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  #1   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is my oil injection working

How do I know if my oil injection is working? I have a 50 hp Johnson, I
think it is a 98 or a 99. I noticed that I haven't added oil in a while and
the tank still looks relatively full. How long would an outboard run without
oil before siezing up? How can I test that the engine is still getting oil.


  #2   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Is my oil injection working

Is running with too much oil bad for the engine? Or just bad for the

"Dean" wrote in message
If you have to ask that question, it is probably working. Your
average outboard would last a few minutes at idle, probably 30 seconds
or so under full throttle, if even that. If you are worried, do at
least 100:1 pre-mix in your regular gas tank. That ratio will keep
your engine alive even if your oil injection goes out.


On Sat, 12 Jul 2003 00:24:02 GMT, "Sockmonkey"

How do I know if my oil injection is working? I have a 50 hp Johnson, I
think it is a 98 or a 99. I noticed that I haven't added oil in a while

the tank still looks relatively full. How long would an outboard run

oil before siezing up? How can I test that the engine is still getting




  #3   Report Post  
K. Smith
Posts: n/a
Default Is my oil injection working

Sockmonkey wrote:

How do I know if my oil injection is working? I have a 50 hp Johnson, I
think it is a 98 or a 99. I noticed that I haven't added oil in a while and
the tank still looks relatively full. How long would an outboard run without
oil before siezing up?

Not long.

How can I test that the engine is still getting oil.

Mark the oil tank with a pencil or whatever then put some tcw3 in the fuel
tank at about 50 to 1 (just in case:-)).
Use it for a while then top the fuel tank up & the oil tank back to your
mark, to see how much oil it's taking from the oil tank. It should be using it
at the rate of about 50 to 1 if it isn't, have the vro oil injection
disconnected & just add tcw3 to the fuel tank at the rate of 50 to 1.

The OMC oiling system is expensive to maintain & very expensive to replace
plus it's not reliable in any manner, so to be safe most people just disconnect
it. remove the oil tank, mark their fuel filler with a placard to say it
definitely needs tcw3 in the fuel tank & never any more worries.



  #4   Report Post  
Harry Krause
Posts: n/a
Default Is my oil injection working

K. Smith wrote:

Reasons (incomplete of course) for Harry being an alleged

No of course you're not ;-) You're scared of the real you
Harry Krause!!! the real you is so much less than the pretend one
you've made up;

(1) the one whose father, presumably also a Mr Krause?? was the
person to cross an ocean in an outboard powered craft, you claimed
it was the atlantic, 1960s & he used twin OMC engines.

Sorry, scumbag. My dad was *one* of the first to cross the Atlantic in
an outboard-powered boat. It was a Coronet, manufactured by Botved, and
powered by two 50-hp OMC outboards.

My father also was one of the better known outboard boat racers
immediately after WW II and into the early 1950s, and had Evinrude
factory sponsorship, after a fashion. He mostly raced in what was called
the "utility" class. That's about all I remember of those days, except
that he did do very well in the Albany to NYC race down the Hudson River
once or twice, because I do remember the trophies.

You misrepresented the facts.

(2) the one who's dad had the biggest OMC dealership the NE USA,

For a number of years in the 1950s and 1960s, my father sold more
Evinrude outboard motors than any other dealer in the New England
franchise territories. In a couple of those years, he sold more than 500
Evinrudes a year. That didn't mean he had the largest OMC dealership, or
even the highest sales volumein dollars.

You misrepresented the facts.

the one who claim's in his dad's dealer ship any fireman or
policemen or unionist could buy whatever they wanted for cost plus

Any fireman or policeman in my father's trading area could buy
merchandise from him at cost plus a couple of points. He was well-known
for giving cops and firemen steep discounts.

You misrepresented the facts.

(3) the one who worked for years on OBs,

From about the age of 9 to about the age of 16, my summer job consisted
of disassembly of those small outboards customers had "dunked," cleaning
salt water off of same, and reassembling. I also did some minor tuning
on outboards, and occasionally "winterized" motors coming in for
storage. Especially the little motors. Not so surprising for a kid whose
dad owned a boat dealership.

