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  #1   Report Post  
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Default OT--It's always those on the left who are the real threat

Islam's unholy alliance
with neo-Nazis, leftists
Western-made terrorists plot
joining al-Qaida in 'Red Jihad'

Posted: December 29, 2003
1:00 a.m. Eastern

Editor's note: Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin is a weekly online, subscription
intelligence news service from the creator of - a
journalist who has been developing sources around the world for the last 25

© 2003

Western-made terrorists motivated by Marxist, anarchist and neo-Nazi
ideology are forming alliances with jihadists and are planning copycat-style
attacks and others utilizing funding from Islamists, according to
intelligence sources, reports Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin.

While old-line non-Muslim terrorists seem to have been in hibernation, since
Sept. 11, 2001, they are waking up to the need to act and the availability
of funds from al-Qaida and other similar jihadist groups, according to the
premium, online intelligence newsletter.

Danger spots were recently identified in Europe, Asia and North America.
Recent assessments indicate that daily reports on the success of Islamic
terror in disrupting normal life are creating an urge within the ranks of
western terrorists to return to action.

Such groups dominated the terror scene in the 1960s and 1970s. The U.S.-led
wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the resistance to globalization, xenophobic
tendencies and anti-Semitism have all combined to pour oil on old flames,
encouraging new alliances as a result.

Experts attempting to draft the profile of non-Islamic terrorism in the 21st
century are turning their interest toward militant Muslims' efforts to
recruit terror contractors and to use the services of European terrorists
and anarchists.

Intelligence sources say they expect the jihadists to sub-contract terrorist
attacks to small cells of two to three people familiar with their modus
operandi. These groups sometimes operate in gangs of more than 10
individuals. European-style terrorism differs from the Islamic jihad type in
that it often targets individuals to be assassinated or kidnapped. It has
also been marked by taking large groups of innocent hostages for negotiation

Jihad organizers are acquainted with the sleeper terror groups of Europe and
North America, and they know these groups are in dire need of funds. These
"underground" groups need to travel and change their identities frequently.

Sleeper terror groups are careful not to deal directly with money
laundering, drug dealing or organized crime. This is due in part to
ideological beliefs, but more because of the need to keep a low profile,
away from the eyes of law enforcement agencies.

Interrogation of non-Muslim terrorists apprehended during the last two years
in Europe and Asia, reveals a desire to become copy-cats of the Islamic
jihad and a growing need to be placed once again on the international scene.
Intelligence agencies are beginning to dust files of old-style terror
organizations, which some agencies now describe as the "Red Jihad."

Israeli, British, Turkish and Greek counter-terror experts, have warned of
signs pointing to jihadi groups trying to establish contacts with European
and American organizations. The technique of hiring terror services, or
partnerships with other terror operators was once popular with the
Palestinians. The results of these unholy unions in the past have been the
Air France hijacking by a group of Arabs and Germans to Entebbe, Uganda, in
1976, the Lufthansa hijacking to Mogadishu in 1977, and the Japanese Red
Army attack on Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv in 1972.

Al-Qaida, Jamaah Islamiah and Wahabbi groups see nothing wrong in using
non-Muslims to further their cause. As the origin of most anti-terror
activities focuses mainly on the Middle East and Asia, it is clear a western
terrorist could be more successful in penetrating a number of security and
defense circles. In cases of a precision attack against individuals or
institutions, European or American Caucasian terrorists will be more
successful in disappearing from the radar screen.

Over the years, scores of Europeans, Americans and Asians, have been trained
in Arab terror bases in Lebanon, Syria, Sudan, Libya and Iraq. A number of
those were later involved in attacks on international air traveling,
including airports.

Meanwhile, Marxist terror and guerrilla attacks in Latin America and Asia
have never ended. A former supporter of international terrorism, Cuba's
Fidel Castro, is showing signs of re-involvement in regional violence,
manifested through his support to Colombian terrorists and even connecting
them to Irish bomb experts of the Irish Republican Army. Castro's efforts
also continue to target the cooperation of President Hugo Chavez of
Venezuela as part of his renewed plan to sway political alliances.
Intelligence schools in North Korea were never closed and they continue to
produce saboteurs and agents originating from many countries. The North
Koreans may also return to the business of producing terrorists for hire,
not unlike the way they handle their development of weapons of mass

Western intelligence services have identified a number of warning signs as
they emerged following 9/11:

a.. The arrest and trial in Greece of 15 Marxists of the N-17 terror
group. Expectations that a wave of arrests finished the group were
premature. Lately Greece is once again the stage for renewed, low-intensity
terrorist and anarchist activities, aimed mainly against U.S. and British
targets. This may escalate towards the 2004 Olympic Games.

