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  #61   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

krause you fool

It isn't a shame to admit someone is far more intelligent than you krause,
even a woman. I know this crushes you krause, seriously, I am sure you have
had to increase the meds because of it. Every time this very knowledgeable
boater points out your lies or helps someone with a boating problem they
have, you simply cringe. I mean if you didn't make the lie in the first
place why are you bothered by her helping other boaters with their issues?
She is obviously adding value. I mean you claimed to have owned all these
marinas and boat shops, yet you help no one. krause you fool, the only
person making things up around here is you.

"HKrause" wrote in message
bb wrote:
On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 11:45:40 -0500, John H

In the instance of my comment, I believe Karen was responding to a post
a verbal attack on anyone.

Well then, you must know have read K. Smith's post. I can't say as I
blame you.

K. Smith's post stared out with an attack on Harry and anyone who is
any way associated with the marine industry. "Without a verbal attack on
anyone", please.


It wouldn't be a Karen Smith post without the inclusion of one of her
psychotic screeds about me.

  #62   Report Post  
Don White
Posts: n/a

" Tuuk" wrote in message
krause you fool

It isn't a shame to admit someone is far more intelligent than you krause,
even a woman.

That sounds like a sexist remark. Why couldn't a woman be as intelligent,
or more so, than any man here?
If you're referring to Karen...we're not even sure if she/he/it is of the
female persuasion.

  #63   Report Post  
K. Smith
Posts: n/a

John H wrote:
On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 18:20:23 GMT, bb wrote:

On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 12:59:35 -0500, John H

I could be wrong. If so, then I'm wrong. I'm not energetic enough to look up the
exact post.

Well John, here's what she had to reply to Harry:

& the liar just can't help but lie:-)

Calling someone a liar in my book is a personal attack.

I *think* this was one of her rare posts without a personal attack
of Krause.

I see you come to the defense of K Smith the same as you do the
president, with no bases in fact. At least you're consistant.


I stand corrected. Karen would do better to segregate her 'Harry is a liar'
posts from her on-topic posts.

As Harry's comment was 'inane', I have nothing to apologize for. However, I do
admit my error. (You can pass that on to Chuck also!)

& I apologise to you also John, I can assure you when I post I do
always give a Krause lie.

I know as we all do that you know Krause is a liar I'm not sure even
you nor any of us know the full extent of his lies, but hey he is a liar.

A failed used car salesman who then graduated to being a failed boat
broker presumes to give me stick????:-) I don't think so.

All I need do is review to simply correct his spam pieces & it's clear
to all what the other one is "on" a stick.

Anyway thanks for the defense & sorry if I've let you down ......
again, as I will below:-)

Best Regards,

Oops that reminds me speaking of turds on sticks ...........


Sorry to bear bad news on easter Friday because I know,
particularly you poor Ficht owners:-), finding out just how these lying
dealers have ripped you off over the years is depressing & I agree but
hey; we did tell you at the time yet you chose to believe them??? Anyway
now for something to cheer you up, it's your Krause lie of the day:-)

This lying simpleton, after it became clear he was losing a thread
where he was displaying his usual lack of patriotism much less gratitude
for the brave men & women out there risking their everything, to keep
the likes of him safe, he just reverts to type.

But seriously can you imagine this uneducated union thug now claims
he is reviewing universities!!! & wait for it he poo poos the
engineering course!!! this from a lying uneducated union thug who
couldn't use a toaster without a union authorised electrician in attendance.

I've included just one of the followup responses but it was such a
bald faced lie it even embarrassed the rejoinders:-)

I have visited West Point, the Naval Academy, the Air Force Academy and
the sub training facility at Groton. Some years ago, I actually did look
over descriptions of some of the course material at Annapolis and the
c.v.'s of some of the faculty. I'm sure the engineering course material
is fairly rigorous, though it is more "trade-oriented" and did not look
up to MIT or CalTech standards. I mean, if your goal is to be an
aeronautical engineer, you're going to get better training at MIT or
CalTech or at any of a large number of other engineering schools. I
thought the faculty academic credentials no better than what is found at
a typical smaller four year public university. The military academies
turn out military officers with an education, not highly educated
military officers. But that is their purpose, eh?


