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Te Canaille December 8th 03 09:04 PM


"John McGuire" wrote in message om...
Living in LA area and seeking to buy two canoe paddles and two floatation vests.

Are you referring to Los Angeles or Louisiana ?

John McGuire December 9th 03 04:34 AM

Living in LA area and seeking to buy two canoe paddles and two floatation vests.

Dan Valleskey December 9th 03 04:58 AM

On Mon, 8 Dec 2003 14:04:12 -0600, "Te Canaille"

"John McGuire" wrote in message om...
Living in LA area and seeking to buy two canoe paddles and two floatation vests.

Are you referring to Los Angeles or Louisiana ?

I can't imagine anyone in Louisiana calling them "floatation vests".

Gotta be Los Angeles.

-Dan V.

Te Canaille December 9th 03 08:17 AM


"Dan Valleskey" wrote in message om...
On Mon, 8 Dec 2003 14:04:12 -0600, "Te Canaille"

"John McGuire" wrote in message om...
Living in LA area and seeking to buy two canoe paddles and two floatation vests.

Are you referring to Los Angeles or Louisiana ?

I can't imagine anyone in Louisiana calling them "floatation vests".

Gotta be Los Angeles.

-Dan V.

What a strange reply. Are you from Louisiana ?


Peter H December 9th 03 10:24 PM

Dan Valleskey wrote:

Living in LA area and seeking to buy two canoe paddles and two floatation vests.

Are you referring to Los Angeles or Louisiana ?

I can't imagine anyone in Louisiana calling them "floatation vests".

Gotta be Los Angeles.

What would you have them be called? In L.A. or in LA?

Since the boating laws in most if not nearly all states require each
person to have a wearable "Personal FlotationDevice," and all of them
are commonly worn as vests, where's the confusion in calling them vests?

Pete H

The idea is to die young
as late as possible.

riverman December 14th 03 02:27 PM


"Peter H" wrote in message
Dan Valleskey wrote:

Living in LA area and seeking to buy two canoe paddles and two

floatation vests.

Are you referring to Los Angeles or Louisiana ?

I can't imagine anyone in Louisiana calling them "floatation vests".

Gotta be Los Angeles.

What would you have them be called? In L.A. or in LA?

Since the boating laws in most if not nearly all states require each
person to have a wearable "Personal FlotationDevice," and all of them
are commonly worn as vests, where's the confusion in calling them vests?

The confusion was that he didn't also request two canoe oars...
(That, and the fact that there are probably well over 1000 stores in the LA
area where you can get PFDs and paddles.)

Gene Cosloy December 15th 03 04:59 PM

"riverman" wrote in message ...
"Peter H" wrote in message
Dan Valleskey wrote:

Living in LA area and seeking to buy two canoe paddles and two

floatation vests.

Are you referring to Los Angeles or Louisiana ?

I can't imagine anyone in Louisiana calling them "floatation vests".

Gotta be Los Angeles.

What would you have them be called? In L.A. or in LA?

Since the boating laws in most if not nearly all states require each
person to have a wearable "Personal FlotationDevice," and all of them
are commonly worn as vests, where's the confusion in calling them vests?

The confusion was that he didn't also request two canoe oars...
(That, and the fact that there are probably well over 1000 stores in the LA
area where you can get PFDs and paddles.)

Hi Smartasses:

These replies demonstates that there are no dumb questions, just dumb
reponses. After reading your condescending and sarcastic replies, who
is going to ask a question to which he doesn't know the answer? Shame
on you!


riverman December 16th 03 02:22 PM


"Gene Cosloy" wrote:

Living in LA area and seeking to buy two canoe paddles and two

floatation vests.

Are you referring to Los Angeles or Louisiana ?

I can't imagine anyone in Louisiana calling them "floatation vests".

Gotta be Los Angeles.

What would you have them be called? In L.A. or in LA?

Since the boating laws in most if not nearly all states require each
person to have a wearable "Personal FlotationDevice," and all of them
are commonly worn as vests, where's the confusion in calling them


The confusion was that he didn't also request two canoe oars...
(That, and the fact that there are probably well over 1000 stores in the

area where you can get PFDs and paddles.)

