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DSK October 21st 05 02:00 AM

Today's Laugh
P Fritz wrote:
You ever notice it is always the liebrals bashing the military out of

side of their mouth, and calling for a draft out of the other?

OK now quote any part of any of my posts that have "bashed the military"
and when you finish with that, quote any part where I "called for a draft."

And when you are finished with that, tell us about *YOUR* service in the
U.S. military.

Fritz, apparently, is too stupid to understand *why* thinking Americans
are calling for a draft

Malarkey, "thinking Americans" are not at all calling for a draft.
A draftee military cannot perform the jobs that our current policy calls
for them to do.

When I was facing the draft for the VN war, one of the slogans of the day
"The way to end this war is to draft the rich kids right along with everyone
else, instead letting them get off with cushy Reserve duty"
Yup GWB was one of those rich kids.....

PocoLoco wrote:
I thought your slogan was, "We won't go, and you can't make us!"

Most of us went.

Because you thought Nixon was a great leader and an honest man?

I volunteered for the U.S. Navy not long after the Iranians took our
embassy hostage, and served for eight years.

Douglas King, ex BT1(SW) U.S.N.

John Gaquin October 21st 05 03:13 AM

Today's Laugh

"PocoLoco" wrote in message

Were you punished too severely during your potty training?

John, you're current line of discourse makes an extremely unreliable
rhetorical foundation, inasmuch as we have no indication or confirmation
that bassie has had the requisite experience.

PocoLoco October 21st 05 03:14 AM

Today's Laugh
On Thu, 20 Oct 2005 20:00:05 -0400, DSK wrote:

P Fritz wrote:
You ever notice it is always the liebrals bashing the military out of
side of their mouth, and calling for a draft out of the other?

OK now quote any part of any of my posts that have "bashed the military"
and when you finish with that, quote any part where I "called for a draft."

And when you are finished with that, tell us about *YOUR* service in the
U.S. military.

Fritz, apparently, is too stupid to understand *why* thinking Americans
are calling for a draft

Malarkey, "thinking Americans" are not at all calling for a draft.
A draftee military cannot perform the jobs that our current policy calls
for them to do.

When I was facing the draft for the VN war, one of the slogans of the day
"The way to end this war is to draft the rich kids right along with everyone
else, instead letting them get off with cushy Reserve duty"
Yup GWB was one of those rich kids.....

PocoLoco wrote:
I thought your slogan was, "We won't go, and you can't make us!"

Most of us went.

Because you thought Nixon was a great leader and an honest man?

I volunteered for the U.S. Navy not long after the Iranians took our
embassy hostage, and served for eight years.

Douglas King, ex BT1(SW) U.S.N.

Good for you!

When I was drafted, I wasn't thinking much of Nixon. I was thinking of a trip I
was scheduled to take to Pretoria, South Africa. I didn't get to go.

John H

"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant:
It's just that they know so much that isn't so."

Ronald Reagan

PocoLoco October 21st 05 03:30 AM

Today's Laugh
On Thu, 20 Oct 2005 21:13:35 -0400, "John Gaquin"

"PocoLoco" wrote in message

Were you punished too severely during your potty training?

John, you're current line of discourse makes an extremely unreliable
rhetorical foundation, inasmuch as we have no indication or confirmation
that bassie has had the requisite experience.

Note how well your post fits the title of this thread!

Oh, and I, after appropriate consideration, agree with your finding.

Perhaps the requisite experience is now occurring?

John H

"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant:
It's just that they know so much that isn't so."

Ronald Reagan

The One and Only Smithers October 21st 05 03:32 AM

Today's Laugh
You do have to admit, you really do have an anal fixation.

wrote in message

PocoLoco wrote:
On 20 Oct 2005 12:56:14 -0700, wrote:

DSK wrote:
That's quite logical.

P Fritz wrote:
You ever notice it is always the liebrals bashing the military out
of one
side of their mouth, and calling for a draft out of the other?

Hey John H, I bet you save a lot of money, not needing toilet paper
this guy following you around.


Yeah, it used to be JimH that Fritz had his nose stuck up. Jim's kinda
sorta quieted down, so Fritz needs someone as annoying as he is, so
he's taken up with John Herring.

