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chris June 1st 06 08:07 AM

Did you have to change your timing when installing pertronix ignitor?
I'm installing a pertronix ignitor and coil in my 165 mercruiser (250 ci
straight 6 chevy). For those of you with experience with pertronix, did
your target timing setting change? I set my engine to 6 degrees BTDC
now, but am wondering if I need to set it to 8 degrees BTDC or more with
the pertronix installed. Any info would be appreciated. thanks! Chris

Calif Bill June 1st 06 08:44 AM

Did you have to change your timing when installing pertronix ignitor?

"chris" wrote in message
I'm installing a pertronix ignitor and coil in my 165 mercruiser (250 ci
straight 6 chevy). For those of you with experience with pertronix, did
your target timing setting change? I set my engine to 6 degrees BTDC now,
but am wondering if I need to set it to 8 degrees BTDC or more with the
pertronix installed. Any info would be appreciated. thanks! Chris

I just had to set the timing, did not change the set point.

Tim June 1st 06 10:35 AM

Did you have to change your timing when installing pertronix ignitor?
from what I gather, the Pertronix kit WILL through your timing off.
SO... yuuo install the kit, then re-time back to factory spec., and all
shoud be well...

chris wrote:
I'm installing a pertronix ignitor and coil in my 165 mercruiser (250 ci
straight 6 chevy). For those of you with experience with pertronix, did
your target timing setting change? I set my engine to 6 degrees BTDC
now, but am wondering if I need to set it to 8 degrees BTDC or more with
the pertronix installed. Any info would be appreciated. thanks! Chris

Garth Almgren June 2nd 06 07:51 AM

Did you have to change your timing when installing pertronixignitor?
Around 5/31/2006 11:07 PM, chris wrote:

I'm installing a pertronix ignitor and coil in my 165 mercruiser (250 ci
straight 6 chevy). For those of you with experience with pertronix, did
your target timing setting change? I set my engine to 6 degrees BTDC
now, but am wondering if I need to set it to 8 degrees BTDC or more with
the pertronix installed. Any info would be appreciated. thanks! Chris

It seems to me that no adjustment was needed when we converted the
Crusader 220 (Ch*vy 305) in Commando.

~/Garth - 1966 Glastron V-142 Skiflite: "Blue-Boat"
"There is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing
as simply messing about in boats." -- Kenneth Grahame
~~ Ventis secundis, tene cursum ~~

chris June 3rd 06 09:34 AM

Did you have to change your timing when installing pertronixignitor?
Thanks everyone. I installed and it ran fine, reset timing to 6 degrees
at idle. Which brings me to my next question- what rpm should I be
turning when setting timing to 6 degrees?
My cars in the past have specified ZZ degrees BTDC @ XXX rpms but all I
can find in my clymer book and on the web is '6 degrees BTDC' for my
engine. I've verified the advance works so setting it at 6 @700rpm means
I'm at 10+ @1000 rpms so the rpm's matter. Thanks guys for the responses.

Tim wrote:
from what I gather, the Pertronix kit WILL through your timing off.
SO... yuuo install the kit, then re-time back to factory spec., and all
shoud be well...

chris wrote:

I'm installing a pertronix ignitor and coil in my 165 mercruiser (250 ci
straight 6 chevy). For those of you with experience with pertronix, did
your target timing setting change? I set my engine to 6 degrees BTDC
now, but am wondering if I need to set it to 8 degrees BTDC or more with
the pertronix installed. Any info would be appreciated. thanks! Chris

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