Hi Smartasses:


These replies demonstates that there are no dumb questions, just dumb

Well, thanks for the clarification, but I disagree. Given the fact that rbp
is an international forum, with a rather miniscule membership from
LosAngeles, an even smaller one from Lousinana, and practically none from
Lewiston-Auburn, it's naively hopeful on your part, at best, that you'd
actually get a reasonable answer to your question, and pretty presumptuous,
at worst, that you'd expect any of us to pick up the yellow pages and look
under "sporting goods" to find a shop that sells paddles and PFDs in LA. In
fact, we'd probably have to email you and ask you to look it up for us,
seeing as your the guy who is actually there and has the Yellow Pages.
Notwithstanding the fact that we don't actually know where 'there' is. LA
(all three of them) are quite large (well, maybe not Lewiston Auburn).
Adding to that the fact that no one any of us has ever heard of actually
calls them "flotation vests", we might have to consider that you don't
really know what you are looking for, so we're pretty reticent about giving
you advice about getting a high-float, a low volume squirt vest, or a
horseshoe collar.

After reading your condescending and sarcastic replies, who
is going to ask a question to which he doesn't know the answer?

Dunno. You tell me. :-)

Shame on you!

Well, thats far from the worst thing I ever got on me, for certain.


OK, lets start over, there, Gene. What type of paddling do you plan on
doing, what kind of boat do you have, where exactly are you, and is this
really meant as some sort of foray into the world of newsgroups, or do you
really need help in locating a sporting goods store in the sixth-largest
urban area on the planet?


Te Canaille December 16th 03 06:49 PM


"Gene Cosloy" wrote in message m...
"riverman" wrote in message ...
"Peter H" wrote in message
Dan Valleskey wrote:

Living in LA area and seeking to buy two canoe paddles and two

floatation vests.

Are you referring to Los Angeles or Louisiana ?

Hi Smartasses:

These replies demonstates that there are no dumb questions, just dumb
reponses. After reading your condescending and sarcastic replies, who
is going to ask a question to which he doesn't know the answer? Shame
on you!


Gene :

I wrote the original question which I consider totally legitimate. Years ago the US Postal Service started abbreviating state names
using all caps and eliminating periods. Their abbreviation for Louisiana is "LA". I believe Los Angeles is properly abbreviated L.A.
You state that my question is condescending. I feel that anyone who uses the Louisiana abbreviation "LA", and expects everyone else
to understand that this could only refer to Los Angeles is not only condescending but quite arrogant. I'm from Louisiana and am a
bit sick of people like you and the original poster just summarily dismissing millions of your fellow citizens with such disdain. I
do not know the answer to the original question. When someone tells me they live in LA that technically means Louisiana. I was
trying to gently correct the error by asking a question, instead I've been met with your arrogant, condescending attitude. If the
poster is indeed from Louisiana, I'll be glad to help him find gear here.

Te Canaille

Dave Van December 16th 03 09:26 PM


From: "riverman"
Newsgroups:, er
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2003 14:22:26 +0100
Subject: canoeing

"Gene Cosloy" wrote:

Living in LA area and seeking to buy two canoe paddles and two
floatation vests.

Big Snip

OK, lets start over, there, Gene. What type of paddling do you plan on
doing, what kind of boat do you have, where exactly are you, and is this
really meant as some sort of foray into the world of newsgroups, or do you
really need help in locating a sporting goods store in the sixth-largest
urban area on the planet?



Gene was not the OP.


WG December 17th 03 06:29 AM

jeesum crow (as they say up north) lighten up y'all (as they say down

"Dan Valleskey" wrote in message
On Mon, 8 Dec 2003 14:04:12 -0600, "Te Canaille"

"John McGuire" wrote in message

Living in LA area and seeking to buy two canoe paddles and two

floatation vests.

Are you referring to Los Angeles or Louisiana ?

I can't imagine anyone in Louisiana calling them "floatation vests".

Gotta be Los Angeles.

-Dan V.

-----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
-----== Over 100,000 Newsgroups - 19 Different Servers! =-----

riverman December 17th 03 04:59 PM


"Dave Van" wrote in message

From: "riverman"
Newsgroups:, er
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2003 14:22:26 +0100
Subject: canoeing

"Gene Cosloy" wrote:

Living in LA area and seeking to buy two canoe paddles and two
floatation vests.

