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  #1   Report Post  
Gould 0738
Posts: n/a
Default Any ready-reservists here?

Hopefully, the majority of those called will be Bush supporters. Let
them share in the joys of Bush's nasty little war.

That's awful. Nobody should be drafted, Bush supporter or not.

If this weren't an election year, we'd be seeing a draft. Instead, we're
calling back
40 and 50-year old guys who have already been honorably discharged, may even
have a military pension, and who have certainly earned the right to live the
rest of their lives without excessive government intrusion. Businesses,
careers, families, etc all go on hold.

Talk about giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Don't even say "lberals
When we make a loud public announcement about having to send the press gang to
round up the toothless old grey hairs to continue the war in Iraq, that has to
encourage the hell out of the enemy. It sounds like we're running out of

More of the same non-logic from our government. We can increase discretionary
government spending by 30% in 3 1/2 years *and* have a huge tax cut.
We can occupy a large country, say that doing so presents a credible threat to
other bad actors that we stand ready to invade their countries too, *and* cut
military benefits while avoiding mandatory enlistments (and apparently
scrambling to plug the holes in the front line with any available bodies).

If we hope to kill every Muslim on the planet, as many suggest, we are going to
need a lot more people than we have.
(I would say, eliminate the terrorist individuals instead of the "terrorist
race/religion", and we can do that without
expanding the war or imposing universal service).
  #2   Report Post  
Harry Krause
Posts: n/a
Default Any ready-reservists here?

Gould 0738 wrote:

Hopefully, the majority of those called will be Bush supporters. Let
them share in the joys of Bush's nasty little war.

That's awful. Nobody should be drafted, Bush supporter or not.

Well, we differ. I think those who support Bush's insane warmongering
should be paying the price for it.

If this weren't an election year, we'd be seeing a draft. Instead, we're
calling back
40 and 50-year old guys who have already been honorably discharged, may even
have a military pension, and who have certainly earned the right to live the
rest of their lives without excessive government intrusion. Businesses,
careers, families, etc all go on hold.

Perhaps they'll consider all that when they're voting this fall...

Talk about giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Don't even say "lberals
When we make a loud public announcement about having to send the press gang to
round up the toothless old grey hairs to continue the war in Iraq, that has to
encourage the hell out of the enemy. It sounds like we're running out of

The idiot in the White House has done more to encourage the growth of
Islamist terrorist than anyone else on the world stage. He probably is
on al Qaeda's recruiting posters.

If we hope to kill every Muslim on the planet, as many suggest, we are going to
need a lot more people than we have.

It would be easier to simply round up the neocons and conscript them
into the war they want so badly to fight.
  #3   Report Post  
Harry Krause
Posts: n/a
Default Any ready-reservists here?

sailing_crete wrote:

Harry Krause wrote:

Well, we differ. I think those who support Bush's insane warmongering
should be paying the price for it.

Who is "we"? Do you speak for this entire group? Those who get called
up DO NOT HAVE A CHOICE, Dem. or Rep.. Here's a tip: Read the contract!

"We" are those who oppose Bush and his idiotic policies and decisions.
As for who is called up, why, you'd think the Republicans among the
"ready reserve" would step forward so they can be first in line to stop
a bullet for Dubya.

  #4   Report Post  
Don White
Posts: n/a
Default Any ready-reservists here?

"Harry Krause" wrote in It would be easier to
simply round up the neocons and conscript them
into the war they want so badly to fight.

That's right. Talk is cheap! Let the politicians and CEO's of the big arms
suppliers be the first to ship overseas.
Next send the rabid supporters of the war.

  #5   Report Post  
Harry Krause
Posts: n/a
Default Any ready-reservists here?

Don White wrote:

"Harry Krause" wrote in It would be easier to
simply round up the neocons and conscript them
into the war they want so badly to fight.

That's right. Talk is cheap! Let the politicians and CEO's of the big arms
suppliers be the first to ship overseas.
Next send the rabid supporters of the war.

I agree. Let them put their bodies where their mouths want us to go.
And Bush ought to sit on a horse overlooking a battlefield. Once he
learns how to sit on a horse!

El Bush still rides...

  #6   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Any ready-reservists here?

Harry Krause wrote:

Well, we differ. I think those who support Bush's insane warmongering
should be paying the price for it.

Who is "we"? Do you speak for this entire group? Those who get called
up DO NOT HAVE A CHOICE, Dem. or Rep.. Here's a tip: Read the contract!

The idiot in the White House has done more to encourage the growth of
Islamist terrorist than anyone else on the world stage. He probably is
on al Qaeda's recruiting posters.

I can see your doing your part to uplift the nation and I'm sure your
picture is right below his.

