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A Commodores Meanderings
As Commodore of the West River Yacht & Cruising Club for 2004 it was my duty to put together the 2004 Commodores Cruise. From here on the Club will if mentioned be referred to as WRYCC. Today, July 5th 2004 marked the start of my cruise. Most Commodores cruises are set up during the winter months. My cruise was set, then due to the higher than expected gasoline prices I at the urging of other members of the Club shortened the distance to be covered. I still think it will be a fun cruise. Day 1, July 5, 2004. I arose at 8:00 A.M. and went on line to take care of email and such then it was load up the vehicle for the trip down to the boat. It was at this time I decided not to take the dinghy along for this trip. My reasoning was that I probably would not have the time or inclination to use it this time. I arrived at the boat which had been in the water since last Tuesday when I had the interior and cockpit areas detailed. The boat looks almost new again. The lady who did the detailing did a wonderful job. I arrived at the dock around 11:00 A.M. only to find my shore power cord had been disconnected and therefore I was faced with 4 dead batteries and a fridge of spoiled food. Needless to say I had to wait for them to charge so I could start the engines. I finally had enough juice to crank and start up both engines so while I was prepping the boat for the trip I let them run for about a half hour to charge up my battery bank. I did some cleaning of the exterior and mounted a couple of flags then I motored over to the dock so they could pull the boat out of the water. I then installed my two new stainless steel props. On my last trip I spun the hub on the port side propeller so it was time to pull and install the new ones. I will have both aluminum props refurbished so I can use them as spares. I then was placed back into the water and I put in 111 gallons of fuel to fill my tank. About 6:05 P.M. I was finally off. Lake Erie was gorgeous, waves between 1 and 2 feet with following seas. I throttled up to 3400 RPM and was off and running. I covered the 43 miles from Bolles Harbor, Michigan to Kelleys Island, Ohio arriving at Portside Marina at 7:55 P.M... Portside Marina was refurbished last year and now has more than 100 slips all with floating docks, water and electric. Only drawbacks I see with this facility are there are only 2 showers 1 in each facility, oh well, the rest of the facility is so nice I can overlook this one drawback. The dockhands were very professional that by the time I had the engines shut down they had my boat secured to the dock so well that I did not feel the need to reset any of the lines. Then it was off to the Casino bar and restaurant for dinner. I had the burger and fries, I can recommend both, after a day working on the boat and being on the water it tasted very good. This concludes the events worth reporting for day 1. Day 2, July 6, 2004. I managed to arise at a leisurely 9:00 A.M. after a really good night sleep. I'm not sure what it is but I seem to sleep better on the boat on most occasions. I decided to go to the Bag the Moon Saloon for breakfast. After a breakfast of scrambled eggs and biscuits and gravy I took a walk around the town. Now, there is not much of a town to speak of on Kelleys Island so it did not take a very long time to tour the facilities. They have a park in town with a memorial to those who served and were killed in the various American wars from the Civil War thru World War II. The names of those killed in service are inscribed upon the monument. There is no mention of Korea or Vietnam for some reason, perhaps there was no one from the island who served in those two conflicts. Spent part of the day cleaning the boat. Like the lady stated in the dock next to me laughingly, "it's the only time I see men working, cleaning and polishing their boats or automobiles." Sometimes I am inclined to agree. We do take care of our "toys" quite well. I managed to squeeze in a nap in the early afternoon. Aren't vacations great? Spent most of the afternoon at the boat then it was back to Bag the Moon Saloon for dinner. After dinner I went to the local market and rented a DVD, Master and Commander, The Far Side of the World. A really good seafaring movie IMO. This concludes the events worth reporting for day 2. Day 3, July 7, 2004. Climbed out of the sack at 9:30 A.M.. Slept OK although it was a rough night inside the marina. The wind was really huffing and puffing but the predicted thunderstorms never materialized or I slept through them. We were still rocking and rolling when I awoke. After showering I headed over to the Winking Lizard for a late breakfast. While out it started raining so it was back to the boat after eating waiting for the rain to cease. There were several on and off rain episodes with the last one being a real whopper. The wind started blowing and according to the gentleman in the sailboat on the next dock his wind gauge showed several gusts of 97 mph. The sailboat on the next dock was heeled