Anally fixated? Yup.

Were you punished too severely during your potty training?

Get personal, how Fritzesque of you, but I can see why.

Bryan October 21st 05 07:26 AM

Today's Laugh

"Harry Krause" wrote in message
I saw a military recruitment TV commercial the other day, in which a
parent was sort of asked, "if your child asks about going in the military,
what would you say?" kind of thing. Those weren't the exact words, but
close enough. The idea was that parents should have "information" so they
can answer their kids' questions and help them decide upon the military.

This newsgroup and it's political discussions has caused me to think about
something that never crossed my mind. I need to ask my father (retired air
force pilot) why he and my grandfather (army, infantry) never encouraged me
to join the military. It will be interesting to know if my father thinks
his grandson should join the military.

PocoLoco October 21st 05 01:54 PM

Today's Laugh
On Fri, 21 Oct 2005 05:26:35 GMT, "Bryan" wrote:

"Harry Krause" wrote in message
I saw a military recruitment TV commercial the other day, in which a
parent was sort of asked, "if your child asks about going in the military,
what would you say?" kind of thing. Those weren't the exact words, but
close enough. The idea was that parents should have "information" so they
can answer their kids' questions and help them decide upon the military.

This newsgroup and it's political discussions has caused me to think about
something that never crossed my mind. I need to ask my father (retired air
force pilot) why he and my grandfather (army, infantry) never encouraged me
to join the military. It will be interesting to know if my father thinks
his grandson should join the military.

Were you a wayward lout?

John H

"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant:
It's just that they know so much that isn't so."

Ronald Reagan

Dan J.S. October 21st 05 04:11 PM

Today's Laugh

"DSK" wrote in message
Dan J.S. wrote:
Republican kids? You liberals are real idiots.

What a logical, fact-based, well-reasoned response.


First, how do you respond the the fact you liberals want a draft. I served
in the Marines in 91, I volunteered and I wanted to do what I did. How many
of you have actually served?

If the Marines would take my fat ass back right now, I would go in a heart

Volunteers that want to be where the action is, live longer, because they
are good at what they do. Draftees do not want to be there, hence will
commit more mistakes and put themselves and others in danger.

Do you understand that WE WANT to be in Iraq because we see the bigger

Stability in middleast is probably the most important issue at hand.
Especially with Iran developing nuclear technology.

Please do not speak for the rest of us if you have never served a day in
your life. You have no idea what you are talking about. And that is what you
liberals are good at. Talk - no action.

Doug Kanter October 21st 05 04:29 PM

Today's Laugh

"Shortwave Sportfishing" wrote in message
On Fri, 21 Oct 2005 05:26:35 GMT, "Bryan"

"Harry Krause" wrote in message
I saw a military recruitment TV commercial the other day, in which a
parent was sort of asked, "if your child asks about going in the
what would you say?" kind of thing. Those weren't the exact words, but
close enough. The idea was that parents should have "information" so
can answer their kids' questions and help them decide upon the military.

This newsgroup and it's political discussions has caused me to think about
something that never crossed my mind. I need to ask my father (retired
force pilot) why he and my grandfather (army, infantry) never encouraged
to join the military. It will be interesting to know if my father thinks
his grandson should join the military.

I wouldn't hesitate to advise any grandchildren of mine to join the
military if they asked me for my advice.

If they asked you why you recommend it, especially at this specific point in
history, what would you tell them?

Doug Kanter October 21st 05 04:39 PM

Today's Laugh

"DSK" wrote in message
Gorf wrote:
A while back I got a phone call asking to take a survey about the war.
asked some general questions then zoomed in on if I had any teenagers,
I said that I did, the line changed to "Would I talk to them about about
military", Yup recruiters.

Now that's scary. I heard on the news the other day that the U.S. Army is
spending $50 millions + to acquire & maintain a database of 'recruitable'
high school & college kids.

If a draft is enacted, I hope they take Republican kids first.


This link leads to a way of opting out of the database.

I suspect all it does is stop the telemarketing, which might save the
gullible. My son knows how to handle telemarketers of all types, so I'm not
too worried. "Wait...before you continue....can I touch my genitals while
you're speaking to me?" Produces in instantaneous hangup.

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