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  #1   Report Post  
Don White
Posts: n/a
Default Ot Please send snow

Woke up to 11 C temperatures (52 F) and rain this am.
Getting tired of this dreary damp foggy weather every second day. If anyone
has an oversupply of colder temperatures and snow...please send some north
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all.

  #2   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"Don White" wrote in message
Woke up to 11 C temperatures (52 F) and rain this am.
Getting tired of this dreary damp foggy weather every second day. If
has an oversupply of colder temperatures and snow...please send some north
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all.

We got 15" of snow on Wednesday night/Thursday morning. Could not even get
out of the drive until 2 pm or so. You can have all but 4" of it. Do you
want it sent UPS ground or overnight delivery?

Going down to below zero tonight.

Merry Christmas to you also.

  #3   Report Post  
Don White
Posts: n/a

"JimH" wrote in message

We got 15" of snow on Wednesday night/Thursday morning. Could not even

out of the drive until 2 pm or so. You can have all but 4" of it. Do you
want it sent UPS ground or overnight delivery?

Going down to below zero tonight.

Merry Christmas to you also.

Better keep more than 4'. All the hot air pent up in Cleveland will be sure
to melt it ASAP. :-)
Send quickest...would like to have for tonight.

  #4   Report Post  
Posts: n/a


Don't insult my parents.

It is Christmas, now we know that you don't speak to your children,, so lets

My parents, probably same age as you, approx. I send them money home because
that is kinda like the traditional thing to do. They paid for my birth, my
growing up, my education, my food my life etc etc etc etc, be damned if I
will let them rot away in an old folks home.
Because you asked there Harry,, my parents have their own home. I give them
money (and for the rest of their lives) and this only makes their life
better. More comfortable.
So your sidelines, 7-11 jokes, my parents poor jokes, etc etc,, well who
cares, you keep throwing darts at my parents there harry,, I don't care.

Lets look at you now,, compare,,

Your children left you for your ex wife. That is what I am told. Harry,, why
is that? My parents would have to be some type of sick *******s for me to
disrespect them like that. My parents would have to be the worst in the
world for me to ever leave them and not communicate or not love them until I
die. Your children have left you, cut the strings and don't look back. At
least that is what you said. So Harry,, when you insult (or try to) my
parents,, lol,, you are slapping yourself in the face..

Harry,, I am an honorable person,, I offered you a bet and I can prove it
with a responsible referee, I would like the opportunity to come down to
your neck of the woods, visit you, prove to you that my parents are
wealthier than you are. And that excludes my money I give them. You keep
insulting them or saying they are poor (which isn't an insult in my country)
but in your context it is an insult. Put your money where your mouth is. I
""think"" I will win the 1000.00 dollars,, I am willing to bet. I will
either make the 1000.00 or lose it,,, either way,, I bet you.

What say you harry?? Back to you,,,,

Let me answer for harry,,,

" go to work at the 7-11, sell beer and cigs and look at the chart your poor
parents gave you"

LOL,,, that is funny ,, or maybe you would answer

""" I cannot bet you, the chance I lose might disrupt my retirement as my
children draw instead of contribute, I better return with an insult instead
of accepting your bet""

Harry,, I call you a liar,, I call you a coward,, I call you unpatriotic and
a bad American... I think you are a bad parent,, I think you are a bad
father,, so you can either deflect my criticism of you and try and mask or
sugar coat it with sidelines, or you can step up to the plate and attempt to
be a man, for the first time in your life, alone without the support of your
local brotherhood of union slobs,,

What say you harry?? O ya,, you ignored my statements,, lol,,,

Back to you harry,,,,,,

"Harry Krause" wrote in message
news:1103987351.50cd0e330dfa190d8ac8c83b1db7b0ae@t eranews...
Tuuk wrote:

You say it is 0deg where you are,,

I mean you lied so many times just this past few days, How the hell do
you expect us to believe you now,,,

"Harry Krause" wrote in message
news:1103906873.b4d6d342a9ef2da9fa985d9226417506@t eranews...

Don White wrote:

Woke up to 11 C temperatures (52 F) and rain this am.
Getting tired of this dreary damp foggy weather every second day. If
has an oversupply of colder temperatures and snow...please send some
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all.

The snow we had earlier this week is...gone. It's 0 C now, and the temps
are supposed to drop some. No snow in the forecast, though.

I posted that it was Zero Degrees Celsius, ****-for-brains. See the 0 C up
there? Eh? What do you think the C stands for? Candlepower? Are you a
product of home schooling? No wonder your parents need the money you send
home. you have a chart at the 7-11 cash register to help you make

  #5   Report Post  
Don White
Posts: n/a

"Harry Krause" wrote in By the way, have you
figured out what a temperature of 0 C means?

