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In the aftermath of September 11, 2001: some thoughts for leftists and terrorists
to consider. . . As evidenced here in this group and elsewhere, leftists (liberals) in the U.S.A., before and during this election cycle, have been having a field day bashing this great country and her leaders. They say the war against Islamic fascist terrorists is immoral. They label our government and soldiers immoral and accuse them of being mercenaries, rapists, torturers, genocidal, imperialistic and irrational. The basis of this slander is their own immorality. Let me explain why . . . Whatever may be open to disagreement, there is one act of evil that may not, the act that no man may commit against others and no man may sanction or forgive. So long as men desire to live together, no man may initiate - do you hear me? no man may start the use of physical force against others. Too interpose the threat of physical destruction between a man and his perception is to negate and paralyze his means of survival; to force him to act against his own judgment, is like forcing him to act against his own sight. Whoever, to whatever purpose or extent, initiates the use of force, is a killer acting on the premise of death in a manner wider than murder: the premise of destroying man's capacity to live. Do not open your mouth to tell me that your mind has convinced you of your right to force my mind. Force and mind are opposites; morality ends where the gun begins. When you declare that men are irrational animals and propose to treat them as such, you define thereby your own character and can no longer claim the sanction of reason - as no advocate of contradiction can claim it. There can be no "right" to destroy the source of rights, the only means of judging right and wrong: the mind. To force a man to drop his own mind and to accept your will as a substitute, with a gun or bomb in place of a syllogism, with terror in place of proof, and death as the final argument - is to attempt to exist in defiance of reality. Be it a highwayman who confronts a traveler with the ultimatum: "Your money or your life," or a politician who confronts a country with the ultimatum: "Your children's education or your life," the meaning of the ultimatum is: "Your mind or your life" - and neither is possible to man without the other. If there are degrees of evil, it is hard to say who is the more contemptible: the brute who assumes the right to force the mind of others or the moral degenerate who grants to others the right to force his mind. That is the moral absolute one does not leave open to debate. And this is where leftists join with absolute evil because they do not fight the forcing of the mind. I do not grant the terms of reason to men who propose to deprive me of reason. I do not enter discussions with neighbors who think they can forbid me to think. I do not place my moral sanction upon a murderer's wish to kill me. When a man attempts to deal with me by force, - I answer him with force. It is only as retaliation that force may be used and only against the man who starts its use. No, I do not share his evil or sink to his concept of morality: I merely grant him his choice, destruction - the only destruction he has a right to chose: his own. He uses force to seize a value; I use it only to destroy destruction. A holdup man seeks to gain wealth by killing me; I do not grow richer by killing a holdup man. I seek no value by means of evil, nor do I surrender my values to evil. This is how conservatives think. This is the very core of conservative philosophy. This is how they think and this is how they attempt to live their lives. This is why conservatives fight the good fight. Is this evil in your minds? If so you are a leftist. You don't see evil because you embrace evil, you embody evil, you perpetuate it. This is why leftists want conservatives dead. This is the reason behind the 9-11 attacks. This is the Islamic fascist terrorist creed. You leftists and liberals who surrender your minds to such as these are dead already as far as conservatives are concerned. We ask only that you not reach out of your graves and drag us down with you. Note: Thanks to Ayn Rand for much of the above. If you liked what you just read, may I suggest you read "Atlas Shrugged." You are the people this world must count upon in order that the mind survive. . . Paladin (Have Blue Water Yacht - Will Travel) -- Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com |
posted to rec.boats
I think that many "true believer" liberals and conservatives see themselves
as missionaries with a duty to preach the true word to the masses. Much like that earnest religious missionary prowling the African jungles looking for souls, the true believers cruise the internet hoping someone will read their stuff and be transformed. Even after adding bonus points for properly crediting Ayn Rand I'm afraid that Paladin will have to join my kill file. It is interesting that he chose rec.boats to post an open letter to "leftists and terrorists"; I didn't realize there were that many of them here. "Paladin" noneofyourbusiness.www wrote in message .. . In the aftermath of September 11, 2001: some thoughts for leftists and terrorists to consider. . . |
