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  #21   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

*JimH* wrote:
wrote in message

*JimH* wrote:
wrote in message

*JimH* wrote:
wrote in message

*JimH* wrote:
wrote in message

John H. wrote:
Good article. Thanks.

Not even CLOSE to the way the Republican lemmings treated the
INCLUDING their daughter.

Exactly how was Chelsea Clinton treated poorly or inappropriately
*Republicans* Kevin?

I'm not Kevin.

Sure you are. Now answer the question Kevin. If not I will assume
cannot and that you make things up and then post them here as *facts*,

Assuming that Rush Limbaugh and Senator John McCain fall into the
category used in the original claim (before you amended it to
"Republicans") here are two very well known examples:

I ammended nothing Chuck. The original claim was "Not even CLOSE to the
the Republican lemmings treated the Clintons, INCLUDING their daughter."

Note the key word *Republican* Chuck.

Nice try.

Nonsense. Wow- look at the thread! You amended the term "Republican
to "Republicans".


On his television show, Rush Limbaugh announced to his audience that
the new White House occupants had a dog. He then held up a picture of
Chelsea Clinton.

Not saying you are wrong but............Cite?

Typing "Rush Limbaugh Chelsea Clinton Dog" into Google brought up 106
Take your pick.

Fair enough. But you have still yet to privide a specific link to your

Senator John McCain, at a Republican Senate fundraiser, said "Why is
Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno."

Again, a cite would be appreciated.

Typing "John McCain Chelsea Clinton Ugly" into Google brings up 70
Once again, take your pick. There will surely be at least one source
you're willing to accept but this discussion will likely become
sidetracked on the credibility of my source rather than the statement
itself if I cite one at random.

Knowing you would put the burden on me to prove or disprove what you claim,
as you usually do, I did my own googling and found what you said to be true.

Why you kick and scream like a 3 year old when asked to provide specific
proof or a link is beyond me, especially when all you have to do is copy and
paste the link.

I can teach you how to do that if you need help.

If they indeed said those things, they were wrong....dead wrong. The
President's children are always off limits to snide remarks or jokes
made about them. Chelsea turned out to be a great kid and has a great
future ahead of her.

The evidence is that they did indeed say those things.

What evidence? You have not provided any.

Hateful things
are said regularly, by a wide variety of people with many political
perspectives. I only submitted these two examples in response to your
challenge to provide some proof that Republicans had treated Chelsea
poorly or inappropriately, and it seems that we agree they did.

I agree. The President's children are off limits.

You never addressed my other post to this thread so I will repeat it:

Do you find these jokes and comments acceptable about GWB's daughters?

Did you approve of Kerry dragging Cheney's daughter into the Presidential
debates? If I recall, you thought that was appropriate.

Double standards Chuck?


1) I learn slow but I learn well. Providing you with a specific cite
only leads to an argument about the credibility of the cite as a
diversion from the central point. As I said, take your pick from the
scores of cites available as one or more will be among a group you
consider acceptably conservative.

2) No, jokes about Bush's daughters are also tasteless and
inappropriate. I am not defending jokes about Bush's daughters- merely
answering your specific challenge to provide an example of poor or
inappropriate treatment of Chelsea Clinton by people professing to be

3) You apparently have me confused with somebody else on the Cheney's
daughter issue, I do think all kids should be left out of campaigns.
We're not electing the kids. However, if you recall the context of the
remark I believe it was John Edwards, (not John Kerry), who mentioned
the VP's daughter during the VP debate and the entire statement was
that Edwards admired the love and support the Cheney's showed for their
own lesbian daughter. How funny that this kind and encouraging remark
was considered a gross insult by the right wing. It has long been a
known fact that Cheney's daughter is a self described lesbian- but only
people with a really backward attitude toward homosexuality would
presume that having a gay kid is a mark of substandard parenting or
that mentioning the relationship is an insult.

Cheney's general unfitness for public office has nothing to do, at all,
with his daughter's sexuality. :-)

  #22   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"Jack Goff" wrote in message
On Wed, 27 Jul 2005 17:14:22 -0400, HarryKrause

Ahh, humor. So, when the Bush twins check into the Betty Ford Center,
it'll be ok to joke about it?

*If* that ever happens, they'll be fair game, just like everyone else
has been in the past. It was someone else in this thread that had a
problem with it, I never suggested otherwise. I just pointed out that
it was commonly done.

I still say that the President's children are off limits to jokes and snide
remarks, regardless of political affiliation.

I also repeat that Chelsea is a beautiful and smart lady who has a wonderful
future ahead of her. The remark by McCain was uncalled for and not
something one would expect to hear from any professional.

But, as was pointed out in my earlier post, remarks and jokes like that are
unfortunately made on both sides of the fence, although not proper or

It is not a republican or democrat issue. It is a poor taste issue.

  #23   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

wrote in message

*JimH* wrote:
wrote in message

*JimH* wrote:
wrote in message

*JimH* wrote:
wrote in message

*JimH* wrote:
wrote in message

John H. wrote:
Good article. Thanks.