over about 25 degrees while the wind was blowing. Fortunately no boats broke loose from their moorings. There was blinding rain and of course the wind with this storm it lasted all of 20 minutes. During the event the flag pole on my bow rail with the Club burgee snapped off and went into the water, unbelievable. Bye, bye burgee. I will need to purchase a new one when I return from this cruise. A couple of boats had their canvas blown off, somehow mine held. After the storm the winds shifted out of the west but are still blowing about 40 MPH flags are standing straight out, the marina took down all the umbrella tables, those that weren't already blown down during the storm. Because of the bad weather I was not able to rent a golf cart and tour some of the island attractions I usually visit such as the glacial grooves, cut by glaciers during the last ice age or inscription rock where the Pilgrims landed, oops wrong rock. About 6:00 P.M. it was time for dinner so I headed back to the Casino for eats. Decided to rent another video to pass the evening so I watched Hulk. A decent movie after all. The wind was still howling but fortunately for us out of the west. If it does not die down, I will not be able to leave in the morning for Cedar Point my next stop on the cruise. This takes care of day 3. Day 4, July 8, 2004. I awoke to still howling winds, while not as strongly as yesterday they would make handling of the boat difficult so I may be stuck here another day. The flags are still standing stiff in the breeze. After listening to the weather radio I have decided to stay here at Kelleys Island another day. Winds are 22 knots out of the WSW and the lake is fairly rough although I could make it be that I am single handing on this cruise I felt it was more prudent to err on the side of safety. Spent some time downloading some of the pictures from my new digital camera to my laptop. If you are in the market for a digital camera, I would suggest that you take a look at the Kodak Easy Share DX6490. It has a lot of great features and seems easy for me to use. I spent a month researching cameras before I decided on this one. The wind has continued to increase in velocity, watching boats come in and try to dock verifies that my decision to stay was the correct one. Boats coming in or leaving are having a difficult time of it. Went to dinner at the Caddy Shack. All in all the food on the island is good. This ends day 4. Day 5, July 9, 2004. Awoke to a beautiful day, calm winds and flat water. I made the 13 mile run to Put-in-Bay, Ohio in 30 minutes. It was a good run. Because of weather conditions the past couple of days I decided to skip the Cedar Point part of the trip so I headed to PIB instead. Met 3 guys from work and had a couple of beers with them on their boat. Then it was time for lunch so I headed to the Boardwalk and had a burger and fries. For me there is no place like Put-in-Bay. I go there as many times a season as I can. The first time back each season is like visiting and old friend. All the feelings and memories come back. I walked the town visited all the shops and hit many of the bars and did a load of laundry. I ate dinner at Tippers, a favorite place of mine. Then I went back to Tippers around 9:00 P.M. to hear The Geeze Cats play. They are one of my favorite bands at PIB. If you like 50's, 60's and doowop music you would love these guys, they are that good. It was a perfect ending to a perfect day, so ends day 5. Day 6, July 10, 2004. A second beautiful day with calm winds and calm waters. Awoke at 8:00 A.M. and prepped the boat for departure from PIB. I then made the 34 mile run from PIB back to Bolles Harbor in 1 hour 20 minutes. Waves were less than a foot perfect for running and great for Lake Erie. I had to return to Bolles Harbor to pick up something I forgot in my truck and also to fuel up. I pumped in 57.7 gallons of fuel and then went to breakfast. I ate breakfast at the Bolles Harbor Café. This is a very good place to eat. The food is really prepared by a chef. Their daily and weekend specials can save you a few $$. If you ever visit Bolles Harbor stop by and try the Bolles Harbor Café, you won't regret it. With breakfast completed I was off to Elba Mar Boat Club a 27 mile run for their regatta and poker run. It took about 1 ˝ hours to make the trip because when I arrived at EMBC they were full and so I was sent over to Ford Yacht Club (FYC)where the overflow boats were sent. Our Club and EMBC both belong to the Inter-Lakes Yachting Association I-LYA for short which is the parent organization of all member clubs on the Great Lakes and we are also affiliated with Associated Yacht Clubs which is a sub organization within I-LYA. The main criterion for AYC is to be a club within 50 miles of the Toledo Light. For our organization a "poker run" involves visiting a Club whose regatta coincides with that particular year's Poker Run. This year there are 5 of them and when you visit a participating club by boat and stay a minimum of 8 hours, and you receive a playing card. After the final poker run the cards are opened