posted to rec.boats
"Paladin" noneofyourbusiness.www wrote in
: They say the war against Islamic fascist terrorists is immoral. They label our government and soldiers immoral and accuse them of being mercenaries, rapists, torturers, genocidal, imperialistic and irrational. The basis of this slander is their own immorality. Let me explain why . . . You don't REALLY still believe primitive islamic terrorists stole 4 airplanes right out from under the nose of American airports with boxcutters for weapons and crashed them into buildings, do you? Really? I know it's a nice thought, to blame them, but there's way too much evidence to the contrary, dispite the government's efforts to cover it all up, like: Why was it so hot in the basement of the WTC it melted the steel columns holding the building up, for DAYS and WEEKS after the event? Why did engineers who got curious find evidence that Thermite melted the columns? Why, for the first time, were the occupants of WTC run out of the building "to install network cables" for several weeks before 9/11? Many of them reported hearing jackhammers and drilling on unoccupied floors, which there were many in this white elephant that was losing Silverstein millions a day in unpaid rent. What were they drilling? Why? Were these the floors on which you could plainly see simultaneous explosions as the building was on its way down, a controlled demolition? Why was all the concrete pulverized into dust that rolled over the city if it just pancaked down floor upon floor? Why was there no evidence of pancaking there always is in such an occurrance? Why did WTC7 simply collapse straight down into its own footprint, another controlled demolition you can see if you watch the movie from the back of the building frame-by-frame, noticing how the penthouse on the left end collapses INSIDE the building as the columns holding it up are melted away by the thermite planted inside it. It hardly had any fires at all and NONE under the penthouse! Don't you find all that simply amazing, like the cops screaming into their walkie talkies just before they died of multiple explosions BENEATH them UNDER where the planes hit? Then, I find it curious that over 300 people in Brooklyn, where the planes came from, saw planes with NO WINDOWS and NO TAIL LOGO ever airlines is so proud of with a round blue logo under the cockpit windows. What was that hanging under the plane that flashes at just the instant it enters the building, anyway? I looked at our airport and I don't see any long objects hanging under the baggage compartments on any planes..... Speaking of planes, where did the plane go that hit the pentagon? The hole in the wall before the building collapsed was 16' across. I doubt it fit through there without leaving TONS of wings/tail/wheels/engines big enough for a man to stand up inside outside the building in a huge pile of rubble. Flight 957 crashed into NY when its tail ripped off because the copilot screwed up recovering from wake turbulence on takeoff. Where it crashed dead into 4 houses with enough force to simply flatten the neighborhood, notice how the fire from the fuel oil burned for hours and hours and hours and even the firemen had trouble putting it out. One picture from that crash stands out in my mind....a fireman standing on top of a monstrous pile of aluminum and airplane parts over 20' high playing his hose into the burning mass below him...a huge pile of airplane parts. Don't you find it odd that there were no airplane parts to speak of at the Pentagon, no fire that burned all that office equipment for hours and hours and hours? After the roof collapsed, 40 minutes after the EXPLOSION, one picture just tears me up. On the edge of the collapse, right over where thousands of gallons of left wing fuel should have turned the whole place into an inferno, right on the edge, sits a wooden chair piled with papers held down with an old computer monitor made of plastic between the edge and an old wooden file cabinet. Not a single edge on any of that exposed paper is even singed! The monitor looks like someone just sat it down, not melted from the inferno of thousands of gallons of jet fuel burning hot enough to melt the steel in the World Trade Center all the way into its basement! Nothing looked even disturbed in that office space...only 100' from the hole! Nope...terrorists my ass. Nice plan, though, including all the mysterious radar outages, multiple military exercises running simultaneously to divert the attention of any snoopy military pilots wondering, aloud, why noone called them, preoccupied miles and miles away from NY and DC. Noone saw anything of them for hours and hours on the government bureaucrats' radars with a hundred pairs of eyes trained on them watching every plane on the move past the taxiways. What a coincidence, eh? On this Veterans' Day, this vet would like to send his personal condolences to the 25,000 families whos kids have been killed in this grand scheme from the Supreme Council members 13 blocks N of the White House, run by the bankers for their personal profits across the planet. The string pullers in Tel Aviv don't give a **** about American kids dying on their battlefield. I lived in Iran for 2 years back in the 70s, working for the Shahanshah's air force. I've watched the elite technicians trying to fix a simple voltmeter and I can assure you the only people in any real danger from any nuclear bomb program Iran might have....is the people living in the neighborhood where they're fooling around with it. They're DOOMED! |
