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Hey, Speed Bumps, I Guess These Rowers Brought It on Themselves, Too, Right?
I mean, even though it's broad ****ing daylight, if you paddle and you get capsized by a powercraft, IT'S YOUR GODDAMNED FAULT -- right, speed bumps? http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories...MPLATE=DEFAULT |
Hey, Speed Bumps, I Guess These Rowers Brought It on Themselves, Too, Right?
I am glad my son decided not to join the crew team.
"NYC XYZ" wrote in message oups.com... I mean, even though it's broad ****ing daylight, if you paddle and you get capsized by a powercraft, IT'S YOUR GODDAMNED FAULT -- right, speed bumps? http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories...MPLATE=DEFAULT |
Hey, Speed Bumps, I Guess These Rowers Brought It on Themselves, Too, Right?
NYC XYZ wrote: I mean, even though it's broad ****ing daylight, if you paddle and you get capsized by a powercraft, IT'S YOUR GODDAMNED FAULT -- right, speed bumps? http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories...MPLATE=DEFAULT You know, it's posts like yours above that go a long way toward *increasing* the animosity between various boating factions. Nice work. The rowers weren't merely capsized by the powerboat, the powerboat operator collided with the shell. The powerboat operator was clearly at fault. That said, I know from personal local experience that many of the rowers must bicycle down to the shell house. Some of our local bicyclists will pedal down the middle of the road at about 5mph, and if anything is said some of them flip you the finger and remind you that they have the same "rights as an automobile". Those same cyclists will come to an intersection with a STOP sign, pull up onto the sidewalk for about 10 feet and wthout missing a beat just jet out into the cross traffic. As people slam on brakes etc to avoid hitting the bikers that a few yards earlier were subject to the same STOP sign as all other traffic, there is all too often some comment like "Can't you see I'm in a crosswalk, you son of a bitch?" We have an active crew program on some of our local lakes. There is a 7 knot speed limit on these lakes, but this is routinely ignored by the crews. No problem, really, except that the shells are usually accompanied by small powerboats that also ignore the 7-knot speed limit. I've seen the coaches in the little outboard vessels go flying across the lake at 15-20 knots to bitch out some poor guy doing 5-6 knots on the other side of the lake because they think he's generating a bit more wake than their prima-donna crews should be forced to deal with. All vessels are responsible for any damage caused by wake. No problem. Vessels being rowed have the right of way over nearly all other watercraft, including sail. No problem. Where some of the scullers apparently get confused is the part of the regulations that say it is the responsibilty of all vessels to avoid a collision-(I've often seen then just start across a narrow channel under the bow on an oncoming boat, as if they're saying "we have the right of way, they'll just have to live with it and work around us somehow"), as well as the explicit requirement in the rules of the road for stand-on vessels to maintain course and speed. BTW, our local instances certainly aren't connected with an organized racing event. They're just daily practice, with shells headed in any number of random directions simultaneously. Rather obviously, an organized regatta can exert a defensible claim of exclusive use of a waterway. We have a large crew race every year, and the entire waterway is shut down for that event. No problem. Fortunately, most of the local rowers don't have the same hostile attitude your post displayed. If you ever get up to my neck of the woods and I'm out in my boat- please make yourself known to me. You can be sure I will modify my wake appropriately. :-) |
Hey, Speed Bumps, I Guess These Rowers Brought It on Themselves, Too, Right?
There certainly are some conflicting reports on what happened.
http://tinyurl.com/9w4yj http://www.nyrowing.org/ http://ny1.com/ny1/content/index.jsp?stid=8&aid=54486 But there is also some agreement. Apparently it was not broad daylight, visibility was an issue, and no one seems to have assigned blame. If two moving craft collide, who hit whom? Generally speaking, however, the less manuverable craft has the right of way, regardless of who has the worst result. It will be interesting to see if a rowing skull is considered less manuverable than a powerboat. Noneless, everyone has the obligation to make themselves visible, paddle boats and powerboats. Either boat could be at fault, however the guy from the skull seems to be one one who had the worst consequences. My condolences to his friends and family. --riverman |
Hey, Speed Bumps, I Guess These Rowers Brought It on Themselves, Too, Right?