It would be easier to simply round up the neocons and conscript them
into the war they want so badly to fight.

Great one there!!! Are you on your way to Kosovo?
  #7   Report Post  
Butch Davis
Posts: n/a
Default Any ready-reservists here?


Whine, whine, whine. Those called up have a military OBLIGATION to serve
when called. Those are the rules under which they volunteered. They are
needed, hence they are called. Is there something wrong with that? Is a
deal a deal, or what?

There may be some retired reservisists among the recalled. But those who
have served over twenty of active service have no reserve obligation.
Retired regular officers are subject to recall until age 60 or 62 depending
upon rank when placed on the retired list.

It may surprise you to know that literally thousands of active duty retired
soldiers volunteered for retiree recall status after 09-11. We continue to
be prepared to serve if needed. I'm 64 and fully prepared to go whenever
and wherever the Army may want me. I remain in good fighting shape and can
score a maximum on the Army's phisical readiness test.

If the Army feels we are to old too serve in Irag or Afganistan we can serve
in the US or overseas and free up a younger soldier for service in the
combat zones.

You guys just don't have a clue as to how honored many professional soldiers
are just to be allowed to serve this magnificant country in some way. BTW,
any soldier today can rightfully be called a professional soldier.

Butch Davis
"Gould 0738" wrote in message
Hopefully, the majority of those called will be Bush supporters. Let
them share in the joys of Bush's nasty little war.

That's awful. Nobody should be drafted, Bush supporter or not.

If this weren't an election year, we'd be seeing a draft. Instead, we're
calling back
40 and 50-year old guys who have already been honorably discharged, may

have a military pension, and who have certainly earned the right to live

rest of their lives without excessive government intrusion. Businesses,
careers, families, etc all go on hold.

Talk about giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Don't even say "lberals
When we make a loud public announcement about having to send the press

gang to
round up the toothless old grey hairs to continue the war in Iraq, that

has to
encourage the hell out of the enemy. It sounds like we're running out of

More of the same non-logic from our government. We can increase

government spending by 30% in 3 1/2 years *and* have a huge tax cut.
We can occupy a large country, say that doing so presents a credible

threat to
other bad actors that we stand ready to invade their countries too, *and*

military benefits while avoiding mandatory enlistments (and apparently
scrambling to plug the holes in the front line with any available bodies).

If we hope to kill every Muslim on the planet, as many suggest, we are

going to
need a lot more people than we have.
(I would say, eliminate the terrorist individuals instead of the

race/religion", and we can do that without
expanding the war or imposing universal service).

  #8   Report Post  
Gould 0738
Posts: n/a
Default Any ready-reservists here?


Whine, whine, whine. Those called up have a military OBLIGATION to serve
when called. Those are the rules under which they volunteered. They are
needed, hence they are called. Is


Obfuscate, obfuscate, obfuscate.

Those eager to volunteer should do so.
If that includes you, then great.
Be proud of your patriotism and willingness to enforce our foreign policies.

Can't be any simpler than that.

When people are involuntarily forced to
serve against their will, that's not American. If you want to make it American,
you install Universal Service for
every young man and woman graduating from high school. They put in two years
of service either in the military or in one of a very few alternative choices
that provide legitimate public service. Then it's American because it is
democratic. Nobody gets a pass for being rich and signing up for college, etc.

(Following Universal Service, we give the kids a free ride at trade school or a
public college)

The current lack of a draft is making Bush's foreign policy a joke. The Bush
apologists say that because we have occupied Iraq, all the other little sand
flea countries over there are going to toe the mark so that we don't occupy
their countries too. With what? We're calling old guys in from retirement
and putting extended tours afer extended tours on the troops that are there
now. No way we can take on Jordan, or Saudi Arabia (!), or Iran
with the forces we have while we try to keep peace in Iraq.

Now,of course, if we had the diplomatic skill to build a (real and meaningful)
coalition of allies large enough to provide more than a couple of hundred
troops apiece before we.......oh, never mind, hindsight is 20/20.

You guys want to wage war all over hell?
Or be able to make a credible threat that you're ready to wage war all over
Want to able to say that we don't need NATO or the UN on our side and we'll
just do whatever we please, regardless?
Gonna need some troops.

Gonna need a draft.

Gonna need a leader who will put the strategic needs of the country above any
concerns about political fallout. Seen one lately? Alas, they're in very short

You can't have a militarist society without
a huge pool of manpower, even in this technological age. Those who believe that
militarism is the answer have no choice except to support a draft.

  #9   Report Post  
Curtis CCR
Posts: n/a
Default Any ready-reservists here?

(Gould 0738) wrote in message ...
Hopefully, the majority of those called will be Bush supporters. Let
them share in the joys of Bush's nasty little war.