posted to rec.boats
Larry wrote:
You don't REALLY still believe primitive islamic terrorists stole 4 airplanes right out from under the nose of American airports with boxcutters for weapons and crashed them into buildings, do you? Really? Yes It fits the facts. I know it's a nice thought, to blame them, but there's way too much evidence to the contrary, dispite the government's efforts to cover it all up, like: You mean all the bizarre and illogic BS that conspiracy theorists have dreamed up? Why was it so hot in the basement of the WTC it melted the steel columns holding the building up, for DAYS and WEEKS after the event? I dunno... if it was SO HOT then how come rescue crews... including dogs... were digging thru it? I happen to know some of those people and their dogs (whom I consider true heroes) personally. Why don't you ask them? .. .Why did engineers who got curious find evidence that Thermite melted the columns? Why, for the first time, were the occupants of WTC run out of the building "to install network cables" for several weeks before 9/11? I guess for the same reason that Jewish employees in the buildings were warned to not go to work that day (for the record, I consider this more made-up BS since there is no evidence for it). If the facts don't fit your prejudices, then just make up a bunch of whacko ****. In the Arab & Muslim world, it is "common knowledge" that the Sept 11th mass murders were a plot carried out by the Mossad. Like you, they have decided that made-up whacko BS fits their world view (ie reinforces their prejudices) better than facts. Why don't you go talk it over with them? DSK |
posted to rec.boats
"John Wentworth" wrote in
: I think that many "true believer" liberals and conservatives see themselves as missionaries with a duty to preach the true word to the masses. Much like that earnest religious missionary prowling the African jungles looking for souls, the true believers cruise the internet hoping someone will read their stuff and be transformed. Liberals and conservatives is a great buzzword ruse to divert the American public's stupidity away from who controls them ALL. It's a ruse amoung many ruses the European elite have successfully planted since formation of the Knights Templar. They are ALL MEMBERS OF THE SAME CULTS, stupids! Blood brothers in Skull and Bones at Yale, Bohemian Grove in California and MOST important FREEMASONS worshiping Jahbulon. Do the research. The only time they've lost their grip on the US Government was John Kennedy, who was very anti-Mason, and look what happened to him. This quote is from Wikipedia and its coincidence is another interesting item in our country's history: "History Dealey Plaza is a Dallas city park completed in 1940 on the west edge of downtown Dallas where three streets converge (Main Street, Elm Street, and Commerce Street) to pass under a railroad bridge known locally as the triple underpass. The plaza is named for George Bannerman Dealey (1859–1946), an early publisher of The Dallas Morning News and civic leader, and the man who had campaigned for the area's revitalization. Many believe the monuments outlining the plaza are there to honor President Kennedy, but they actually honor previous prominent Dallas residents and predate President Kennedy's visit by many years. The actual Dallas monument to Kennedy, in the form of a cenotaph, is located one block away. Dealey Plaza is historically known as the site of the first Masonic temple in Dallas (now razed), and there is a marker attesting to this fact in the plaza.[1]" Just across the lawn, directly east from the exact spot Kennedy was shot, is yet another Egyptian obelisk (Washington Monument out the back door of the White House to remind its occupant of his place is another one). These are Masonic symbols distributed in thousands of places across the planet. John Kennedy died in front of the ORIGINAL Masonic Temple, on the 32nd degree of lattitude. Was this a symbolic gesture or just another coincidence in the thousands of coincidences? Oh, he was replaced by a 32nd degree Mason FROM the Texas Temple, Lyndon Johnson, and they've been in control EVER SINCE.... Coincidence? Why didn't any news people report it? Coincidence? In the last presidential election, it didn't matter who won, THEY won. Kerry and Bush are brothers in all the societies, sworn allegiance to Jahbulon, a 3 headed beast with the body of a spider. There are lots of documentaries on the subject you need to watch. Most interesting. We'll now hear from their defenders.............I'm sure............. |
posted to rec.boats
and this has what to do with boats ?