You got one right.

(4) the one who sailed twice around the world via cape horn yet
clue on navigation, sailing or even boats in general,

Sorry, never sailed around the world, not even once.
You misrepresented the facts.

(5) the one who gave his over US$3 mil inheritance to charity (&
those days that was a lot of hooch;-),

$3 million, eh? Don't I wish.
You misrepresented the facts.

(6) the one who created a Hatt 45 lie, so he could pretend to be
big successful person & then got caught in that lie when some NG
people insisted on seeing it,

If I recall, one of the flaming asses who used to frequent this
newsgroup "threatened" to visit the private dock where I kept the boat
for a look-see. Since he wasn't invited, he wouldn't have gotten past
the dockmaster, whose job it was to prevent scum like him (and you) from
getting close to the boats.

You misrepresented the facts.

(7) the one who made up a jetski so you could lie & bully
way around the jetski newsgroups,

Sorry. Won one in a raffle, used it a while, gave it away.
You misrepresented the facts.

(8) the one who invented an Opimax powered boat so you could
you were up with the latest engines, the one who then couldn't join
not one of the technical discussions,

You're wrong. Again.
You misrepresented the facts. Owned a 1998 Opti 135.

(9) the one who was then checked out as the registered owner of
opti boat & when it was NG stated you didn't own any registered boat
in the subject state you were,

I'm sorry, but your command of language is so bad, I'm not sure what you
are claiming here. See above answer.

You misrepresented the facts.

(10) the one who immediately admitted that; but then lied again &
claimed for "business" reasons it was registered in another not
given for checking name,

Huh? Sometimes our boats are in my name, sometimes in my wife's name and
sometimes in a company name. Is this a problem for you?

You misrepresented the facts.

(11) the one who made up a huge lie about a custom designed &
lobster boat but couldn't keep the lie running because whoever
really owned a new boat stopped feeding you enough info, or it
became too much for you to understand so you dare not try to post

You need to switch whatever drugs you are taking.

You misrepresented the facts.

(12) the one who has always attacked any women NG posters in a
display of sexism from a clearly inadequate person who can't even
communicate with the opposite sex,

Really? I don't even know what species you are, although you don't deny
being old, fat and ugly.

You misrepresented the facts.

(13) the one who was so seriously sexually maladjusted you needed
about your therapist (probably court ordered) so she became your 15
to 20 yr younger beautiful successful wife,'s that peyote you're ingesting.

Sorry. No such history.

You misrepresented the facts.

the one who even followed some NG women from NG to NG, then
the one who went completely mad & posted specific details of
real life stalking of at least two NG women,

Sorry, once again: you misrepresented the facts.

(15) the one that clearly is an habitual recidivist liar,

(16) the one who has now been caught again in the lobster boat

(17) the one that is now trying to lie about getting a new parker

(18) the one who when called goes crazy & fabricates even more
lies including fabricated pictures, papers & other,

(19) the one who doesn't even know how commercial papers work so
such poor fakes they are an embarrassment to those from the real
world of commerce,

I suppose John H, with whom I "share" a marina, is delusional, but you
are not?

You misrepresented the facts.

(20) the one who is manic to be believed no matter the
your lie for you are;

(21) the one who is nothing in life because you are,

Sorry, does not read.

(22) the one so consumed with envy of others you are

Try English.

(23) the one who has repeated lied about your education, degrees
even to being

Prove it, scumbag. You're once again misrepresenting the facts.

(24) the one who claimed here to have personally been the writer
US presidents!!! (refused to name them???; well you understand;-))

Sorry, don't believe I ever claimed that, though I have written for U.S.
Senators, active and retired, and knew Harry S Truman and even wrote
about him for $$$.

Once again, you misrepresented the facts.

(25) Claims to have bought a fuel flow meter yet if his story
the underpowered, overweight Parker were even partly true he's know
they have a specific instrument for the Yamaha.

Got a S-H fuel flow meter, cost about 1/7th of what the Yamaha meter
costs. Parker does 40 mph at WOT, cruises at 28-30 mph, depending mostly
upon fuel load, at 4400-4500 rpm.