Holy molly, grandma, put on your high boots.

Harry Krause, admitted graduate in the humanities with a degree in

is hereby qualified to critique the engineering curriculum of not

only West
Point, but also that of the Naval Academy and the Air Force Academy and
compare it to that of MIT and CalTech.

The above paragraph is a classic.

You missed your calling Harry.

  #64   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 11:43:48 -0500, "Dr. Dr. Karen Grear"

I just checked on a 1972 GB 50
Trawler and found it was 50% of the listed price in


Prices on older boats vary widely based on condition. You really have
to know a great deal about the specific deal in question since it's
not uncommon for an older boat in that size range to need $100,000 or
more in maintenance and upgrades.

  #65   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Hi Guys,

Thanks again to those on topic. Others here, this thread which of
course I do not own, I started to discuss an important issue to all
boaters, buyers, sellers and owners: Prices of Used Boats.

Clearly there is no (or little) monitoring of these discussions, as
the topic now looks like "Who is the biggest A$$Hole and why". Please
start a separate thread to trash one another. Some of us are not
trying to measure our egos against typed text on the internet. These
groups are a very useful tool to raise issues and find solutions to
what looks like complex problems.

Possibly none of the folks disrupting this thread are actual people,
acting as individuals, but interest groups trying to kill any useful
source of boat pricing information? Lord knows there is now more
"pollution" in this thread than content. Had it been their intention,
they couldn't have done a better job of sabotage!

Others here beware. Likely the only ones with vested interest in our
not sharing information regarding boat pricing are people in the
industry who may wish to protect milk-cow profits. Be they from
overpriced manufacturers, price gouging dealers, corrupt brokers or
even industry hirelings, the idea is "keep 'em stupid and disinformed
- then grab all you can".

So the rule for these newsgroups goes:

- Buyer Beware

- Seller Beware

Somebody is out to get you - and your hard earned cash - in every
which way they can. Keeping us dumbed down is one technique among
others. It is apparently being used right here in this thread, with
trashing and flaming coming seemingly out of nowhere, possibly even
from non existing fictional characters. Otherwise, why spend their
time and energy belching fire here?

All my best wishes to all well-intended buyers, sellers and boaters
alike. Looks like there's a bunch of nasties trying to cut in on our
fun, and make us regret launching out to sea.



  #66   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

A failed used car salesman who then graduated to being a failed boat
broker presumes to give me stick????:-) I don't think so.

All I need do is review to simply correct his spam pieces &
it's clear
to all what the other one is "on" a stick.

Gee, K, it's hard to know just exactly who you'd be referring to with
those acid comments, but I can make an educated guess. If it's the
party I'm thinking of, you would be astonished if you knew the details
of his annual income and net worth. The party I'm thinking of was in a
position to retire in his late 40's, but enjoys work more than he would
a full-time hobby. If it's the party I'm thinking of, many people would
disagree with your definition of "failure". Next time you launch one of
your acid bombs, perhaps you will elaborate upon your definition.

And if it's the party I'm thinking of, your "corrections" are most
frequently the presentation of alternate opinions. There are pro's and
con's to most subjects. People who know something about a subject are
not afraid to discuss alternate opinions rationally. People who know
little or nothing about a subject go to a thermodynamcs textbook, chat
with some bloke in the shop, or
misunderstand something overheard at the waterfront bar and speed to
the keyboard with the new idea. They cling like kitchen wrap to the one
little nugget they think they've got nailed, and snarl at the first
sign of challenge as they are unable to expand upon, validate, or
substantiate thier statements. A common tactic employed by people who
know little or nothing but hope to appear as an expert is to post
something totally wrong, (like "Nobody builds a boat with a cored hull
anymore") and then begin a nonstop tirade of insults, accusations, wild
assertions, etc. People who know little or nothing about a subject view
those with alternate opinions as "enemies" who might expose the
obnoxious would-be potentate for marching naked in the parade.