and the best hand wins a monetary prize which from what I understand will in most cases pay for the winners expenses in attending the events. Some years there are as many as 7 events. Basically the regatta/poker runs are weekend long parties with the usual eating, drinking and dancing. They are a fun time to be sure and this weekend's poker run was number 3 of 5. If you make all of them, you will receive a perfect attendance flag to fly on your boat the following season. If all goes well, I will make it to all 5. This is also a chance for one to visit other affiliated clubs. It was a long and fun day ending for me about midnight with my return to my boat. So goes and ends day 6. Day 7, July 11, 2004. I really slept in late today, waking up around 11:00 A.M. Went to breakfast at FYC then prepped the boat and made a 5 mile run up the Detroit River first to Elizabeth Park Marina where they looked full so I cruised back down to Waters Edge Marina on Grosse Ile and secured a dock for the day. Spent most of the day with fellow Club members who dock there and then spent the evening with the family. We went to Del's Pizzeria in Trenton, Mi. for dinner. They have the best pizza in the down river area in my humble opinion. A very relaxing day in preparation for tomorrows long trip up to Chatham, Ontario. So long to day 7. Day 8, July 12, 2004. Awoke quite early even before the alarm, 6:45 A.M.. By 7:15 A.M. I was leaving the dock for what turned out to be a 73 mile jaunt up the Detroit River, across Lake St. Clair and then up the Thames River to Chatham, Ontario. I arrived at the Chatham city docks at 1:45 P.M.. It must be stated the Thames is limited to a 5 MPH no wake speed therefore the reason for the 6 ˝ hour trip. The Detroit River was smooth as glass, Lake St. Clair surprisingly rough and the Thames smooth sailing. It was cloudy and threatening with rain showers indicated on radar but I managed to stay dry until I docked in Chatham when it finally rained lightly. After securing the boat and a well-needed shower I headed over to Canada Trust bank to exchange American for Canadian money, with todays exchange rate being $1.294 Canadian for American. Then it was lunch at the Satellite Restaurant followed by a walk around town to familiarize myself with the city. After the walk around town I headed back to the boat took a siesta then back to town for dinner at Glitters Fun Eatery where I had a Canadian version of a Philly cheese steak sandwich, quite good I might add. Another walk around town, back to the docks and spent some time chatting with one of the other boaters docked here. As of evening there are only 3 boats here so we have the place to ourselves. A good first day in Chatham and so with day 8. Day 9, July 13, 2004. Up relatively early, 8:00 A.M.. Knowing it is supposed to get quite hot and muggy later in the day I decided to clean the boat. I gave her a good topside hand scrubbing like she has not seen in some time. The boat sparkles. The other boats left for other ports so I am alone for now. Walked up to town for lunch then around town visiting various historical sites taking photographs. There is a nice city park where I observed people playing lawn bowling. Looks interesting must have been some kind of league as there were several teams playing. Probably watched them for an hour or so. Not exactly sure how they score the game or the rules so I will need to do some research into the sport at a later time. Hit the downtown mall, back to the boat for a siesta. I do love vacations. Retirement is looking better all the time. Then back to the Satellite Restaurant for dinner, yum. Walked up to the party store to resupply myself with Pepsi, only 1 can left. Buttoned the boat up for the night supposed to be thunderstorms tonight and early tomorrow. Want to explore the north side of the river tomorrow. That does it for day 9. Day 10, July 14, 2004. Began with a boom. The thunderstorm finally hit at 12:30 A.M.. Went outside to tighten the lines and had a lightning strike pretty close so I scooted back inside. First rain then grape size hail, then the heavy rains hit. Lots of lightning but very little wind. I finally called it a night at 2:00 A.M.and went to sleep so I do not know just how long the rain lasted. I was a late riser awakening around 11:00 A.M... It started raining, after it stopped I went to lunch at the St. Clair Restaurant. Food was OK. Started raining again so back to the boat. Rain off and on all afternoon, windy. Went into town between rain showers but got to the bank to late to exchange some more money, will need to do that tomorrow before I depart Chatham for Cove Marina. Went to a place called Harveys for dinner. Had a burger and fries. Something about Canadian burgers, they just don't taste the same as ours or have the same consistency for some reason. It was OK but not what I am used to. The rain seems to have finally stopped and it has gotten quite cool for July, should be a great night for sleeping. Wind blowing about 25 mph, but glad I am on the river and not on the lakes. A gentleman cruising down the