The more Tuuk babbles, the more he exposes himself. If his statements about
his parents are true, I'm getting an image of someone raised in
I understand some far eastern countries still have a quasi-feudal system
where the rich and privileged maintain their status and lifestyle on the
backs of the working poor. At the risk of insulting Tuuks parents and having
him threaten to 'slit my throat', I have to wonder how they pay their staff.
Fair days pay for a full days work??

  #6   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Harry,, the point about the 0 deg was that you said it was,,, get it???

You made an observation or a report of something,,, How do we believe you?
You lied about something very serious and then you say it is what you say it
is,,, Who is going to believe you if you tend to lie very often,,,

"'"''Bear feet? Then what are the bears walking around on?'"'''"

That is funny,, I will agree, again, english is not my primary,, for a free
education for you and the amount of educating I am doing for you for free
harry,, you will have to take what you get, beggars should not be
selective,, but your country gave you a good life, easy job, easy money,
(your grandchildren will pay for that) very comfortable living, and you
still have the nuts to criticize that,, it is no surprise your on your third
wife. Is it them who disposes of you or you who dispose of them? I bet they
cannot tolerate you for very long, especially a lifetime,
The point to my comment about bare feet or whips or chains or what ever your
perception of a work place, I mean how would you know? O ya,, you saw a
documentary by Barbara Walters,,, harry,,, come on,,,You also criticize
wal-mart yet have you read their statements which state they do not buy from
firms who associate with child or slave labor? No,, I didn't think you had,,
Anyway,,, bare feet,, lol,,, come on,, just because your government says you
have to wear these boots that tie up to your knees, have steel shanks, steel
toe, green stamp, I mean what if the worker works in a rice field? in 100deg
F all day? I mean they cannot all get (2) 30 min coffee breaks in an
air-conditioned lunch room, 1 hour lunch at a cafeteria supplied by the
taxpayer, and their birthdays off with pay, 8 weeks holiday per year, 14
days sick, etc etc etc etc,, WAKE UP!!!! Harry,, look what you did,, now I
say again,,, your grandchildren are putting food on your table, you would be
more morally and cheaper to get a personal line of credit put on your boat
and home and pay it off with an insurance policy,, not your grandchildren
born or not,,

You do know what I mean by 100deg F ,,, there harry ,,, no?? I will explain
it for you,, but that might take another rant as you are not the luckiest
student in the class,,,,,
Now what next did you say,,,

'''"'' We're all scared...when are you planning to climb up into the tower
start firing?"''"'""

What ever,,

''''''' Figured out what 0 C means yet, dunderhead?'"''"''

No,, tell me what,,, It's your turn to reciprocate,, I been teaching you for
a day and sometimes I think I am wasting my time,,, teach me what 0 C
means,,, With your mind I might suspect

Zero Chinese
Zero Credit
Zero Credentials
Zero Chance
Zero Contract
Zero Celsius
Openly Crazy
Outright Communist
Obviously Cracked
One Clown

I don't know harry which one better describes yourself,,, And stop pulling
on my thermometer, I have work to do,

"Harry Krause" wrote in message
Tuuk wrote:

I am honored to answer your questions,,, lets look,,

"'''' The more Tuuk babbles, the more he exposes himself."''''

As what?? a secret agent man??

The consensus would be ill-informed, drooling, semi-literate idiot, I

O **** off you fat lazy union slob,, ya and our children go to work in
bear feet also,

Bear feet? Then what are the bears walking around on?

"'""''At the risk of insulting Tuuks parents and having
him threaten to 'slit my throat', I have to wonder how they pay their
Fair days pay for a full days work??''"""

Two point there ,, ya if you insult my parents to my face,, I will kick
you in your nuts,, you hurt my parents and ya,, of course I would hurt

We're all scared...when are you planning to climb up into the tower and
start firing?

Figured out what 0 C means yet, dunderhead?

  #7   Report Post  
Don White
Posts: n/a

"Harry Krause" wrote in message

We're all scared...when are you planning to climb up into the tower and
start firing?

Figured out what 0 C means yet, dunderhead?

I fear for the future of my country if it's in the hands of people like
Tuuk. Hopefully most immigrants are good, solid hard working citizens..not
some superior feeling , privileged and pampered spoiled brat who thinks he
owns the world just because the workers back home have to bow and scrape for
their daily morsel of food.

  #8   Report Post  
Don White
Posts: n/a

Well, well. Let's see our little buddy squirm out of this one!