"Paladin" noneofyourbusiness.www wrote in message .. . In the aftermath of September 11, 2001: some thoughts for leftists and terrorists to consider. . . |
posted to rec.boats
![]() "John Wentworth" wrote in message ... | Even after adding bonus points for properly crediting Ayn Rand I'm afraid | that Paladin will have to join my kill file. It is interesting that he chose | rec.boats to post an open letter to "leftists and terrorists"; I didn't | realize there were that many of them here. It's often the case that leftists haven't the wit to realize their abrogation of mind. . . John Wentworth is an example of which I speak. He has surrendered his mind. He cannot respond intelligently. He is unable to even try. Not one point did he address. Is it because he chooses not to? No, it is because he cannot. He is a fallen, shell of a man. He is a burden on free society. Paladin (Have Blue Water Yacht - Will Travel) -- Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com |
posted to rec.boats
![]() "Larry" wrote in message ... | "Paladin" noneofyourbusiness.www wrote in | : | | They say the war against Islamic fascist terrorists is immoral. They | label our government and soldiers immoral and accuse them of being | mercenaries, rapists, torturers, genocidal, imperialistic and | irrational. The basis of this slander is their own immorality. Let me | explain why . . . | | | | You don't REALLY still believe primitive islamic terrorists stole 4 | airplanes right out from under the nose of American airports with | boxcutters for weapons and crashed them into buildings, do you? Really? I do not believe they are primitive! Their actions prove they are modern and sophisticated. They've convinced me. You sell them short. If you view them as primitive then your conclusion is highly suspect. It would follow the results of the terrorist attacks must have been just coincidence or good luck if your thinking holds. But, let's say you are correct. These "primitive" men killed 3,000 Americans because they hate us and want to destroy us. Should we not defend ourselves against primitives who kill us? | | I know it's a nice thought, to blame them, but there's way too much | evidence to the contrary, dispite the government's efforts to cover it | all up, like: | | Why was it so hot in the basement of the WTC it melted the steel columns | holding the building up, for DAYS and WEEKS after the event? Why did | engineers who got curious find evidence that Thermite snipp Oh My, another of those wack job conspiracy nut jobs. You, sir, prove abrogation of mind is fact! Paladin (Have Blue Water Yacht - Will Travel) -- Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com |
posted to rec.boats
![]() "Rick Hughes" wrote in message ... | and this has what to do with boats ? It's got to do with the fact that we're all in the *same boat* here in the U.S.A.. The Islamic fascist terrorists don't want to kill just conservative Americans. They want to kill ALL Americans. Stopping to think of what this might mean to you could include you inability ever again to mess about in boats. . . . Paladin (Have Blue Water Yacht - Will Travel) | | | "Paladin" noneofyourbusiness.www wrote in message | .. . | In the aftermath of September 11, 2001: some thoughts for leftists and | terrorists | to consider. . . | | -- Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com |
posted to rec.boats
![]() Larry wrote: "Paladin" noneofyourbusiness.www wrote in : They say the war against Islamic fascist terrorists is immoral. They label our government and soldiers immoral and accuse them of being mercenaries, rapists, torturers, genocidal, imperialistic and irrational. The basis of this slander is their own immorality. Let me explain why . . . You don't REALLY still believe primitive islamic terrorists stole 4 airplanes right out from under the nose of American airports with boxcutters for weapons and crashed them into buildings, do you? Really? I know it's a nice thought, to blame them, but there's way too much evidence to the contrary, dispite the government's efforts to cover it all up, like: Why was it so hot in the basement of the WTC it melted the steel columns holding the building up, for DAYS and WEEKS after the event? Why did engineers who got curious find evidence that Thermite melted the columns? Why, for the first time, were the occupants of WTC run out of the building "to install network cables" for several weeks before 9/11? Many of them reported hearing jackhammers and drilling on unoccupied floors, which there were many in this white elephant that was