Almost everybody else participating in the NG can disagree on issues,
even technical issues, without defining the people on the other side of
the issue as "liars, spammers, failures, and turds." Those themes seem
to dominate all of your posts. Could it be that you are so immersed in
a reality dominated by lying, failing, spamming, and turds that you
interpret the rest of the world only through that filthy little filter?
If so, that's really pretty sad.

  #67   Report Post  
Dr. T. Sheit
Posts: n/a

Who was she talking about?

wrote in message
A failed used car salesman who then graduated to being a failed boat
broker presumes to give me stick????:-) I don't think so.

All I need do is review to simply correct his spam pieces &
it's clear
to all what the other one is "on" a stick.

Gee, K, it's hard to know just exactly who you'd be referring to with
those acid comments, but I can make an educated guess. If it's the
party I'm thinking of, you would be astonished if you knew the details
of his annual income and net worth. The party I'm thinking of was in a
position to retire in his late 40's, but enjoys work more than he would
a full-time hobby. If it's the party I'm thinking of, many people would
disagree with your definition of "failure". Next time you launch one of
your acid bombs, perhaps you will elaborate upon your definition.

And if it's the party I'm thinking of, your "corrections" are most
frequently the presentation of alternate opinions. There are pro's and
con's to most subjects. People who know something about a subject are
not afraid to discuss alternate opinions rationally. People who know
little or nothing about a subject go to a thermodynamcs textbook, chat
with some bloke in the shop, or
misunderstand something overheard at the waterfront bar and speed to
the keyboard with the new idea. They cling like kitchen wrap to the one
little nugget they think they've got nailed, and snarl at the first
sign of challenge as they are unable to expand upon, validate, or
substantiate thier statements. A common tactic employed by people who
know little or nothing but hope to appear as an expert is to post
something totally wrong, (like "Nobody builds a boat with a cored hull
anymore") and then begin a nonstop tirade of insults, accusations, wild
assertions, etc. People who know little or nothing about a subject view
those with alternate opinions as "enemies" who might expose the
obnoxious would-be potentate for marching naked in the parade.

Almost everybody else participating in the NG can disagree on issues,
even technical issues, without defining the people on the other side of
the issue as "liars, spammers, failures, and turds." Those themes seem
to dominate all of your posts. Could it be that you are so immersed in
a reality dominated by lying, failing, spamming, and turds that you
interpret the rest of the world only through that filthy little filter?
If so, that's really pretty sad.

  #68   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"Dr. T. Sheit" wrote in message
Who was she talking about?

Our Klass Klown Krause.

Our Village Idiot with yet another identity wrote in message
Gee, K, it's hard to know just exactly who you'd be referring to with
those acid comments, but I can make an educated guess.

Wow, that would make you a genius.

If it's the
party I'm thinking of, you would be astonished if you knew the details
of his annual income and net worth.

Im already astonished. I cant believe he can even afford a computer on his
anual income and net worth.

The party I'm thinking of was in a
position to retire in his late 40's,

Yup. I believe I heard he started at Wal-Mart when he was 18, and retired 30
years later at 48. I've heard they still let him come back on the weekends
to help gather carts from the lot.

Nice try Krause, but I kill filed this identity of yours a long long time

I must admit, I do enjoy seeing these ridiculous posts every once in a
while...they make me smile.

Hey, what ever happened to Skipper? [huuuuuge grin]


"It's just about going fast...that's all..."

  #69   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

krause,, you liar

It appears you have a puppet who fell for some of your lies. If this klown
believes your stories krause he deserves to buy the first car off the used
car lot. I guess there are one or two born every day, lol,,,

krause isn't a success at anything, if this klown is referring to krause the
klown, retiring or able to retire at 40 years old, then this klown puppet of
krause the klown is dumber that krause (sorry, I know that is a low blow)
but it is true.

krause has held two union cards his entire working career. Someone with a
skill set capable of earning an income he has claimed wouldn't ever need the
bullying tactics and job protection offered by his fellow union slobs of
local brotherhood pickle packers 109.