river spotted something floating in the water that initially looked like a log. Turned out to be a dead snapping turtle, the biggest I have ever seen, just under 3' in length from tip of nose to tip of tail. Looks like it could have bitten your leg off if it had a mind to. So it goes with day 10. Day 11, July 15, 2004. Up at 8:00 A.M.. Unfortunately today is departure day from Chatham, Ontario, Canada. Chatham is a very nice town and very boater friendly. Not one person who was passing by failed to say hello or stop to chat. It is definitely a place I would like to return to someday. Keep up the good work Chatham. Went back to the Satellite Restaurant for breakfast after the morning shower. As usual the food was great. Stopped by the bank on the way back to the boat to exchange some more American for Canadian money, todays exchange rate was $1.299 Canadian for American. I pulled away from the Chatham docks at 10:05 A.M. and slowly cruised the 18 miles down the Thames to Cove Marina arriving at 1:30 P.M.. I am the first boat from our Club to arrive the rest will be here tomorrow for our rendezvous. It was a nice leisurely cruise. It is very windy today so I am glad I am not out on the lake. Listening to the radio chatter Lake St. Clair is very rough with 6' to 8' waves. I hope it settles down by Saturday for my cruise down to River View Yacht Club for their regatta and poker run Had a late dinner at Spooters a restaurant located just outside the land entrance to Cove Marina. Food not to bad, nice salad buffet. That does it for day 11. Day 12, July 16, 2004. Up at 9:00 A.M.. Hung our Club burgee on the covered area for the picnic tables so we will have a spot to congregate. Spooters not open for breakfast and most boaters I know are notorious breakfast eaters so I needed to get some batteries for my handheld marine radio so while there I grabbed a breakfast bar, not bad but also not to filling. Around 10:30 A.M. one of our Club members pulled in and tied up followed by a 2nd member at 11:00 A.M.. We had lunch and then decided to take their dinghies out and explore the surrounding area. We traveled the local canals looking at boats and homes then we headed up the Thames to Jeanette Creek and took it up as far as we could go before it got to shallow. Back to the marina and off to dinner at Spooters. I had the lamb and it was excellent. We then headed back to one of the members boats to continue partying until midnight then it was time to sleep. This concludes the events of day 12. Day 13, July 17, 2004. Up again at 9:00AM and it is raining. I will be heading for River View Yacht Club later in the day so I hope the rain will quit by that time. Rain finally stopped about 12:30 P.M., by 12:50 P.M. I was underway headed for River View Yacht Club's regatta/poker run. It was an 85 mile run, longest leg of the trip punctuated by a stop at Great Lakes Steel Boat Club where I picked up 87.7 gallons of fuel as I did not think I had enough to make it all the way to Bolles Harbor. At 5:15 P.M. I was tying up on the wall at RVYC. Lake St. Clair and all of the Detroit River except between Detroit and Windsor, Ontario was calm so I made good time. Lake Erie was running 2' to 3' waves but I was taking them off the port beam so I stayed on plane all the way across the lake. Not a bad ride or run all in all. The first thing I did when I got to RVYC was eat as I had not eaten anything all day, I was definitely hungry by that time. I hooked up with some of the other boaters from our Club, signed the book stating I was in attendance. I will be staying the night. Great party, lasted until midnight then pretty much all quiet after that. Back home tomorrow, will be the shortest leg of the trip. Day 14, July 18, 2004. Up at 9:00 A.M. to a beautiful sunshine filled morning. A sad day also as today is the last day of my vacation and cruise. Heading back to home port. It has been a great trip. The regatta at RVYC is a great ending to a fantastic two weeks. The good news is that I am only back to work for 5 days then I will be headed back out for another 8 day trip. Summer is grand. Managed a 14 mile run to my home port of Bolles Harbor in 35 minutes departing RVYC at 11:00 A.M.. During the cruise 312 miles of water passed under my hull. Since I have no other long distance cruises planned for this season this will be my longest trip at least until next season. There is nothing like spending 2 weeks on a boat, I only wish the Admiral liked it as much as I do. She would rather drive to our destinations. On the other hand this can be a good thing as when we do this we have a car handy. As stated previously I am back to work for 5 days then back on the water for another 8 days. I will be cruising over to Leamington, Ontario, Canada then on to Put-in-Bay for the 111th Inter Lakes Yachting Association (I-LYA) powerboat regatta. A fun week awaits. |
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Excellent post, almost felt like I was there.
"RGrew176" wrote in message ... A Commodores Meanderings snipped. |
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