riverman wrote: There certainly are some conflicting reports on what happened. http://tinyurl.com/9w4yj http://www.nyrowing.org/ http://ny1.com/ny1/content/index.jsp?stid=8&aid=54486 But there is also some agreement. Apparently it was not broad daylight, visibility was an issue, and no one seems to have assigned blame. Yes, I stand corrected -- though morning, it wasn't "broad" daylight since it was rainy and thus possibly misty. Visibility is always an issue where there is an absence of malice (and alcohol, for that matter). Funny our fellow paddlers are so silent this time about assigning blame! If two moving craft collide, who hit whom? Generally speaking, however, the less manuverable craft has the right of way, regardless of who has the worst result. It will be interesting to see if a rowing skull is considered less manuverable than a powerboat. It's interesting to see none of the paddling NG assholes are claiming that the paddler is at fault by default! I have read, however, that human-powered craft, though considerable slower, are considered more manuverable (!), generally speaking -- at least compared to tankers and such. It will be interesting indeed to see how things are decided when it comes to a small speed-boat. Noneless, everyone has the obligation to make themselves visible, paddle boats and powerboats. Either boat could be at fault, however the guy from the skull seems to be one one who had the worst consequences. My condolences to his friends and family. --riverman Interesting, too, how the NYPD Harbor Patrol's investigation into my case will turn out. I must say, they do seem serious about it. Most of the time, civilian complaints are duly noted and left alone. |
Hey, Speed Bumps, I Guess These Rowers Brought It on Themselves, Too, Right?
O thank you, NYC XYZ! It's been so boring around here since our last
crackpot got wrapped up in the sleeveless jacket and taken off to the house with the rubber-walled rooms. Thanks for stepping in and filling the vacancy! Life on r.b.p is becoming interesting again. -Richard, His Kanubic Travesty -- ================================================== ==================== Richard Hopley Winston-Salem, NC, USA rhopley[at]earthlink[dot]net Nothing really matters except Boats, Sex, and Rock'n'Roll rhopley[at]wfubmc[dot]edu OK, OK; computer programming for scientific research also matters ================================================== ==================== NYC XYZ wrote: I mean, even though it's broad ****ing daylight, if you paddle and you get capsized by a powercraft, IT'S YOUR GODDAMNED FAULT -- right, speed bumps? http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories...MPLATE=DEFAULT |
Hey, Speed Bumps, I Guess These Rowers Brought It on Themselves, Too, Right?
"Oci-One Kanubi" wrote in message oups.com... O thank you, NYC XYZ! It's been so boring around here since our last crackpot got wrapped up in the sleeveless jacket and taken off to the house with the rubber-walled rooms. Would that be rubber-walled with sponsons? -- Ever had one of those days where you just felt like: http://cosmoslair.com/BadDay.html ? |
Hey, Speed Bumps, I Guess These Rowers Brought It on Themselves, Too, Right?
"NYC XYZ" wrote in news:1130334632.427311.99350
@g43g2000cwa.googlegroups.com: riverman wrote: There certainly are some conflicting reports on what happened. http://tinyurl.com/9w4yj http://www.nyrowing.org/ http://ny1.com/ny1/content/index.jsp?stid=8&aid=54486 But there is also some agreement. Apparently it was not broad daylight, visibility was an issue, and no one seems to have assigned blame. Yes, I stand corrected -- though morning, it wasn't "broad" daylight since it was rainy and thus possibly misty. I believe on of the site I read indicated that the incident occurred between 5:45 and 6:00am. I don't live all that far from New York City and leave for work around 7:00am and it's still quite dark. Visibility is always an issue where there is an absence of malice (and alcohol, for that matter). Funny our fellow paddlers are so silent this time about assigning blame! Why is it necessary to assign blame? The way I remember the previous episode was that the fellow paddlers here were not claiming that the police patrol boat was not at fault, but that ultimately that we are all responsible for our own safety. Legally, a motor vehicle must stop for a pedestrian in a crosswalk, and if I'm in a cross walk and am run over by a motor vehicle the fault would be attributed to the driver of the motor vehicle. Pragmatically, when a collision involving a 2 ton motorized vehicle and a human occurs, the human suffers the greatest amount of damage. Subsequently assigning blame isn't as much an issue as who might be living the rest of their life crippled or have their life ended right there. Similarly, in a collision between a large power boat and a small paddle craft the operator of the paddlecraft is going to suffer the greatest damage. While maritime right-of-way laws might give the right of way to the paddle craft, those that take responsibility for their own safety take whatever precautions are necessary to ensure their safety rather than assume the rules of the road are going offer complete protection. That means that carrying a light might meet a legal obligation but if the light is not sufficient enough to prevent a near collision, most rational people would conclude that having a brighter light (or maybe just not paddling at night in certain waterways) will going further in preventing a future incident than getting a bunch of people to support you in assigning blame. |
Hey, Speed Bumps, I Guess These Rowers Brought It on Themselves, Too, Right?