losing Silverstein millions a day in unpaid rent. What were they drilling? Why? Were these the floors on which you could plainly see simultaneous explosions as the building was on its way down, a controlled demolition? Why was all the concrete pulverized into dust that rolled over the city if it just pancaked down floor upon floor? Why was there no evidence of pancaking there always is in such an occurrance? Why did WTC7 simply collapse straight down into its own footprint, another controlled demolition you can see if you watch the movie from the back of the building frame-by-frame, noticing how the penthouse on the left end collapses INSIDE the building as the columns holding it up are melted away by the thermite planted inside it. It hardly had any fires at all and NONE under the penthouse! Don't you find all that simply amazing, like the cops screaming into their walkie talkies just before they died of multiple explosions BENEATH them UNDER where the planes hit? Then, I find it curious that over 300 people in Brooklyn, where the planes came from, saw planes with NO WINDOWS and NO TAIL LOGO ever airlines is so proud of with a round blue logo under the cockpit windows. What was that hanging under the plane that flashes at just the instant it enters the building, anyway? I looked at our airport and I don't see any long objects hanging under the baggage compartments on any planes..... Speaking of planes, where did the plane go that hit the pentagon? The hole in the wall before the building collapsed was 16' across. I doubt it fit through there without leaving TONS of wings/tail/wheels/engines big enough for a man to stand up inside outside the building in a huge pile of rubble. Flight 957 crashed into NY when its tail ripped off because the copilot screwed up recovering from wake turbulence on takeoff. Where it crashed dead into 4 houses with enough force to simply flatten the neighborhood, notice how the fire from the fuel oil burned for hours and hours and hours and even the firemen had trouble putting it out. One picture from that crash stands out in my mind....a fireman standing on top of a monstrous pile of aluminum and airplane parts over 20' high playing his hose into the burning mass below him...a huge pile of airplane parts. Don't you find it odd that there were no airplane parts to speak of at the Pentagon, no fire that burned all that office equipment for hours and hours and hours? After the roof collapsed, 40 minutes after the EXPLOSION, one picture just tears me up. On the edge of the collapse, right over where thousands of gallons of left wing fuel should have turned the whole place into an inferno, right on the edge, sits a wooden chair piled with papers held down with an old computer monitor made of plastic between the edge and an old wooden file cabinet. Not a single edge on any of that exposed paper is even singed! The monitor looks like someone just sat it down, not melted from the inferno of thousands of gallons of jet fuel burning hot enough to melt the steel in the World Trade Center all the way into its basement! Nothing looked even disturbed in that office space...only 100' from the hole! Nope...terrorists my ass. Nice plan, though, including all the mysterious radar outages, multiple military exercises running simultaneously to divert the attention of any snoopy military pilots wondering, aloud, why noone called them, preoccupied miles and miles away from NY and DC. Noone saw anything of them for hours and hours on the government bureaucrats' radars with a hundred pairs of eyes trained on them watching every plane on the move past the taxiways. What a coincidence, eh? On this Veterans' Day, this vet would like to send his personal condolences to the 25,000 families whos kids have been killed in this grand scheme from the Supreme Council members 13 blocks N of the White House, run by the bankers for their personal profits across the planet. The string pullers in Tel Aviv don't give a **** about American kids dying on their battlefield. I lived in Iran for 2 years back in the 70s, working for the Shahanshah's air force. I've watched the elite technicians trying to fix a simple voltmeter and I can assure you the only people in any real danger from any nuclear bomb program Iran might have....is the people living in the neighborhood where they're fooling around with it. They're DOOMED! You must be completely out of your mind, only a nut would beleave this garbage. You need help, seek it out before you end up in a padded room. John |
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