b.. The re-surfacing of German and other west European sympathizers of
ultra-left terror groups and their cooperation with Marxists of a specific
ethnic background, such as the Kurds. Germany is also involved in combating
hate terror, specifically by armed neo-Nazi groups and nationalists.

c.. Activity of left-wing terrorism is reported increasing in Turkey. Such
terrorists pose a danger not only to Turkey, but also on a regional scale.
This includes cooperation with Marxist Kurds and Arabs.

d.. Reports are filtering out of Egypt about left-wing terrorism. These
days a member of the Egyptian Revolutionary Socialist Group is facing a
Cairo military court as three of his comrades are tried in absence.

e.. The arrest of members of the Spanish First of October Anti-Fascist
Resistance Group, or GRAPO, who were involved in two bank and armored car
robberies, is another indication this group is in need of funds as part of
an attempt to re-surface or to lease their services to whoever will pay, as
long as the target is in the western industrialized world.
An Oregon based on-line paper, the Portland Independent Media Center,
carried a headline on Dec. 1 calling readers "to send support letters for
comrades facing trial in Egypt." The drive is supported by the Socialist
Arab Coalition in North America. On the day Saddam Hussein was captured the
organization flashed an Iraqi Baath flag saying: "Resistance will continue
until victory!" Articles and pictures do not disguise the potential of such
support. Together with slogans such as: "Long live the resistance, no
turning back," and "Death to the imperialists, death to the collaborators,"
the site includes pictures of heavily armed comrades, their faces covered
with Arab kefiyah headdresses, and stories such as "the tactics of

This short list does not include other terror threats coming from
separatists, nationalists and religious groups. Some examples a The
Basque Fatherland and Liberation operating from the Basque region in Spain
or the Irish Protestants or Catholics in Northern Ireland and the French

New evidence in a book to be published next year will point to an alliance
between Iraqi-sponsored terrorists and Timothy McVeigh, the man executed for
the bombing of the Oklahoma City federal building.

In a related development, last Month, G2B reported Carlos the Jackal, the
legendary terrorist of the 1970s, has converted to Islam and pledged his
allegiance to Osama bin Laden.

Carlos, aka Ilich Ramírez Sánchez, has just published a book in French to
announce his conversion to Islam and present his strategy for "the
destruction of the United States through an orchestrated and persistent
campaign of terror."

Titled "Revolutionary Islam" and published under the name Ilich Ramírez
Sánchez-CARLOS, the book urges "all revolutionaries, including those of the
left, even atheists," to accept the leadership of Islamists such as bin
Laden and so help turn Afghanistan and Iraq into the "graveyards of American

Son of a militant Communist, Ilich was sent to Moscow to study at Patrice
Lumumba University, an institution set up by the KGB to train terrorists
from the Third World. That was in the 1970s, when the most fashionable cause
was opposition to the U.S. intervention in Indochina.

Ilich opted for the less-fashionable cause of Palestine, and soon moved to
Lebanon, where he trained for operations organized by George Habash's
People's Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

Western intelligence services first noticed Carlos when he murdered two
French policemen and a Lebanese informant in Paris in 1975. But the peak of
his career came in 1975, when he led the team that took 11 OPEC oil
ministers hostage in Vienna, then flew them to Algiers.

He spent most of the next 20 years on the run, living under assumed
identities, constantly changing protectors, until his Sudanese friends
finally betrayed him six years ago, when they allowed French authorities to
abduct him from his home in Khartoum and fly him to Paris for trial.

Carlos claims that terrorism is "the cleanest and most efficient form of

Carlos, was arrested in Sudan in 1994 and turned over to France, where he is
serving life for the 1975 murders of two French secret agents and an alleged

  #2   Report Post  
Gould 0738
Posts: n/a
Default OT--It's always those on the left who are the real threat

Yeah, sure.

Watch out NOYB, there's a liberal hiding in the closet.

  #3   Report Post  
Doug Kanter
Posts: n/a
Default OT--It's always those on the left who are the real threat

Thank goodness for simple labels, right, tooth-boy? You'd be in a persistent
vegetative state without them. At least now, you can create a facade of

  #4   Report Post  
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Default OT--It's always those on the left who are the real threat

On Tue, 30 Dec 2003 17:48:50 +0000, Doug Kanter wrote:

Thank goodness for simple labels, right, tooth-boy? You'd be in a
persistent vegetative state without them. At least now, you can create a
facade of consciousness.

The header got me thinking. It must be my memory, but I can't think of
one *true* democracy that was ever overthrown from the left. I can think
of many, many, democracies overthrown from the right. The left has been
known to overthrow kings, dictators, and other tyrants, but democracies?
Help me out, there has to be at least one.
  #5   Report Post  
Doug Kanter
Posts: n/a
Default OT--It's always those on the left who are the real threat

"thunder" wrote in message
On Tue, 30 Dec 2003 17:48:50 +0000, Doug Kanter wrote:

Thank goodness for simple labels, right, tooth-boy? You'd be in a
persistent vegetative state without them. At least now, you can create a
facade of consciousness.