  #9   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

You know harry,,, normally when you post pages of articles I mostly read the
header or subject only,, then your comments,,,

This one I read a few lines,,, mostly all of this I know,,, except for the
dictator part by P.M. Thaksin who enjoys about 90% elected support.

Harry,, there are muslim extremists killing teachers in the south, near the
Malaysian border and just yesterday several thousand teachers went on strike
because I think about a dozen have been killed by extreme muslims. Not on
strike for money, or walking off the job for benefits, days off, hours
reduced, etc etc,, they walked off the job to protest to Thaksin for more
fiercer action to rid the terrorists off Thai land,,, I would think you
would understand a striking action like that,,, I do,,,

And what is wrong with Thaksin's war on drugs,,, it almost stopped the
dealers from getting chemical drugs on the school property,,, remember,, I
said they are ahead of you in many things,, even the drug dealers are ahead
of you people,,, they make chemical drugs, very powerful, very cheap, very
effective and sell it to the west also,,, you would think killing a few
thousand of them,,, who shoot at you when you go to arrest them as what
actually happened,,, you would think you would think differently on that
issue,,, Do you use drugs Harry?

But keep reading the news articles harry,, if anything comes out that you do
not understand,, just ask,,

Try and find some GDP or economic measurement,, some street murder
comparison,, crime rate,,, I mean how many Americans have to lock their
doors at night,,, their cars,, etc etc,, if your car breaks down on the
highway,,, you get robbed and your car stolen,,, especially if you are a
woman,, in my country,, the first car will stop and change your tire,,,

Keep reading harry,, try a visit,,, lol,,, ouch,, ha ha ouch that was
funny,,, o,, I can just imagine Harry walking down a street in bangkok,, you
would have spent your entire budget in a day,,, believe me harry, my people
who even work the streets are smarter than you,,,

"Harry Krause" wrote in message
news:1104013057.32234676b3a9c21705c54c5f48efc7a5@t eranews...
Don White wrote:
"Harry Krause" wrote in message

We're all scared...when are you planning to climb up into the tower and
start firing?

Figured out what 0 C means yet, dunderhead?

I fear for the future of my country if it's in the hands of people like
Tuuk. Hopefully most immigrants are good, solid hard working
some superior feeling , privileged and pampered spoiled brat who thinks
owns the world just because the workers back home have to bow and scrape
their daily morsel of food.

Thailand, his home country, is a right-wing dictatorship:

he Narathiwat massacre is yet another gruesome warning of the growing
intolerance and bigotry of the Thaksin government.

The assembly of around 3,000 people, unarmed and mostly young men, in the
district of Tak Bai of Narathiwat Province, in the south of Thailand on
October 25 ended with more than 85 people dead, 60 missing, and 1,300
detained. Most of them were Muslims. They were protesting against the
detention of six village volunteers who were arrested earlier under the
suspicion of supporting Islamic militants with weapons stolen from the

After the protest's violent dispersal by some 1,000 military troops with
tear gas and gunshots, 6 people lay dead with gunshot wounds. The captured
1,300 people were bound together and pushed down the ground. They were
later on forced into trucks covered with tarpaulins. They were transported
to Pattani military camp, a travel of 120 kilometers from the protest
site. Around midnight, after six hours being inside the truck, bound and
on top of each other, 87 people were found dead. Dr. Pornthip
Rojanasunand, Deputy
Director of the Justice Ministry's Central Institute of Forensic Science
said that 80% died of suffocation, and also convulsion, while others were
crushed to death. "We can't tell for sure if any one blocked their
nostrils or mouths," Dr. Pornthip was quoted saying after the forensic

As APWLD condemns this inhumane, gross violation of democratic right to
assemble of the Thai people in Narathiwat, APWLD further condemns the
appalling way of how the Thaksin government dealt with the aftermath of
the situation.

In a press conference two days after the massacre, the Government
Spokesman Jakrapob Penkair said that the three main causes of death are
over-exhaustion due to fasting; the influence of unidentified drugs; and
accidents during the crackdown. This was the public statement echoed by
different personalities of the government.

"Many protesters were weak and hungry because they were obeying the holy
Ramadan fast which took toll on their health," said Justice Deputy
Permanent Secretary Manit Suthaporn. The Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra
confirmed this, and added "They were exhausted, as they were protesting
under a
scorching sun."

These statements are not only downright dense, but totally atrocious.

The major cause of their death is the people's courage for standing up to
this government for their rights. And this took toll in their lives.