Big Snip

OK, lets start over, there, Gene. What type of paddling do you plan on
doing, what kind of boat do you have, where exactly are you, and is this
really meant as some sort of foray into the world of newsgroups, or do

really need help in locating a sporting goods store in the sixth-largest
urban area on the planet?



Gene was not the OP.

Yeah, I noticed that right after I lost internet access.


Dave Van December 17th 03 11:59 PM


"riverman" wrote in message

"Dave Van" wrote in message

From: "riverman"
Newsgroups:, er
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2003 14:22:26 +0100
Subject: canoeing

"Gene Cosloy" wrote:

Living in LA area and seeking to buy two canoe paddles and two
floatation vests.

Big Snip

OK, lets start over, there, Gene. What type of paddling do you plan on
doing, what kind of boat do you have, where exactly are you, and is

really meant as some sort of foray into the world of newsgroups, or do

really need help in locating a sporting goods store in the

urban area on the planet?



Gene was not the OP.

Yeah, I noticed that right after I lost internet access.

technology.... who needs it.

Peter H December 18th 03 01:08 PM

Dave Van wrote:

technology.... who needs it.

Since technology is "the practical application of knowledge" (check your
Webster's Collegiate) I submit that we all need it.

Pete H

Know that a happy dieter has other problems.
E. Bombeck

riverman December 18th 03 01:59 PM


"Peter H" wrote in message
Dave Van wrote:

technology.... who needs it.

Since technology is "the practical application of knowledge" (check your
Webster's Collegiate) I submit that we all need it.

And yet another tongue-in-cheek definition of technology is "stuff that
didn't exist when you were a kid", and in that vein...who needs it? :-)


Peter H December 18th 03 07:32 PM

riverman wrote:

And yet another tongue-in-cheek definition of technology is "stuff that
didn't exist when you were a kid", and in that vein...who needs it? :-)


Antibiotics? Stereo recordings? Cmmercially viable (!) television?
Ball-point pens? ABS canoes? "Reliable" weather forcasts? Jet airplane
travel for the masses? Reliable refrigeration for transport of
perishables? Waxless &/or steel-edged skiis? Multi-speed bicycles?
Automobile seat beelts? Reliably uniform (mostly) highway systems?
Quality photography for amateurs?

A little thought could generate many more examples.

Pete H

Know that a happy dieter has other problems.
E. Bombeck

Lat705 December 18th 03 10:54 PM

Reliable" weather forcasts? Jet airplane
travel for the masses? Reliable refrigeration for transport of

Where do you get the reliabile wheather forecasts?

Lou T

Rick December 19th 03 02:25 AM

....stuff deleted

Where do you get the reliabile wheather forecasts?

Lou T

From the oxymoron treasure chest. Same place the government gets reliable

In truth, I've had trouble with even the NOAA weather service which can be
wildly inaccurate even with their 3-hour updates. They do seem to be more
accurate with water temperature than anything else. Big whoop.


Galen Hekhuis December 19th 03 03:02 AM

On Fri, 19 Dec 2003 01:25:59 GMT, "Rick" wrote:

...stuff deleted

Where do you get the reliabile wheather forecasts?

Lou T

From the oxymoron treasure chest. Same place the government gets reliable

In truth, I've had trouble with even the NOAA weather service which can be
wildly inaccurate even with their 3-hour updates. They do seem to be more
accurate with water temperature than anything else. Big whoop.

I've often said that if you exchanged the nation's economists with the
nation's weatherguessers, no one would know the difference.

Get yourself a barometer and you can make your own guesses. Pay attention
to the general high, low, and front trends, and talk as much as you can to
locals in the area.

Predicting the weather even 12 or 24 hrs in advance is pretty much
guesswork no matter who does it. Sure, we've come a long way and some
pretty sophisticated methods are used now, but with a little work you can
have a better percentage than the "pros." The bar isn't very high.

Galen Hekhuis NpD, JFR, GWA
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups

Luke Orion July 26th 04 03:49 AM

I'm guessing that Wal-Mart will have all that you need.

"John McGuire" wrote in message
Living in LA area and seeking to buy two canoe paddles and two floatation


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