On Wed, 26 Oct 2005 22:34:56 GMT, John Fereira
wrote: (snipped a bit) Legally, a motor vehicle must stop for a pedestrian in a crosswalk, and if I'm in a cross walk and am run over by a motor vehicle the fault would be attributed to the driver of the motor vehicle. Pragmatically, when a collision involving a 2 ton motorized vehicle and a human occurs, the human suffers the greatest amount of damage. Subsequently assigning blame isn't as much an issue as who might be living the rest of their life crippled or have their life ended right there. Similarly, in a collision between a large power boat and a small paddle craft the operator of the paddlecraft is going to suffer the greatest damage. While maritime right-of-way laws might give the right of way to the paddle craft, those that take responsibility for their own safety take whatever precautions are necessary to ensure their safety rather than assume the rules of the road are going offer complete protection. Indeed. My rules of the road when I'm walking or paddling are to let anything that's bigger, faster, dumber, or in more of a hurry have the right of way. It's worked so far, with only a couple of close calls. One of which involved the excuse, "It's been real hot out and there's been beer." But that was in a location I found (later) was notorious for bad power boating with beer or other beverages. Cyli r.bc: vixen. Minnow goddess. Speaker to squirrels. Often taunted by trout. Almost entirely harmless. http://www.visi.com/~cyli email: lid (strip the .invalid to email) |
Hey, Speed Bumps, I Guess These Rowers Brought It on Themselves, Too, Right?
And John, if a person jumps into the crosswalk, and crashes into the
side of the truck already passing on the road, no one would hold the truck driver responsible. Especially if it is dark such that the driver could not reasonably be expected to see the pedestrian running in an erratic fashion toward the crossing! A paddled boat, cannot maneuver itself to take the right of way, and assume the right of way, by placing itself in jeopardy. Seems to me that a vessel turning, in the dark, without a required forward watch, and then crashes into another larger vessel, probably has little claim to right of way, if I read the story correctly. Yes it is sad to lose someone, especially someone as full of life as to get up early and go for an invigorating paddle. However it sounds like the four paddlers took their activity for granted, and possibly became too familiar. I read nowhere of any of these paddlers having a PFD on, or even available. Does a sculling team need to abide by other standing regulations, or do they just go do their thing, and the rest of us have to stay out of their way. I doubt it! Now I don't mean to assign blame, so much as to learn a lesson for myself. I find it easy to get overly familar with what I am doing, and then expose myself and others to unnecessary danger and injury. I of course would feel really bad about someone being hurt on my accord, especially if while doing something just for the fun and exercise. I would feel equally bad though if a hard working boater was charged with any wrongdoing or carelessness on my part. Just assigning blame is not even an issue. Accepting personal responsibility is the main concern of the responsible boating, paddling public. This thread illustrates that there are some though who do not accept personal responsibility, and try to solve their difficulties with bluster and guns! That means that carrying a light might meet a legal obligation but if the light is not sufficient enough to prevent a near collision, most rational people would conclude that having a brighter light (or maybe just not paddling at night in certain waterways) will going further in preventing a future incident than getting a bunch of people to support you in assigning blame. John, I think you nailed this one. Hopefully the rest of us will be sure that our lights are on. I am concerned that one in particular may be running with less than full charge in their Energizer." TnT |
Hey, Speed Bumps, I Guess These Rowers Brought It on Themselves, Too, Right?
"A hero is one who would question the gods and thus arouses devils to challenge his vision." Oci-One Kanubi wrote: O thank you, NYC XYZ! It's been so boring around here since our last crackpot got wrapped up in the sleeveless jacket and taken off to the house with the rubber-walled rooms. Thanks for stepping in and filling the vacancy! Life on r.b.p is becoming interesting again. -Richard, His Kanubic Travesty -- ================================================== ==================== Richard Hopley Winston-Salem, NC, USA rhopley[at]earthlink[dot]net Nothing really matters except Boats, Sex, and Rock'n'Roll rhopley[at]wfubmc[dot]edu OK, OK; computer programming for scientific research also matters ================================================== ==================== NYC XYZ wrote: I mean, even though it's broad ****ing daylight, if you paddle and you get capsized by a powercraft, IT'S YOUR GODDAMNED FAULT -- right, speed bumps? http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories...MPLATE=DEFAULT |
Hey, Speed Bumps, I Guess These Rowers Brought It on Themselves, Too, Right?