That's awful. Nobody should be drafted, Bush supporter or not.

If this weren't an election year, we'd be seeing a draft. Instead, we're
calling back
40 and 50-year old guys who have already been honorably discharged, may even
have a military pension, and who have certainly earned the right to live the
rest of their lives without excessive government intrusion. Businesses,
careers, families, etc all go on hold.

Not so fast - nobody is being recalled that doesn't have an obligation
to be available. While I am not entirely familiar with retired
reserves as I didn't retire, people in the individual ready reserve
have not been "honorably discharged" from military service if they
still have a commitment. You can be "honarably discharged" from
active duty or regular reserves and still have commitment to the
individual ready reserve (commonly called inactive reserve).

You dont get your *final* discharge until all of your service is
complete. I have four DD214s (discharge papers) as I was discharged
from active duty in 1988, went to the air guard, was put back on
active duty in 1991, was discharged from active duty in 1991 back to
the air guard, then discharged from the guard in 1994. But I still
had IRR on my obligation. It was over a year later before I got my
final honorable discharge saying I was done.

Talk about giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Don't even say "lberals
When we make a loud public announcement about having to send the press gang to
round up the toothless old grey hairs to continue the war in Iraq, that has to
encourage the hell out of the enemy. It sounds like we're running out of

"[T]oothless old grey hairs"?

I would bet (though I have not tried to verify this) that most of the
IRR is younger than me. Under 40. A lot are probably in their late

More of the same non-logic from our government. We can increase discretionary
government spending by 30% in 3 1/2 years *and* have a huge tax cut.
We can occupy a large country, say that doing so presents a credible threat to
other bad actors that we stand ready to invade their countries too, *and* cut
military benefits while avoiding mandatory enlistments (and apparently
scrambling to plug the holes in the front line with any available bodies).

If we hope to kill every Muslim on the planet, as many suggest, we are going to
need a lot more people than we have.
(I would say, eliminate the terrorist individuals instead of the "terrorist
race/religion", and we can do that without
expanding the war or imposing universal service).

  #10   Report Post  
Butch Davis
Posts: n/a
Default Any ready-reservists here?

So, Gould... what is it that you don't understand about the word
"volunteer". All those recalled vouunteered for service in our military
with an OBLIGATION to serve if needed.

You seem to accuse me of obfuscation? Where, when, how have I obfuscated.
What did I say that was untrue or confusing. We have an all volunteer
force, Gould. Got it... all volunteer.

Not to try to say that some of those recalled are far from thrilled about
it. That's not an issue. They were recalled in accordance with the laws of
this nation. They volunteered to serve for various reasons. Some out of
patriotisim, others for the opportunity to learn a trade, some for the
adventure. Regardless, they signed up to serve for reasons of their own.
But, they all signed up to get what they wanted in return for something
else... an obligation.

They didn't get drafted. They volunteered. Got it?

Butch Davis
"Gould 0738" wrote in message

Whine, whine, whine. Those called up have a military OBLIGATION to

when called. Those are the rules under which they volunteered. They

needed, hence they are called. Is


Obfuscate, obfuscate, obfuscate.

Those eager to volunteer should do so.
If that includes you, then great.
Be proud of your patriotism and willingness to enforce our foreign


Can't be any simpler than that.

When people are involuntarily forced to
serve against their will, that's not American. If you want to make it

you install Universal Service for
every young man and woman graduating from high school. They put in two

of service either in the military or in one of a very few alternative

that provide legitimate public service. Then it's American because it is
democratic. Nobody gets a pass for being rich and signing up for college,


(Following Universal Service, we give the kids a free ride at trade school

or a
public college)

The current lack of a draft is making Bush's foreign policy a joke. The

apologists say that because we have occupied Iraq, all the other little

flea countries over there are going to toe the mark so that we don't

their countries too. With what? We're calling old guys in from

and putting extended tours afer extended tours on the troops that are

now. No way we can take on Jordan, or Saudi Arabia (!), or Iran
with the forces we have while we try to keep peace in Iraq.

Now,of course, if we had the diplomatic skill to build a (real and

coalition of allies large enough to provide more than a couple of hundred
troops apiece before we.......oh, never mind, hindsight is 20/20.

You guys want to wage war all over hell?
Or be able to make a credible threat that you're ready to wage war all

Want to able to say that we don't need NATO or the UN on our side and

just do whatever we please, regardless?
Gonna need some troops.

Gonna need a draft.

Gonna need a leader who will put the strategic needs of the country above

concerns about political fallout. Seen one lately? Alas, they're in very


You can't have a militarist society without
a huge pool of manpower, even in this technological age. Those who believe

militarism is the answer have no choice except to support a draft.

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