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  #21   Report Post  
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 8,997
Default Spending those Taxpayer Dollars

"jim" wrote in message
Don White wrote:
"Calif Bill" wrote in message
"Don White" wrote in message
"Calif Bill" wrote in message
"Boater" wrote in message
jim wrote:
Eisboch wrote:
"Boater" wrote in message

From Anchorage Daily News -

State funded Palin kids' travel

You're slipping.

You already advised us of this.

We didn't care.


Harry knows that Governor Palin is WAY more qualified to be Vice
President than Junior Senator Obama is to be president. Harry won't
acknowledge this because he is is committed to the Democratic party,
no matter what. He should be committed.

Sarah Palin isn't qualified to be an assistant dog catcher.
Neither is Obama or Biden. What is sad is all the young people going
for the Obama charisma. When they should be voting for someone who is
going to cut government spending and that includes Social Security.
They are supporting a policy forecasting a huge increase in spending
and Federal Government. Our generation will go down as one of the
worst at leaving a world much worse for our passing. These 35 and
less kids have not been told how much they are going to owe for our
sins. Those $80k salaries for a union flunky as well as the other
inflated white color salaries and the inflation they have caused is
going to hurt our kids big time! And no school is even mentioning it
from what I can see. Both the major parties candidates are worthless.
Actually less than worthless. The only candidate with a genuine
message for "change" Is Barr and the Libertarians. He has not got a
snowballs chance in hell of winning, but it is the message the
Republicans should be pushing if they want to win.

Not just the young... it's the wimmin' too.
They'll be swooning all over him after he gets elected.

You really are stupid!

This from a guy who can barely write or speak the Queens' English?

I thought it was the King's english. What is "Queens'"?

That's Kalif Bills' alter ego...... his night out with 'the boys'.

  #22   Report Post  
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Oct 2007
Posts: 7,892
Default Spending those Taxpayer Dollars

On Oct 24, 7:41Â*am, Boater wrote:
BAR wrote:
On Thu, 23 Oct 2008 19:29:13 -0700, Calif Bill wrote:

Â*Our generation will go down as one of the worst at
leaving a world much worse for our passing. Â*

Quite true. Â*I would say, however, the air and water is cleaner now
than when we got it. Â*At least rivers don't catch on fire.

When the rich get taxed out of business the poor will have a place to bath.

Well, if that happens and you get to bath(e), you'll smell better. We'll
look forward to it.

It's bathes. One takes a bath.

You should have stayed in high school.

Hehe!!!! This from the idiot who tries to make people here believe he
graduated from Yale!!!!!!!
"Bath" can also be the verb, please look a definition 13:

bath1   /bæθ, bɑθ/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [bath, bahth] Show IPA
noun, plural baths  /bæðz, bɑðz, bæθs, bɑθs/ Show Spelled
Pronunciation [bathz, bahthz, baths, bahths] Show IPA
Pronunciation ,
–noun 1. a washing or immersion of something, esp. the body, in water,
steam, etc., as for cleansing or medical treatment: I take a bath
every day. Give the dog a bath.
2. a quantity of water or other liquid used for this purpose: running
a bath.
3. a container for water or other cleansing liquid, as a bathtub.
4. a room equipped for bathing; bathroom: The house has two baths.
5. a building containing rooms or apartments with equipment for
bathing; bathhouse.
6. Often, baths. one of the elaborate bathing establishments of the
ancients: the baths of Caracalla.
7. Usually, baths. a town or resort visited for medical treatment by
bathing or the like; spa.
8. a preparation, as an acid solution, in which something is
9. the container for such a preparation.
10. a device for controlling the temperature of something by the use
of a surrounding medium, as sand, water, oil, etc.
11. Metallurgy. a. the depressed hearth of a steelmaking furnace.
b. the molten metal being made into steel in a steelmaking furnace.