John Fereira wrote: I believe on of the site I read indicated that the incident occurred between 5:45 and 6:00am. I don't live all that far from New York City and leave for work around 7:00am and it's still quite dark. I don't recall that morning being "quite dark." It was rainy, sure, and thus not the broad daylight I'd originally imagined. Certainly visibility was an issue. Just think the powercraft should be a heck of a lot more careful. If you're behind an engine, I think it should be AUTOMATICALLY ENCUMBENT upon you to watch out and not get into an accident. What's so controversial about that??? Why is it necessary to assign blame? If you have rules, and you have an accident, you investigate who followed the rules. Either the rules aren't good enough if they were followed, or someone didn't follow the rules. What's so controversial about that??? The way I remember the previous episode was that the fellow paddlers here were not claiming that the police patrol boat was not at fault, but that ultimately that we are all responsible for our own safety. You recall incorrectly, then. "Responsibilities" imply "rights"...my responsibility to my safety on the water thus implies the right to hug the shoreline such that I do all I can to avoid motor-boats. Once that responsibility has been met, it's incumbent upon the power-boaters to STAY AWAY from the shoreline. My responsibility to my safety in the dark means having a light with me. Once that responsibility has been met, it's incumbent upon the power-boaters to PAY ATTENTION for lights on the water. Legally, a motor vehicle must stop for a pedestrian in a crosswalk, and if I'm in a cross walk and am run over by a motor vehicle the fault would be attributed to the driver of the motor vehicle. Exactly. Pragmatically, when a collision involving a 2 ton motorized vehicle and a human occurs, the human suffers the greatest amount of damage. Yeah, and practically speaking, none of you paddlers should be out on the water in the first place! Why not just reduce the risk to 0%...doh! Nice try at a STRAW MAN ARGUMENT, but this isn't what I was arguing in the first place, ever. It's really pitiful that you continue to bark up the wrong tree. Subsequently assigning blame isn't as much an issue as who might be living the rest of their life crippled or have their life ended right there. Nice try at a STRAW MAN ARGUMENT, but this isn't what I was arguing in the first place, ever. It's really pitiful that you continue to bark up the wrong tree. Similarly, in a collision between a large power boat and a small paddle craft the operator of the paddlecraft is going to suffer the greatest damage. While maritime right-of-way laws might give the right of way to the paddle craft, those that take responsibility for their own safety take whatever precautions are necessary to ensure their safety rather than assume the rules of the road are going offer complete protection. Nice try at a STRAW MAN ARGUMENT, but this isn't what I was arguing in the first place, ever. It's really pitiful that you continue to bark up the wrong tree. That means that carrying a light might meet a legal obligation but if the light is not sufficient enough to prevent a near collision, most rational people would conclude that having a brighter light (or maybe just not paddling at night in certain waterways) will going further in preventing a future incident than getting a bunch of people to support you in assigning blame. Nice try at a STRAW MAN ARGUMENT, but this isn't what I was arguing in the first place, ever. It's really pitiful that you continue to bark up the wrong tree. |
Hey, Speed Bumps, I Guess These Rowers Brought It on Themselves, Too, Right?
Nice try at a STRAW MAN ARGUMENT, but this isn't what I was arguing in the first place, ever. It's really pitiful that you continue to bark up the wrong tree. Tinkerntom wrote: And John, if a person jumps into the crosswalk, and crashes into the side of the truck already passing on the road, no one would hold the truck driver responsible. Especially if it is dark such that the driver could not reasonably be expected to see the pedestrian running in an erratic fashion toward the crossing! A paddled boat, cannot maneuver itself to take the right of way, and assume the right of way, by placing itself in jeopardy. Seems to me that a vessel turning, in the dark, without a required forward watch, and then crashes into another larger vessel, probably has little claim to right of way, if I read the story correctly. Yes it is sad to lose someone, especially someone as full of life as to get up early and go for an invigorating paddle. However it sounds like the four paddlers took their activity for granted, and possibly became too familiar. I read nowhere of any of these paddlers having a PFD on, or even available. Does a sculling team need to abide by other standing regulations, or do they just go do their thing, and the rest of us have to stay out of their way. I doubt it! Now I don't mean to assign blame, so much as to learn a lesson for myself. I find it easy to get overly familar with what I am doing, and then expose myself and others to unnecessary danger and injury. I of course would feel really bad about someone being hurt on my accord, especially if while doing something just for the fun and exercise. I would feel equally bad though if a hard working boater was charged with any wrongdoing or carelessness on my part. Just assigning blame is not even an issue. Accepting personal responsibility is the main concern of the responsible boating, paddling public. This thread illustrates that there are some though who do not accept personal responsibility, and try to solve their difficulties with bluster and guns! That means that carrying a light might meet a legal obligation but if the light is not sufficient enough to prevent a near collision, most rational people would conclude that having a brighter light (or maybe just not paddling at night in certain waterways) will going further in preventing a future incident than getting a bunch of people to support you in assigning blame. John, I think you nailed this one. Hopefully the rest of us will be sure that our lights are on. I am concerned that one in particular may be running with less than full charge in their Energizer." TnT |
Hey, Speed Bumps, I Guess These Rowers Brought It on Themselves, Too, Right?
Again, this is a STRAW MAN ARGUMENT -- not at all what I was on about. I asked about rules, but the water-logged airheads here keep going on about "practical" considerations...no ****ing ****, Sherlocks! Cyli wrote: Indeed. My rules of the road when I'm walking or paddling are to let anything that's bigger, faster, dumber, or in more of a hurry have the right of way. It's worked so far, with only a couple of close calls. One of which involved the excuse, "It's been real hot out and there's been beer." But that was in a location I found (later) was notorious for bad power boating with beer or other beverages. Cyli r.bc: vixen. Minnow goddess. Speaker to squirrels. Often taunted by trout. Almost entirely harmless. http://www.visi.com/~cyli email: lid (strip the .invalid to email) |
Hey, Speed Bumps, I Guess These Rowers Brought It on Themselves,Too, Right?