The header got me thinking. It must be my memory, but I can't think of
one *true* democracy that was ever overthrown from the left. I can think
of many, many, democracies overthrown from the right. The left has been
known to overthrow kings, dictators, and other tyrants, but democracies?
Help me out, there has to be at least one.

I'm not aware of any, either. However, on the other extreme, conservatives,
represented by the paramilitary, the military and the police, are doing a
pretty good job of undermining what little government is left in Colombia.
They've been doing it since the 1940s, at least.

  #6   Report Post  
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Default OT--It's always those on the left who are the real threat

"thunder" wrote in message
On Tue, 30 Dec 2003 17:48:50 +0000, Doug Kanter wrote:

Thank goodness for simple labels, right, tooth-boy? You'd be in a
persistent vegetative state without them. At least now, you can create a
facade of consciousness.

The header got me thinking. It must be my memory, but I can't think of
one *true* democracy that was ever overthrown from the left. I can think
of many, many, democracies overthrown from the right. The left has been
known to overthrow kings, dictators, and other tyrants, but democracies?
Help me out, there has to be at least one.

Wow, this could get deep. I'm not sure there are *any* "true democracies".
It all depends upon how you define a democracy. For instance, the U.S.
isn't a true "democracy"...rather, it's a republic. Democracy is "rule by
the majority"...and depending upon the will of majority, it's possible to
*not* have property rights, freedom of expression, and freedom of religion.

Can you point to any "true" democracies? If so, then perhaps I can point to
an example where the democracy was overthrown by the right...and you can
point to an example where it was overthrown by the left.

  #7   Report Post  
Harry Krause
Posts: n/a
Default OT--It's always those on the left who are the real threat

thunder wrote:

On Tue, 30 Dec 2003 17:48:50 +0000, Doug Kanter wrote:

Thank goodness for simple labels, right, tooth-boy? You'd be in a
persistent vegetative state without them. At least now, you can create a
facade of consciousness.

The header got me thinking. It must be my memory, but I can't think of
one *true* democracy that was ever overthrown from the left. I can think
of many, many, democracies overthrown from the right. The left has been
known to overthrow kings, dictators, and other tyrants, but democracies?
Help me out, there has to be at least one.

For some time, years, I have been posting that the threat to our
democracy comes from the conservatives. Turns out I was right.

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  #8   Report Post  
Harry Krause
Posts: n/a
Default OT--It's always those on the left who are the real threat

NOYB wrote:

"thunder" wrote in message
On Tue, 30 Dec 2003 17:48:50 +0000, Doug Kanter wrote:

Thank goodness for simple labels, right, tooth-boy? You'd be in a
persistent vegetative state without them. At least now, you can create a
facade of consciousness.

The header got me thinking. It must be my memory, but I can't think of
one *true* democracy that was ever overthrown from the left. I can think
of many, many, democracies overthrown from the right. The left has been
known to overthrow kings, dictators, and other tyrants, but democracies?
Help me out, there has to be at least one.

Wow, this could get deep. I'm not sure there are *any* "true democracies".
It all depends upon how you define a democracy. For instance, the U.S.
isn't a true "democracy"...rather, it's a republic. Democracy is "rule by
the majority"...and depending upon the will of majority, it's possible to
*not* have property rights, freedom of expression, and freedom of religion.

Can you point to any "true" democracies? If so, then perhaps I can point to
an example where the democracy was overthrown by the right...and you can
point to an example where it was overthrown by the left.

Po' Toothless...reduced to splitting teeth here.

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  #9   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default OT--It's always those on the left who are the real threat

NOYB wrote:

Can you point to any "true" democracies? If so, then perhaps I can point to
an example where the democracy was overthrown by the right...and you can
point to an example where it was overthrown by the left.

If you need to play semantic games to crawl away from such a stupid
statement then there is little game left for you to play.

Face it, NOYB, you are a neofascist neophyte looking for a mob to help
you feel good about your need to be a bully. No semantic twist will
change your character.


  #10   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default OT--It's always those on the left who are the real threat

"Rick" wrote in message
NOYB wrote:

Can you point to any "true" democracies? If so, then perhaps I can

point to
an example where the democracy was overthrown by the right...and you can
point to an example where it was overthrown by the left.

If you need to play semantic games to crawl away from such a stupid
statement then there is little game left for you to play.

Face it, NOYB, you are a neofascist neophyte looking for a mob to help
you feel good about your need to be a bully. No semantic twist will
change your character.

OK Rick. Name a "true" democracy that was overthrown by the right. Can't?
I didn't think so.

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