12. the state of being covered by a liquid, as perspiration: in a bath
of sweat.
–verb (used with object), verb (used without object) 13. to wash or
soak in a bath.
—Idiom14. take a bath, Informal. to suffer a large financial loss:
Many investors are taking a bath on their bond investments.
  #23   Report Post  
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Jim Jim is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Oct 2008
Posts: 1,043
Default Spending those Taxpayer Dollars

Don White wrote:
"jim" wrote in message
Don White wrote:
"Calif Bill" wrote in message
"Don White" wrote in message
"Calif Bill" wrote in message
"Boater" wrote in message
jim wrote:
Eisboch wrote:
"Boater" wrote in message

From Anchorage Daily News -

State funded Palin kids' travel

You're slipping.

You already advised us of this.

We didn't care.


Harry knows that Governor Palin is WAY more qualified to be Vice
President than Junior Senator Obama is to be president. Harry won't
acknowledge this because he is is committed to the Democratic party,
no matter what. He should be committed.
Sarah Palin isn't qualified to be an assistant dog catcher.
Neither is Obama or Biden. What is sad is all the young people going
for the Obama charisma. When they should be voting for someone who is
going to cut government spending and that includes Social Security.
They are supporting a policy forecasting a huge increase in spending
and Federal Government. Our generation will go down as one of the
worst at leaving a world much worse for our passing. These 35 and
less kids have not been told how much they are going to owe for our
sins. Those $80k salaries for a union flunky as well as the other
inflated white color salaries and the inflation they have caused is
going to hurt our kids big time! And no school is even mentioning it
from what I can see. Both the major parties candidates are worthless.
Actually less than worthless. The only candidate with a genuine
message for "change" Is Barr and the Libertarians. He has not got a
snowballs chance in hell of winning, but it is the message the
Republicans should be pushing if they want to win.
Not just the young... it's the wimmin' too.
They'll be swooning all over him after he gets elected.

You really are stupid!
This from a guy who can barely write or speak the Queens' English?

I thought it was the King's english. What is "Queens'"?

That's Kalif Bills' alter ego...... his night out with 'the boys'.

Spelling and punctuation,Donnie. I'm surprised Harry didn't correct you.
  #24   Report Post  
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
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Default Spending those Taxpayer Dollars

wrote in message
On Thu, 23 Oct 2008 19:29:13 -0700, Calif Bill wrote:

Our generation will go down as one of the worst at
leaving a world much worse for our passing.

Quite true. I would say, however, the air and water is cleaner now than
when we got it. At least rivers don't catch on fire.

True as to the oils, but overall I think the waters are much worse for us.
There are suppositions that lots of the birth control meds that women take
and the Viagra etc. that the men take plus lots of the medicines that pass
through the body as well as the other chemicals get into the water system,
Affecting the fish reproduction, and maybe a lot of the Autism is caused by
those same chemically laden waters. San Francisco Bay clarity is much
better now than when I was kid fishing Berkeley Pier, but there used to be
huge colonies of mussels and what you see now are small colonies on the

  #25   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 4,728
Default Spending those Taxpayer Dollars

"Don White" wrote in message

"Calif Bill" wrote in message

"Don White" wrote in message

"Calif Bill" wrote in message

"Boater" wrote in message
jim wrote:
Eisboch wrote:
"Boater" wrote in message

From Anchorage Daily News -

State funded Palin kids' travel

You're slipping.

You already advised us of this.

We didn't care.


Harry knows that Governor Palin is WAY more qualified to be Vice
President than Junior Senator Obama is to be president. Harry won't
acknowledge this because he is is committed to the Democratic party,
no matter what. He should be committed.

Sarah Palin isn't qualified to be an assistant dog catcher.