Actually I don't think Cyli was making an argument at all, she was just
stating what works for her. You see everything as an argument or a personal attack. Personally I also abide by this set of personal standards and find that they have kept me mostly intact while hiking, biking, flying, walking and paddling. NYC XYZ wrote: Again, this is a STRAW MAN ARGUMENT -- not at all what I was on about. I asked about rules, but the water-logged airheads here keep going on about "practical" considerations...no ****ing ****, Sherlocks! Cyli wrote: Indeed. My rules of the road when I'm walking or paddling are to let anything that's bigger, faster, dumber, or in more of a hurry have the right of way. It's worked so far, with only a couple of close calls. One of which involved the excuse, "It's been real hot out and there's been beer." But that was in a location I found (later) was notorious for bad power boating with beer or other beverages. Cyli r.bc: vixen. Minnow goddess. Speaker to squirrels. Often taunted by trout. Almost entirely harmless. http://www.visi.com/~cyli email: lid (strip the .invalid to email) |
Hey, Speed Bumps, I Guess These Rowers Brought It on Themselves, Too, Right?
"NYC XYZ" wrote in
oups.com: John Fereira wrote: I believe on of the site I read indicated that the incident occurred between 5:45 and 6:00am. I don't live all that far from New York City and leave for work around 7:00am and it's still quite dark. I don't recall that morning being "quite dark." It was rainy, sure, and thus not the broad daylight I'd originally imagined. As I said, I only live a little over 200 miles from New York City so it's not a stretch for me to conclude that if it's still quite dark where I live at 7:00am it's going to be darker at 6:00am, especially considering that it was still nearly an hour before sunrise. I also live near and paddle on a water way that is frequently used by rowing teams out practicing in the early morning and visibility certainly is an issue. I don't recall if the any of the articles describing the incident indicated if there was a coxswain aboard but without one all the rowers would typically be facing the same direction (with the backs to the direction they may moving). That could partially explain why they didn't see the oncoming motor boat. Certainly visibility was an issue. Just think the powercraft should be a heck of a lot more careful. If you're behind an engine, I think it should be AUTOMATICALLY ENCUMBENT upon you to watch out and not get into an accident. The way I see it, everyone using a shared waterway (or roadway/airspace) should be exercise sufficent caution to the best of their ability to prevent an accident. If anything, those that are in small paddlecraft should exercise greater caution because, despite the best efforts of the pilot of a larger vessel, the paddler is most likely going to suffer the greatest harm should an *accident* occur. What's so controversial about that??? It's not controversial as long as you're not suggesting that a motor boat operator should assume all the risk simply because they're capable of causing greater damage. Why is it necessary to assign blame? If you have rules, and you have an accident, you investigate who followed the rules. Either the rules aren't good enough if they were followed, or someone didn't follow the rules. What's so controversial about that??? When in comes to personal safety often common sense and acquired knowledge will have better results than following the rules. For example, the rules only dictate that an operator of a canoe or kayak carry a PFD on board within arms reach. Paddlers with common sense will almost always wear their PDF (I realize that there are exceptions when it's really not absolutely necessary) whenever they're paddling because when a capsize occurs a boat could easily be blown away faster that any human can swim. A PFD isn't going to do much good if it's floating away with your boat. There *are* no rules concerning what one wears otherwise. Paddlers with common sense and acquired knowledge regarding hypothermia will dress for the water temperature. As one very experience paddler put it when describing the expeditions that she takes every year along the coast of Alaska, "if you capsized in those waters and became separated from your boat, all a PFD is going to do is keep you afloat while you slowly die of hypothermia and will make easier for rescuers to recover the body". The way I remember the previous episode was that the fellow paddlers here were not claiming that the police patrol boat was not at fault, but that ultimately that we are all responsible for our own safety. You recall incorrectly, then. I could look it up in Google but I think my memory is pretty accurate on this one. "Responsibilities" imply "rights"...my responsibility to my safety on the water thus implies the right to hug the shoreline such that I do all I can to avoid motor-boats. Once that responsibility has been met, it's incumbent upon the power-boaters to STAY AWAY from the shoreline. Since ever vessel you might encounter on a waterway initially started from shore and will end up on shore at the end of the day I would suggest that you're more likely going to encounter traffic hugging the shore than while on open water. Hugging the shoreline also has several other distinct disadvantages. 