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basskisser February 10th 05 01:40 PM

Life-saving barfight in Florida boating town

hkrause wrote:
Associated Press
February 9, 2005

NAPLES, Fla. -- A blow to the head with a beer bottle may have saved
Sally Hampton's life.

While doctors were examining her after the barroom attack, they
discovered a brain tumor that could have killed her.

The tumor was removed, and Hampton, 64, is fully recovered.

On Monday, she testified against her attacker, Fidel Trujillo, who

convicted of aggravated battery with a deadly weapon and sentenced to

1/2 years in prison.

"It was one of the worst things that could happen to an elderly

but in the end it saved her life," prosecutor Erik Lombillo said.

Hampton was attacked July 4 at a bar in Immokalee, a farming town in
southwestern Florida. According to prosecutors, she put her hand on
Trujillo's shoulder to lead him out of the place when the bartender
wanted to close up. Trujillo bashed her with a bottle and kicked her

the head and body when she fell.

Hampton was taken to Lehigh Regional Medical Center with injuries

were not life-threatening. During a test, doctors found the tumor.

Whoa....that CAN'T happen in Collier County.....just ask NOYB...there
are no bars that serve beer, it's a common man's drink. Oh, and he's
elderly....imagine that....

basskisser February 10th 05 01:41 PM

hkrause wrote:
Associated Press
February 9, 2005

NAPLES, Fla. -- A blow to the head with a beer bottle may have saved
Sally Hampton's life.

While doctors were examining her after the barroom attack, they
discovered a brain tumor that could have killed her.

The tumor was removed, and Hampton, 64, is fully recovered.

On Monday, she testified against her attacker, Fidel Trujillo, who

convicted of aggravated battery with a deadly weapon and sentenced to

1/2 years in prison.

"It was one of the worst things that could happen to an elderly

but in the end it saved her life," prosecutor Erik Lombillo said.

Hampton was attacked July 4 at a bar in Immokalee, a farming town in
southwestern Florida. According to prosecutors, she put her hand on
Trujillo's shoulder to lead him out of the place when the bartender
wanted to close up. Trujillo bashed her with a bottle and kicked her

the head and body when she fell.

Hampton was taken to Lehigh Regional Medical Center with injuries

were not life-threatening. During a test, doctors found the tumor.

Immokalee. Enough said..... I've said it many times, I simply hate that
region of Florida.

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