Neither is Obama or Biden. What is sad is all the young people going
for the Obama charisma. When they should be voting for someone who is
going to cut government spending and that includes Social Security.
They are supporting a policy forecasting a huge increase in spending
and Federal Government. Our generation will go down as one of the
worst at leaving a world much worse for our passing. These 35 and less
kids have not been told how much they are going to owe for our sins.
Those $80k salaries for a union flunky as well as the other inflated
white color salaries and the inflation they have caused is going to
hurt our kids big time! And no school is even mentioning it from what
I can see. Both the major parties candidates are worthless. Actually
less than worthless. The only candidate with a genuine message for
"change" Is Barr and the Libertarians. He has not got a snowballs
chance in hell of winning, but it is the message the Republicans should
be pushing if they want to win.

Not just the young... it's the wimmin' too.
They'll be swooning all over him after he gets elected.

You really are stupid!

This from a guy who can barely write or speak the Queens' English?

I was an engineering major, and we are not in England or Canada. Eh? My IQ
is at least 30 points higher than yours.

  #26   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 4,728
Default Spending those Taxpayer Dollars

"jim" wrote in message
Don White wrote:
"BAR" wrote in message
Don White wrote:
"Calif Bill" wrote in message
"Don White" wrote in message
"Calif Bill" wrote in message
"Boater" wrote in message
jim wrote:
Eisboch wrote:
"Boater" wrote in message

From Anchorage Daily News -

State funded Palin kids' travel

You're slipping.

You already advised us of this.

We didn't care.


Harry knows that Governor Palin is WAY more qualified to be Vice
President than Junior Senator Obama is to be president. Harry
won't acknowledge this because he is is committed to the
Democratic party, no matter what. He should be committed.
Sarah Palin isn't qualified to be an assistant dog catcher.
Neither is Obama or Biden. What is sad is all the young people
going for the Obama charisma. When they should be voting for
someone who is going to cut government spending and that includes
Social Security. They are supporting a policy forecasting a huge
increase in spending and Federal Government. Our generation will go
down as one of the worst at leaving a world much worse for our
passing. These 35 and less kids have not been told how much they
are going to owe for our sins. Those $80k salaries for a union
flunky as well as the other inflated white color salaries and the
inflation they have caused is going to hurt our kids big time! And
no school is even mentioning it from what I can see. Both the major
parties candidates are worthless. Actually less than worthless. The
only candidate with a genuine message for "change" Is Barr and the
Libertarians. He has not got a snowballs chance in hell of winning,
but it is the message the Republicans should be pushing if they want
to win.
Not just the young... it's the wimmin' too.
They'll be swooning all over him after he gets elected.

You really are stupid!
This from a guy who can barely write or speak the Queens' English?
We threw the bitch out a couple of hundred years ago.

Yes, ungrateful rabble after all the King did for you.
He even founded my homeport to protect the Boston States from the French.

While you were protecting the Boston states, you should have been watching
your backside. They snuck into Quebec and have been harassing you, from
there, ever since.

Snerk... Royalty check to Tom. It's in the mail.

  #27   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 4,728
Default Spending those Taxpayer Dollars

"Don White" wrote in message

"jim" wrote in message
Don White wrote:
"Calif Bill" wrote in message
"Don White" wrote in message
"Calif Bill" wrote in message
"Boater" wrote in message
jim wrote:
Eisboch wrote:
"Boater" wrote in message

From Anchorage Daily News -

State funded Palin kids' travel

You're slipping.

You already advised us of this.

We didn't care.


Harry knows that Governor Palin is WAY more qualified to be Vice
President than Junior Senator Obama is to be president. Harry
won't acknowledge this because he is is committed to the Democratic
party, no matter what. He should be committed.