Under the Thaksin government, there are 17 documented people, known as
activists and defenders of human rights, who have been killed or made to
disappear. One of them is Mr. Somchai Neelaphaijit, a Muslim human rights
lawyer who was providing legal assistance to the arrested five Muslim men
accused of having links with the Muslim extremists. Mr. Somchai has not
yet been found after having disappeared earlier this year.

Clearly, the Narathiwat massacre is not an isolated case. This is part of
a pattern of violence - a systematic, programmatic way of silencing
people, of decimating critics and oppositionists. This is a manifestation
of growing fascism of this government. Different ways have been employed
to create fear - from actual killings of rights defenders, to arrests, and
filing of harassment legal cases against activists.

With all of these cases of human rights violations, some of them
documented by its own National Human Rights Commission in its recent
report, the Thaksin government remained unmoved. "If we're soft, they'll
think we're caving in. I won't have it," Thaksin said in an interview. Who
they were he referring to? They who know their rights and are fighting for
them? They who believe that power should reside on the masses and not on a
single business tycoon? They who have long been struggling for justice and
freedom from exclusion and discrimination?

Democracy is indeed a soft word for Thaksin. And, no, he won't have any of
it. A true challenger of due process of law, the Prime Minister said, "It
would not be right to assume every suspect was innocent until proven

As the Thai public reeled from the high number of casualty, and the way
they died, Thaksin was proud of his military force. "They did a great job.
They have my praise."

These are chilling statements coming from the head of a country touted to
be the flag bearer of democracy in the region.

While the officials kept repeating that the people didn't die of gunshot
or inflicted wounds, this does not in any way lessen the blood on the
hands of the military, and of the Thaksin government for the death of
protesters from Narathiwat.

APWLD echoes the condemnation of these gross acts of human rights
violation of the Thaksin government. APWLD believes that the martial law
imposed on the South provinces simply provide justification for these
violations, and therefore martial law should be lifted.

APWLD expresses its solidarity with the Thai democracy movements who stand
firm in their fight for their rights; who persevere in fostering
harmonious relationships among peoples of different races, religion and
beliefs; and who continue to struggle for a just, humane and genuinely
democratic Thailand.

APWLD further calls on the global people's movement to demand that the
Thaksin government respect and uphold the human right of every individual,
without regard to gender, class, religion and ethnicity.

Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development
Chiang Mai, Thailand
October 28, 2004

  #10   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"Tuuk" wrote in message
You know harry,,, normally when you post pages of articles I mostly read
the header or subject only,, then your comments,,,

This one I read a few lines,,, mostly all of this I know,,, except for the
dictator part by P.M. Thaksin who enjoys about 90% elected support.

Harry,, there are muslim extremists killing teachers in the south, near
the Malaysian border and just yesterday several thousand teachers went on
strike because I think about a dozen have been killed by extreme muslims.
Not on strike for money, or walking off the job for benefits, days off,
hours reduced, etc etc,, they walked off the job to protest to Thaksin for
more fiercer action to rid the terrorists off Thai land,,, I would think
you would understand a striking action like that,,, I do,,,

And what is wrong with Thaksin's war on drugs,,, it almost stopped the
dealers from getting chemical drugs on the school property,,, remember,, I
said they are ahead of you in many things,, even the drug dealers are
ahead of you people,,, they make chemical drugs, very powerful, very
cheap, very effective and sell it to the west also,,, you would think
killing a few thousand of them,,, who shoot at you when you go to arrest
them as what actually happened,,, you would think you would think
differently on that issue,,, Do you use drugs Harry?

But keep reading the news articles harry,, if anything comes out that you
do not understand,, just ask,,

Try and find some GDP or economic measurement,, some street murder
comparison,, crime rate,,, I mean how many Americans have to lock their
doors at night,,, their cars,, etc etc,, if your car breaks down on the
highway,,, you get robbed and your car stolen,,, especially if you are a
woman,, in my country,, the first car will stop and change your tire,,,

Keep reading harry,, try a visit,,, lol,,, ouch,, ha ha ouch that was
funny,,, o,, I can just imagine Harry walking down a street in bangkok,,
you would have spent your entire budget in a day,,, believe me harry, my
people who even work the streets are smarter than you,,,

"Harry Krause" wrote in message
news:1104013057.32234676b3a9c21705c54c5f48efc7a5@t eranews...
Don White wrote:
"Harry Krause" wrote in message

We're all scared...when are you planning to climb up into the tower and
start firing?

Figured out what 0 C means yet, dunderhead?

I fear for the future of my country if it's in the hands of people like
Tuuk. Hopefully most immigrants are good, solid hard working
some superior feeling , privileged and pampered spoiled brat who thinks
owns the world just because the workers back home have to bow and scrape
their daily morsel of food.