So just because krause says something happened,, believe me,, believe me,,
believe a couple dozen others out here that the probability of krause's
story being false, or bold faced lie is in the neighborhood of about 99.9994

"HKrause" wrote in message
A failed used car salesman who then graduated to being a failed boat
broker presumes to give me stick????:-) I don't think so.

All I need do is review to simply correct his spam pieces &
it's clear
to all what the other one is "on" a stick.

Gee, K, it's hard to know just exactly who you'd be referring to with
those acid comments, but I can make an educated guess. If it's the
party I'm thinking of, you would be astonished if you knew the details
of his annual income and net worth. The party I'm thinking of was in a
position to retire in his late 40's, but enjoys work more than he would
a full-time hobby. If it's the party I'm thinking of, many people would
disagree with your definition of "failure". Next time you launch one of
your acid bombs, perhaps you will elaborate upon your definition.

And if it's the party I'm thinking of, your "corrections" are most
frequently the presentation of alternate opinions. There are pro's and
con's to most subjects. People who know something about a subject are
not afraid to discuss alternate opinions rationally. People who know
little or nothing about a subject go to a thermodynamcs textbook, chat
with some bloke in the shop, or
misunderstand something overheard at the waterfront bar and speed to
the keyboard with the new idea. They cling like kitchen wrap to the one
little nugget they think they've got nailed, and snarl at the first
sign of challenge as they are unable to expand upon, validate, or
substantiate thier statements. A common tactic employed by people who
know little or nothing but hope to appear as an expert is to post
something totally wrong, (like "Nobody builds a boat with a cored hull
anymore") and then begin a nonstop tirade of insults, accusations, wild
assertions, etc. People who know little or nothing about a subject view
those with alternate opinions as "enemies" who might expose the
obnoxious would-be potentate for marching naked in the parade.

Almost everybody else participating in the NG can disagree on issues,
even technical issues, without defining the people on the other side of
the issue as "liars, spammers, failures, and turds." Those themes seem
to dominate all of your posts. Could it be that you are so immersed in
a reality dominated by lying, failing, spamming, and turds that you
interpret the rest of the world only through that filthy little filter?
If so, that's really pretty sad.

Karen Smith and her son Tuuk Smith are out exploring the joys of incest at
the NoTell Motel.

On a more serious note, about two years ago I exchanged emails with an
executive of a company in Australia that actually *IS* in the diesel
outboard business. The company imports, modifies and resells diesel
outboards from Japan, and has or at least had contracts with the
Australian national government for provision of same. I forwarded a couple
of Ms. Smith's posts about the diesel outboard she claimed to have
invented, along with a couple of the bleary photos Ms. Smith supplied, and
another document or two. The guy had never heard of our Ms. Smith, or her
diesel outboard, and could not recall anyone "like" Ms. Smith ever
attending any of the technical seminars he'd been to in several Australian
territories or states or whatever they are called there.

  #70   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

On 25 Mar 2005 06:41:13 -0800, wrote:

start a separate thread to trash one another.

Since you've trashed quite a few folks in this post, can we consider
this a separate thread?

groups are a very useful tool to raise issues and find solutions to
what looks like complex problems.

And there were a lot of options proposed to arrive at fair market
value posted in this thread. Some just aren't willing to listen to
the options because coming to a realistic market value was never the
intention. I suspect you fit that mold of not looking for how to
arrive at a fair market value, but how to scam a seller into selling a
boat for far below it's current market value. Yeah, you're quick to
blame anyone who doesn't agree with your methods as a profiteer, but
it is you who is trying to take advantage of any situation to enrich
yourself. Just remember, just like a buyer deserves a fair shake, so
do sellers.

Possibly none of the folks disrupting this thread are actual people,
acting as individuals, but interest groups trying to kill any useful
source of boat pricing information?