Sarah Palin isn't qualified to be an assistant dog catcher.
Neither is Obama or Biden. What is sad is all the young people going
for the Obama charisma. When they should be voting for someone who
is going to cut government spending and that includes Social
Security. They are supporting a policy forecasting a huge increase in
spending and Federal Government. Our generation will go down as one
of the worst at leaving a world much worse for our passing. These 35
and less kids have not been told how much they are going to owe for
our sins. Those $80k salaries for a union flunky as well as the
other inflated white color salaries and the inflation they have
caused is going to hurt our kids big time! And no school is even
mentioning it from what I can see. Both the major parties candidates
are worthless. Actually less than worthless. The only candidate with
a genuine message for "change" Is Barr and the Libertarians. He has
not got a snowballs chance in hell of winning, but it is the message
the Republicans should be pushing if they want to win.

Not just the young... it's the wimmin' too.
They'll be swooning all over him after he gets elected.

You really are stupid!

This from a guy who can barely write or speak the Queens' English?

I thought it was the King's english. What is "Queens'"?

That's Kalif Bills' alter ego...... his night out with 'the boys'.

You are showing your homophobia again.

  #28   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Oct 2007
Posts: 7,892
Default Spending those Taxpayer Dollars

On Oct 24, 3:16*pm, "Calif Bill" wrote:
"Don White" wrote in message


"Calif Bill" wrote in message

"Don White" wrote in message
. ..

"Calif Bill" wrote in message
news:FLKdnXaSWqhsr5zUnZ2dnUVZ_uGdnZ2d@earthlink .com...

"Boater" wrote in message
jim wrote:
Eisboch wrote:
"Boater" wrote in message

From Anchorage Daily News -

State funded Palin kids' travel

You're slipping.

You already advised us of this.

We didn't care.


Harry knows that Governor Palin is WAY more qualified to be Vice
President than Junior Senator Obama *is to be president. Harry won't
acknowledge this because he is is committed to the Democratic party,
no matter what. He should be committed.

Sarah Palin isn't qualified to be an assistant dog catcher.

Neither is Obama or Biden. *What is sad is all the young people going
for the Obama charisma. *When they should be voting for someone who is
going to cut government spending and that includes Social Security.
They are supporting a policy forecasting a huge increase in spending
and Federal Government. *Our generation will go down as one of the
worst at leaving a world much worse for our passing. *These 35 and less
kids have not been told how much they are going to owe for our sins.
Those $80k salaries for a union flunky as well as the other inflated
white color salaries and the inflation they have caused is going to
hurt our kids big time! *And no school is even mentioning it from what
I can see. Both the major parties candidates are worthless. *Actually
less than worthless. *The only candidate with a genuine message for
"change" *Is Barr and the Libertarians. *He has not got a snowballs
chance in hell of winning, but it is the message the Republicans should
be pushing if they want to win.

Not just the young... it's the wimmin' too.
They'll be swooning all over him after he gets elected.

You really are stupid!

This from a guy who can barely write or speak the Queens' English?

I was an engineering major, and we are not in England or Canada. *Eh? *My IQ
is at least 30 points higher than yours.- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Not to worry, Bill, he's just a clone of Harry. Or at least he acts
more like it every day.
  #29   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Oct 2008
Posts: 1,666
Default Spending those Taxpayer Dollars

On Oct 24, 3:16 pm, "Calif Bill" wrote:

I was an engineering major, and we are not in England or Canada. Eh? My IQ
is at least 30 points higher than yours.- Hide quoted text -

I doubt it. Not only is your command of English lousy, but your
abilities with logic are practically non-existent.
  #30   Report Post  
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external usenet poster
First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Oct 2007
Posts: 7,892
Default Spending those Taxpayer Dollars

On Oct 24, 3:35*pm, Boater wrote:
On Oct 24, 3:16 pm, "Calif Bill" wrote:
I was an engineering major, and we are not in England or Canada. *Eh? *My IQ
is at least 30 points higher than yours.- Hide quoted text -

I doubt it. Not only is your command of English lousy, but your
abilities with logic are practically non-existent.

Yep, if someone doesn't believe exactly as you do, they aren't
By the way, did you see where I proved you dead wrong about bath and
bathe, alleged Yale liberal arts guy?
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