Thailand, his home country, is a right-wing dictatorship:

he Narathiwat massacre is yet another gruesome warning of the growing
intolerance and bigotry of the Thaksin government.

The assembly of around 3,000 people, unarmed and mostly young men, in the
district of Tak Bai of Narathiwat Province, in the south of Thailand on
October 25 ended with more than 85 people dead, 60 missing, and 1,300
detained. Most of them were Muslims. They were protesting against the
detention of six village volunteers who were arrested earlier under the
suspicion of supporting Islamic militants with weapons stolen from the

After the protest's violent dispersal by some 1,000 military troops with
tear gas and gunshots, 6 people lay dead with gunshot wounds. The
captured 1,300 people were bound together and pushed down the ground.
They were later on forced into trucks covered with tarpaulins. They were
transported to Pattani military camp, a travel of 120 kilometers from the
protest site. Around midnight, after six hours being inside the truck,
bound and on top of each other, 87 people were found dead. Dr. Pornthip
Rojanasunand, Deputy
Director of the Justice Ministry's Central Institute of Forensic Science
said that 80% died of suffocation, and also convulsion, while others were
crushed to death. "We can't tell for sure if any one blocked their
nostrils or mouths," Dr. Pornthip was quoted saying after the forensic

As APWLD condemns this inhumane, gross violation of democratic right to
assemble of the Thai people in Narathiwat, APWLD further condemns the
appalling way of how the Thaksin government dealt with the aftermath of
the situation.

In a press conference two days after the massacre, the Government
Spokesman Jakrapob Penkair said that the three main causes of death are
over-exhaustion due to fasting; the influence of unidentified drugs; and
accidents during the crackdown. This was the public statement echoed by
different personalities of the government.

"Many protesters were weak and hungry because they were obeying the holy
Ramadan fast which took toll on their health," said Justice Deputy
Permanent Secretary Manit Suthaporn. The Prime Minister Thaksin
Shinawatra confirmed this, and added "They were exhausted, as they were
protesting under a
scorching sun."

These statements are not only downright dense, but totally atrocious.

The major cause of their death is the people's courage for standing up to
this government for their rights. And this took toll in their lives.

Under the Thaksin government, there are 17 documented people, known as
activists and defenders of human rights, who have been killed or made to
disappear. One of them is Mr. Somchai Neelaphaijit, a Muslim human rights
lawyer who was providing legal assistance to the arrested five Muslim men
accused of having links with the Muslim extremists. Mr. Somchai has not
yet been found after having disappeared earlier this year.

Clearly, the Narathiwat massacre is not an isolated case. This is part of
a pattern of violence - a systematic, programmatic way of silencing
people, of decimating critics and oppositionists. This is a manifestation
of growing fascism of this government. Different ways have been employed
to create fear - from actual killings of rights defenders, to arrests,
and filing of harassment legal cases against activists.

With all of these cases of human rights violations, some of them
documented by its own National Human Rights Commission in its recent
report, the Thaksin government remained unmoved. "If we're soft, they'll
think we're caving in. I won't have it," Thaksin said in an interview.
Who they were he referring to? They who know their rights and are
fighting for them? They who believe that power should reside on the
masses and not on a single business tycoon? They who have long been
struggling for justice and freedom from exclusion and discrimination?

Democracy is indeed a soft word for Thaksin. And, no, he won't have any
of it. A true challenger of due process of law, the Prime Minister said,
"It would not be right to assume every suspect was innocent until proven

As the Thai public reeled from the high number of casualty, and the way
they died, Thaksin was proud of his military force. "They did a great
job. They have my praise."

These are chilling statements coming from the head of a country touted to
be the flag bearer of democracy in the region.

While the officials kept repeating that the people didn't die of gunshot
or inflicted wounds, this does not in any way lessen the blood on the
hands of the military, and of the Thaksin government for the death of
protesters from Narathiwat.

APWLD echoes the condemnation of these gross acts of human rights
violation of the Thaksin government. APWLD believes that the martial law
imposed on the South provinces simply provide justification for these
violations, and therefore martial law should be lifted.

APWLD expresses its solidarity with the Thai democracy movements who
stand firm in their fight for their rights; who persevere in fostering
harmonious relationships among peoples of different races, religion and
beliefs; and who continue to struggle for a just, humane and genuinely
democratic Thailand.

APWLD further calls on the global people's movement to demand that the
Thaksin government respect and uphold the human right of every
individual, without regard to gender, class, religion and ethnicity.

Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development
Chiang Mai, Thailand
October 28, 2004

You folks are sick. It is Christmas Day. Don't you have anything better to
do than this???

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