Who tried to kill any useful source of boat pricing information? You
make the accusation, back it up. You seem a bit paranoid, imo. Don't
assume just because you're out to rip people off, people are out to
rip you off. It's always fun to watch con artists being paranoid of
being conned.

Others here beware.
Likely the only ones with vested interest in our
not sharing information regarding boat pricing are people in the
industry who may wish to protect milk-cow profits. Be they from
overpriced manufacturers, price gouging dealers, corrupt brokers or
even industry hirelings, the idea is "keep 'em stupid and disinformed
- then grab all you can".

You sound suspiciously like K Smith.

So the rule for these newsgroups goes:

- Buyer Beware

- Seller Beware

Yeah, it's good advice for everyone to beware. As you've so well
proven, there are folks out who's only intention is to rip you off.
Doesn't matter who you are, buyer, seller, dealer, broker, mechanic,
surveyor, captain, varnish guy, whomever, getting ripped off is a
bummer. You, and a few others of your type, seem to be able to
justify ripping anyone off if it benefits you personally.

Somebody is out to get you - and your hard earned cash - in every
which way they can. Keeping us dumbed down is one technique among
others. It is apparently being used right here in this thread, with
trashing and flaming coming seemingly out of nowhere, possibly even
from non existing fictional characters. Otherwise, why spend their
time and energy belching fire here?

All my best wishes to all well-intended buyers, sellers and boaters
alike. Looks like there's a bunch of nasties trying to cut in on our
fun, and make us regret launching out to sea.

Well, I think you got a lot of different perspectives on boat values
in the thread. You've been more than willing to throw out the insults
and flames, but seem to want to pretend to be offended by others in
the thread supposedly doing the same thing.

You're quick to accuse others of wanting to rip off buyers and
sellers. My perspective is you NADA folks are out to rip off sellers
in any way possible and NADA is just one tool you use. Please, can
the supposed high road stuff you're spouting, you are a freeloader
looking to take advantage any way you can.

You certainly have every indication of being what we call "bottom
feeders", those folks who are willing to do anything, and **** over
anyone, in pursuit of a deal they can brag to their loser friends to
over another 12 pack of Bush beer.

You've directed all your animosity and anger towards brokers. Guess
what, you don't have to buy from a broker. If that pricing guide you
seem to worship is correct, surely there must be private sellers out
there who have their boat priced in accordance with what you perceive
as fair value. Probably 1/3 to 1/2 the boats are available through
private sale at some time in their market history. Stop whining about
how the brokers and dealers are ripping everyone off and get that
super buy you/re wishing for directly from a private seller. Go
ahead, all you have to do is have the balls to show that private
seller a book that shows the seller is asking 300% of what his boat is
worth. It's not that brokers are dishonest, or corrupt, it's that you
don't have the balls to make the offer that you think is realistic
directly to a private seller. What you really want is for some poor
schmuck broker to do your dirty work for you. Then, after many
attempts, when the poor schmuck finally finds someone stupid enough to
believe your bull****, your next problem will be to figure out how to
cut the broker out of the deal.

Yeah, imo, you're a real piece of ****. From the seller, to the
broker, to the surveyor, to the boat yard, to the marina, to your
insurance agent, to the marine supply store, the mechanic, the
transient dock, park ranger, the dock master who doesn't appreciate
you pumping your holding tank in the marina to save a $3 pump out fee,
right down to the waitress that you have no problem stiffing, anyone
involved in doing a job that helps you in your endeavors, you are a
piece of ****. A freeloader. A con artist. You and your type give
anyone involved in boating a bad name. Do us all a favor and move on
to some other hobby where everyone owes you a free ride.

Oh, and one last thing. This is a public group You have no say so
about who posts here. Newbies, old salts, industry folks, scammers
(such as yourself), are all welcome to post their opinions here. If
you're uncomfortable with a plurality of opinions, it's much easier
for you to move on than to run everyone off who doesn't promote your


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