Not even CLOSE to the way the Republican lemmings treated the
INCLUDING their daughter.

Exactly how was Chelsea Clinton treated poorly or
*Republicans* Kevin?

I'm not Kevin.

Sure you are. Now answer the question Kevin. If not I will assume
cannot and that you make things up and then post them here as

Assuming that Rush Limbaugh and Senator John McCain fall into the
category used in the original claim (before you amended it to
"Republicans") here are two very well known examples:

I ammended nothing Chuck. The original claim was "Not even CLOSE to
the Republican lemmings treated the Clintons, INCLUDING their

Note the key word *Republican* Chuck.

Nice try.

Nonsense. Wow- look at the thread! You amended the term "Republican
to "Republicans".


On his television show, Rush Limbaugh announced to his audience that
the new White House occupants had a dog. He then held up a picture
Chelsea Clinton.

Not saying you are wrong but............Cite?

Typing "Rush Limbaugh Chelsea Clinton Dog" into Google brought up 106
Take your pick.

Fair enough. But you have still yet to privide a specific link to your

Senator John McCain, at a Republican Senate fundraiser, said "Why is
Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno."

Again, a cite would be appreciated.

Typing "John McCain Chelsea Clinton Ugly" into Google brings up 70
Once again, take your pick. There will surely be at least one source
you're willing to accept but this discussion will likely become
sidetracked on the credibility of my source rather than the statement
itself if I cite one at random.

Knowing you would put the burden on me to prove or disprove what you
as you usually do, I did my own googling and found what you said to be

Why you kick and scream like a 3 year old when asked to provide specific
proof or a link is beyond me, especially when all you have to do is copy
paste the link.

I can teach you how to do that if you need help.

If they indeed said those things, they were wrong....dead wrong. The
President's children are always off limits to snide remarks or jokes
made about them. Chelsea turned out to be a great kid and has a great
future ahead of her.

The evidence is that they did indeed say those things.

What evidence? You have not provided any.

Hateful things
are said regularly, by a wide variety of people with many political
perspectives. I only submitted these two examples in response to your
challenge to provide some proof that Republicans had treated Chelsea
poorly or inappropriately, and it seems that we agree they did.

I agree. The President's children are off limits.

You never addressed my other post to this thread so I will repeat it:

Do you find these jokes and comments acceptable about GWB's daughters?

Did you approve of Kerry dragging Cheney's daughter into the Presidential
debates? If I recall, you thought that was appropriate.

Double standards Chuck?


1) I learn slow but I learn well.


2) No, jokes about Bush's daughters are also tasteless and
inappropriate. I am not defending jokes about Bush's daughters- merely
answering your specific challenge to provide an example of poor or
inappropriate treatment of Chelsea Clinton by people professing to be

Fair enough. There are assholes on both sides of the fence. Do you agree?

3) You apparently have me confused with somebody else on the Cheney's
daughter issue, I do think all kids should be left out of campaigns.
We're not electing the kids. However, if you recall the context of the
remark I believe it was John Edwards, (not John Kerry), who mentioned
the VP's daughter during the VP debate

So that make it appropriate? Nope. Keep the kids out of it, as you
previously stated.

  #24   Report Post  
Jack Goff
Posts: n/a

On 27 Jul 2005 15:14:04 -0700, "

I did not attempt to argue that only Republicans say cruel things.

True. But you did sidestep the questions I posed to you about nasty
(or is it humorous?) remarks made by the Democratic lemmings. Once
again, do you feel they were inappropriate?

I offered those two examples in response to a challenge to furnish any
example of "poor or inappropriate treatment" of Chelsea Clinton by
"Republican lemmings".

I guess the definition of "poor or inappropriate" is in the eye of the
beholder. One was a joke at a Republican fundraiser to a decidedly
partisan audience, and the other an expected joke/jab by a talk show
host who is paid to do just that. And neither are lemmings.

Besides, face it... although she's improved with age, Chelsie was a
double-bagger back in those days. Coyote. :-)
  #25   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

*JimH* wrote:
wrote in message

*JimH* wrote:
wrote in message

*JimH* wrote:
wrote in message

*JimH* wrote:
wrote in message

*JimH* wrote:
wrote in message

John H. wrote:
Good article. Thanks.

Not even CLOSE to the way the Republican lemmings treated the
INCLUDING their daughter.

Exactly how was Chelsea Clinton treated poorly or
*Republicans* Kevin?

I'm not Kevin.

Sure you are. Now answer the question Kevin. If not I will assume
cannot and that you make things up and then post them here as

Assuming that Rush Limbaugh and Senator John McCain fall into the
category used in the original claim (before you amended it to
"Republicans") here are two very well known examples:

I ammended nothing Chuck. The original claim was "Not even CLOSE to
the Republican lemmings treated the Clintons, INCLUDING their

Note the key word *Republican* Chuck.

Nice try.

Nonsense. Wow- look at the thread! You amended the term "Republican
to "Republicans".