1. You're more likely going to encounter breaking waves closer to shore simply due to the fact that as the depth of the water decreases the crest of the wave will become higher and will break when the water becomes shallow enough. 2. When hugging the shore you may encounter reflective waves. Dealing with larger waves coming from one direction can be difficult (especially if they're breaking waves) but becomes much more difficult if you also have to deal with waves coming from the opposite direction (or several directions). 3. If you're hugging the shore you have less room to manoever. Similarly, other traffic along the shoreline would have less room to manoever as well. 4. If you're hugging the shore you're more likely going to be less visible as your silhouette might not contrast with the shoreline as much as it would with a open water backdrop. My responsibility to my safety in the dark means having a light with me. Once that responsibility has been met, it's incumbent upon the power-boaters to PAY ATTENTION for lights on the water. Here's where the primary issue lies. Having a light merely meets the minimum legal requirements but doesn't necessarily end your responsibility for your own personal safety. The fact is, we don't know how much attention the police boat operator was paying. You're quick to conclude that the operator was not paying any attention and just won't accept the possibility that the light you were carrying was not bright enough to distinguish it from a backdrop of city lights. As I may have mentioned before I also had a near collision when paddling at night. In that case, there were several kayaks together all carrying lights and were flashing them at an oncoming motor boat on a collision course. I have little doubt that the boat operator wasn't paying attention and likely wasn't expecting other boat traffic on the water because it was only when I blew a very loud whistle did he slow and veer off. The lesson I learned was that sometimes just having a light isn't enough. Legally, a motor vehicle must stop for a pedestrian in a crosswalk, and if I'm in a cross walk and am run over by a motor vehicle the fault would be attributed to the driver of the motor vehicle. Exactly. Pragmatically, when a collision involving a 2 ton motorized vehicle and a human occurs, the human suffers the greatest amount of damage. Yeah, and practically speaking, none of you paddlers should be out on the water in the first place! Why not just reduce the risk to 0%...doh! That's most certainly not true. Most of the experienced paddlers that I have encountered here and elsewhere assume non-zero levels of risk all the time. The difference between them and you is that they understand and assess the risks, exercise what they judge to be reasonable precautions you mitigate the risks as much as possible, and then assume the risk and accept the consequences if their risk assessment wasn't quite up to par. What you did was go out in a waterway in which you underestimate the amount of traffic you'd encounter nor what the navigational rules were in the area, went out alone in conditions with limited visibility, and did so with limited skill in what amounted to a craft that was only slightly more seaworthy than a pool toy. Nice try at a STRAW MAN ARGUMENT, but this isn't what I was arguing in the first place, ever. It's really pitiful that you continue to bark up the wrong tree. It's not a straw man argument at all. What I've discoverd while particpating on Usenet for about 20 years is that if you ask a question there is a good chance that you're not going to get the answer you'd like to hear. You wanted everyone to tell you that the police boat was totally at fault that that hugging the shore with your candle light should have guarenteed to keep you safe and warm. When you didn't get the answer you wanted to hear you threw a hissy fit and you're still going on about it weeks later. |
Hey, Speed Bumps, I Guess These Rowers Brought It on Themselves, Too, Right?
On 27 Oct 2005 07:45:26 -0700, "NYC XYZ"
wrote: Again, this is a STRAW MAN ARGUMENT -- not at all what I was on about. I asked about rules, but the water-logged airheads here keep going on about "practical" considerations...no ****ing ****, Sherlocks! Cyli wrote: Indeed. My rules of the road when I'm walking or paddling are to let anything that's bigger, faster, dumber, or in more of a hurry have the right of way. Since you weren't the person I was responding to, what I said doesn't apply to you, does it? Nor was there any reason to yammer at me, was there? Cyli r.bc: vixen. Minnow goddess. Speaker to squirrels. Often taunted by trout. Almost entirely harmless. http://www.visi.com/~cyli email: lid (strip the .invalid to email) |
Hey, Speed Bumps, I Guess These Rowers Brought It on Themselves, Too, Right?