Your piece of crap boat couldn't go that fast if it fell off a mountain.

Once again, you misrepresented the facts.

(26) Claims to be buying chartplotters etc & posts little "help
decide" threads, yet a year or so a go he sad he'd never buy
anything but a Garmin, why?? because he held a substantial share
holding in the CO!!! Indeed when he was running that lie we could
stop him spamming the NG for Garmin. Now he actually claims the
Garmin chart system is ****, just as we told then.

Substantial? I took a flyer on some Garmin stock, not much, and is worth
2-1/2 times what I paid for it.

I've never ever said Garmin charts were "****." I think Garmin makes
terrific products. But I bought a S-H chartplotter because it sold for
less than half the Garmin unit of the same price, and I liked the
feature set better.

So, once again, you misrepresented the truth.

(27) As he tries to spruik the Parker lie, he now claims to have
order the trailer, after starting several of his standard MO
"please please look at me" threads about trailer brakes etc,
needless to say another lie.

Got the trailer registration right here in my wallet, scumbag, and it is
possible that John H has seen it. In fact, likely.

You misrepresented the facts. Again.

(28) Who after years of complaining about cowardly hidden ID NG
posters has now created a second doctored posting ID with all the
child like covers & then!!! uses it to post in support of

It's true. I'm really NOYB.

(29) Trawls the internet looking for new marine sites so you can
post more untruths here about this or that latest purchase for your
imaginary boat, but really the questions are so basic, so totally
asinine that it merely confirms you have NEVER owned a boat & for
safety sake thankfully never will.

You lost me here, scumbag. You're lying...again.

(30) Tries to claim he can celestial nav. when over the
years he can't even begin to enter ANY of the nav threads not even
the coastal ones much less the celestial!!! What a liar.

I find most discussions of CN boring, filled with diatribes by idiots
like you.

You're lying...again.

(31) Claims to be a building "designer" when can never enter even the
basics of a technical discussion which involves the simplest of design

I've designed a few houses and turned the designs over to engineers for
structural consults. I designed the house I am living in now. Tough
darts, eh?

Does your house look like your boat? A tarpaper shack?

You're lying again.

(32) Claims to be the "developer" on an 80 acre residential renewal

Yep. Put an option on the land some years ago, found a full-time
developer to work the option with me, he put up big cash, I put up
marketing expertise, and we both made out very well.

Sorry...we don't do roach motels for scumbags like you.

the one who needs to make false claims about yourself
because you
can't cut the mustard on your own real performance.

I don't like condiments much.

BTW, you do know what a "scumbag" is, right, even though English is not
much in use in your part of the world:


1. A condom.
1967 [see scum n. 2d]. 1968–70 Current Slang (Univ. S. Dakota)
III–IV. 106 Scum bag, a condom. 1974 Time Out 6 Dec. 21/1 Young blades
carried their sheaths or condoms or+‘scumbags’ in their wallets.

2. A base, despicable person. Also as a term of vulgar abuse.

1971 Courier-Mail (Brisbane) 23 Dec. 5/2 Another called him a
‘scumbag’ and said he should have been killed. 1973 E. Bullins Theme is
Blackness 80 [Ann] No, you can't think that about me! [Peter] Why can't
I, scumbag? 1976 G. V. Higgins Judgement of Deke Hunter iv. 29, I had
three scumbags that went to trial. 1977 Zigzag Apr. 34/2 What little
scumbag would say something like that?

Basically, Karen, your entire "saga" about me is nothing more than your
gross mistatements of information I have posted over the years.

You should apply for a job as Chief Scumbag at the Bush White House.
You'd fit in with the rest of the lying scumbags there.


* * *
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  #5   Report Post  
Harry Krause
Posts: n/a
Default Is my oil injection working

K. Smith wrote:

The same old pack of lies.
Each time you regurgitate and add to it, you look a bit more pathetic.

Got any accomplishments of your own you can prove? Anything whatsover?

Didn't think so.

* * *
email sent to will *never* get to me.

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