On his television show, Rush Limbaugh announced to his audience that
the new White House occupants had a dog. He then held up a picture
Chelsea Clinton.

Not saying you are wrong but............Cite?

Typing "Rush Limbaugh Chelsea Clinton Dog" into Google brought up 106
Take your pick.

Fair enough. But you have still yet to privide a specific link to your

Senator John McCain, at a Republican Senate fundraiser, said "Why is
Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno."

Again, a cite would be appreciated.

Typing "John McCain Chelsea Clinton Ugly" into Google brings up 70
Once again, take your pick. There will surely be at least one source
you're willing to accept but this discussion will likely become
sidetracked on the credibility of my source rather than the statement
itself if I cite one at random.

Knowing you would put the burden on me to prove or disprove what you
as you usually do, I did my own googling and found what you said to be

Why you kick and scream like a 3 year old when asked to provide specific
proof or a link is beyond me, especially when all you have to do is copy
paste the link.

I can teach you how to do that if you need help.

If they indeed said those things, they were wrong....dead wrong. The
President's children are always off limits to snide remarks or jokes
made about them. Chelsea turned out to be a great kid and has a great
future ahead of her.

The evidence is that they did indeed say those things.

What evidence? You have not provided any.

Hateful things
are said regularly, by a wide variety of people with many political
perspectives. I only submitted these two examples in response to your
challenge to provide some proof that Republicans had treated Chelsea
poorly or inappropriately, and it seems that we agree they did.

I agree. The President's children are off limits.

You never addressed my other post to this thread so I will repeat it:

Do you find these jokes and comments acceptable about GWB's daughters?

Did you approve of Kerry dragging Cheney's daughter into the Presidential
debates? If I recall, you thought that was appropriate.

Double standards Chuck?


1) I learn slow but I learn well.


2) No, jokes about Bush's daughters are also tasteless and
inappropriate. I am not defending jokes about Bush's daughters- merely
answering your specific challenge to provide an example of poor or
inappropriate treatment of Chelsea Clinton by people professing to be

Fair enough. There are assholes on both sides of the fence. Do you agree?

Absolutely. Assholes come in all sizes, shapes, and political
liberal, conservative, democrat, republican, .......on and on, you name

3) You apparently have me confused with somebody else on the Cheney's
daughter issue, I do think all kids should be left out of campaigns.
We're not electing the kids. However, if you recall the context of the
remark I believe it was John Edwards, (not John Kerry), who mentioned
the VP's daughter during the VP debate

So that make it appropriate? Nope. Keep the kids out of it, as you
previously stated.

That door has to swing both ways. As I recall the VP debates, Edwards
only mentioned Cheney's daughter *after* Cheney had trotted her out as
evidence that he and Mrs. Cheney were really, truly, absolutely,
seriously, so-help-me, open-minded about homosexuality. Once you put
your own kid in play as a political pawn, its ridiculous to become
outraged when the opposition mentions her name- and especially in a
favorable context about family loyalty and support.

  #26   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

Not even CLOSE to the way the Republican lemmings treated the Clintons,

INCLUDING their daughter...."
Bill did a good enough job "treating" himself.

concerning his daughter? I never touched her

  #27   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

*JimH* wrote:
wrote in message

*JimH* wrote:
wrote in message

John H. wrote:
Good article. Thanks.

Not even CLOSE to the way the Republican lemmings treated the Clintons,
INCLUDING their daughter.

Exactly how was Chelsea Clinton treated poorly or inappropriately by the
*Republicans* Kevin?

I'm not Kevin.

Sure you are. Now answer the question Kevin. If not I will assume that you
cannot and that you make things up and then post them here as *facts*,

I'm not Kevin. If you ask ME, I'll certainly answer.

  #29   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

wrote in message

*JimH* wrote:
wrote in message

*JimH* wrote:
wrote in message

John H. wrote:
Good article. Thanks.

Not even CLOSE to the way the Republican lemmings treated the
INCLUDING their daughter.

Exactly how was Chelsea Clinton treated poorly or inappropriately by
*Republicans* Kevin?

I'm not Kevin.

Sure you are. Now answer the question Kevin. If not I will assume that
cannot and that you make things up and then post them here as *facts*,

I'm not Kevin. If you ask ME, I'll certainly answer.

Why would you answer when if I direct the question to 'ME' Kevin?

  #30   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

*JimH* wrote:
wrote in message

*JimH* wrote:
wrote in message

*JimH* wrote:
wrote in message

John H. wrote:
Good article. Thanks.

Not even CLOSE to the way the Republican lemmings treated the
INCLUDING their daughter.

Exactly how was Chelsea Clinton treated poorly or inappropriately by
*Republicans* Kevin?

I'm not Kevin.

Sure you are. Now answer the question Kevin. If not I will assume that
cannot and that you make things up and then post them here as *facts*,

I'm not Kevin. If you ask ME, I'll certainly answer.

Why would you answer when if I direct the question to 'ME' Kevin?

I'm not Kevin.

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