And I have been in fog on SF bay, with running lights and almost run over a
single shell, white, guy in white, paddling through the fog, with no lights or a horn. "John Fereira" wrote in message .. . "NYC XYZ" wrote in oups.com: John Fereira wrote: I believe on of the site I read indicated that the incident occurred between 5:45 and 6:00am. I don't live all that far from New York City and leave for work around 7:00am and it's still quite dark. I don't recall that morning being "quite dark." It was rainy, sure, and thus not the broad daylight I'd originally imagined. As I said, I only live a little over 200 miles from New York City so it's not a stretch for me to conclude that if it's still quite dark where I live at 7:00am it's going to be darker at 6:00am, especially considering that it was still nearly an hour before sunrise. I also live near and paddle on a water way that is frequently used by rowing teams out practicing in the early morning and visibility certainly is an issue. I don't recall if the any of the articles describing the incident indicated if there was a coxswain aboard but without one all the rowers would typically be facing the same direction (with the backs to the direction they may moving). That could partially explain why they didn't see the oncoming motor boat. Certainly visibility was an issue. Just think the powercraft should be a heck of a lot more careful. If you're behind an engine, I think it should be AUTOMATICALLY ENCUMBENT upon you to watch out and not get into an accident. The way I see it, everyone using a shared waterway (or roadway/airspace) should be exercise sufficent caution to the best of their ability to prevent an accident. If anything, those that are in small paddlecraft should exercise greater caution because, despite the best efforts of the pilot of a larger vessel, the paddler is most likely going to suffer the greatest harm should an *accident* occur. What's so controversial about that??? It's not controversial as long as you're not suggesting that a motor boat operator should assume all the risk simply because they're capable of causing greater damage. Why is it necessary to assign blame? If you have rules, and you have an accident, you investigate who followed the rules. Either the rules aren't good enough if they were followed, or someone didn't follow the rules. What's so controversial about that??? When in comes to personal safety often common sense and acquired knowledge will have better results than following the rules. For example, the rules only dictate that an operator of a canoe or kayak carry a PFD on board within arms reach. Paddlers with common sense will almost always wear their PDF (I realize that there are exceptions when it's really not absolutely necessary) whenever they're paddling because when a capsize occurs a boat could easily be blown away faster that any human can swim. A PFD isn't going to do much good if it's floating away with your boat. There *are* no rules concerning what one wears otherwise. Paddlers with common sense and acquired knowledge regarding hypothermia will dress for the water temperature. As one very experience paddler put it when describing the expeditions that she takes every year along the coast of Alaska, "if you capsized in those waters and became separated from your boat, all a PFD is going to do is keep you afloat while you slowly die of hypothermia and will make easier for rescuers to recover the body". The way I remember the previous episode was that the fellow paddlers here were not claiming that the police patrol boat was not at fault, but that ultimately that we are all responsible for our own safety. You recall incorrectly, then. I could look it up in Google but I think my memory is pretty accurate on this one. "Responsibilities" imply "rights"...my responsibility to my safety on the water thus implies the right to hug the shoreline such that I do all I can to avoid motor-boats. Once that responsibility has been met, it's incumbent upon the power-boaters to STAY AWAY from the shoreline. Since ever vessel you might encounter on a waterway initially started from shore and will end up on shore at the end of the day I would suggest that you're more likely going to encounter traffic hugging the shore than while on open water. Hugging the shoreline also has several other distinct disadvantages. 1. You're more likely going to encounter breaking waves closer to shore simply due to the fact that as the depth of the water decreases the crest of the wave will become higher and will break when the water becomes shallow enough. 2. When hugging the shore you may encounter reflective waves. Dealing with larger waves coming from one direction can be difficult (especially if they're breaking waves) but becomes much more difficult if you also have to deal with waves coming from the opposite direction (or several directions). 3. If you're hugging the shore you have less room to manoever. Similarly, other traffic along the shoreline would have less room to manoever as well. 4. If you're hugging the shore you're more likely going to be less visible as your silhouette might not contrast with the shoreline as much as it would with a open water backdrop. My responsibility to my safety in the dark means having a light with me. Once that responsibility has been met, it's incumbent upon the power-boaters to PAY ATTENTION for lights on the water. Here's where the primary issue lies. Having a light merely meets the minimum legal requirements but doesn't necessarily end your responsibility for your own personal safety. The fact is, we don't know how much attention the police boat operator was paying. You're quick to conclude that the operator was not paying any attention and just won't accept the possibility that the light you were carrying was not bright enough to distinguish it from a backdrop of city lights. As I may have mentioned before I also had a near collision when paddling at night. In that case, there were several kayaks together all carrying lights and were flashing them at an oncoming motor boat on a collision course. I have little doubt that the boat operator wasn't paying attention and likely wasn't expecting other boat traffic on the water because it was only when I blew a very loud whistle did he slow and veer off. The lesson I learned was that sometimes just having a light isn't enough. Legally, a motor vehicle must stop for a pedestrian in a crosswalk, and if I'm in a cross walk and am run over by a motor vehicle the fault would be attributed to the driver of the motor vehicle. Exactly. Pragmatically, when a collision involving a 2 ton motorized vehicle and a human occurs, the human suffers the greatest amount of damage. Yeah, and practically speaking, none of you paddlers should be out on the water in the first place! Why not just reduce the risk to 0%...doh! That's most certainly not true. Most of the experienced paddlers that I have encountered here and elsewhere assume non-zero levels of risk all the time. The difference between them and you is that they understand and assess the risks, exercise what they judge to be reasonable precautions you mitigate the risks as much as possible, and then assume the risk and accept the consequences if their risk assessment wasn't quite up to par. What you did was go out in a waterway in which you underestimate the amount of traffic you'd encounter nor what the navigational rules were in the area, went out alone in conditions with limited visibility, and did so with limited skill in what amounted to a craft that was only slightly more seaworthy than a pool toy. Nice try at a STRAW MAN ARGUMENT, but this isn't what I was arguing in the first place, ever. It's really pitiful that you continue to bark up the wrong tree. It's not a straw man argument at all. What I've discoverd while particpating on Usenet for about 20 years is that if you ask a question there is a good chance that you're not going to get the answer you'd like to hear. You wanted everyone to tell you that the police boat was totally at fault that that hugging the shore with your candle light should have guarenteed to keep you safe and warm. When you didn't get the answer you wanted to hear you threw a hissy fit and you're still going on about it weeks later. |
Hey, Speed Bumps, I Guess These Rowers Brought It on Themselves, Too, Right?
