hotline number in this newsgroup, she received a
number of abusive, foul-mouthed AND life-threatening calls. These

mostly directed at me but, of course, I never received them BECAUSE
(duh!) the phone is not mine and I've never answered it.
Naturally, my wife alerted the authorities, with whom she works

because of her court-referred patients. The authorities are
investigating the callers and have involved both the FBI *and*
authorities in other states, including Florida, Georgia,

California and
Texas. Working with the telephone company, the authorities have been
able to trace the origin of virtually every abusive call. And, of
course, they have the tape recordings of the abusive messages.

suspects have been identified. I really don't know what the

outcome of
all this will be. We haven't had an update in several weeks, nor are
either of us here that interested in the sleazeballs that would make
such calls.

The phone number, of course, is "wired," so when the obnoxious

calls came in
from the idiot rec.boaters, the numbers were easy enough to

trace. The local
police handled a complaint, the local telco was involved and when

it was
discovered the point of origin was out of state, the FBI got

involved. At
least one of the idiots was caught and prosecuted. As far as I

can tell, he
has not posted here again

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