On Fri, 28 Oct 2005 23:11:14 GMT, No Spam wrote:
Actually I don't think Cyli was making an argument at all, she was just stating what works for her. You see everything as an argument or a personal attack. Personally I also abide by this set of personal standards and find that they have kept me mostly intact while hiking, biking, flying, walking and paddling. Thank you, No Spam. You stated it much more precisely (and nicely) than I did. NYC XYZ wrote: Again, this is a STRAW MAN ARGUMENT -- not at all what I was on about. I asked about rules, but the water-logged airheads here keep going on about "practical" considerations...no ****ing ****, Sherlocks! Cyli wrote: Indeed. My rules of the road when I'm walking or paddling are to let anything that's bigger, faster, dumber, or in more of a hurry have the right of way. It's worked so far, with only a couple of close calls. One of which involved the excuse, "It's been real hot out and there's been beer." But that was in a location I found (later) was notorious for bad power boating with beer or other beverages. Cyli r.bc: vixen. Minnow goddess. Speaker to squirrels. Often taunted by trout. Almost entirely harmless. http://www.visi.com/~cyli email: lid (strip the .invalid to email) Cyli r.bc: vixen. Minnow goddess. Speaker to squirrels. Often taunted by trout. Almost entirely harmless. http://www.visi.com/~cyli email: lid (strip the .invalid to email) |
Hey, Speed Bumps, I Guess These Rowers Brought It on Themselves, Too, Right?
Of course you understand Cyli, et all, that NYC ... will come back and
remember that when the harbor patrol splashed him, he was actually wearing a glow in the dark, day-glo green, reflective neoprene suit and was honkin his horn like a New Orleans jazz band, with his little white lite shining at 2 million candle-power - and they still purposely tried to run him over! The night was clear, no fog, and in fact the sun was still shining! And in fact the city lights had all been turned off for this notable occasion in which the NYC Harbor Patrol had decided to go after XYZ, so they had no excuse for splashing him except that they had planned on getting him anyway! Now he had heard that all the lights were going to be turned off, though he did not realize that they were turned off on his accord. That is why he decided to take that notable and unforgetable cruise of the NYC Harbor, that very night, to see the stars above NYC for the very first time, and to be able to hear the silence of the city sleeping, which it seldom did due to all the lights normally. But this night was different. Unlike the Harbor Patrol, he had not been inbibing any celebratory libations on this notable occasion since he wanted all his senses to be sharp for this great event! Little did he know, that they knew, he would be out there, paddling his little rubber boat! A boat given to him by his grandfather who had come all the way across the Atlantic in it, braving storms and Great White attacks! Never was there anywhere, such a noble, and seaworthy vessel! Now we can understand why it was such a shock to him when that big Harbor Patrol Boat, with loud, noisy, 500 HP. engines, came charging out of the quiet darkness to shatter his soliloquy! No,.... I am sorry, I am getting my stories mixed up! That was when they tried to get him the time before! TnT Cyli wrote: On Fri, 28 Oct 2005 23:11:14 GMT, No Spam wrote: Actually I don't think Cyli was making an argument at all, she was just stating what works for her. You see everything as an argument or a personal attack. Personally I also abide by this set of personal standards and find that they have kept me mostly intact while hiking, biking, flying, walking and paddling. Thank you, No Spam. You stated it much more precisely (and nicely) than I did. NYC XYZ wrote: Again, this is a STRAW MAN ARGUMENT -- not at all what I was on about. I asked about rules, but the water-logged airheads here keep going on about "practical" considerations...no ****ing ****, Sherlocks! Cyli wrote: Indeed. My rules of the road when I'm walking or paddling are to let anything that's bigger, faster, dumber, or in more of a hurry have the right of way. It's worked so far, with only a couple of close calls. One of which involved the excuse, "It's been real hot out and there's been beer." But that was in a location I found (later) was notorious for bad power boating with beer or other beverages. Cyli r.bc: vixen. Minnow goddess. Speaker to squirrels. Often taunted by trout. Almost entirely harmless. http://www.visi.com/~cyli email: lid (strip the .invalid to email) Cyli r.bc: vixen. Minnow goddess. Speaker to squirrels. Often taunted by trout. Almost entirely harmless. http://www.visi.com/~cyli email: lid (strip the .invalid to email) |
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